Servlets :: Calling JSP Page

Mar 25, 2014

I am calling a jsp page from my servlet using the requestdispatcher.forward(myjsp.jsp) method. myjsp.jsp is creating a new thread which is parallely processing along with the servlet. The issue is that the jsp page is not displayed until the servlet finishes its execution, although the new thread is created by jsp and is executing in parallel. How do we have the jsp page displayed even when the servlet is executing.

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JSF :: File Upload And Prevent Refresh Calling Page

Apr 1, 2014

I have a JSF page (called MainPage) with a commandButton: clicking on it, I open a modal panel with a <Rich:fileUpload> component, related to a listener in corresponding bean.

When I start to upload a file, page MainPage starts to refresh, but I would like to prevent this because it's not necessary.

I tried to "play" with <Rich:fileUpload> property values, but nothing seems to work and I don't know what to do anymore.

Here is file upload component

<rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{pannelloUploadBean.uploadListener}"

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: DoGet Is Launched Twice Through Annotation Calling

Oct 24, 2014

For some reasons my servlet doGet method is being called twice. I am calling servlet from the index.jsp page by using servlet annotation "/Profile/*. And it passes path as localhost:1919/Profile/username to getPost method.

<li><a href="Profile/<%=lg.getUsername()%>">Your Profile</a></li>

Servlet Profile retrieves data from the java container stores it as an attribute and forwards to profile.jsp page.

rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/profile.jsp");
request.setAttribute("ProfileInfo", proInfo);
rd.forward(request, response);

My profile.jsp page uses java code to show all the data (and it shows it perfectly). But then I click link to the next update_profile.jsp page. Just simple link. Then I realize that on this step for strange reasons for me doGet method from Profile servlet is called the second time. And passes path as localhost:1919/Profile/update_profile.jsp

Here is my profile.jsp code:

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

[Code] ....

And update_profile.jsp file is just simple file with <h1>hello</h1> output. I have looked in the internet that this might be a mapping problem or my css relative path connection problem. As you see I have commented out my css connection and problem still exists. My run output in the IDE also shows these errors:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /profile.jsp at line 27

24: %>
25: <article>
27: <h2>User: <%=proInfo.getUsername()%>
28: </h2>
30: <h3>First name: <%=proInfo.getFirstname()%>

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

[Code] .....

And my tomcat run configuration settings: [URL] .... and [URL] ....

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Servlets :: Calling To Download Soap Response File

Oct 2, 2014

I have a class that do a soap request to a web service , the response is containing a base64 string repressing a file content , how can i send this string to a servlet (maybe any other way) to send it to the user as a downloaded file .

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Servlets :: How To Get URL Of JSP Page

May 20, 2014

I am trying to use iText to create a PDF document. I found a nice tutorial online but one thing stumps me. How do I get the URL of the JSP page that contains the content? Since this will not be static, I don't want to hard code this. I am sure this is something simple but I am fairly new to servlets and JSP.

String File_To_Convert = "test.htm";

How do I get the url of the JSP page?

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Servlets :: How To Convert Into Jsp Page

May 22, 2014

I have to convert servlet into jsp. but i dnt know how to convert servlet into jsp.This is my Servlet

package com.example.imagecalculation;
import java.awt.List;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;


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Servlets :: How To Move To Another JSP Page

Mar 27, 2014

I have created a authentication servlet as follows :

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/* Connexion la base de donnees */
try {
System.out.println("Driver O.K.");


I just want to know how can i move to another jsp page from my servlet.

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Servlets :: How To Set Values Into JSP Page From Database

May 30, 2014

I want to set the values coming from database with multiple field's Through AJAX and Custom XML. How to do ???

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Servlets :: How To Import XML Out To JSP Page Using Checkboxes

Jan 24, 2014

I have xml-outout now i need to import to jsp page by using checkboxes...

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Servlets :: Making JSP Page To Display On First Request

Jan 7, 2015

my Servlet as I would like my Servlet to run first and to create a session var then forward the value to the JSP (the GUI ) and have the JSP able to send a var back to the Servlet for reprocessing and update the session var to again be sent to the JSP and so on . - The Servlet contains logic to handle incorrect input types and directly out puts a HTML error page..

Below I will add the code I have so far and a link to the question in my Text Book.

My code:

JSP Page:

bank.JSP :

//Starts outputting the HTML Form


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JSP :: Unable To Pass Values From Page To Servlets

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to pass values from JSP Page to Servlets but I am getting a NullPointerException

Here is my JSP code

<title>Student Registration Form</title>
<style type="text/css">
h3{font-family: Calibri; font-size: 22pt; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color:SlateBlue;
text-align: center; text-decoration: underline }
table{font-family: Calibri; color:white; font-size: 11pt; font-style: normal;


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Servlets :: Download Text From JSP Page By Request

Jul 3, 2014

I have a code that writes the text file uploaded in a server but I want to write a text that I get it from jsp page by request, how can I write it?

FileInputStream fileToDownload ;
private static final int BYTES_DOWNLOAD = 1024;
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException{
String name = request.getParameter("n");

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Login To Specific Page Like Facebook

Nov 5, 2014

There are two designation named admin and student. I just need to work in coding to open specific page by email of person like done in facebook or any other mail account.

well one thing I have done is that I have matched email,password and type(designation) in my servlet page to database and the program run and also open the page.If email,pass,type matched witn admin than admin.jsp opens up else student.jsp.But but I wants to open the specific pafe by email that shows the profile of logged in user like in facebook it opens.

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Servlets :: How To Create Dynamic Table In View Page

Mar 28, 2014

What i have done till now is i make a table in html explicitly (by assigning fixed rows and columns) . Now what i want is to show a table of whose number of rows and columns are generated dynamically according to the table in the database.

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Servlets :: Make Array From DB Results To Send To JSP Page?

Jun 25, 2014

I can now call the DB on the query I want and return results. What I know want to do is build an array of the data, forward it to the JSP page and display the bits individually.

So THis is the Servlet I havce:

package com.journaldev.jdbc.datasource;
import java.awt.List;
import java.sql.Connection;


I think It is to do either with the way I am adding the values to User or its the forward:

getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/test.jsp").forward(request, response);

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Servlets :: Call Constructor / Method Upon Redirecting To Another Page?

Aug 13, 2014

I have login.jsp and home.jsp.

Each have its own servlets.

When I click Login button from login.jsp, it will navigate to home.jsp.

But before displaying home.jsp from he user, I want to call's constructor/method.

This is because I want to populate a dropdown from home.jsp from a database.

I'm using MVC2 Servlet/JSP/Bean framework and AMAP, I do not want to execute javascripts/jquery for populating dropdowns.

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Servlets :: Creating MVC Java Login Page Web Application

Apr 13, 2014

// MY login.jsp class

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<jsp:useBean id="person" scope = "request" class = ""/>

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Implement (Keep Me Signed In) Option In Login Page Of Application

Jun 2, 2014

I want to implement a 'Keep me signed in' option in the login page of an application. I have noticed this option is present in the form of a checkbox on the login page of many websites but i don't know how it can be coded . When selected, a user is no longer asked for his username and password on subsequent sessions but he is automatically given access.

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Servlets :: Save PDF And Images From Web Page - Root Directory When Deploying App

Feb 7, 2014

I have an app that saves pdfs and images from a web page. The web sections send info to the server elements running in Java. I have hardcoded the path to where the images and pdfs need to be saved but on the server, these paths will be different. I'd prefer to just save them to something like:


or something. How do I find out what my root directory is so that I can make the path relative instead of hard coded?

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Servlets :: HTML To Servlet And Come Back To Same Page With Field Values

Apr 11, 2014

i have one html page ,inside html radio button and 3 textboxes and one submit button ->action->> from here again come back to html page with checked radio buttton value and text box value. I dont want to click back button in this case, html page to servlet->here i have to call back to my html page with checked radio button and text box value .

I tried response.redirect(original.html)-->i cant able to display checked radio button and textbox value also tried requestdispatcher forward/include,html page comes newly from starting but i dont want it,i want to view in html page with checked radio button and text box value.

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Servlets :: How Does Web Server Differentiates Between Request For Static And Dynamic Web Page

Mar 4, 2014

How does web server differentiates between request for static web page and request for dynamic web page? i think if web server receives request for static page directly renders that to server or else if request is for dynamic web page passes that to web app which processes the request and renders that to client. bUT how does web server differentiates between both the request.

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Servlets :: Content Type Is Getting Text / Plain When Double Click On Page Not In First Time

Dec 14, 2014

we have deployed application on web sphere server and using servlets and jsp only.

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart - Show Text Based On Which Page A User Is Coming From

May 30, 2014

I am making a shopping cart app in JSP and servlets to bring it all together. Finally.

I have a registration servlet (c1), a registration form jsp (c2), a login jsp (c3). c1 checks if a username is in the database or not.

If the username is not there, then register the user and send them to c3. I want c3 to display a "registration successful" message if a user has just registered successfully and is coming from c1. ELSE, take the user back to c2 with a message which tells them to choose a different username or password etc.

How do I implement the logic of showing a message depending on where a user is coming from ? The servlets and jsps are ready and I only need to add this logic for a custom message. Of course, I could make a JSP for Registration Successful and one for Registration Failure. But, that seems to be unnecessary.

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Servlets :: Calling DoGet Of Child Class From Service Of Parent Class

May 28, 2014

Regarding the lifecycle of servlet , in headfirst servlet i can find :

You normally will NOT override the service() method, so the one from HttpServlet will run. The service() method figures out which HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) is in the request, and invokes the matching doGet() or doPost() method. The doGet() and doPost() inside HttpServlet don’t do anything, so you have to override one or both. This thread dies (or is put back in a Container-managed pool) when service() completes.

How can I call the doGet method of the subclass from the superclass. i am not getting this .

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Servlets :: Updating Session Value But Same Session In JSP Page Not Updated

Jul 8, 2014

I am developing a e-commerce college project, here i add the items in the cart(a div tag in the jsp page) via servlet by creating sessions,

flow control: shopping jsp (when user wants to add an item in the cart) --> item servlet (which is used to create session and synchronized it) --> cart servlet(which is used to add items in the arraylist and show them in the shopping.jsp's div tag + it also sets the total purchase amount in the session variable "totalpurchase")

now after that user wants to proceed to checkout, here i use the onclick event to check the minimumshopping amount must be less than the totalpurchase (totalpurchase which i had setted in the session),but my jsp page is unable to rechognise the updated value of the totalpurchase, yes, if i reload the page, it rechognises the new updated value of the totalpurchase? but i want it to rechognise the updated total purchase value, without reloading he jsp page..

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JSP :: Extracting Information About Previous Page From Where Current Page Came

Jan 31, 2015

I have to implement a system where I have to do almost same processing on a jsp page. The slight differences on the present page is based on whether the current page came from page 1 or page 2. So how can I do this?

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