Servlets :: Unable To Save Content In XML File

Mar 14, 2015

I have the file in my project sitemap.xml, which i am trying to write via XMLStreamWriter. My code gets successfully executed as i can see the logs. But my sitemap.xml file keeps blank. Why nothing is getting write in my sitemap.xml file. Below is my servlet code.

protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {"request.getResponseContentType() ::: " + request.getResponseContentType());"root path is :: " + rootPath);
if (request.getResponseContentType() == null) {

[Code] ....

I can see "END Document" and "Location is " under my log file.

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Create New File / Ask User To Write In It And Save Final Print Content Of File

Mar 15, 2014

1. creates a file.
2. ask user to write into that file
3. save the file
4. print content of file.

Is my current exercise, so far i have gotten the code to create a file. What should i use to ask user to write into that file and save?

package assignment7;
public class Exercise2
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
String filePath="newfile.txt";
File newFile = new File ( filePath ) ;

[Code] .....

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Create New File / Ask User To Write In It / Save Finally Print Content Of File

Mar 17, 2014

1. creates a file.

2. ask user to write into that file

3. save the file

4. print content of file.

is my current far i have gotten the code to create a file, and ask the user to input their age.what should i use to save what the user writes into the file?

Java Code:

package assignment7;
import java.util.*;
public class Exercise2
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) throws IOException
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


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Unable To Save Java File?

Dec 22, 2014

i am not able to save .java file. it says need administrator access, but i am logged in as an administrator account.

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JSP :: Unable To Send Text File Content To Printer

May 8, 2014

<%@ page import="javax.print.*"%>
<%@ page import="javax.print.attribute.*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
String filename = "c:/20140505_3_40.txt";//this is the text file i want to send to printer
// am using tomcat 8
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras =
new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();


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Servlets :: Response Content Type - Download CSV File With Records From DB

Jan 12, 2015

This issue is regarding response from the servlet

I have written a code to download .csv file with records from DB.

To download records i am uploading a .CSV file containing telephone number.

After downloading the .CSV file page is not getting refreshed.

Below is the code snippet i am using,where i am setting response content type as test/csv.

ServletOutputStream op = resp.getOutputStream();
// Set content type of output
resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="test"");

How that page will get refreshed after csv file download or after response.

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Servlets :: Large File Upload From Client To Content Management System

Sep 3, 2009

I have a requirement where a large file (100 -200MB) is uploaded from the client to a content management system. I am using a servlet with Apache Commons File Upload API. Apache FileUpload has 2 ways of handling files,

1) Non-Streaming
2) Streaming

Currently I use the Non-Streaming approach where the servlet stores the file in a temp location and upload the same into the content management system - This is taking lot of time so I am trying to implement Streaming API.

Content Management API supports streaming in 2 methods,

a) SetContent - Takes the file's ByteArrayOutputStream as input -> This gives OutOfMemoryException because the file being large
b) AppendContent - Takes the file's ByteArrayOutputStream as input -> This method can be called multiple times to upload the large file but I dont know how to do this. The Apache File Upload gives InputStream of the file and I need to split that into chuncks and append into the content management system.

How to convert InputStream to 4KB ByteArrayOutputStream so that I can use the AppendContent method in content management API?

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Java Servlet :: How To Force Browser To Open / Save / Save As File From Server

Sep 25, 2012

How to force browser to open/save/save as the file from server instead of browser cache.

I am creating a csv file through a pl/sql procedure and forwarding the link to user once user clicks on link he downloads the file, however if the same thing is repeated then browser returns the old cached file instead of new file generated on server.

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Servlets :: Unable To Resolve Class File Error

Sep 9, 2014

I am stuck with my application. I have jsp, servlet application with jasper report server. When I run the application through eclipse, everything works perfectly. But When I try to run it in Tomcat (without eclipse) it gives me the "Unable to resolve the class file " error. I tried all the solutions I got through the google, but still I am unable to come over it.

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Servlets :: Unable To Get Path Of File When Upload Files In Server After Browsing Folders

Jun 30, 2014

I have a code that uploads files in server after browsing folders and files then get the paths of files but I have a problem in getting the paths

List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem);
if (!item.isFormField())
{ fileName = item.getName();
root = getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
path = new File(root + "/uploads");


list1 must has paths that I want but I do not get the paths of upload files

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Servlets :: Save HTML Table Data To Database

Nov 17, 2014

I have a HTML table whose rows are getting generated through javascript function. I want to save this data in the table rows.

**HTML Code**

<div style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid black; overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:scroll; padding:0">
<table border=0>
<input type="button" name="add_details" id="add_details" value="Add" onclick="AddDetails()">
<input type="button" name="delete_details" id="delete_details" value="Delete" onclick="DeleteDetails()">

[Code] .....

When i press submit button in my form of JSP, how can i access table data?

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Servlets :: Save PDF And Images From Web Page - Root Directory When Deploying App

Feb 7, 2014

I have an app that saves pdfs and images from a web page. The web sections send info to the server elements running in Java. I have hardcoded the path to where the images and pdfs need to be saved but on the server, these paths will be different. I'd prefer to just save them to something like:


or something. How do I find out what my root directory is so that I can make the path relative instead of hard coded?

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Servlets :: Content Type Is Getting Text / Plain When Double Click On Page Not In First Time

Dec 14, 2014

we have deployed application on web sphere server and using servlets and jsp only.

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Read Text File Into Array Ask User To Save File And Print Data

Jul 14, 2014

New to programming. Am supposed to create a program that reads a text file (of integers) and computes a series of computations on these integers. I don't have the code for the integers in my code yet, (i know how to do those), but am struggling getting the array to simply print in the print writer. I have the user select a text file, read the file with a scanner, and then save the computations done from my code into another file. specifically, the problem is as follows: Write a program that uses a file chooser dialog to select a file containing some integers. The file contains an integer N followed by N integers. The program then uses a file chooser dialog to let the user specify the name and location of an output file to write results to.The data written to the output file will be as follows

(1) The original list of N numbers from the input file,
(2) The original list of N numbers printed in reverse order of how they appear
in the input file.
(3) The sum and average of these numbers,
(4) The minimum of all the numbers,
(5) The maximum of all the numbers.



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How To Save A File In Directory

Apr 30, 2014

Here my code . Iam trying to open text file in window_pane it will open when i click on save it will ask destination to save file if i save example like Read.txt it will save...when i go and check in that folder Read.txt file won't found...what is the error ....

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Read extends JFrame

[Code] .....

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How To Save A File In Directory

Apr 30, 2014

Here my code am trying to open text file in window_pane it will open when i click on save it will ask destination to save file if i save example like Read.txt it will save...when i go and check in that folder Read.txt file won't found..

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

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Servlets :: Unable To Understand JSP Session Concept

Mar 10, 2015

Any brief introduction about session in java....

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JSP :: Unable To Pass Values From Page To Servlets

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to pass values from JSP Page to Servlets but I am getting a NullPointerException

Here is my JSP code

<title>Student Registration Form</title>
<style type="text/css">
h3{font-family: Calibri; font-size: 22pt; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color:SlateBlue;
text-align: center; text-decoration: underline }
table{font-family: Calibri; color:white; font-size: 11pt; font-style: normal;


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Servlets :: Unable To Display Response To Web Browser

Jan 22, 2014

i am using eclipse kepler and tomcat 7 with the below code to get a response from the browser. i get no errors on my code and i organize my imports but when i run the code i get an http 404 error. i restart the server and it goes into the whole motion telling me that "Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost started and is synchonized" i refresh it and i still get the error.

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


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Servlets :: Unable To Display Result In Web Browser

Mar 14, 2014

When I am invoking a servlet class file from my HTML file instead of displaying output in my browser it is downloading my output as a file..Why it is?..

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Reading Content From FTP File?

Jan 27, 2013

I am trying to read a content of file downloaded from ftp and return it as a String. This is what I use:

Java Code:

public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{
FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();


The code does not work, although all the links are correct.

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Changing Values In Save File

Jul 26, 2014

I'm trying to change the value of bricks in my save file and for some reason it can't read the information.

public void addRecords(int brick, int log, int stone, int house){
%s%s", "brick", " "+brick, "log", " " +log, "stone", " "+stone, "house", " "+house);

This writes information to my files. ^

public void addResource(String resource, int amount){
readfile check = new readfile();
case "brick":

[Code] .....

In my case "brick", It doesn't set the value when I try to read it. Here is the readResource method.

public int readResource(String resource){
System.out.println("Looking for " + resource);
String res = resource;

[Code] ....

Short version:

brick = check.readResource("brick");

This doesn't set brick to any value.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Save File Using JFileChooser

Oct 22, 2014

I insert a link to a file, that you need to download. After I click the download button and that's performed this action. And how me save the file, where i chose?

private void actionAdd() {
JFrame parentFrame = new JFrame();
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Specify a file to save");
URL verifiedUrl = verifyUrl(addTextField.getText());

[Code] ....

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How To Save (Receipt) To Text File

May 11, 2014


package shoppingcartselection;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

[Code] ....

I want it to save the names of the "Items" that were put into the "Cart" along with their retail prices and the subtotal of all of them, and the sales tax, and the final total, to a text file.

package shoppingcartselection;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ....


Magic Booster Pack, 4
Magic Fat Pack, 40
Magic Intro Deck, 12
Magic Duel Deck, 20
Magic Card Sleeves, 8
Magic Play Mat, 25
Magic Booster Box, 120
Dice Pack, 6
Video Game, 60
Book, 10
Candy, 1
Soda, 1
Lunch, 10
Water, 1
Shirt, 10
Hat, 5
Game Console, 400
Desktop, 800
Laptop, 1000

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How To Save A Word In A Text File

Apr 19, 2014

This part of the code searches for every word in the text file and saves it to an ArrayList. It searches for the word if its valid of not.How can I offer a list of similar words when the word that the user inputs is not in the dictionary. Also I want it to prompt the user to accept the word or enter a replacement that gets saved in the dictionary.

package spellChecker.project1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

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Servlets :: Unable To Provide Name To Downloaded Files In JSP Coding

Mar 25, 2014

I wrote a code to download a zip file in jsp, but it is not working as expected, when i execute this following program i am able to download file with "download_all.jsp" name, but now original download file (/tmp/Download_All/1244687508907.Zip). The download_all.jsp is my jsp name which is having the following code. Here is the code snippet:

try {
String filename = "/tmp/Download_All/1244687508907.Zip";
// set the http content type to "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM


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