Searching Through Array / Find Name And Print

Oct 5, 2014

An array which contain a list of names. I let for a user input and I use that to search through the array. For example lets say the string name "Christian" is stored inside the names array and the user types in Chri, the program looks in the array and finds a name that contains Chri and prints them out. How do I go about doing this?

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Searching ArrayList - Cannot Find Symbol For Search Method

Mar 30, 2014

This is the code fragment I have for searching my ArrayList. Now, each contact is stored in the ArrayList with five elements (first name, last name, etc.) and they're Strings. The error I get when I try to compile my program lies within this code fragment. It says it cannot find the symbol for the search method. I'm not quite sure what to do with this error.

int foundIndex =;
if (foundIndex > -1)
else {
System.out.println("No Entry Found");

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Searching Array Of Objects In Java

Jul 23, 2014

'm working on a program that is to act as an inventory for a book store. There are two classes (Store and Book), and numerous methods which you will see in my code. The program is supposed to read in an inventory from a file which contains 10 books (each row in the file represents a book with an ISBN number, the price of the book, and the number in stock)and store this file into an array of type Book[]. There is then to be another method to process a purchase interactively. The Store class is also to keep a count of how many books were sold at the time of closing and also how much was made that day.

I'm having some difficulty figuring out how I should set up the purchase processing method though. I've written out how I think it would be set up (not too familiar with the terminology, but I think it would be called pseudo code?) I'll include that now along with a few other notes.

public Book[] purchase(String isbn, double price, int copies) {
int itemsSold;
double totalMade;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the ISBN number of the book you would like to purchase: ");

[Code] ....

So basically here's what needs to be accomplished with this portion of code:

1.Ask the user to enter the ISBN number of the book they'd like to purchase.
2.Search the array for the object that contains that ISBN.
3.If the ISBN isn't found in the array, display a message stating that we don't have that book.
4.If the ISBN is found but the number of copies is 0, display a message saying the book is out of stock.
5.If the ISBN is found and the number of copies is greater than 0, ask the user how many copies they'd like to purchase.
6.If the number they enter is greater than the number of copies of that book in the array, display a message stating that and ask them to enter another quantity.
7.Once the purchase is complete I need to update the array by subtracting the number of copies of that particular book that was purchased.
8.Print the updated array.
9.Display a count of how many books were purchased, and how much money was made from the purchase.

I know that code has a lot of holes in it, but I'm just trying to get everything together and figure out how to do each step.

The part I'm stuck on right now is trying to figure out how to search the array to first see if the ISBN that was entered is in the array, and then to find the number of copies of the book with that ISBN number.

In case it will visualize what this array looks like, here's a print out of the array from a sample run I just did.

ISBN: 1234567, Price: 31.670000, Copies: 0
ISBN: 1234444, Price: 98.500000, Copies: 4
ISBN: 1235555, Price: 27.890000, Copies: 2
ISBN: 1235566, Price: 102.390000, Copies: 6

[Code] ....

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Passing A Method And Searching Array

Apr 22, 2014

How to pass the methods listed below.

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor)

^ this method is suppose to search an array and find whatever you search (numerical or alphabetical)

I have this

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor) {
Main.handleSearchPerson(keyboard, searchFor);
ArrayList<Person> matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Person p : personList) {
boolean isAMatch = false;

[Code] .....

I am not sure if how i am searching the method is correct or how to pass that to another class to put it inside of a switch statement.

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Searching Through Array (List Of Names)

Oct 5, 2014

An array which contain a list of names. I let for a user input and I use that to search through the array. For example lets say the string name "Christian" is stored inside the names array and the user types in Chri, the program looks in the array and finds a name that contains Chri and prints them out. How do I go about doing this?

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Passing A Method And Searching Array

Apr 22, 2014

How to pass the methods listed below.

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor)

^ this method is suppose to search an array and find whatever you search (numerical or alphabetical)

i have this

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor) {
Main.handleSearchPerson(keyboard, searchFor);
ArrayList<Person> matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Person p : personList) {
boolean isAMatch = false;
if (p.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase(searchFor)) {
isAMatch = true;

[Code] ....

I am not sure if how i am searching the method is correct or how to pass that to another class to put it inside of a switch statement.

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Basic Java GUI Application - Array Searching

Nov 30, 2014

I am currently working on a application for a car park system. It uses GUI created by myself and holds 15 parking spaces. The user has the option to add, delete or search for a specific car. When the user adds a new car, details of the car are entered, the cars registration number (saved as a string), and the user had to check one raido button if the car is expensive, large or normal.

Once this information is entered a new instance of a vehicle will be created and the bay the car is allocated to turns green and stored in one of three arrays(expensive, normal or large). I also have a fourth array for creating the parking spaces.Each array can only hold 5 vehicles apart from the fourth which can hold all 15. When searching for a vehicle the user enters the registration of the vehicle they want to find, but I have to search through all three arrays to find it, and if it does not exist showing a message saying so.These are my three arrays

public static ParkingBay[] regularBays = new ParkingBay[5];
public static ParkingBay[] largeBays = new ParkingBay[5];
public static ParkingBay[] expensiveBays = new ParkingBay[5];

String Registration; - saves registration entered from add form
String RegistrationNumber; - saves registration number from search form

I need to search to see if RegistrationNumber is in either of the three arrays if not show a message saying otherwise

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Searching Large Char Array For Matching Substrings

Feb 10, 2015

I have written an algorithm that compares the chars and returns all the found words in a 20x10 puzzle, but not for a 100x50 puzzle.

The puzzles are loaded in via text file and I have confirmed they're loading correctly.

guesses = String[] of search words
puzzle = char[][] of letters

Why it doesn't work on the large array?

Expected output:
word1, word2, word3

Actual output:
[blank line]

Here's the horizontal algorithm (row by row search)

//temp variable
ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
//for each guess word
for(String word : guesses) {
int count = 0;

[Code] .....

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Searching Array - Read From A File That Is List Of Songs

Oct 10, 2014

I have an assignment for my intro class that requires me to read from a file that is a list of songs, their artists, and the year they were released. As seen below, a print line statement prompts the user to enter an artist name, and then it uses a buffered reader to gain input, and then it is supposed to match that input.I realize that this is not a complete statement, but I'm mostly concerned with getting the .indexOf statement to work.Currently it only returns the first object in the array.

for(int i = 0; i < song.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Enter an Artist name");
String input1 = kb.readLine();
if (song[i].getArtist().indexOf(input1) > -1) {
/*tried changing -1 to -2. When I do, it returns the
first array entry, regardless of what I input*/

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Could Not Find Proper Position In Print

Aug 3, 2014

So I need to print out the table of conversions from kilogram to pound and from pounds to kilograms. I think I have done a while loop correctly, but it is hard to actually check it since I do not have proper output format. I have tried also %4.2f format option however could not find the proper position in the print.

public static void main (String[] args){
System.out.printf("%10s%10s | %10s%10s
", "Kilograms", "Pounds",
"Kilograms", "Pounds");


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Print Grades Using Only Methods - Cannot Find Symbol Error

Nov 25, 2014

The program is just a simple one to print grades using only methods. The problem is Im trying to use a returned value in another method but the compiler keeps telling me it cannot find the symbol "mark". the problem areas are marked in blue. I am basically trying to input a value into the keyboard and then use it in another method.

public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

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Connect To MySQL Database And Print Out Some Fields - Cannot Find JDBC Driver

Aug 17, 2014

I am trying to run a simple program that connects to a mysql database and prints out some fields. I am using Eclipse.

THe problem I am having is on the following line of code.


I get an error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)

[Code] ....

I have done some research and from what I have found is that I need to alter the class path to pick up the driver. When I downloaded the .msi I ran it and then the program closed. Where the files are ??? How to locate and import the file so I need to get my program to run?

I have included all the of the source code below.

package mySQLConnect;
import java.sql.*;
public class Connect {
// JDBC Driver name and database URL
static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
static final String BD_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/sstbde";

[Code] .....

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Create 2D Array Out Of CSV File And Find Number Of Elements To Determine Array Size

Mar 24, 2015

I am taking the Class Algorithms and Datastructures and got an assignment for Lab that really throws me off. The goal is to create an Array out of a given CSV file, implement several Methods that get the size of array, etc.

I am still stuck in the first part where the CSV has to be imported into the Array. My problem is that I need a mechanism that figures out the needed size for the Array, creates the array, and only then transfers the data from the CSV.

The list consists of the following wifi related values:

MAC-Adress, SSID, Timestamp, Signalstrength.

These are on the list, separated by comma. The Columns are each of these, and the rows are the four types of values making up the information on a certain wifi network.

The catch is, we are not allowed to use any of the following:

and any class out of java.util.Collection.

So far I used the BufferedReader to read in the file and tried to implement the array, but I get an arrayindexoutofboundsexception.

Below is my Code (Its still an active construction zone):

public class WhatsThere {
public WhatsThere(String wifiscan) throws IOException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// WhatsThere Liste = new WhatsThere(String wifiscan);
String[][] arrayListe = new String[0][0];

[Code] ....

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Convert 2D Array To String Using ToString To Print Array

Apr 19, 2015

Trying to convert 2D array to String using toString() to be able to print the array but when I try to use it I just get the memory location

public class Forest
private int h;
private int w;
private double p = 0.7;
private int[][] f;
Forest(int w, int h)


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Convert Array Of Integers To Array Of Characters And Then Print It Out

Feb 13, 2014

I have double checked this code over and over and I just can't find the problem.

What I'm trying to do is take a file and input it into an 2D array.

Ultimately, I should convert the array of integers to an array of characters, then print it out. The file contains a set of ASCII values.

After printing it out, I should then create methods to manipulate the image produced.

Using 2D arrays is a requirement for this exercise.

I think that somehow I'm overcomplicating this and the solution is a lot more simple than I think, but I can't think of what to change.

The error I am getting is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 40
at main.main(

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws FileNotFoundException {
String[][] data = new String[22][40];

[Code] .....

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New Method Array To String Or Just Print As Array?

Feb 20, 2014

I just tried to fill an array with some numbers, calculated by a other function.I just tried to print this array as array, but it doesnt work. Maybe its just about the main method.

public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int ggT(int a, int b) {
if(a>b) {
} else {
return a;

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Name / Zip Array Read And Print

Sep 22, 2014

Designed to store a first name (string), last name (string), and zip (int). Assume each line will contain two strings followed by integer each separated by tab. Then print.

I have my two class files (one for the individual and one for the array) and then my driver below. I think my only problem is my driver. I think I'm reading the data file wrong but not sure how exactly.

test in .txt file:


public class Person
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int zipCode;
public Person(String fName, String lName, int zCode)

[Code] ....

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How To Find Corners Of Array

Nov 10, 2014

So as part of my program I have to find the corners of an array (the array can vary in size but is always square) but I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I thought of one possible way but I am not sure if I can do it or how to write it,

if array[row][col] = [0][0] or [row length][col length] or [0][col length] or [row length][col length].

I'm just giving examples of what I am trying to find here I know none of these are actual syntax. I don't even know if I can check whether an array's coordinates are equal to coordinates on that array or not. How I can write this or if there is another way to do it? If yes, what about edges of the array?

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How To Print All Numbers Of Array In Java

Jan 1, 2015

This is my code

package com.arraydemo;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class ArrayStructures {
public long[] theArray;
public int arraySize;
public ArrayStructures(int size)


and i am getting this output

! 1712 !2156|
! 1713 !4583|
! 1714 !3981|

[HENRY: 6000+ LINES DELETED -- Isn't it a bit ridiculous hard to read when you flood a post with thousands of output lines?]

! 4998 !3094|
! 4999 !836|

I am expecting Number to be print from Index ) but they are not printing ,why?

If I use arraysize like 2000 I am getting all number starting from 0 to 1999 .why?

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Print Array Asterisk Bar Chart

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to get this program to take 5 integers from a user and print a bar chart made of asterisks. The only way I've been able to access the values stored in the array is when my loops are nested, but this keeps my output from printing the way I would like it to.

It prints:
Enter a number:
Enter a number...and so on

I want it to take the values say(2,3,5,8,4) and do this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int[] barArray = new int[5];
for(int i =0; i < barArray.length; i++){
System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
barArray[i] = in.nextInt();
for(int j = 0; j < barArray[i]; j++){
System.out.print("* ");

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Print Duplicates Element Of Array

Apr 16, 2014

This code is not best way to find the duplicate elements in a given array. Any alternative method for an optimized code.

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
public class Find_Dupliicate_ArrayElement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] Array1 = {1, 9,8,1,2,8,9,7,10, -1, 1, 2, 3, 10, 8, -1};
// Store the array length
int size = Array1.length;
//Sort the array


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Print 2 Largest Number In Array

Apr 1, 2014

Thought process : Sort the array and print the last 2 element of any given array.

Note /| Should not use any inbuilt Array.sort()

Java Code:

//Write a code to print the 2 largest numbers from the given Array {2,8,10,5,9}

package arrays;
public class biggest2numbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] A = {2,8,10,5,9};
//Declaring 2 variable
int Max1,

[Code] .....

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Sort Array List Print?

Nov 23, 2014

I am having an issue trying to print different types of arrays using one method. Eclipse tells me to convert my print method for each array type:

change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<integer>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<Double>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<Character>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<String>)'

I would like to accomplish printing all four different arrays using one print method. How to accomplish it or provide examples or links to examples?

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SortArrayList {
public static class Sort {


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Trying To Print Array Of Image Icons

Aug 23, 2014

I am simply trying to print out a deck of 54 playing cards. i have organized them in to two separate arrays the first array to place all the image icons the second array to hold the 54 Jlabels. I think my problem lies in the setLayout portion of the program . I also think my image icon path may be wrong?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class CardIconArray extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final public static int numberofcards=54;

[Code] ....

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How To Pass Array From Servlet To JSP And Print

Dec 12, 2014

I'm trying to pass an integer array,

int[] fibSequence;

From my Fibonacci servlet to a jsp page called "result" but when I pass the array in the redirect I get the following output:


I figured out that this is because the array is being converted to string before it is passed over and then converted again on the jsp page.

How I can pass the array over and print the contents, ie an array of integers?

This is how I'm sending the array in the result page:

resp.sendRedirect(("result.jsp?fibSequence=" + fibSequence));

And this is how its being retrieved and printed on the result.jsp page:

<%String[] fibSequence = request.getParameterValues("fibSequence");%>
<input type="text" name="fibNum" value="<%=java.util.Arrays.deepToString(fibSequence)%>" size="40px" style="font-size:30pt;height:60px">

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Print Array Output On Different Lines

Nov 19, 2014

I've to read in an array of 1000 random numbers, and then my program sorts them depending on whether the user chooses bubblesort, selectionsort, etc...My code all works fine, my problem is with the actually output display. I have method that displays the content of the array that I call for the unsorted array, and for the sorted array. So at the moment the output to the user looks like:This program sorts an array of numbers by your choosing.

Array before sorting:
etc... for 1000 numbers

1. Bubble Sort
2. Selection Sort
3. Insertion Sort
4. Merge Sort
5. Quick Sort

Please enter your sort choice: 4

Array after sorting:
etc... for 1000 numbers

is there a way that I can display the unsorted and sorted array's content on various lines like so:

150 312 149 31 392 384 66
498 909 35 602 568 897 131
654 645 274 264 895 281 462
244 171 958 649 740 351 344

I just think it'll look nicer if I can do it like that.My display method looks like this:

//method to display array
public static int[] displayArray(int[] array){
//display array
for (int i =0; i < array.length; i++)


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