Servlets :: ROOT Mapping Causes Static Files To Not Be Served

Mar 16, 2015

When I map my servlet to the ROOT of the site, the javascript, CSS and image files are not served. The conversation between the server and browser shows the files are being sent, but they are not rendered in the browser. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome.

If I change the mapping to anything other than the root, such as /x/, everything works as it should.

Here's my web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: Mapping Before Context Root

Dec 1, 2014

I have this mapping:


And this works fine: URL....The war file is deployed under the context root /bankconnect/ I want to make a servlet mapping, before the context root "i still want the context root bankconnect". URL....

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XML :: Process Big XML Files And Mapping To Objects

Dec 1, 2014

We need to process (read and parse) big xml files (500 Mo to 1 or 2 Go). What's the best framework or Java library to use for this requirement ? Then what's a good OXM (in this case xml to object mapping) solution for this kind of file ?

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Servlets :: Not Mapping To URL

Feb 4, 2015

I have a servlet that is not mapping to my URL:


When I try to call the Servlet from a JSP:

<a href="/View/viewFlow?V1">V1</a>

The resulting link is [URL].... It's bypassing the project name. The link should be [URL]...

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Servlets :: Web Application Access - Mapping Of Localhost

Feb 14, 2014

We generally use [URL] ..... for running web applications.

What I want is to access my web app using something like this: [URL] ....

How to achieve this? Actually what i want to ask is that how URL like is mapped to web applications? Assuming that i am using tomcat server.

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Servlets :: Save PDF And Images From Web Page - Root Directory When Deploying App

Feb 7, 2014

I have an app that saves pdfs and images from a web page. The web sections send info to the server elements running in Java. I have hardcoded the path to where the images and pdfs need to be saved but on the server, these paths will be different. I'd prefer to just save them to something like:


or something. How do I find out what my root directory is so that I can make the path relative instead of hard coded?

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Servlets :: Cannot Make Static Reference To Non-static Method GetQuery From Type Resource

Mar 26, 2015

This is my code inside the method:

public static String getDetails(Representation entity) throws Exception {
String customerId = getQuery().getValues("cus_id");

I use this code in Restlet Representation. I try to get the value from the Request API. But I am facing the problem as "Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getQuery() from the type Resource".

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Servlets :: File Is Located In Root Directory Of Project But System Cannot Find File Specified

Jan 10, 2015

I need to make some operations with a file. I struggle to understand why Apache is throwing this error:

(The system cannot find the file specified)

My file is located in the root directory of the project.

And here is how I indicate the path to it:

String filePath = "default.jpg";
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath));

If I put the file in the Eclipse folder, it works... But I need it to work if I put it in my project's root folder.

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Servlets :: Using Static Variables Or Object Set?

Aug 6, 2014

Can we use static variables or static objects in servlets ?? I want to restrict same user to enter into the application from different system when the user is already working, he needs to get a message saying "User is already in use ".

I have created static SET object in LoginServlet and inside doget() I checked if SET contains user ,if yes display him above message otherwise add the user in SET object and forward it to next page . Later while logging out user is removed from SET .

Can I follow any other approach other than using static object SET in servlets??

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Servlets :: Static Variables In Thread-safe?

Jan 22, 2015

Are the static variables in servlet thread-safe?

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Servlets :: How Does Web Server Differentiates Between Request For Static And Dynamic Web Page

Mar 4, 2014

How does web server differentiates between request for static web page and request for dynamic web page? i think if web server receives request for static page directly renders that to server or else if request is for dynamic web page passes that to web app which processes the request and renders that to client. bUT how does web server differentiates between both the request.

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Servlets :: CSS Stylesheet Will Not Work With JSP Files

Feb 11, 2014

Why I can't get an external style sheet work work when using JSP files? Putting a link in the doc head like I would for an HTML or PHP file does not work. The style sheet is in the exact same directory as the JSP files and I cannot get it to work. I think I have tried about everything that has been suggested on the web with no luck.

If I create an HTML doc in the same directory as the JSP files, and add the below line in the document head, it works fine. Doing the same thing with a JSP file does nothing.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

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Servlets :: Why All Configuration Files Are In XML Format

Mar 3, 2014

I dunno why all the configuration files for ex: web.xml and struts.xml in any web application are xml files.

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Servlets :: Uploading And Downloading Files Using JSP

Aug 18, 2014

I would like to know what is the best way to upload & download files using Servlets/Jsp's . In some websites I have seen example using third party API(by oreilly). Is it better to follow any third party or can we do it just by using I/O streams. What are the steps of uploading files. And where do we need to store files once the user uploads ,Database or server??

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Servlets :: Download Large Files Using Tomcat

Oct 8, 2014

We have a website used for downloading large files as large as 6gb and sometimes larger. We have all files in FTP server. The websit is JSP/Servlet /Tomcat combination. Below is code sample. I need a solution to increase the download speed. I understand it is bound to network bandwidth but are the steps that we need to take while we have such large files.I read about multipart downloads,gunzip streaming.

//first connect to FTP server and login and keep connection
Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="" + downloadFileName + "";");
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];


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Servlets :: Unable To Provide Name To Downloaded Files In JSP Coding

Mar 25, 2014

I wrote a code to download a zip file in jsp, but it is not working as expected, when i execute this following program i am able to download file with "download_all.jsp" name, but now original download file (/tmp/Download_All/1244687508907.Zip). The download_all.jsp is my jsp name which is having the following code. Here is the code snippet:

try {
String filename = "/tmp/Download_All/1244687508907.Zip";
// set the http content type to "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM


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Servlets :: Unable To Get Path Of File When Upload Files In Server After Browsing Folders

Jun 30, 2014

I have a code that uploads files in server after browsing folders and files then get the paths of files but I have a problem in getting the paths

List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem);
if (!item.isFormField())
{ fileName = item.getName();
root = getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
path = new File(root + "/uploads");


list1 must has paths that I want but I do not get the paths of upload files

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Servlets :: How To Create A Room That Should Be Like Static On The Server Until Server Is Down

Apr 1, 2014

I am working on a chess game. I need to construct a game room where all the player are present and room chat is up. Also some tables where games are being played. Now my question is how to create this game room?

To me this room must need to be like static or global (if I am not mistaken) that is up when server starts and players can join this room and should be down when server is done. How can I implement such room that would stay up for infinite time.

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Nth Square Root Of Any Number

May 14, 2009

This is a mathematical problem. I got one of the equations I need to compute down to


Or the 6th root of n.

Now the Java code I have for this is as follows, since Java has no nth root function I'm raising it to a power of a 1/6.

System.out.println(Math.pow(64.0, 1/6));

Now, the only thing it will print is 1.0

However the 6th root of 64 is 2!!!!

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Can Static Method Return Instances Of Same Class In Special Case Where Everything Is Static?

Jun 27, 2014

From what i understand static methods should be called without creating an instance of the same class . If so why would they return an instance of the same class like in the following : public static Location locateLargest(double[][] a) , the Location class being the same class where the method is defined . I don't understand this , does it mean that every field and every method in the class must be static ? Meaning that you cannot have instances of the class because everything is static . Or it's just a mistake and the class Location cannot have a static method: public static Location locateLargest(double[][] a) ?

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Many To Many Relationship Mapping

Apr 21, 2014

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userdb";// userdb is the database
Connection connection;

[Code] .....

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Int From Char Mapping

Apr 5, 2014

When casting a char which is read from a file to an int, can i assume that the mapping used will be ASCII? I've learned that unicode uses ASCII mappings for the characters that overlap.

Are there any other possibilities for int values of one character? I still have trouble understanding character encodings.

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Update User - Cannot Make Static Reference To Non-Static Method

Apr 26, 2015

I can't figure out what this error message "Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getEndUserCharge(long, long, long, long) from the type UpdateUserWS" actually means.

The error is coming from:

public void updateDetailsPackage() {
some unrelated code
long zero=0;
double endUserCharge=0;
endUserCharge = UpdateUserWS.getEndUserCharge(long zero, long zero, long zero, long zero); <-------- error is here

[Code] ....

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Player Class - Cannot Make Static Reference To Non-static Method

May 26, 2015

Alright, I have two classes, this one

public class Player {
private String player;
public String getPlayer() {
return player;
private int strength;
private int defense;

[Code] .....

However, it says that under Player.getPlayer() that it 'Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method'.

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Maths Root Function Code

May 8, 2014

PET HG = (0.0023 * Ra * ( MTC + 17.8 ) * ...................? how to write formula/value under the root (maths) function ?

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Root Function In Java Applet

May 12, 2014

I like to know how to write root function in java applet. I know it in java function. Ex:

import java.lang.*;
public class Maths {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// get two double numbers numbers
double x = 9;
double y = 25;
// print the square root of these doubles
System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + x + ")=" + Math.sqrt(x));
System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + y + ")=" + Math.sqrt(y));

working fine. but If I tried in applet it's not working. Ex:

evap_trans = 0.0135 * SRAD * ( TMEAN + 17.78) * Math.sqrt(TMAX - TMIN);

If I execute above said formulae with out "Math.sqrt" results are ok. If I used then results shows ZERO.

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