Serialize Array And Deserialize

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to serialize an array and deserialize, I believe the serialization is working but I have been able to read the file.I am getting this

Before serialization
After serialization
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)


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Serialize And Deserialize To A File - Uninitialized Fields

Aug 27, 2014

My code's objective is to serialize and deserialize to a file. I'm in the process of revising the code to allow multiple serializations and deserializations, but for now the code's limited to one serialization and deserialization. I'm also debugging one error, before I debug several others. I've limited my debugging question by accessing the field of one deserialization.

This is the code on pastie: [Code] ....

How to display the code on coderanch? I don't understand how to use the code widget.

I can successfully serialize an object, but I cannot deserialize it and access its fields. If you execute the program, create a new file, add ONE FullTimeEmployee object to the file and then read its firstName field, you'll be returned null.

I'm certain I initialized the field by using a constructor. I'm also pretty sure that I correctly casted Object (if I'm not mistaken,the generic type for a deserialization) into FullTimeEmployee

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Java - Cannot Deserialize Object

Feb 12, 2015

I can't deserialize my object, program is exited with crash.

See attached file.

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Construct Binary Tree And Deserialize Used File

Mar 23, 2014

package SystemandDesign.BinaryTree;
import java.util.List;

[Code] ....

So I am having trouble with trying to get the main method to work. The program is supposed to construct a BinaryTree, and deserialize a file that is used for the Tree.

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Call Web Service / Deserialize And Store In Collection

May 16, 2013

I am basically a Dot net developer. now im working on one Android project. my requirement is,

1. I have to call a web service, that will return XML data as String.
2. I have to read that XML string data.
3. Store those xml data into class collection(Collection is C# word, i dont know how here calling)

#1 i have done, #2 & #3 is pending. I knew reading xml is using SAX parser but, i dont know how to read from String using SAX.? Then how to store those XML data into a collection object.?

i tried with this link [URL] .... but, its confusing bcos, I am writing code Activity class but, there explaing with some Void Main class.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Serialize Java Components

Mar 9, 2015

I am trying to send a JPanel object to the server. While doing so I get the error - javax.swing.filechooser.WindowsFileSystemView
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)


How to fix this error?

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Servlets :: Cannot Serialize Session Attribute

Jan 11, 2015

I am getting following exception.

Jan 11, 2015 10:08:23 PM org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession writeObject
WARNING: Cannot serialize session attribute cart for session 2F9FF7A5ABC3620BD5B3BC0C4D46C558 org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DisposableConnectionFacade

[Code] .....

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How To Serialize Resource Bundle Class

May 13, 2014

In my application i'm using java.util.ResourceBundle class. This is not serialized. My application works perfectly in a single node. But if i moved it to clustered mode resource bundle object will not be replicated to other server becasue it's not serializable.

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Serialize Object To String And Vice-versa  Without Writing To A File

Feb 17, 2014

I want to convert an object to string and vice-versa without writing it to file as i want to pass that string to server.

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Simple Data Classes - Serialize More Complex Data Structure

Oct 6, 2014

I have written several simple data classes that I serialized manually by converting to text. At this point I need to serialize a more complex data structure. which will include lists of the simpler elements. Can serialize store and reconstitute this type of structure automatically or do I need to do this one manually as well? Consider the pseudocode below for a clarification of my question;

Java Code:

Class Hops{
String Name;
float Alpha Acid;
float Beta Acid;

Class Malt{
String Name;
float extract;

Class Recipie{
String Name;
CList HopList;
CList MaltList;

CList RecipieList; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I read the article on Serialization presented at tutorial point, but the example only showed a simple class, not lists of class members. What I want to do is serialize RecipieList, which consists of a CList of Recipies, which in turn consist of CLists of various ingredients.

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Generate 10 Random Integers / Store In Array And Then Calling A Method To Display Array

Nov 8, 2014

So I need to generate 10 random integers in the range 1-20 but i have to store them in an array called numbers. Then I have to call a method called displayArray which displays the contents of the array and for the assignment i have to use a for loop to traverse the array. The method header for the displayArray method is:

public static void displayArray(int[] array)

This is what I have done
public class RandomIntegers {
 static int numbers = 0;
public static void displayArray(int[] array) {
System.out.println(numbers + "Numbers Generated");

[Code] .....

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Create 2D Array Out Of CSV File And Find Number Of Elements To Determine Array Size

Mar 24, 2015

I am taking the Class Algorithms and Datastructures and got an assignment for Lab that really throws me off. The goal is to create an Array out of a given CSV file, implement several Methods that get the size of array, etc.

I am still stuck in the first part where the CSV has to be imported into the Array. My problem is that I need a mechanism that figures out the needed size for the Array, creates the array, and only then transfers the data from the CSV.

The list consists of the following wifi related values:

MAC-Adress, SSID, Timestamp, Signalstrength.

These are on the list, separated by comma. The Columns are each of these, and the rows are the four types of values making up the information on a certain wifi network.

The catch is, we are not allowed to use any of the following:

and any class out of java.util.Collection.

So far I used the BufferedReader to read in the file and tried to implement the array, but I get an arrayindexoutofboundsexception.

Below is my Code (Its still an active construction zone):

public class WhatsThere {
public WhatsThere(String wifiscan) throws IOException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// WhatsThere Liste = new WhatsThere(String wifiscan);
String[][] arrayListe = new String[0][0];

[Code] ....

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Blue Pelican Java - Array Of Hope - Char Array For Loops?

Feb 13, 2014

i am working on the same project and i got the code to make them print going down but not sideways.

public class ArrayofHope
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Decimal Character
for(int j = 65; j <= 90; j++)
System.out.println(" " + (char)j); //Character

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Java Number Spiral - Creating 2D Array With Given Input Of Dimensions Of Array

Aug 3, 2014

I am working on a problem where i have to create a 2d array with given input of the dimensions (odd number) of array, along with a number within the array and to then print out all of the numbers surrounding that number.

Anyway, i am working on simply making the spiral, which should look like the one below.

n = 3

7 8 9
6 1 2
5 4 3

where the 1 always starts in the center with the 2 going to the right, 3 down, then left etc. etc. I was able to create the code by starting on the outer edges rather than the center and working my way to the middle, however my code always starts from the top left and goes around to the center where it needs to start from the top right. I am having trouble altering my code to meet this criteria. This is what i have thus far.

public class Spiral
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.print("Enter the number of elements : ");
int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

[Code] .....

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Populate Array Using Nested Loops With Letter From A Until Y And Display Array To Screen

Nov 15, 2014

We were given a class lab that asks us to write a program that create a multidimensional array ( 5 x 5 ), populates the array using nested loops with letter from A until Y, and displays the array to the screen. and the result should look like this:


How to write this program.. I have tried all my best but the results are not coming like this..

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Cannot Assign Cloned String Array To Generic Type Array

Jun 21, 2014

I have the following code in which I am looping through the rows of one array (composed of Strings) and copying it to another array. I am using .clone() to achieve this and it seems work as it changes the memory location of the rows themselves. I did notice that the String objects are still pointing to the same location in memory in both arrays but I won't worry about that for now, at the moment I just want to understand why the array I am cloning is not successfully assigning to the other array.

This is the incorrect line: ar[r] = maze[r].clone();

My code:

private String[][] maze = {{"*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*","*","*"},
{"*"," ", "*"," "," "," ","*"," ","*","*"},
{"*"," ","*","*","*"," ","*"," ","*","*"},
{"*"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","*"},
{"*","*","*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*"},
{"*","*","*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*"}};
//private String[][] mazeCopy = copyMaze(new String[6][10]);
private <T> T[][] copyMaze(T[][] ar){
for (int r = 0; r < ar.length; r++){
ar[r] = maze[r].clone();
return ar;

My compiler says: Required: T[]. Found: java.lang.String[]

Since ar[r] is an array and .clone() also returns an array why is this line incorrect.

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Method That Returns New Array By Eliminating Duplicate Values In Array

Jun 15, 2014

Write a method that returns a new array by eliminating the duplicate values in the array using the following method header: public static int[] eliminateDuplicates(int[] list). The thing is that I found the working solution that is written below, but how it works. How to eliminateDuplicates method done with flag and flag2.

Here is the code:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise06_15 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(;
int[] numbers = new int[10];
System.out.println("Enter ten numbers: ");


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Array Index OutOfBounds Exception While Moving Creature Through 2D Array

Oct 13, 2014

I am receiving an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for the following code, which moves a creature through a 2D array maze. I have altered the clauses of the first if statement for the four direct methods (north, south, east, and west) multiple times (i.e. x + 1 >= 0 && x > 0 && x - 1 > 0 && x < array.length...etc). However, while the code occasionally runs, more often than that it returns this exception. Catching the exception seems like a poor workaround though if worst comes to worst I'll do that.

I included only the relevant functions of the code:

public boolean goNorth(char[][] array) {
boolean success = true;;
x = getX();
//x = this.x;
y = getY();
//y = this.y;
if ((x - 1 >= 0 && x - 1 < array.length)
&& (y >= 0 && y < array[x].length)) {

[Code] .....

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Array Initialization Method - Filling Entire Array With Last Input Value

Feb 7, 2015

I am passing input from the user to a method that will initialize an array of the data (scores in this case). The method is filling the entire array with the last input value.

array initializer method

Java Code:

public static float[] inputAllScores(float validScore) {
float[] diverScores = new float[7];
for (int i = 0; i < diverScores.length; i++) {
diverScores[i] = validScore;
return diverScores;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

[Code] .....

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Array Based Implementation Of A Stack - Generic Array Creation

Oct 10, 2014

So I have this stack. I'm writing out all the operations and what not but I'm having trouble bypassing this "generic array creation" problem. I'm meant to be creating an array based implementation of a stack and from my research from google and my various attempts at things, I have not found a solution that works.

In addition; I have all the operations written that I need except for one final one. And that is clear(). clear() is meant to empty the array, essentially it is a popAll() method. Then all I need to do is set up so I can print out the arrays and I should be able to handle everything else.


An interface for the ADT stack.
public interface StackInterface<T>
/** Adds a new entry to the top of this stack.
@param newEntry an object to be added to the stack */
public void push(T newEntry);

/** Removes and returns this stackÕs top entry.
@return either the object at the top of the stack or, if the stack is empty before the operation, null
public T pop();

[Code] ....

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Transfer Random Array Values To A Separate Array?

Feb 16, 2015

filling out a Random array: An Array of Specific Length Filled with Random Numbers This time what I need to do is take the elements from this Random array and assign them to a new Byte array:

for(int i = 0; i < limit-10; i++) {
Random dice = new Random();
int randomIndex = dice.nextInt(array.length);
if (array[randomIndex] < 128) {
System.out.print(array[randomIndex] + " ");
} else if (array[randomIndex] >= 128) {
System.out.print(array[i] + " ");

byte[] noteValues = new byte[]

{ 64, 69, 72, 71, 64, 71, 74, 72, 76, 68, 76 }; //This is the byte array filled manually!

I've tried amending the manual input to fit in with the Random array, as follows:

byte[] noteValues = new byte[]
{ array[randomIndex] };

In this case, however, the Byte array can't interpret the int values. Also, if the Byte array is outside the 'for' loop, array[randomIndex] cannot be resolved.

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Convert 2D Array To String Using ToString To Print Array

Apr 19, 2015

Trying to convert 2D array to String using toString() to be able to print the array but when I try to use it I just get the memory location

public class Forest
private int h;
private int w;
private double p = 0.7;
private int[][] f;
Forest(int w, int h)


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JButton Cycling - Display Whole Array Instead Of Just Next Array Position

May 17, 2014

JButton btnNext = new JButton("Next");
btnNext.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
for (int i = 0; i < bkSorted.length; i++)
" + bkSorted[i+1]);

When I click the button, it displays the whole array, instead of just the next array position. What am I doing wrong?

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Accept Array Of Ints And Squares Each Element Of Array

May 13, 2014

I need to write a method that accepts an array of ints and squares each element of the array. No creating new arrays and no returning any values.

public void squareInts(int[] ints) {
for(int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
ints[i] = (ints[i] * ints[i]);

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Convert Array Of Integers To Array Of Characters And Then Print It Out

Feb 13, 2014

I have double checked this code over and over and I just can't find the problem.

What I'm trying to do is take a file and input it into an 2D array.

Ultimately, I should convert the array of integers to an array of characters, then print it out. The file contains a set of ASCII values.

After printing it out, I should then create methods to manipulate the image produced.

Using 2D arrays is a requirement for this exercise.

I think that somehow I'm overcomplicating this and the solution is a lot more simple than I think, but I can't think of what to change.

The error I am getting is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 40
at main.main(

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws FileNotFoundException {
String[][] data = new String[22][40];

[Code] .....

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Convert String Array To Char Array

Apr 12, 2015

I have an array of Strings, one on each line and I need to convert them into an array of char's.

For Example:


In order to accomplish that I did the following-

String[] lotsOfText = a.gettingAnArrayAsAReturn();
char [][] myCharArray = new char [lotsOfText.length] [lotsOfText.length];
for(int i=0; i<lotsOfText.length; i++){
for(int j=0;j<lotsOfText[i].length();j++){
myCharArray[i][j] = lotsOfText[j].charAt(j); }}

But whenever I try this and then try to print the output :

for (int i = 0; i < lotsOfText.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < lotsOfText[i].length(); j++) {

I get nothing. I'm not sure what's the flaw in my logic, is it the char array initialization that's wrong or is it something else ?

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