Retrieving Values Of Object

Aug 8, 2014

How do I retrieve values of an object?

public Software[] getSoftware(int index){
return software;}

The object is initialized and i get no errors when entering values .. but when i try to print by calling getSoftware I get :


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Retrieving Values From A JTextField

Jan 18, 2015

I currently building a hotel reservation system, and I'm having issues with retrieving and setting other values from a JTextField.

What I'm trying to do is to retrieve the value that was inputted into a textfield, and then setting that value to a string in another class.

In here, I'm trying to retrieve values from the JTextField:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
GuestInfo gi = new GuestInfo();
if (event.getSource()==roomView)
roomViewFrame.setSize(1000, 600);

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Retrieving Values From Property File That Matches Key

Aug 22, 2014

I have a properties file with a set of commands and their meanings (Command = the meaning). I Populated a jtree with the keys from the properties file, now when I click a node in the jtree (key) I want the value of that selected key to go in the panel that sits in my app next to the jtree.

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Passing Values To Two Classes And Retrieving Values From Those Classes

Feb 14, 2015

I'm doing an aggregation exercise that's suppose to find the volume and surface area of a cylinder. What I'm trying to do is pass values from one class, to a second class, and that second class passes values to a third class.

This may be a clearer explanation: The first class is the main program which sends values to the second and third class. The second class is used do calculations for a circle (a pre-existing class from another assignment). The third class grabs the values that the second class calculated and calculates those values with the one that was passed from the first class to the third class. The first class then prints the outcome.

Problem is when the program gets to the third class, it just calculates the value from the first class with the default constructor from the second class. It's like the second class never received the values from the first class. I think I'm missing a step, but I don't what it is.

First Class:

package circle;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CylinderInput
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
//user defined variable


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How To Assign Values To Object

Apr 25, 2015

simple assignment of values to a previously initialized object?

See the method useModel ()

The idea is, assign the values to the temporary object, data

Then plunk it into this statement:

model.addRow ( data );

Simple enough?

I've been putzing with the syntax for multiple hours, over days, now.

With and without


Netbeans keeps giving me: Illegal start of expression data is declared as an array of Object, although, in this case, it does not need to be an array. What is the correct syntax?

Java Code: //--
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JFrame;


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One Object / One Instance Variable - Different Values?

Feb 5, 2015

Let's pretend I'm working on an RPG. Like in all RPGs, there are items found all throughout the imaginary world. Each player and NPC can obtain an item. My question will concern those items.

In other words, I'd like to use instances of a class in multiple places of the code. Each instance will have its own, individual values of instance variables, with one obvious exception: itemQuantity should have a different value in playerInventory, npcInventory, etc. Also, I'd like a list of all items that can be found in the game. This list doesn't need itemQuantity at all.

class Items {
String itemName;
float itemWeight;
int itemQuantity;

[Code] ....

The question is: should I really make itemQuantity an instance variable of the Item class? It seems as though for each copy of the Item class I should create a separate copy with different value of itemQuantity, but that's not very efficient. Where is the error in my logic?

What's important is that there may be plenty items in a game and a player may be given power to create new items during the course of the game.

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Iterate Over List And Get Values From Object?

Jan 22, 2015

first i looked at this example and understand this fine:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class Main {


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JTextField - Enter Some Values For Object

Mar 29, 2014

I'm working with a project there ill need to enter some values for an Object and for this i'm using JTextField. However some of the variables are of the types double, int and bool. Is there a different method of reading thees types?

for example:

double playTime = this.playTime.getText();

This won't work because playTime is of type double and .getText(); takes a String.

How will i handle this? Id rather not convert from String to Double if its possible.

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Passing Object As Parameter - Combination Values Are All Zero

Mar 8, 2015

I have an object that has an instance of another object class as its parameter :

CombinationLock oneHundred = new CombinationLock(28,17,39);
Locker Mickey = new Locker(100, "Mickey", 3, oneHundred);

This is for a locker, which has a combination assigned to the student. Within the locker class I have the following constructor:

public Locker(int locker, String student, int numberOfBooks, CombinationLock combo) { = locker;
this.combo = combo;
this.student = student;
this.numberOfBooks = numberOfBooks;

combo is the private CombinationLocker object I created within the Locker class. Do I need to pass the combo object on to the CombinationLock class? For reason, I do not comprehend, the combination password from the main class is not passing through to the CombinationLock class, and the combination values are all zero.

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Initializing Object Outputs Zeroes Instead Of Values Given To It

Oct 30, 2014

public class Check2
private int red;
private int green;
private int blue;

public Check2(){
red = 0;
green = 0;
blue = 0;

[Code] .....

And when i uses it in another class named "Check" it returns zeroes :

public class Check
public static void main(String[] args) {
Check2 obj = new Check2(125,254,12); // the toString method should return the values i gave it here . but it shows me zeroes instead.
System.out.println("the colors are " + obj.toString());

Output : the colors are (0,0,0)

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Constructor That Creates A New Object With Data From Array Values?

Feb 11, 2015

So I want to write a constructor that creates a new object with the data from the array values. I don't know where to start. It's the last method in the code:

public class Measurements {
private double[] values;
private double[] newArray;
private int n; //numberofvalues
private double[] ms;
public Measurements(int max) { //constructor


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Modify Values In Fields In Serializable Object Using Objects Set Methods Java

Dec 10, 2014

This program is basically complete. It compiles and runs. It is a college course assignment that I pretty much completed but for the last part in which I'm suppose to change the values of all fields and display the modified values using a toString method. Modifying the values of the fields is where I am stuck. I don't think I need to create a new text data file to do this. The instructor only asked that all the values of fields be changed and this was the last part of the assignment so I don't think it involves creating additional ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream objects. I'm getting a NullPointerException error on line 161.Here is the code. I'm also including the input data file.

//create program so that objects of class can be serialized, implements interface Serialiable
//create constructor with 4 parameters with accompanying get and set methods, Override toString method
//create text file with 5 records, create Scanner object,ObjectOutputStream, and ObjectInputStream
//create new ItemRecord object, change values of all fields in ItemRecord object using object's set methods
//modify ItemRecord object using toString method

[hightlight =Java]import;
public class ItemRecord implements Serializable

[Code] .....

This is the error message:

----jGRASP exec: java ItemRecordReport

Item Cost Quantity Description
A100 $ 99.99 10 Canon PowerShot-135
A200 $149.99 50 Panasonic-Lumix T55
A300 $349.99 20 Nikon- D3200 DSRL
A400 $280.99 30 Sony- DSC-W800
A500 $ 97.99 20 Samsung- WB35F
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ItemRecordReport.main(

----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
----jGRASP: operation complete.

Here is the data file:
A100 99.99 10 Canon PowerShot-135
A200 149.99 50 Panasonic-Lumix T55
A300 349.99 20 Nikon- D3200 DSRL
A400 280.99 30 Sony- DSC-W800
A500 97.99 20 Samsung- WB35F

Here is the data file for the modified field values.
B100 98.00 10 ABC1010
B200 97.00 15 DEF1020
B300 96.00 10 GHI1030
B400 95.00 05 JKL1040
B500 94.00 01 MNO1050

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Retrieving Text Off Of A Button?

Nov 16, 2014

I am trying to check to see if the button has anything on it.

Line 81 says incompatible types: JButton cannot be converted to String ')' expected ';' expected

package PA7;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;


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JSF :: Retrieving Hidden Input

Jun 23, 2014

I have this code

<h:form id="theform">
<h:inputHidden id="user_id" value="3" />
<h:commandButton action="userprofile.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" value="Profile" />

How I can retrieve the value of user_id at page userprofile.xhtml?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Retrieving Variables From Another Class?

May 19, 2014

This program should create a GUI that has 5 classes together on a grid layout. The problem that I am having is that the user input class has the input for kwh, hours, and gallons. I am having problems getting that information from the user input class to the totals class.

user input class:

package applianceutilitycalculator;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.*;


The totals class should take the info from the kwh hours and gallons and do the math to get a total and display it in a JTextField(?).

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Servlets :: Next Button And Retrieving Name Of JSPs

Feb 21, 2014

I want to have a button in my Jsp's labeled "next" that takes me to the next JSP in a certain order. Imagine a book: every time you click next you go to the next page.

Each page is a JSP that is named "page#" where # stands for the number (page1, page2,etc).

I was structuring my app this way: one controller,one controllerhelper,multiple JSPs.

The "next" button in the JSP's would always have the same name as not to overcode in my controllerhelper with too many options for the button that was pressed.

So my idea was to retrieve the name of the current JSP and work the string in order to add a number (page4 turns into page5) and forward it through a requestdispatcher.

That is the problem as I am not able to get the name of the current JSP since the url changes after the first page to the servlet url.

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Retrieving Data From DB And Setting Into Textfield

Jul 10, 2014

How to do this <not in sql> .

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Java Program For Retrieving Results From LDAP

Jan 23, 2014

I'm trying to run the following java program by using the instructions provided here URL....The program tries to connect to LDAP directory, searches for an objectGUID and returns sAMAccountName...But when I compile the java program I get 19 errors as given below.

/a1/utils/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class string
location : class seek
public static void main (string[] args) {


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Retrieving Data From Database Based On User Input

Jan 18, 2015

I need to take the users input from 2 boxes and reference that to a sqlite database and populate the fields with the data in the database. I know the database code work.

Here is the code for the "user" form;

Java Code:

import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import java.awt.Font;

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Null Pointer Exception When Retrieving Data From Table

Mar 31, 2015

I am trying to export data from a jtable to a pdf report but every time i try running the code it gives me this exception:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at GUI.QC_receiving_book.printButtonActionPerformed(
at GUI.QC_receiving_book.access$600(
at GUI.QC_receiving_book$7.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(

[Code] ....

I tried avoiding the null exception by using the if statement but it didn't work. The row I choose from the table is full meaning there are no empty attributes. and all the data are imported from a mysql database to the table as String so there can't be any casting errors.

This is the part of the source code with the problem and i will also post the printing method. I tried debugging the class and when stepping into the first if statement it opened the file and pointed at the getSelectedRow() method and this sentence "variable information not available.source compiled without -g option"

private void printButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
if(samplesTable.getSelectedRow() >= 0){
int row = samplesTable.getSelectedRow();
for(int x=0;x<samplesTable.getColumnCount();x++){
String value = samplesTable.getModel().getValueAt(row, x).toString();

[Code] ....

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How To Return Values In Object Return Type Function (method)

Apr 2, 2014

How do i take input values for TwoDPoint (which are objects) and return it back in numerical values also print them.

When i create an object in main method and pass values to my function of return type TwoDPoint,it gives error:- found int,int need TwoDPoiint,TwoDPoint.

// Here is what i tried to do:

Created class TwoDPoint that contains two fields x, y which are of type int. Defined another class TestTwoDPoint, where a main method is defined.In the main method created two TwoDPoint objects.

Then I modified the class TestTwoDPoint and add another function to it. This function takes two TwoDPoints as input and returns the TwoDPoint that is farthest from the point (0,0).

Then I added another function to TestTwoDPoint. This function takes two TwoDPoints as input and returns a new TwoDPoint whose x value is the sum of x values of the input TwoDPoint's and whose y value is the sum of the y values of the input TwoDPoint's.

class TwoDPoint {
int x = 2;
int y = 4;
class TestTwoDPoint {
public static void main(String args[]) {
TwoDPoint obj1 = new TwoDPoint();

[Code] ....

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Retrieving Result By User Input Different Combination Using String Tokenizer (MYSQL)

Mar 30, 2014

I am creating a simple Symptom Checker application. The problem I have is that I'm trying to retrieve user input (JTextField) by comma's using StringTokenizer which contacts the database for a result which matches the user's input (SELECT * FROM DIAGNOSIS WHERE ?, ?, ?) . It successfully finds the correct result however only in a particular format. Not different combinations....

for example, if I enter say within the JTextField: "tearful, nausea, lack of motivation" it will find the result successfully (as that is how it is formatted within the particular column (in the database table) i wish to display a result from) however, if i enter a different combination of these symptoms: "nausea, lack of motivation, tearful" - it will not find any result. I'm very unsure how to make it work regardless of what is inputted first, second or last.

Here is the code:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
try {
String abc = fieldsymp1.getText();
StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(abc);
while (str.hasMoreTokens()) {
str.nextToken((", ")).trim();
[Code] ....

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Retrieving User Input String From Keyboard - Program Errors (try / Catch)

Sep 23, 2014

I need to design, implement, and test a program to input and analyze a name. The program begins by retrieving a user input string from the keyboard. This string is intended to be the user's name. These are the errors we have to search analyze the user input for: No blanks between names firstName and lastName, Non-alphabetic characters in names, Less than two characters in first name, and Less than two characters in last name. Each of these errors must be thrown. All exceptions must be derived from a programmer-defined class called NameException. Each exception should use a detailed message to differentiate among the file types of errors.

This is the format of my NameException class, is the format itself correct? I will fill in the details of each exception I am just wondering if that is how I should set it up.

public class NameException extends Exception {
private String firstName, lastName;
public NoBlanksException(String firstName,String lastName) {
public NonAlphabeticalCharactersException(String firstName, String lastName) {

[Code] .....

I was told not to try and catch thrown errors in the main method, would I just create another method in the Driver class to take care of that then?

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I/O / Streams :: Retrieving File Directories From A Text File?

Jun 25, 2014

Let's say I have a text file and in the text file exists file directories as such:


And so on...

How would I then read from this text file and then create those files using 'new File()'?

Here is my code:

private void getFiles() throws IOException{
files = new File[10];
Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File("files.dat"));
int count = -1;


It does print out those files, but it doesn't create them.

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Equals Method - Take Object Reference And Return True If Given Object Equals This Object

Mar 28, 2014

Create an equals method that takes an object reference and returns true if the given object equals this object.

Hint: You'll need 'instanceof' and cast to a (Geocache)

So far I have:

public boolean equals(Object O){
if(O instanceof Geocache){
Geocache j=(Geocache) O;
if (this.equals(j)) //I know this is wrong... but I can't figure it out
return true;

else return false;

I think I have it correct up to the casting but I don't understand what I'm suppose to do with the this.equals(). Also I'm getting an error that I'm not returning a boolean... I get this all the time in other problems. I don't get why since I have to instances of returning booleans in this. "returns true if the given object equals this object" makes no sense to me. I assume the given object, in my case, is 'O'. What is 'this' object referring to?

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Store Pixels Values Currently On Screen And Compare Them To Values On The First Frame?

Aug 29, 2014

I need a way to store the pixels values currently on the screen and compare them to the values on the first frame. Right now I'm using glreadpixels as follows:

currentBuffer= BufferTools.reserveByteData(mapSize);
glReadPixels(mapStartX, mapStartY, mapWidth, mapHeight, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, currentBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
if (currentBuffer.get(i) != baseBuffer.get(i)) {
//Do nothing
//Do something

This works perfectly fine but turns out to be a real bottleneck, dropping the fps to a third of what it was. Is there any quicker way? All I'm after is speed, I don't even need to show it on the screen if the comparison is made "behind the scene".

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