Read ASCII Art Map And Store Information In 2D Array

Feb 12, 2014

I've written some code to do this, but it's not working as I expect. This is what the ASCII map looks like:


Here's how I've tried to store the information in a 2D array:

import java.util.Arrays;
 public class Map {
 public void importMap() throws IOException{
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("map.txt"));
String line;

[Code] ....

But it's not printing out what I'm expecting. It's printing out:

[[#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #], [

What is printed is much larger than what I've copy and pasted but I can't post it all here.

The error I get is:

Exception in thread "main" Stream closed
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Map.importMap(
at Map.main(

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Read Characters From Txt File / Store Them Into 2D Array And Print Information

Oct 10, 2014

The point of this program is to read characters from a txt file and store them into a 2D array. After this has been accomplished, the information is to be printed in the same manner it is read from in the txt file.

Here is the code I have so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException

[Code] ....

And this is the error I am receiving when trying to accomplish the goal of the project:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "############"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unk nown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at Maze.<init>(
at Main.main(

What's going on here and how I can correct this?? The information I am trying to store in a 2D array and then print is this:


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Program Should Read File Contents And Store Information In Array Of Golfers

Dec 3, 2014

The main method will drive your program by doing the following:

-Create an array to hold all the individual golfers and par scores (type is Golfer[ ]).
-Prompt the user for a data file containing the Par scores and the player names and score. The format of the input file should look like

Par, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4
George, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4
Paul, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 3, 5
Ringo, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4
John, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4

Your program should read the file contents and store the information in your array of Golfers.

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Best Way To Store Information?

Jul 7, 2014

I'm doing desktop application about recipes. User can create new recipe, add information. I want to sort recipes, save them somewhere, maybe make it possible to send recipes over network to other users. But I don't know where and how store information about those recipes. I always used to use .txt files for storing needed information, but it seems that it is not the best option.

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Program That Is To Store DVD Information?

Nov 11, 2014

i have a program that is to store DVD information and when i enter all the information asked it returns no info. I have a DVD inventory file and a DVD extended file.

DVDinventoryprogram class
package inventory2;
import java.util.Scanner;


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Write A Java Program To Store Employee Information In A Linked List

May 12, 2015

Write a java program to store employee information in a linked list, the program should implement the following functions:

The program should display the list of functions, and ask the user to enter the number of function that he/she wants to do, then perform the function as it is required in the previous table.

import java.util.*;
public class Employee {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String Name;
String Address;
String Department;
int ID;
int Salary;


this is my out put

Please choose a number:
1-Add a new employee
2-Update employee's info
3-Remove employee's info
Enter name:
Enter address:
Enter department:
Enter ID:
Enter salary:


1- why are not my adding coming out in the output only the Enter name & Enter address ??

2- how can I add names and ID's and information to test that program

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Read Information From File - How To Get Highest Value

Nov 12, 2014

The requirement asked me to write a Java program to read information from the file, display the original information along with the player's average score of the season (one line for each player), and announce who is the highest average-scoring player of the team. But I always only get the highest which show the last player.

Such like the output showed:

Smith 13.0 19.0 8.0 12.0 Player's average: 13.00
Badgley 5.0 Player's average: 5.00
Burch 15.0 18.0 16.0 Player's average: 16.33
Watson Player's average: 16.33
Knox 10.0 12.0 8.0 6.0 Player's average: 9.00
Casler 15.0 7.0 Player's average: 11.00
Winorburg 13.0 14.0 14.0 23.0 20.0 Player's average: 16.80
Morton 4.0 11.0 13.0 Player's average: 9.33
Seeling 16.0 8.0 9.0 11.0 Player's average: 11.00
Tanshi 5.0 13.0 10.0 Player's average: 9.33

The highest average-scoring player is: Tanshi

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PA7{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
String name = null;

[Code] .......

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ASCII File - Passing Array As Parameter?

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to make a class definition file for an ASCII File.

Ultimately, I want to be able to add methods to allow the image produced by the file to be printed normally, then printed with various manipulations.

However, for some reason, whenever I try to run the program to test my normalPrint method, it terminates without printing anything.

I think this is because the array's values width and height are not within the scope of the method. I tried passing the array as a parameter for the method like so:

Java Code:

public void normalPrint(char [][] poop){
//method here
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But it gave me an error that stated

"The method normalPrint(char[][]) in the type asciiFile is not applicable for the arguments ()"

Class Definition:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class asciiFile {
int height;
int width;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: How To Read Contents Of Resume And Store In Database

Jul 23, 2014

Am doing a JSP project for maintaining the details of the interview candidates so now I want to know "How to read the contents of the resume and store in the database"

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Hurricane Java Project - Read Information From Data File And Run It Through But Program

Dec 2, 2014

I am now stuck. I am writing a program that reads information from a data file and runs it through but program. However, I am almost finished with the program, but cannot figure out the last few parts.

public class Storm {
private final double KnotsToMPH = 1.15;
// global user-defined types:
private int beginDate;
private int duration;
private String name;

[Code] .....

I have not attached the data file because it contains a total of 360 lines of hurricane information.

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Read CSV File And Store Contents On Column Basis

Sep 25, 2014

I want to read this csv file and store contents on column basis; as date (single array) for all dates. open, high, low and close and be able to manipulate individual elements of the array such as Sum += close[i];

public void pratice() throws Exception {
// Create a File instance
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("gtk.csv"));
content = new String[1000];
while(content !=null) {
content[++count] = br.readLine();

[Code] .....

the file looks like this

date Open high low close

12-12-2011 15.00 15.40 14.5 15.2

11-12-2011 15.02 15.70 14.9 15.00

10-12-2011 14.70 16.00 14.70 15.02


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Generate 10 Random Integers / Store In Array And Then Calling A Method To Display Array

Nov 8, 2014

So I need to generate 10 random integers in the range 1-20 but i have to store them in an array called numbers. Then I have to call a method called displayArray which displays the contents of the array and for the assignment i have to use a for loop to traverse the array. The method header for the displayArray method is:

public static void displayArray(int[] array)

This is what I have done
public class RandomIntegers {
 static int numbers = 0;
public static void displayArray(int[] array) {
System.out.println(numbers + "Numbers Generated");

[Code] .....

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Get Information From Array (Variable F)

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying to find the GCD, add, and remove the biggest and smallest fraction, however I am having trouble getting user input into the array and getting the information out of it (Variable f).

Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
Fraction[] frak = new Fraction[7];

try {
for (Fraction f : frak){ // for each array in frak print f;
System.out.println("Enter Numerator");
int num = keyb.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter Denominator");
int den = keyb.nextInt();
f = new Fraction(num, den);

[Code] ....

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2D Char Array - Getting Information From One To Other

Apr 10, 2014

I'm trying to take the information from one 2d char array and put it into another char array but instead of traversing the array left to right I want the new array to be top to bottom.

Example fg would be fh
hi gi

I'm having trouble getting the information from one to the other.

[code]public static char[][] translateIt(char[][] english){
int rows = english.length;
int columns = english[0].length;
char[][] chinese = new char[columns][rows];
for(int j=0; j < columns; j++){
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
//chinese[i][j] = english; this is commented out because it didn't work.
}//Ending bracket of columns for loop
}//Ending bracket of rows for loop

return chinese;
}//Ending bracket of translateIt[code]

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Formatting The Way Array Information Is Displayed

Mar 21, 2015

import java.util.*;
public class TrafficIncidents {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s = new Scanner (;
// Array for days
String [][] days = {{"Sat"},

[Code] ....

This is my output:

5 1 1 2 4 1 0

Basically I want to align the AM traffic incidents under the heading "AM" but am not sure how to accomplish this. I am using separate arrays for all three of these types of information and need the info to line up with their respective titles.

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Adding Information To Array Dynamically

Apr 29, 2015

I'm having trouble conceptualizing something. I will post the code, it's works exactly as it should. I create an array and Hash Map to display periodic table of elements information after allowing the user to search by element name or symbol. I want the user to also be able to add elements to the periodic table. I can't really conceptualize how I am going to do that with an array I've already created.

Here's code:

//Create element objects.
//Here is where I create my "elements" array, and where I could like to prompt the user to add elements, if desicred.
Element[] elements = {new Element("Hydrogen", 1, "H", 1.008,1,1), new Element("Lithium",3, "Li", 6.94,2,1)}; //
//Maybe it seems if I prompt the user here to add new element names, symbols, weights, etc, I would be overwriting

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - Displaying Information (Input From Array)

Sep 13, 2014

I'm working a an assignment for my IT/215 class and I'm having a little trouble with my arrays. My code compiles just fine but when it comes to displaying the information I've input into my array it doesn't seem to want to and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. On line 136 originally I had [DVDs [count] = count+1]] but it wouldn't compile. I then put line 136 to [ DVDs[count] = new Inventory();] and I think that's were my issue is but I'm not sure....

// Purpose:the purpose of this software is to display inputs as wells as the stocks and price of inputs.

class Inventory
private double ItemNumber; //to store Item number
private String ItemName; //to store Item name
private double UnitsInStock; //to store number of units in stock
private double UnitPrice; //to store Unit price
private double InventoryValue; //to store Inventory value
private double TotalInventory; //to store Total Inventory value

[Code] .....

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How To Store 2 Related Elements Using 2x2 Array

Jul 16, 2014

I have the simple table below:

currency amount
€ 2.0
$ 4.0
£ 5.0

How could I store the currency and amount in an array? A 2x2 array would do this but how to store them and retrieve them is the challenge. For example, I have a method that asks the user for two inputs, the currency and the amount and using the array as a chat table where I could map the currency to the the currency input entered by the user, I could do some calculations with the amount entered by the user. how I could represent the 2x2 array?

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Program That Use Array To Store 10 Numbers

Oct 16, 2014

i'm trying to write a program that uses an array to store 10 numbers. The numbers should be randomly generated ( Math.random() ), and they should be between 1 and 100 ( 1 and 100 inclusive ). The program should produce an output like the one below:

Element 1 = 23 ( Odd )
Element 2 = 15 ( Odd )
Element 3 = 32 ( Even )
Element 4 - 10 ( Even )
Element 5 - 99 ( Odd )
Element 6 - 1 ( Odd )


I have written code for this but its only showing me 0's after first number can you check whats wrong with my code. my code is.

class even/odd{
public static void main(String[]args){
int y=0;
int z=0;
int[] array= new int[11];
for(int x=1; x <array.length ; x++){
array[x]= (int) (Math.random()* 100);

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How To Store A File In Hashmap Or 2D Array

Sep 25, 2014

I have a file called statecapitals.txt that is read in, I want to store it in either a 2d array or hashmap and select a random state then Ask the user for the name of the capital. Then I want to Let them know if they are correct or not and have a choice to play as many times as they like. When they no longer want to play,I want to let them know how many they got correct and how many incorrect. I am not sure which would be better a hash map or 2d array and dont know where to start with each.

here is what the text file looks like:

Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver


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Store Numbers In Array Then Sort

Feb 19, 2014

Code below. I am not sure if my logic is correct. I want to prompt a user to enter registration numbers from 100 to 1000, store the numbers in an array then sort them.

import java.util.Scanner;
class regnumber
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("registration number ", 100,1000);

[Code] ....

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How To Get Pixel Values Of Image And Store It Into Array

Nov 13, 2014

So i wanted to try something new like find an image within an image. So for my "find" method I would like to take an image and use it to scan and compare sum of absolute differences with the bigger image. So that the smallest SAD would be the exact image that I am using to scan. What I am thinking is to put each pixel value of both images into two separate arrays and compare them via Math.abs(image1[i][j]-image2[i][j]); . My only problem is that I do not know how to put each pixel value into an array.

Also, If I only want to compare just the green in the picture. I saw that the Pixel class has a getGreen(); method. If I want to find the SAD of the green, would Math.abs(image1.getGreen()-image2.getGreen()); work? I was planning to have 2 nested loops running through each column and row for each image and just find the SAD of the green value.

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How To Copy 5x5 Array Into 6x6 And Store New Value To Take Up Sixth Position

May 5, 2015

I want to take my 5x5 array that reads data from a file, add the rows and columns, then print out a new 6x6 array with those values. Here is my code that shows I understand everything except this.

import java.util.*;
public class prog470cAddingRandC
public static void main (String [] args)
//read the file
Scanner inFile=null;
[Code] ....

I was told in a previous question to make the starting array 6x6 but that is not working. How do I take sum1 and sum2 and store that along with the values of the old array and print it?

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Create Country Object And Store In Array

Oct 12, 2014

Write a program that prompts the user for information about some countries, creates an object for each country, and then stores the objects in an array. After the user has entered information about all the countries, your program should print out which countries in the list have the smallest and largest area and population density. Assume the user will enter information about at least one country but that the program will not have to store more than ten countries in the array. The user will indicate that they are done entering countries by typing "DONE" for a country name. Here is an example of what your program must look like when it is executed (user input is shown bold)

Please enter the name of a country: United States
Enter the area in square km and population of United States: 9827000 310000000
Please enter the name of a country: Mexico
Enter the area in square km and population of Mexico: 1973000 122300000
Please enter the name of a country: Canada
Enter the area in square km and population of Canada: 9985000 35160000
Please enter the name of a country: Liberia
Enter the area in square km and population of Liberia: 111370 4294000
Please enter the name of a country: DONE

Liberia has the smallest area at 111370 square km.
Canada has the largest area at 9985000 square km.
Canada has the smallest population density at 3.521282 people per square km.
Mexico has the largest population density at 61.986822 people per square km.

I don't know, I'm really confused with this Java program. I don't know how to do the main part of the program where the user inputs, array, and the output.

// Access the Scanner and ArrayList class by importing the java.util package.
import java.util.Scanner;

/** Project - A Country Object
* The purpose of this program is for the user to enter some information at most 10 countries. After the user has entered information about all the countries, the program should print out which countries in the list have the smallest and largest area and population density.

public class Country
private String countryName;
private int theArea;
private int thePopulation;
public Country(String countryName, int thePopulation, int theArea)

[Code] ....

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Fibonacci Application - Store Its Sequence In Array

Mar 12, 2014

Modify the Improved Fibonacci application to store its sequence in an array. Do this by creating a new class to hold both the value and a boolean value that says whether the value is even, and then having an array of object references to objects of that class.

Did I just need to declaring the variable in other class (for boolean value and the value itself) or else ?

Here is the code for

Java Code:

class ImprovedFibonacci {
static final int MAX_INDEX = 9;
* Print out the first few Fibonacci numbers,
* marking evens with a '*'
public static void main(String[] args) {
int lo = 1;
int hi = 1;
String mark;

[Code] ....

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Parsing Multipart Message With Byte Array InputStream - Loosing Information?

Feb 20, 2014

I just wrote a small but working code to parse a multipart message with two files binary encoded.

Problem is, after splitting the content of the files is reduced to normal "alphabetic" digits, and i dont know why.

I just appended my source code and a test file ( multipart ). And the result of my parsing. (part_0 = json, part_1 = file, part_2 = file)

Unfortunately, i dont know, if the Spring FW provides an easier way of doing so at all. Haven't found it yet.

Java Code:

String requestUrl = "http://localhost:8888/";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter());
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>("test");
ResponseEntity<byte[]> response =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, byte[].class);

[Code] .....

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