Servlets :: IE And Firefox Use GET After HTTPS Redirect With TOMCAT 7

Jun 3, 2014

I have a simple application ( only 2 JSPs files and one servlet the main components the whole webapp directory is attached ), I am using security constraint to redirect the user to HTTPS instead of HTTP when he submit from first page to the second page.

The problem is when the user submit the first page I get the error HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL although I m using only POST.

I have traced the firefox browser using httpfox and the result was the first HTTP request was done using POST correctly but after redirect the browser send GET.

This problem appears with FireFOx and IE but doesnot appear with google chrome.


<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="myTags" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
<title>Welcome Page</title>
<link href="css/style.css" type = "text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

[Code] ......

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Servlets :: Disabling Cookies In Firefox Does Not Create Session

Mar 4, 2014

I'm experimenting the basic concepts of Servlet technology with my below simple setup.

I have a welcome.jsp defined under webContent in eclipse and my welcome.jsp looks like

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" [b]session="false"[/b]%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

[Code] ....

Now I have few questions based on the above setup

1) As you see session="false" in jsp, and when I used scriptlet like <%= request.getSession(false) %>, I see "null" being printed but if I use, the session is not null. How does session = "false" influences scriptlets and implicit objects and why the behavior is different

2) If session really exists, even when session=false is used, when I disabled cookies in FireFox browser and click on "click Me" hyperlink, the control goes to Controller, but in the servlet, I see 'No Session Created" being displayed. Which means session was not created and probably because I used false is getSession(false). But if I enable cookies, with the same setup, I get Session ID = << some value>> being printed and this is same as the session what printed through in the jsp.

So when cookies disabled, how can actually printed session id , but not in servlet and when cookies enabled, the same session id is displayed in both cases.

My question is why there is no impact in jsp, when cookies are disabled.

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Servlets :: Return To HTTP From HTTPS

Oct 27, 2011

in my web.xml I declared a resource under the block


This resource is about a login page.But when I logout or when I visit some pages like Contacts or Home Page, I wouldn't use HTTPS protocol.At the moment, HTTPS remain in the url even if I declared this protocol only for that resource..This is my (little) web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="


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Servlets :: Redirect After Login

Jan 30, 2014

I have a secured Struts application in WebSphere that uses FORM j_security_check for authentication.There is also a Post Logon "filter" defined which runs some code after a login is processed.The extract from web.xml showing the login configuration and filter is as follows:



If a user isn't logged into the application and they try to access one of the secured servlets, for example, they are directed to the login page to enter their information.If they login successfully, they are then directed to, rather than the default "welcome" page. Is there a setting in the web.xml or the post logon filter where I can force j_security_check to ALWAYS go to the default welcome page after a successful login?

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Servlets :: Tomcat Basic Authentication

Mar 30, 2015

I moved some static html pages I was hosting from apache into tomcat. (no point in running two servers) This works as expected, but I'm having trouble with the authentication part. In apache the authentication was handled by htaccess. I tried various tutorials on the web about configuring basic authentication in tomcat using WEB-INF/web.xml in tomcat, but I'm not sure this approach applies to static html pages. Using basic authentication for static html in tomcat?

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Servlets :: Database Connection And Tomcat

Mar 15, 2015

I am trying to make a simple login using netbeans, derby database included in netbeans and tomcat server. I made everything nice and separated: I have a model package with a class called DbConnector that has the following method:

public Connection connect() {
try {
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return null;

Then i have another class, an userDAODB that has a password check method:

public boolean checkPassword(String user, String password) {
try (Connection con = new DbConnector().connect(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
//checks the password in the database

In the main method of this class i tested everything, it works very nice, logs me in, other methods work too, no problem what so ever.But then i go to my servlet:

public class LoginTest extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
String username = request.getParameter("username");
String pass = request.getParameter("pass");
UserDAODB userDAO = new UserDAODB();
boolean authe = userDAO.checkPassword(username, pass);


So when i start the webpage and i try to click on the login button I get a NullPointerException com.model. UserDAODB. check Password (User DAODB. java:14) - so line 2 here

I have been googling a bit, i placed the derby.jar and the derbyclient.jar in the lib directory of tomcat, i tried to modify the context.xml of my application, but then it wouldn't even start anymore.

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Servlets :: Request Resource Is Not Available In Tomcat

Jul 13, 2014

i was i a program for Execute JSP Page.Inside Tomcat Conf Server File i add following path:

<Context path = "JSPTEST"
docBase="D:Tomcat 8.0webappsJSPTEST">

and this is my Jsp page program:

<title>Hello World Example in Jsp</title>


but same error is repeting:The request resourse is not available.

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Servlets :: How To Redirect A Console Output To Textarea

May 8, 2014

i am doing a program that allow user to run and execute java language in this commandline.jsp, a servlet , jsp called get consoleout put.jsp to direct it to commandline.jsp...however there a compilation errors cos i could only get a line of string, and when i run loop in commandline.jsp it will not have the output. i could only run helloworld in it.therefore i need code that i can run multiple line in it. i suspect its the print stream error in

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>java interpreter</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery-linedtextarea.js"></script>
<link href="jquery-linedtextarea.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />


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Servlets :: Download Large Files Using Tomcat

Oct 8, 2014

We have a website used for downloading large files as large as 6gb and sometimes larger. We have all files in FTP server. The websit is JSP/Servlet /Tomcat combination. Below is code sample. I need a solution to increase the download speed. I understand it is bound to network bandwidth but are the steps that we need to take while we have such large files.I read about multipart downloads,gunzip streaming.

//first connect to FTP server and login and keep connection
Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="" + downloadFileName + "";");
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];


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Servlets :: Getting HTTP Status 404 Error In Tomcat

Feb 26, 2014

Below is my Servletclass code

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class MyFirstServlet extends HttpServlet {

[Code] .....

I have configured tomcat7 in my ecclipse ide...

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JSF :: Submit Values Are Not Refreshing In Firefox

Oct 27, 2014

Using JSF framework. when you select one drop down value and click on refresh before submit the initial value got selected in chrome and IE .

But getting issue in firefox. The initial value is not populating.With the text box also the same issue. when we enter something and refresh before submit values are not refreshing in Firefox

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JSP :: Cancel Button Behaves Differently In Chrome And In Firefox

Feb 25, 2014

My current URL is URL....The context rootpath is URL....In my current URL page, I upload a CSV file. This page has two buttons-- ok and Cancel and these buttons are what I'm having trouble with ( I will come to that part in a short while). The relevant JSP part is as follows.

<html:form action="importEmployee?method=save" method="POST" styleId="importEmployee" enctype="multipart/form-data">
....... some headers and title bar and stuff... and then as follows.
<div class="contentSection">
<table border="0" class="formTable">
<html:hidden property = "selectedSet" />


So, if I click on cancel in the second URLpage (URL...), I go back to the first URLpage, i.e to URL...But this part behaves differently in Firefox and in Chrome browsers.In Chrome, if I click on cancel in the second page, I can still see the uploaded file name( the hidden property in the first JSP is the file name ) in the first page. And if I click on ok, I can do the processing again as was done by clicking ok the first time on the first page.However when I run my application in a Firefox browser, if I click on cancel in the second page, the uploaded file name says 'no file selected' in the first page. Hence to import Employees again, I need to upload a new/same CSV file again.

I don't want the file to be present in the first page when I click on cancel in the second page even when I run my application in Chrome. Yes, I require the file name to be a hidden property. This is because depending on the data in the file, different kind of processings are done and some of them require to take additional inputs from user on another page and a third page does the processing. So the file name should be passed on to the form but I don't want the user to upload the file again.

However in the event the user clicks on cancel, I don't want the file name to be retained in the first page. But this isn't happening.So I have two questions. Why is the behaviour different in Chrome and in Firefox and is there a way I can correct the way it behaves in chrome?

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JSF :: How To Open A File / Folder Directories In Firefox Browser

Jun 15, 2014

In our currenr project we have a requirement to open a local/network driver file/folder using JSF 2.0 <h:outputLink> in Firefox browser find the below sample code & correct it, how to achieve the above requirment


<h:outputLink id="linkID" value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" target="_blank" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" />


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Login To A Website Using HTTPS Protocol

Jun 10, 2014

i have this code to connect and login to a HTTPS website Now when i run it i get a 500 code error and if i print out the html of the website it says something went wrong. This is the website [URL]

And this is code

package main;


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Networking :: URL Connection Error On HTTPs

Feb 16, 2013

I have noticed an error, that makes sometimes troubles, when downloading jars from https addresses, when there are many jars to download..

Best example is by opening Javas on Java version checker. [URL] ....

I get also following log...

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
network: Connecting with cookie "JSESSIONID=22ABBA2BE9B5789629C276AC35BDF969; s_cc=true;

Even if the address is https, java try to access via http protocol on port 443, and that leads sometimes to problems..

I have noticed this, when I have used URLConnection(HttpURLConnection) for my self, as soon Java sends http link on https address, the jar gets sometimes not loaded, and i get error about missing class that get called..

On http addres it is not so bad, since same protocol is used, but evidently, that is evil for https..

As you see, that happens already when loading Jar by Applet Starter and at all, it happens each time on any URLConnection

Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_13-b20 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = X:Usersadmin
c: clear console window
f: finalize objects on finalization queue
g: garbage collect

[Code] .....

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Login To HTTPs Website Using Java Code

Dec 30, 2014

I am running java 1.8 under 64 bit windows 7, using the code below I failed to log in, I am getting the log in page but not being logged in.


[Code] .....

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SOAP Request Over HTTPS Using KeyStore And TrustStore

Feb 8, 2015

I want to send a SOAP xml to HTTPS url using 2 way mutual ssl. I have my certificates installed in my server. I am creating the SSLSocketFactory like this -

void createSSLSocketFactory()
{String clientTrustStore = *** Path to trust store file installed on my server.
String clientKeyStore = *** Path to key store file installed on my server.
//Reading keystore file
File keyFile = new File(clientKeyStore);

[Code] ....

So my question is,

1) How can I set the TrustStore and KeyStore in the request.

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Securing Client Server HTTPs Connection

Mar 1, 2014

I have a https connection from Client to Server and a malware in client. The malware modifies the message and compromises its integrity. I am using a proxy to check the Integrity of the message after the malware has changed the message and before sending it over the internet to the server.

Now, How can I check the Integrity of the message (Sure that it has not been modified by any Man in the Middle) for the second half of my communication channel(Which is from Client to the Server over the internet).

I see few conventional approaches of CRC or Checksum will work. But I am looking for some non traditional or upcoming approaches.

Ideally SSL Data shouldn't be able to be decrypted by any MIM. But my assumption is that any Protocol is subjected to attack and compromised in real world and few recent studies are proving that https is breakable. Thus, I am trying to perform a What if analysis? On the client side, lets say malware is not more powerful than just modifies the transaction amount and destination account number in a typical online Baking transaction.

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HTTPs Request Authentication Failing Even After Setting Proxy

Jul 11, 2014

i am trying to access an https request on a server and authenticating it after passing on username and passwork. I have even set up the proxy of the employer to get the request back as a zipped folder.

I always get an error on: " InputStream reader = con.getInputStream();"

Can be a proxy setting issue too but I am not sure why it should be.

Is there a way to create a secure channel in java to connect to https or by any way the below code could be modified to connect it to the server?

Code is as below:

import se64;
public class DownloadFile


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Redirect Error In JavaScript

May 1, 2014

I am trying to run a sign up page. The page is working properly and takes me to the login page when completed as it should. But when a field is left blank it is supposed to show an error message and keep them on the signup page, and it is not doing that. Sign Up Action:

String field = "";
String message = "";
if ((request.getParameter("lastname") != null) &&
(request.getParameter("firstname") != null) &&
(request.getParameter("sadress") != null) &&
(request.getParameter("city") != null) &&
(request.getParameter("state") != null) &&
(request.getParameter("zipcode") != null) &&


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JSP :: Losing Session Values During Redirect?

Mar 30, 2014

I am trying Single signon to a different application from my application. i use redirect to open the new URL in a separate window. MY single signon works well. But i am losing the session values in my application.

Because of this when i close the new window and click on any link in my application, i am getting error sicne all application objects inside session are reset to null. how to retain the session values after Redirect.

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JSF :: SSO Class - How To Redirect To Login Page

Jul 20, 2014

I have write a SSO class for Single Sign on But i am getting one issue i am using JSF2 for my web is my SSO class :

public class ApplicationSSO implements SSO {
public String authenticateUser(RequestContext request) {
UmUsersList user = (UmUsersList) request.getSessionContext().getAttribute("USER");
return user.getUmulEmailId();

[Code] .....

As you can see i have write below line


It mean if User null it will redirect to Login page but it is not working. How to solve the issue i am end up with

An error has occurred.

For detailed error information, please see the HTML source code, and contact the forum Administrator.

Error while executing SSO actions: java.lang.NullPointerException

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Keep PrintStream Redirect Across Multiple Scenes

Feb 26, 2015

I have a JavaFX application with multiple scenes. In the application one scene plays the "master" role and the others are loaded according to actions . The issue i have is that i need to redirect all the PrintStream activity to a specific TextArea on the "master" scene, and by "all" i am meaning every PrintStream activity on every scene should be redirected to this specific TextArea . The code i am using on the "master" is :

Node node =primaryStage.getScene().lookup("#ShowInfo");
TextArea ta =(TextArea)node;
FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(ta);
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);

I am using the Singleton pattern for the rest of the scenes :

FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(null);
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);
System.out.print("Hello There");

The issue is that i don't like this implementation ....

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Redirect To Local HTML File

Aug 1, 2014

I edited some lines from "[URL] ...." and saved it as html file; now if a friend want to do a search in Wikipedia for cats, the edited page should show up instead of original page.Is there a way to do this using java script.

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Redirect SetInputStream And SetOutputStream Of JSch

Feb 18, 2014

I use the jsch libraries to create a SHH connection to a remote linux machine. In the next code, given from a tutorial of the JSCH creator, you can see it is implemented shell communication, it is a direct communication from a cmd window. You enter a command from the cmd window and you get aback the results in the cmd window.

Java Code:

String user = "username";
String host = "hostname";
ession session=jsch.getSession(user, host, 22);
String passwd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter password");
Channel channel=session.openChannel("shell");
channel.setOutputStream(System.out); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

How i can redirect the next two lines to jTextField1 and jTextField2. To give an example i want to sen the command from the jTextField1 and to get the results from the jTextField2.

Java Code:

channel.setOutputStream(System.out); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Keep PrintStream Redirect Across Multiple Scenes

Feb 26, 2015

I have a JavaFX application with multiple scenes. In this applications one scene plays the role of "master" role and the others are loaded according to actions on the "master" scene(buttons,menu items)

The issue is that i need to redirect all the PrintStream activity to a specific TextArea on the "master" scene...

So everything that normally goes to the console to get redirected to that specific TextArea and this should be global,on every scene that is outputting something it should displayed on the specific TextArea on the "master" scene
The code i am using right now on the "master" scene is :
            Node node =primaryStage.getScene().lookup("#ShowInfo");
            TextArea ta =(TextArea)node;
            FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(ta);
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);
For the rest of the scenes i am using the Singleton Pattern to keep the pointing to the Specific TextArea
       FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(null);
        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);
        System.out.print("Hello There");
The issue is that i don't like this implementation so there a better solution

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