Reading Properties File From Resources Folder

Jan 31, 2011

In my java app there is a code which reads the properties file from src/main/resources folder.

Java Code:

public class MailerProperties {
private static Properties properties;
public MailerProperties() {
properties = new Properties();

[Code] ....

Now I need to create a jar file and also remove the properties file from src/main/resources folder and place it outside the jar file(in the same location as jar file) so that data inside it can be changed easily in future.

Question: Currently it uses ClassPathResource("") to read the prop file. What change I need to make to read it from outside the jar file...

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I/O / Streams :: How To Write A File Into Unix Folder From Windows Folder Using Java

Oct 30, 2014

I need to copy a file from Windows folder to unix folder using Java

I need a FTP utility.

The file is processed by a Java program and the file has to be written to Unix folder

I have the unix server name and folder name.

how to do it?

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How To Create Folder And Copy Documents From JAR File Into Folder With Code

Sep 8, 2014

Where can I learn or how can I, being the most efficient way known to do so, create a folder outside my JAR file with the java source code, this then will copy YAML documents from my JAR file to that folder, then I need to read the YAML documents some way. I'm making an addon for a game, I am using an API that allows you to make a config.yml easily, and add and read entries from it, but I've read that I need to make my own methods to be able to create additional YAML documents.

I don't exactly know what to type in google to perhaps find such a page, but I did try to find a tutorial page about this or something and couldn't.

I've partially figured out how to create a folder, but I have a problem, how can I RETURN one directory to make the folder, I don't want to make the folder in the JAR file I want to make it just outside the Jar file in the same folder that the Jar file is at.

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Reading Image From Folder And Draw It On Jlabel

Jul 1, 2014

I'm trying to read images and draw them on JLabel. This code snippet below is reading images from a folder

private ArrayList<ShowItem> getData() {
int score = 0;
ArrayList<ShowItem> item = new ArrayList<ShowItem>();
File dir = new File(getImageFolderPath());
if (dir.isDirectory()) {
for (final File f : dir.listFiles(IMAGE_FILTER)) {
BufferedImage img = null;
try {


ShowItem is a class that extends Image. DisplayImage extends ShowItem.

One of the overridden methods in ShowItem is

public Graphics getGraphics() {
return null;

I'm not exactly sure what to do here so I left it.

In another class, where I draw the images on Jlabel. This is what I have:

ShowItem theImage;
private ArrayList<ShowItem> listofImages;
theImage = listofImages.get(random.nextInt(listofImages.size()));
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(theImage);

I tried to run it, and check if I'm actually getting the images, and did system out and it listed all the jpg images I have but it's not displaying on the panel.

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Reading Multiple Text Files From A Folder - Cannot Resolve Syntax Error

Apr 29, 2015

In the current program I am trying to read multiple text files from a folder. I keep getting the following syntax error

"Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token".

I highlighted the line where im getting this error in red.
import java.util.*;
 public class CacheData {
  // Directory path here
    String path = "C:myfiles*.txt";
[Code] ....

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JSF :: Null Pointer Exception While Creating File From Resources In Managed Bean Class

Feb 7, 2014

i want to list files from resources folder like this:

public class galley implements Serializable {
private List<String> list;
public void init() {
list = new ArrayList<String>();

[Code] ....

but it give me a null pointer exception on fList .... The directory of resources is :

How is this caused and how can I solve it?

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How To Store File Properties In A File For Notepad

Dec 4, 2014

I'm not too familiar with serialization.It actually I found at this site (Java - Serialization) says that it will write and read properties of an object. I'm not quite sure how this would work as I would have thought that writing it to a text file would just do a toString() when you wrote it, but the page seems to think otherwise, and also names it .ser or something instead of .txt.

I thought, maybe this would work with my idea for a notepad that could store a Font, font color, and other settings, for the file. It would be beyond normal notepads. However, could you do this for a file as it would store text plus other things.

The upshot of this is that the same file, I was hoping to be able to be read by regular text programs like Notepad. However, could Notepad read such a modified file? Also, if notepad wrote to it, would it destroy my font properties and stuff that I'd add to it?

Also, what does this mean:

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeans™ has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

Originally, I was going to use FileAttribute or something like that but it looked hard to do and likely not what I wanted. However, this looks more like what I want, but I'd like to know. This could be a huge breakthrough for a lot of things I was hoping to do but never could think of an efficient way to do.

Update:This serializable thing works great for my text editor but it won't work too hot if another program like Notepad reads it as it will appear like gibberish, including the text.

I had thought of having it make two files, one regular, and one that was serialized, to deal with this, but this doesn't work if I try opening a file that another text editor created that might not have this other serialized version of the file.

Also, I haven't yet tried extending File itself yet. However, I still don't see how it would work the way I'd hoped.

In a way, I want it to be like a RTF with some things used to set te font of the text area when loaded but be able to deal with opening a file made by another text editor and also have another text editor be able to read it even if my text editor created it.

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Java File Along With Properties?

May 25, 2015

Need to know how i can store a value in File which is in Properties?

Here I am placing my Properties code :

ReportHTML C:/bea/user_projects/domains/OICDomain/applications/IIMS/IIMS/target/source/REPORT_HTML_DUMP/
ReportEXCEL C:/bea/user_projects/domains/OICDomain/applications/IIMS/IIMS/target/source/REPORT_EXCEL_DUMP/

My Java File :

File destHtmlFolder = new File("C:/bea/user_projects/domains/OICDomain/DOC_SERVER/REPORT_HTML_DUMP");
File srcExcelFolder = new File("C:/bea/user_projects/domains/OICDomain/applications/IIMS/IIMS/target/source/REPORT_EXCEL_DUMP");

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JSP :: How To Load A Properties File

Jul 21, 2014

I am using JPF controllers. Already, i am loading a properties file in the controller

(using annotations @Jpf.Controller(messageBundles = { @Jpf.Message Bundle(bundlePath = "validation.validator.Messages") },).

I have a problem. Depending on one of the request variables, i need to load different properties files. All these property files have same keys, but with different messages. I need to take the user to different sites(though internally, the backend logic remains same...Look and feel of the front end along with messages to be shown change to make the users feel they are being directed to a different site).

I am thinking of loading the properties file from the JSP when the user logs in first time from login page so that these properties are available until the session expires & not read the properties file in Controller.

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How To Get A File From Same Folder As Jar Being Run

Mar 25, 2014

I am creating a bukkit plugin, but my question has nothing to do with bukkit, just Java. I am trying to load a file that is located in the same folder as the jar file that is being run and I am having no luck. I can't set a manual path because if I move this plugin to a remote server it won't work. So how to get a file from the same folder as the jar.

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How To Get File Name From Particular Folder

Aug 29, 2013

I have developed small program which read file from particular folder, i used method "getfilename" to read file name but system raise an error.
how can we read file name instead of completion path of file.

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Checking If User Input Value And Value In Properties File Is Same

Aug 26, 2014

The code for my button is below - I know it is wrong and that I need to change line 8 at least,so I am technically asking the property object if there is a key_name there but I dont quite get how to do that

//code for button

JButton btnSearch = new JButton("Search");
btnSearch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//find selected command
String key_name = textFieldSearch.getText();

[Code] ....

I basically just want the user typed in word to be checked against a keyword in a properties file and if it exists, pull the key and the value back into a panel

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Iterate Linked List And Map With Properties File Value

Jan 22, 2014

I have `` file which have values as follows:


and, have a response class file, which is setting a response from database to display it on `JSP` file. The value that I am getting from database is in the form of `code` or `integer`. I needed to have that value from the database and before setting the response I need to use `getProperty(code)` and save the String representation of that code into a new list and then pass that list to `setResponse`. For e.g: This is the value I am getting from database:

col1 | col2 | col3 |
1 helo done

I needed to show on my JSP page as:

col1 | col2 | col3 |
USA helo done

I was following this tutorial [URL].... but not able to exactly understand how to achieve the same.

This is my `DAOImpl` where I needed to `iterate` and save the `mapped key-value` in a new list and then pass to `JSP` page

public class CountDAOImpl implements IDataDAO {
private Connection conn = null;
private Statement statement = null;
private ResultSet rs = null;
private List<String> country_code = new LinkedList<String>();

[Code] ....

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How To Check To See If User Input Value And Value In Properties File Is Same

Aug 26, 2014

The code for my button is below - I know it is wrong and that I need to change line 8 at least,so I am technically asking the property object if there is a key_name there but I dont quite get how to do that

//code for button

JButton btnSearch = new JButton("Search");
btnSearch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//find selected command
String key_name = textFieldSearch.getText();

[Code] ....

I basically just want the user typed in word to be checked against a keyword in a proeprties file and if it exists, pull the key and the value back into a panel ....

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Creating New Properties File Appending If It Exists

Feb 4, 2015

I'm currently working on a java project simply to learn java. So far, it creates a window and makes a properties file, or appends data to it if it already exists. The problem is that I'm not quite sure how to check if the file already exists to append data to it. I'm currently using a boolean (configCreated) that appends data when true, and creates a file when false. The problem is that this boolean is always false since it's at the beginning.

Java Code:

package Setup;
import java.util.Properties;


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Applets :: Cannot Read AppletViewer Properties File

Mar 26, 2014

Whenever I am running applet using appletviewer I am getting the below warning message:

Can't read Appletviewer properties file.

How to correct this?

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JNLP File - Properties With Accented Characters

Dec 19, 2013

When we have a property in the jnlp file that has accented characters (i.e. Mañana), the System.getProperty() call is returning null. This is working fine with Java 7 Update 40, and accented characters in the <information> section of the jnlp file are working fine under Java 7 Update 45, but not in the <resources> section.
Here is an example:

<property name="jnlp.title" value="Mañana"/>
System.getProperty("jnlp.title")  returns null

Is there a workaround?

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How To Write Exact Directory Path To Properties File

Nov 27, 2014

I need to write the exact directory path like C:LisaestUpdate to a properties file.

I am trying it by

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(;
Properties props = new Properties();
 FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(;
props.setProperty("myDirectory","C:Lisa estUpdate" );, null);

but the properties file is updated as C:Lisa estUpdate

Extra comes before :.

How can I remove that.

Even I tried it with an command but got same output.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Search For A Key In Properties File - Jbutton Won't Work

Aug 26, 2014

I have a properties file with key values in it, now when I use my search box to search for a key in the properties file to check whether or not it is there - I can't get it to check and return the key value if it is theere. I've tried a few methods but keep getting a null pointer exception when it hits line 15 in the code all the time so I'm stumped at the minute.

My text field is called textFieldSearch

This is my button code

JButton btnSearch = new JButton("Search");
btnSearch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//search button
//find selected comman
String key_name = textFieldSearch.getText();

[Code] ....

This is my method code

public void FindSelectedKey()
if(textFieldSearch != null)
properties.getProperty(key_name == textFieldSearch)

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Creating File Or Folder But Using User Input For Name

Nov 14, 2014

File dir = new File("file"); //creates folder named file
File dir1 = new File("file.txt"); //creates file

But I want to take in a file name from user e.g.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is);
String filename = br.readLine( );
File dir = new File(filename + ".txt");

its expecting a string literal is there a way round it to take a string???

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JSP :: Download Uploaded File In Specific Folder?

Mar 7, 2014

I have uploaded file into specified folder.So I have to download it..

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Executing Perl File From Resource Folder

May 27, 2014

I need to execute a perl file from a resource folder, So that i can able to run the perl file after changing the project to a jar file. And also i need to pass an argument also.

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File Transfer App - Create / Select Destination Folder

May 14, 2015

I'm currently new to java and I would just like to ask if Socket is sufficient for this file transfer app I'm planning to work on.

The specs are as follows:

~ Move/Copy Files of selected folder/s to a single folder(consolidating them) within the same machine and Network
~ File type will be specified on GUI and those specified will be the ones transferred
~ option to choose Move or Copy of files
~ ability to create/select folder of transfer destination

Here is an draft of what the GUI will look like.

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JSF :: How To Open A File / Folder Directories In Firefox Browser

Jun 15, 2014

In our currenr project we have a requirement to open a local/network driver file/folder using JSF 2.0 <h:outputLink> in Firefox browser find the below sample code & correct it, how to achieve the above requirment


<h:outputLink id="linkID" value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" target="_blank" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" />


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How To Create A Folder In Htdocs Folder

Jun 17, 2014

Which application i need to download and set up ?

Means like in php we can install xampp and there for a new app we need to create a folder in htdocs folder...and after that , that folder works like a app.

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Packaging And Accessing Resources In JAR

Jan 26, 2015

I'm working on an application and I would like to package my resources (icons, about dialog images, splash screen images, release version text, etc.) in the jar file I'm going to distribute for deployment.  I would like to access these resources from the JAR file in my deployed code.  But I would also like them accessible when I'm running the code in my Eclipse IDE.  Is there a way to do this using only one code base?
My Eclipse project structure is src (folder) which contains my source code, bin (folder) which contains my class files and res (folder) which contains my resource files.
I am using the javapackager utility to create my deployment JAR and build a self-contained deployment .exe for deploying to Windows.
Is there a way to have the javapackager build a single JAR file from multiple sources (i.e. my bin and res folders)?  What do I have to do in my code so that the same code can be used to load resources when I'm running in Eclipse and the self-contained deployment?

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