Read Lines With Specific Characteristics From A File / Exclude All Others Line?

Jan 16, 2014

I am trying to write method to read lines with some specification from a file. for Example,

my text file contains following:--

12-01-0113:26San Jose12.99DVD
11-07-1009:10New York25.00ColdPlay
11-07-1009:30New York25.00ColdPlay
11-07-1009:20New York25.00ColdPlay

tab separated values, for different columns and these are the lines only I want method to read.Now suppose if any is there as below, or even enter

12-01-0113:26San Jose12.99DVD
11-07-1009:10New York25.00ColdPlay
[new lines]
11-07-1009:30New York25.00ColdPlay
//This line should not be read
even this should not be read #$%^&
11-07-1009:20New York25.00ColdPlay

That particular line should be escaped. Till now I have done when the file format is proper, and it is as below:--
public static void main(String[] args) {
BufferedReader br = null;
String temp = null;
List<String> arrayRead = new ArrayList<String>();
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("D: estingSalesData.txt"));


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Read / Write From Specific Line

Mar 17, 2014

I have a question for the read and write method in file.In my code for writing i m using PrintWriter and for reading Scanner.So i m saving data to file and when is need it i m reading from the file.but i also have to delete specific data from it.Is there a way to delete a specific line from the file?When i google my problem i found that is better to save your data to temporary file and then to the final.

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Changing Value In Specific Point Of Specific Line In TXT File

Feb 9, 2015

So here we go with my problem:

- from the main class will arrive three variable (String name_used, int level_choose, int level_result)

I have a .txt file with this kind of formatting:

mario 1 1 0 1 0 1
carlo 0 0 0 1 1 0

Where I use 1 and 0 in the main for write if the level (you see that the numbers are always sixr? are egual to six level existing) BEFORE is done correct or wrong

- when in the main a user make a level a feedback coming back from the class level saying if the user made the count correctly or wrong. and i wanna replace the value (1 or 0) in the txt file with the new level result.

So i have all what i need as parameters i think.

name_used to look for the correct line in .txt file with .indexOf
level_choosed to go throught the correct index of that line
level_result (1 or 2) to be replaced with the existing one

Java Code:

public void salvaRisultati(String name_used, int level_choosed, int result_of_level) throws FileNotFoundException{
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Check Specific Value From A Specific Line From TXT File

Feb 8, 2015

I have some problem to understand the way to make this:

In my main class a user can save his name in a txt file (and the system initially will add 6 value equals to 0) than he can choose between 6 level and make it.

example of .txt file data:

mario 0 0 0 0 0 0
carl 0 0 0 0 0 0

AT THIS MOMENT i just made other class and they work, is this new one that is hard for me. I'm trying to make a class that:

1- (first method called verificaRisultati) take name_used and level_choosed from the main and go to check in the .txt file if that level before was done right(1) or wrong(0)

and return something like "before you made this level properly" or "before you made this level incorrectly" AND THEN let the user start with the level.

2- (second method called salvaRisultati) at the end of the level i wanna pass the result (correct/incorrect) to another method of this class that will save the value (1 or 0) associated to the user in the right position.

This is the class that i'm writing:

Java Code:

public class ResultUsers {

[Code] ....

I really need some hint and some code example because I'm stuck. How I can take exactly the line with the user name? How I can correctly split the line in an array and then read/modify the value for that level?

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Change Specific Lines In Text Inputted From A File

Nov 29, 2014

I can't seem to understand how to change certain line of text, inputted from a file. For this I really don't know where to begin. I have got the input from the file. But I want to change like very other line in the file. Can't seem to understand how this could be done. Is there away to access specific lines from the file and edit them? So far, i have this:

import java.util.*;
public class ChangeEveryOtherLine {
public static void main(String[] args){
//Constructing file object representing input file
File inputFile = new File("input.txt");

[Code] .....

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Create A New Line On TXT File Between 2 Lines

Feb 6, 2015

Lets say this txt file contains 2 lines.


What would i have to do to insert a a piece of text in between hello and bye? I would like for the it to search for "hello", then add a line after it so it would look like :


I have these 2 methods that work as intended, but i just cannot seem to do what i've stated above.

Java Code: /**
* @param location
* Location of the .txt file.
* @param text
* The String to search for in the .txt file.

[Code] ....

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Is There A Way To Append Text To A File On A Specific Line Or Location

Jan 21, 2015

I know how to append text to a File using the true argument but I would like to be able to append to a certain line In the file.Basically I've made a simple html page with Image links to different sites. I'm trying to make an app that will take a new site as Input and append It to the html file before the </body> tags.

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File Handling In Java - Modifying Specific Line

Mar 12, 2015

How to modify a specific line of a file in java. File name must be accepted from command line.

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Removing Specific Line From Text File That Contains Certain String?

Mar 8, 2014

So basically, if a line in a text file contains a certain string, that specific line will be deleted. It should probably be similair to this method?

Java Code:

* Replace text.
* @param replace
* The text to replace.
* @param replaceWith
* The text to replace with.
public static void replaceSelected(String replace, String replaceWith) {
try {
BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data/replacer.txt"));


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Searching TXT File For A Specific Keyword And Output Whole Line

Feb 12, 2014

I need to search a txt file for a specific keyword and then output all the lines that contain that keyword. Right now I I think I have my search done but I don't know how I would print the whole line.

String search;
String word;
int count=0;
TextIO.put("Please enter your search word: ");
search = TextIO.getln();
while (!TextIO.eof()) {
word = TextIO.getln();
count = count+1;
if (search.equalsIgnoreCase(word)==true){
TextIO.put(count + "-");

Right now it doesnt even let me enter in any values for the search. Not sure what I've done wrong..

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Read File Line By Line

Dec 8, 2014

how to read file line by line ? Namely my input file I want to read look as follow:

AAA 1, 1
12 222 12
AAA 2, 2
11 122 11
My output file should look as follow:

1, 1, 12
1, 1 222
1, 1, 12
2, 2, 11
2, 2, 122
2, 2, 11
I think the lines need to be stored in ArrayList, then I would like those lines to write to csv file, but how on read I can construct such output file? This is my code for reading file
public ArrayList readFile(String filename)


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Read Text File And Perform Operation On Specific Columns

Dec 9, 2011

I am somewhat of a java newbie (learned it awhile back and just getting back to programming some again.) I have a text file of data much larger than this, but here are the first ten rows and first 10 columns.


I can read and write all the data back out to files. But I am not sure about a few things.

First would it be best to use BufferedReader and OutputStream such as:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader ("testdata.txt"));
BufferedOutputStream bytesOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream ("outfile.txt"));

Second, I was then going to initialize an array but I might have 30 or more columns of data, of which I might perform and output only 10 columns to my output.txt file so is this a good way?

Third, I only want to perform operations (such as average the data, convert units or multiply two columns together) on 10 of the 30 plus columns and print out results to output.txt file. For example, In testdata.txt file above, I want to skip first seven columns. I then want to take column 8 and multiply by 100 then divide by 3 and output result to output file. I want to do same for column 9. Column 10 I want to multiply by different number (by 3.5).

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Pickup Selected Text File And Read Line By Line And Output Text Into Visual Text Pane

Dec 12, 2014

I am checking how to do following task.

01. pickup the selected text file and read the line by line and output the text in to visual text pane.

what i did:.

01. I wrote code that read the text file and output in to jave console/ also some of the interface.

the code read txt file:

Java Code:

String fileName = "C:/Users/lakshan/Desktop/lawyer.txt";
File textFile = new File(fileName);
Scanner in = new Scanner (textFile);


so it will read any text file dynamically and output to the text pane in interface. I think scanner code must be execute after the select the file from the browser and set the scanned result in to variable. then later out put the var as string in some jswing component?

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Read A File And Then Output Back To Same File On New Line

Jan 24, 2015

I am trying to write to a file but everything I have tried doesn't seem to work. What I want to do is read a file and then output back to the same file on a new line. The text file contains the sentence "Java is a programming language".

import java.util.Scanner;
class HW1B {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner fileIn = null;
try {
fileIn = new Scanner (new FileInputStream("text.txt"));

[Code] ....

These are the errors : error: no suitable constructor found for Scanner(FileOutputStream)
fileOut = new Scanner (new FileOutputStream("text.txt"));
constructor Scanner.Scanner(Readable) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; FileOutputStream cannot be converted to Readable)
constructor Scanner.Scanner(InputStream) is not applicable

[Code] ....

Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
2 errors

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Read File And Input Each Line Of File Into Array

Mar 21, 2015

I am trying to read a file and input each line of the file into an array. I have not set the array size as I was hoping to fill the array using a while loop. Unfortunately the scope of the array does to work inside the while loop so I am being told that the array 'students' has not been initialised even though it has just outside of the while loop. Is it possible to do what I am trying to without having the array initialised in the while loop as surely the array will be reset every time if it was in the while loop? Here is my code:

public static void students(String file) throws FileNotFoundException {
try {
File studentInfo = new File(file);
Scanner input = new Scanner(studentInfo);
String[] students;

[Code] ....

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Create A Java Program That Can Read Specific Data Within Csv File To Work Out Averages

Aug 7, 2014

i am fairly new to java but have made a few projects so i do know most aspects that would allow me to complete the task its just i have been stuck at the same place now for 2 days.The project is to create a java program that can read specific data within a csv file to work out the averages etc. The csv file is a database of different weather stats . an example of the first 12 months of the csv file is below..


year ,month,average rainfall etc

1946 15.70.616108.131.5
1946 28.23.56111.871
1946 38.82932.9 102.9
1946 414.16.3029.2 150.5
1946 513.96060.7 143.6


I know that once the data is indexed i can than use a double to find the average of the 12 specific pieces of data and so on. once this is complete i should than be able to transfer the data to a simple graph.

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I/O - Read 11 Values From A Text File / Each Value On Separate Line

Mar 26, 2014

So I'm trying to read 11 values from a text file, each value on a separate line. The first value I use as loop control to run through calculations on the other ten and finally output both the numbers and the calculations to the console and an output file. I'm not getting a compiler error or a runtime error but my loop seems to stop after reading the first line. It also doesnt seem to be writing to my output file but does create it when I run the program. This is what my text file looks like


This is what my program looks like

import java.util.*;
 public class assignment7scratch
  Toolkit_General toolKit = new Toolkit_General();
  public static void main (String[]args)throws IOException

[Code] .....

so I dont get an error but this is what my output looks like

----jGRASP exec: java assignment7scratch

This program reads a list of values representing number of miles driven by individuals. It will output the dollar amount their rental cars cost.

Number of miles traveled on the left as well as amount reimbursed on the right

Miles Driven Amount reimbursed

----jGRASP: operation complete.

it also doesn't write anything to my output file, though it does create one.

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Read Line Of Input For A File - String Tokenizer

Jan 27, 2015

So I'm having a problem with the .hasMoreElement() method. I try to read lineOfInput for a file which contains:

Hobbit, Long,,475-555-4444,3
Long, Hobbit,,445-222-5342,2

but when i get to the ,, on the last line I get a NoSuchElementException and the program crashes.

StringTokenizer inputField = new StringTokenizer(lineOfInput, ",");
while(inputField.hasMoreElements()) //for each fields is a line
lastName = inputField.nextElement().toString();
firstName = inputField.nextElement().toString();
email = inputField.nextElement().toString();
phoneNumber = inputField.nextElement().toString();
level = Integer.parseInt(inputField.nextElement().toString());

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Read Property File From Command Line Argument In Java

May 8, 2015

I want to read property file in java from command line argument,i.e. if i have some parameters which i have to use separately , i comment the parameters which i don't have to use that time , then uncomment when i have to use.

Is there and way to read the required parameters through command line arguments in java.

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Read In Java Source Code File As Command Line Argument

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to complete this question. I understand the most of it but I haven't go a clue to read in the file name.

Full question: Implement a program that reads in a Java source code file and checks to see if it has balanced {}brackets. Your program should use a stack, implemented as a linked list, to check the brackets.

NOTE: you can use a reference called top which points to the head of the list. Your program should run as a command line program and should take a filename as an argument and print one of BALANCED or NOT BALANCED.

For example: c:> java checkBalanced "" BALANCED

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Read Line From File And Save First String As Word And Remaining As Meaning

Jul 6, 2014

I have written the code to read the line from file and save first string as word and and remaining string as meaning..

E.g.: innovation a new method, idea, product, etc.

word = innovation

meaning = a new method, idea, product, etc.

In my code there is no error and have a mistake what it is means first assigning word is ok and while saving meaning saves like

a a new a new method } like that

Java Code:

public class Dil{
public static void main(String[] arg)throws Exception
BufferedReader in;

[Code] ......

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Printing Specific Lines From Textfile Into JTextArea

Jan 19, 2015

I am having trouble with reading specific lines from a text file in to a JTextArea. I want it to read only the first line of my text file and print it out in my JTextArea, however nothing is printing out.

BufferedReader a = null;
try {
a = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("D:/FinalProjectFile.txt"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

[Code] ....

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JUnit Test - Read From Text Line By Line And Save Words In FileOnTable

Nov 21, 2014

I have wrote this class who read from text line by line and save the words in fileOnTable.. Now i don't know what to read in ReadOffer to save the words in object offers and return this.. One more question.. What JUnit test can write for this code..?

package com.example.crazysellout.UserSide;

[Code] ....

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Application That Reads In A Line Length Followed By Individual Lines Containing Text

Jan 9, 2015

I'm currently learning Java and have been set an assignment that requires me to do the following:

Write an application that reads in a line length followed by individual lines containing text. No input line will be longer than the read in line length. In the text lines each word will be separated by a single space. The lines of text to be reformatted and then output so that the output lines of text have straight left and right margins. The last printing character in each line will be at character position (line length). In the text output the character '.' is to be used to represent the space character.

Page 1 - Gyazo - d4f7da28285f16a2a0069ac1631290fa.png
Page 2 - Gyazo - 470cf689a3126b7ab6c64bb14ae80a0d.png

I'm trying to take this task on, but I'm unsure as to what exactly I'm supposed to do with part of it. For one of the methods I need to "work out how many extra spaces will need to be added to make the line width characters long.", how would I go about doing this?

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Print A Blank Line After Certain Specific Points In Iterator

Feb 17, 2015

I have the following HashMap:

// 2009
nobelPrizeWinners.put("2009 Physics",
new PrizeWinner[] {new PrizeWinner("Charles K.", "Kao"),
new PrizeWinner("Willard S.", "Boyle"), new PrizeWinner("George S.", "Smith")});
nobelPrizeWinners.put("2009 Chemistry",
new PrizeWinner[] {new PrizeWinner("Venkatraman", "Ramakrishnan"),

[Code] .....

At the moment, my output is:

2008: Chemistry: Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien
2008: Economics: Paul Krugman
2008: Literature: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
2008: Medicine: Harald zur Hausen, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Luc Montagnier
2008: Peace: Martti Ahtisaari

[Code] .....

However, I need a blank line between the final entry of 2008 and the first entry of 2009.

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How To Read Something Specific Of A Web Page

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to have a program go on one of the stock trading websites and read the number a stock or currency is at and display or save it. I have it reading and displaying the binary code but I don't see how to have it find the numbers I would like to get.

On the site you would have to go on the page and click some tabs to trade and maybe the stock you would like, it doesn't really matter what one it returns as this is more just an idea. Although I would like to have it search out a selected stock eventually to take it to the net level. I think my biggest problem is I can't see how to access the stock numbers in the code. I looked for different click events but don't see how to have a program do this.

I do not intend to have it display all the code like it is now. I just did it like that to see what I was getting. I will just have a small toolbar with options and a display.

public class StockTracker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
[Code] ......

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