Servlets :: How To Obtain Contents Of Td

Mar 19, 2014

i have created a table in jsp, i want to obtain the contents of a td at the servlet.For example, here's one td of table:

<td align="center" title="tdun" id="cat"> <%= categoryname %> </td>

I want to get this value in my servlet .

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Obtain Color From Borders

Oct 10, 2014

I'm doing this project where I need to make a persian carpet using recursive methods. I already have my recursive what I'm trying to implement is the use of color. My method BorderColor draws a square using a random color choose from an array.

public void Cuadrado(Graphics g){
Random color = new Random();
g.drawLine(left, top, right, top);
g.drawLine(left, top, left, bottom);

[Code] ....

What I'm trying to do is getting the color from 4 different corners in order to create a new one and make a recursive call. I already tried using the method getPixelColor from the Robot() object but I quit it because is a recursive method and it may cause trouble with the recursive stack. I created this method to create the new color and then call it in the PersianRug method, but I dont have a clue on how to obtain and implement the new colors.

public int newColor(int c,int c1,int c2,int c3, int a){
int c4=((c+c1+c2+c3)%13)*a;
return c4;

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To Obtain Explanation On Singleton Implementation

Jan 11, 2014

I've found following code for Singleton Implementation from this forum, I am having a difficulty of understanding following,

1. When Singleton instance will be created, ( From which call ) ?

2. What feature of Static Inner class allow object to be singleton ?

3. How Inner Class implementation is thread safe ?

4. What will happen if variable "instance" mark as non-static, Will it still grantee singleton implementation ?

Java Code:

public class Singleton {
// Note private constructor
private Singleton() {}
private static class SingletonInner {
private final static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
public static Singleton getInstance() {
return SingletonInner.instance;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Obtain Dice As Text Not Numbers

Oct 2, 2014

package dicedemo;
public class DiceDemo {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here

final int Die1_SIDES = 6; // Number of side of dice 1
final int Die2_SIDES = 6; // Number of side of dice 2
// Create two instances of the Die class.

[Code] ....

I need converting the number output to text: example one, two, three, etc.

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EJB / EE :: How To Obtain 2 Different SLSB By Two Successive Calls

Oct 4, 2014

I use jboss eap 6.2 under eclipse.I perform a tutorial on EJB and I want to show the difference between a stateless session bean and a statefull session bean. I want demonstrate that the first one keep its state (if it has one) but that 2 successive don't send back necessarily the same SLSB : it send back the SLSB that is ready in the pool. But I don't suceed in obtaining 2 different SLSB by 2 successive call. The system always send me back the same SLSB.

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Obtain Server Specifications Based On Application

Jun 19, 2014

a new java executable file which does heavy processing (batch). Development hasn't really started yet and the design phase is just beginning. Now the client is asking us to give them the minimum server specs to be able to run our application..I'm thinking this can't be done without performance testing, which will be after development. Is there a better and faster way to be able to assess this?

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How To Assign Numbers Obtain From Modular Equation To Certain Position In Array

Apr 16, 2015

My biggest issues are as follows:

1) I'm trying to use a logarithm to determine the length of a user input number. I keep getting an error stating <> indetifier expected. I'm assuming this means that the program is not recognizing the function of a logarithm. I know that normally you can include that information in the method, but my teacher has stated specifically that each of these methods be called something else, as shown in the code.

2) I'm not quite sure I understand how to assign the numbers I obtain from the modular equation to a certain position in the array. As I'm asking the user to input any number these values can change so therefore I can't simply state that first number = this place.Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.*;
public class getSize
public static void main( String[] args )


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Viewing Jar File Contents?

Jan 17, 2014

I have a jar file. I need to open and see the source code in the jar file to override some of the style related code like primefaces-3.4 related


How do I see jar content.

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Validating The Contents Of A File?

Oct 21, 2014

I have the assignment of making an application that reads a file and then validates the contents to create a statistical report.

I have managed to have the application read the contents but im completely puzzled on how the validating works.

Is there coding in the file that put the numbers and words into the correct data types or is that also done in the application?

The application is to read the file of rugby scores and the produce the report with the amount of goals scored.

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JTable Height Should Fit To The Contents

Jul 24, 2014

I have a jTable with one or 40 rows in it.

The problem is, also when I have only one row in my jTable, the size of the jTable is a little more bigger than 40 rows.

How can I say the jTable, that she should scale to the size of the content?

I don`t want that the jTable is bigger than the content. For example the picture below:

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Print Contents Of Arraylist In Object

Nov 7, 2014

i have a class that creates an object made of 2 strings and an arraylist

class Users{
private String ip;
private String userName;
private ArrayList <String>cons=new ArrayList();
Users(String i_p,String un,ArrayList con){//construc

[Code] .....

This object then gets returned to an arraylist of these objects

static ArrayList<Users>users=new ArrayList();

My question is how can i then get the arraylist from this object to print its contents?

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JSP :: Displaying Hindi Contents In Servlet?

Jul 9, 2014

I want to display hindi contents in servlet but it is displaying in following format-

निवासी. मैं ऊपर नाम साक्षी, सत्यनिष् ा वाणी है और नीचे के रूप में घोषित:

I have tried to change pageEncoding, characterEncoding and contentType in both jsp and servlet but i haven't got success.

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Printing Contents Of Linked List

Feb 17, 2015

I'm trying to print the contents of my linked list. I'm using nodes and within those nodes it hold String data. So i want to print out the data within the nodes. Whenever i do


it prints perfectly. But i'm trying to use a method where it would loop through the list and print out the data for every node in it. when i run my print method i get results such as


Here is my print method i created

Java Code:

public void print(){
Node<E> current = head;
while ( != null){
current =;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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How To Print Contents Of Java Bean

Mar 24, 2015

I'm trying to debug a program and I need to see the values in a Bean. I tried

" system.out.println(" packagePricing, packBean= "+packBean);"

but that just gives me

" packagePricing, packBean=com.voxportal.web.device.PackageBean@73dde7ae"

which I think is a reference to the bean but not the actual contents of the Bean.

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Function That Will Add Contents Of String Array

Sep 18, 2014

Write a function that will add the contents of a String array.

1. This time the input array to your function will be an array of Strings.

2. Your function body will be similar except you'll have to convert each String to a double number.

public class SumVals2 {
String aryVals[];
double result;


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How To View Contents Of ISO File In Java

Jul 15, 2014

Any method of viewing the contents of an .ISO in java. my searches so far have said to use the java api loopy but I cant find hardly any information on it and i have been unable to use it correctly so far. If there is no way to just view the .ISO file contents then extracting its contents and then viewing them would also be fine how to do that.

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Showing Contents Of File In Texteditor

Jul 16, 2014

I have query regarding showing contents of file in texteditor.

I am working on web app where user can open a fille from drop down list of files .

when user will select a particular file and open it , then file should be open in editor to modify its contents in web app.

can u tell me how can i do this, without applets.

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How To View Contents Of ISO File In Java

Jul 15, 2014

Any method of viewing the contents of an .ISO in java. my searches so far have said to use the java api loopy but I cant find hardly any information on it and i have been unable to use it correctly so far. If there is no way to just view the .ISO file contents then extracting its contents and then viewing them would also be fine ....

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View Class Contents Of ByteCode?

Apr 10, 2014

I want to view contents of ByteCode. I used Notepadd++ to view it but it displays as nonsense. Is it possible to view .class content?

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Using RetainAll To Compare Contents Of Sets

Nov 16, 2014

I am trying to re factor the below code, so that the winning lotto numbers can be checked against more than one lotto line e.g. if the user decided to buy two lotto tickets.

public class Lottery {
public static final int NUMBERS = 6;
public static final int MAX_NUMBER = 40;

public static void main(String[] args) {
// get winning number and ticket sets
Set<Integer> winningNumbers = createWinningNumbers();
Set<Integer> ticket = getTicket();


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Transferring Contents Of Text Area Of One Jframe To Another?

Mar 14, 2015

trying to tranfer content of a text area on one jframe to a text area in another

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Disable Entire Jpanel And All Its Contents

Oct 23, 2014

I'd like to enable/disable a jpanel and it's entire contents in one fell swoop. I could of course call each component's .setEnabled() method, but I figured there must be a better way!

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Writing Out Contents Of JFrame To A File?

Aug 20, 2014

I obtained the following code online which purports to get the content of the JFrame:

public BufferedImage getScreenShot(
Component component) {
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(

[Code] .....

Then I write out the image with the following code:

BufferedImage screenShot = getScreenShot(c);
File outputfile = new File(

[Code] .....

When I double-click on the resulting file, all the images show up as black rectangles in Windows Photo Viewer. Yet the associated buffered image displays correctly in the window. I've tried 'jpg, 'png', and 'bmp' extensions, with matching formats in the write. I am using Win-7 64-bit. and jdk8 with matching jre.

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JSP :: How To Read Contents Of Resume And Store In Database

Jul 23, 2014

Am doing a JSP project for maintaining the details of the interview candidates so now I want to know "How to read the contents of the resume and store in the database"

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Jtable Row Contents Bleed Into Next Column

Dec 15, 2014

I have a Jtable which shows contents on each row. but the row contents which are bigger than the width of the column gets shown as "BlahBlah.." (basically getting showed up as .. in the end)

User has to manually increase the width of the column to see those extra contents.For e.g if the row contents are ABCDEFGHI and the widht of the column for that row is sufficient enough to show only ABCDEF of that, then it will show up as something like "ABCD.."Now my requirement is to show the complete contents over to next column on the same row.

Note: I could simply add the code to show the widht of the column to adjust according to largest row content for that column . But unfortunately this is not what is required.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Generate PDF File Of The Contents In AWT Frame

Sep 25, 2014

I have been doing a project of ERP solution using JAVA AWT FRAMES and MYSQL(for database purpose). Here there is an ADMIN portion, who has the authority to make PAYROLLS of individual employees. There is a Frame where individual employee details will be shown(like basic salary, HRA, no.of leaves, other allowances...etc) in text boxes.

Now what i want is to make a PDF file of that payroll, so that I can make a hardcopy of it. The idea is just like anyother online form fill-up, where at the end you submit and save (or export) as a PDF (or text file) document. But I mention that it is a stanalone project, not an online one (i think it doesn't matter though).

So the basic idea is how to make a PDF file by extracting the text field or choice contents from a frame in JAVA AWT.

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