Servlets :: Form Based JAAS - How To Implement Login System Explicitly Outside Container

Jan 30, 2014

I have configured form based JAAS in my app. Basically, in web.xml I have declared security constraints on certain jsp page, declared specific roles, login and error pages. So, my login form is:

<form id="loginForm" action="j_security_check" method="post">
<label for="name">Username</label> <input name="j_username"
id="username" type="text" required/>

[Code] ....

This works fine when some user tries to access some of the pages declared in <security-constraint> tag of web.xml.

Container automatically manages login process, redirects to login page and if login details are valid, gives access to secured page.

Now, how should I implement login system so that user can go to login page (possibly same login form) and log in from there?

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Servlets :: Explicitly Process JSP From Within Container

Nov 3, 2014

I am looking for a way to have a Servlet (my container is Tomcat) calling a JSP file and processing it in order to retrieve the generated HTML. The compete scenario:

I have virtual shop and whenever a purchase is being carried out, the customer is redirected to a Servlet that post-processes the purchase (list of the items, etc.)

Among all these, the Servlet is also supposed to send me an email about the new purchase. I would like to have nice designed HTML mail and not just a simple plain text notification. I thought of having a designated JSP as a view, and it will only be available from the Servlet container, for this purpose. One way is having the Servlet create an HTTPClient (or any other method of network communication) to my own host and ask for the JSP.

I wonder if there is a simpler way to ask my own container to process a JSP, since I am not really making a request to an outside web application. Something like getServletContext.processAndReturnJsp("mail.jsp")

BTW, if you think my approach is too cumbersome to fill an email with HTML code, it would be great to know of a simpler way.

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Servlets :: Login Form Not Showing Any Output?

Jul 26, 2014

iam unable to view my login form using servlet below are my files....

package com.peg.servUserLogin;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;


i tried ruuning my LoginServ file and i get no error but i also i am not getting any output..(loging page)

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Servlets :: Restrict User To Login From One System At A Time

Apr 23, 2014

In My application I want to implement functionality to let user login from only one system at a time. I am searching for something that can Identify the system uniquely (Like IP address or Mac address ). I am using servlet and I don't know how to access Mac in servelt

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Servlets :: Implement (Keep Me Signed In) Option In Login Page Of Application

Jun 2, 2014

I want to implement a 'Keep me signed in' option in the login page of an application. I have noticed this option is present in the form of a checkbox on the login page of many websites but i don't know how it can be coded . When selected, a user is no longer asked for his username and password on subsequent sessions but he is automatically given access.

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Servlets :: HTTP Status 404 Error In Basic Login Form

May 22, 2014

I'm trying to learn java by making a login page using java, servlet, javascript, html and mysql. I can login with username and password, I can get all the information from database in the edit page. However, when I edit and click on "Submit" in EditPage.jsp, it gives HTTP Status 404. Same screen appears when I click on "Sign Up" from first page (NewFile.jsp) and click on "Submit" button after filling up user information.

I am posting all my code here but probably important ones are:

EditPage.jsp,,, and for Sign Up SignUpPage.jsp and

Firstly here are my error message and ss from my project explorer:

Here is my code:
package com.amzi.servlets;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Designing A Secure / Standard Login System In J2EE

Jul 29, 2014

Things in mind while designing a secure, standard login system in J2EE . Code snippets ....

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Servlets :: Login Form - All Attributes Are Null And HTTP Status 404 Error In Some Cases

May 20, 2014

I'm a new Java user and I'm trying to code a simple login page. In first page (NewFile.jsp) users should enter their username and password and should click on "login", or click on "sign up".

1.) If user enters his username and password correctly, a login page (LoginPage.jsp) appears and says "welcome null" but it should show the name of that user instead of null.

2.) In that login page there is an edit button to edit profile information. When I clicked on it, every information is "null" and when I edit them and click on "Submit" button;

HTTP Status 404 -
type Status report
description The requested resource () is not available.
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2

that message appears.

3.) If I click on "Sign Up" button at the beginning, a registration jsp (SignUpPage.jsp) appears. After filling up text boxes and clicking on "Submit", same Status 404 screen appears.

I created a mysql database called "loginpage" using xampp. In that database there is a table called "users" and it has un, pass, name, surname, email and degree attributes.

Here is a screenshot of my project explorer:

Here is my code:

1. NewFile.jsp

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"

[Code] .....

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Implement Type Of Container

Mar 15, 2014

I want to implement a kind of "container" in which to store objects (instances) of different types. Then with an iterator I'd call common methods. This is what I have in mind:

Java Code:
translate(2, 0, 4);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Where translate(x, y, z) is a method common for objects in Positionables which objects are of different types (Sphere, Box etc.).

Now I was thinking Positionables could be a List<Positionable> and Positionable is an abstract class and Sphere and Box extends from it. But I don't know how to propagate the call of translate() to the subclasses.

What are the best approaches for this matter? It would be perfect if I could make it so I could somehow use the "with" construction like in the example above.

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Swing Login Form With MySQL

Feb 8, 2015

I'm trying to create a userlogin program using mysql. I have an error at line 70.

package userDatabasePack;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class UserLogin {
public static void main (String[]args) throws SQLException{


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Printer Access Login System

Mar 22, 2014

How to hold/cancel print job once it has already been put into the queue in windows with java code?

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How To Hide A Password In Login System

Jan 26, 2015

I've made a login system with a username and a password. The password is visible and I wanna hide it, how do I do that? Here is my code (have used swing);

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Password implements ActionListener {
private String Username = "hudhud";
private String Password = "fitness";

[Code] ......

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Servlets :: HTML Form - Possible To Send Data (image / Text) Along A Single Form

Jan 8, 2015

I want to understand how is it possible to send data (image + text) along a single form. Here is my code:

<form method="post" action="updateAccount"
<input type="file" name="file" value="Select image ..." /> <input
type="submit" value="Start Upload" /> <br>
<textarea rows="8" cols="54" name="about">Yes

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Login Form In 3 Tire Arch Using Swing With Pojo

Feb 26, 2014

I am new to java(beginner) and i am not aware of servlets, yet to learn i want a simple login app using swing in 3tire arch using pojos.

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Create A Simple User Database That Could Eventually Turn Into A Login System

Jun 6, 2014

So I'm trying to create a simple user database that I could eventually turn into a login system. I created a simple table on MySQL with a name and address for the sake of simplicity. I tried to create simple statement inside my main method that would connect to my MySQL server and when I run my program I get a ClassNotFoundException from ""..Here is what I have in my main method thus far:

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
Class.forName(""); //Load the driver
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/data", "root", ""); //Connect
conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE people (" + "id int(64) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "name varchar(255) NOT NULL," + "address varchar(255) NOT NULL," + "UNIQUE (id)," + "FULLTEXT(name, address))");


I downloaded Connector/J in the the binary .zip form and extracted it to my C: drive and put the .jar file into my java directories lib folder. I also added the directory of the .jar file into my CLASSPATH and I still get the exception.

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JSF :: How To Implement Finger Printing System In Web Application

May 9, 2014

I'm currently meddling with javaScript in order to implement a fingerPrinting system in my web application. I've developed the following example in which I can get all the necessarily data:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""

[Code] ....

Which works correctly.

So when I tried to run it in the following page:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<html xmlns=""
<title>SET - Simulador Econômico Tendências</title>

[Code] .....

It simply won't work!

The function faz() is called and only the first "alert" popup is called, the second one which should show what is returned by dadosDaTela() isn't generated, why is that?

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How To Implement Basic Text-based Rpg Game In A Website

Jan 13, 2015

I started programming some time ago and i recently finished a game i've been programming in Java just to get used to the code. The game is a simple text-based RPG where almost everything is random except the character movement.

I've been thinking about learning HTML and CSS because i'm really interested in building webpages. I have no one to ask this question so here i am.

Is there a way to implement my game in a webpage?

I imagine a black window exactly like a classic OS terminal where the text is streamed and the user can play the game with keyboard inputs. I made the game with 5 different classes, i used Eclipse and i have my project there. Should i use a service like Github to share works like this one?

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Design And Develop Program To Implement Lazy Buddy System Algorithm

Jul 19, 2014

I want to know the java code for lazy buddy system algorithm which can be run in eclipse or netbeans

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Servlets :: Redirect After Login

Jan 30, 2014

I have a secured Struts application in WebSphere that uses FORM j_security_check for authentication.There is also a Post Logon "filter" defined which runs some code after a login is processed.The extract from web.xml showing the login configuration and filter is as follows:



If a user isn't logged into the application and they try to access one of the secured servlets, for example, they are directed to the login page to enter their information.If they login successfully, they are then directed to, rather than the default "welcome" page. Is there a setting in the web.xml or the post logon filter where I can force j_security_check to ALWAYS go to the default welcome page after a successful login?

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Annotation And Reflection Based Settings Saving System Library

Sep 12, 2014

I have been recently been working on a library to handle loading and saving settings in a Java application using annotations. Here is how the library is used currently:

package main;
import dhuk.settings.main.SettingsManager;
import dhuk.settings.main.SettingsTarget;
public class Main{
public final String keybinds = "keybinds.txt", settings = "settings.txt"; // Constant strings to be used as the file's paths
SettingsManager sm = SettingsManager.instance; // Singleton used to manage all of the settings files.

[Code] .....

Here is a link to my bitbucket repository: Click Here

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Servlets :: Not Seem To Work For First Login Request

Mar 26, 2014

After confirmation to the login details I added new cookie having logging information and then dispatched this request to controller servlet where this cookie is checked if it is present then user is forwarded to a particular page. Otherwise is redirected to the sign in page. Now the problem is when we add cookies then it is added into "response" object and when we get cookies we get them from "request" object. So for the first time redirection to controller servlet "response" object would not have this cookie as it is not available in "request" object. But will be available for later requests.

My question is what is the way to get this cookie in the first request. Or is there any way to send refresh like response to the browser so that this cookie is added??

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Launch Windows Directly Into JAVA Based Password Entry System?

Apr 5, 2014

Is it possible to launch windows, specifically 8.1, directly into a java based program which would serve as the password entry screen? That is to say, instead of using the standard windows screen, could a java based alternative be used?

I have the source code used on I would absolutely kill to have a tweaked version of this system act as my password entry screen. It is literally something Ive wanted to have done for ages, and this emulation finally means it may be possible.

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Show System Tray Or Desktop Notification From Web Application Based On Java

Nov 23, 2014

The explanation is a bit lengthy because I just tried to explain everything in one shot.

Link to the question

java - Show a System Tray notification or Desktop notification from the web application

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Servlets :: How To Create One Login And Have Other WARs Reference It

May 6, 2014

I'm trying to design a website that will require users to register and login before they use it. In order to keep things separate, I was thinking it might be useful to create a single web archive that just handles the user signup and login. That way I could work on my other web archive apps independently and have them just check to see if the user has logged in and posted a token somewhere, and if not redirect to the login webpage.

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Servlets :: Login To Specific Page Like Facebook

Nov 5, 2014

There are two designation named admin and student. I just need to work in coding to open specific page by email of person like done in facebook or any other mail account.

well one thing I have done is that I have matched email,password and type(designation) in my servlet page to database and the program run and also open the page.If email,pass,type matched witn admin than admin.jsp opens up else student.jsp.But but I wants to open the specific pafe by email that shows the profile of logged in user like in facebook it opens.

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Servlets :: Create A Session After Login And Invalid It After Logout

Apr 1, 2014

How can i create a session when i loged in and how can i invalid it when i logout?

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