Servlets :: Web Application Access - Mapping Of Localhost

Feb 14, 2014

We generally use [URL] ..... for running web applications.

What I want is to access my web app using something like this: [URL] ....

How to achieve this? Actually what i want to ask is that how URL like is mapped to web applications? Assuming that i am using tomcat server.

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Servlets :: Localhost In Address Bar

Feb 14, 2014

When i type following address bar and press enter,it automatically shows URL...Why does this mean? URL....I am using tomcat.

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Servlets :: Not Mapping To URL

Feb 4, 2015

I have a servlet that is not mapping to my URL:


When I try to call the Servlet from a JSP:

<a href="/View/viewFlow?V1">V1</a>

The resulting link is [URL].... It's bypassing the project name. The link should be [URL]...

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Servlets :: Mapping Before Context Root

Dec 1, 2014

I have this mapping:


And this works fine: URL....The war file is deployed under the context root /bankconnect/ I want to make a servlet mapping, before the context root "i still want the context root bankconnect". URL....

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Servlets :: ROOT Mapping Causes Static Files To Not Be Served

Mar 16, 2015

When I map my servlet to the ROOT of the site, the javascript, CSS and image files are not served. The conversation between the server and browser shows the files are being sent, but they are not rendered in the browser. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome.

If I change the mapping to anything other than the root, such as /x/, everything works as it should.

Here's my web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Access Application From Controller

Sep 25, 2014

I do Java for decades, but am a FXML beginner. Currently I do FXMLLoader.load(fxmlFile) in Application.start(), which is working well. My Application instance is creating a background thread in Application.init() which feeds several custom application properties with incoming data taken from a remote model (wrapping a sensor hardware). Some of my windows shall later be able to access those properties. So the question is: How can I inject my Application instance into the FXMLLoader-created controller instances auto-bound to the FXML-created Scene instances?

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JSF :: How To Access Application Scoped Bean From A Scheduled Job

Mar 29, 2015

I am coming from a Seam 2 and ATG background, and working on re-writing an old Seam 2 application using JSF 2 on Tomcat 8. I've run into a snag:

I have an application scoped managed bean, let's call it EMail. It holds a collection of Email objects, and does some other stuff.

I have an IMAPClient, which is currently setup as an application scoped managed bean (mostly to simply configuration, etc...).

I need to call a method on the IMAPClient to go check email every X seconds (let's call it 60 seconds), and add any new email into the Email managed bean's collection of email. In Seam 2 this was easy with the @Asynchronous annotation. In JSF 2 I can't figure out how to do it. I've tried using Quartz, which will happily run my IMAPCheckJob every 60 seconds, but I am so far unable to figure out how the IMAPCheckJob can get access to either the IMAPClient or the EMail beans.. There's no dependency injection into the Quartz Job, and since it's not executing in a HTTP request flow, there's no Faces context available.

It seems like there has to be some way to allow for scheduling and still have access to the benefits of the Application scoped managed bean DI system...

Or do I need to give up and move to JBoss with EJBs and CDI instead of JSF beans?

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Access OBIEE Server Through Java Application

Oct 31, 2014

Is there any option to access OBIEE server home page through java, without sending username and password through URL.

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JSP :: How To Access And Print Cash Register From Web Application

Jul 25, 2014

I have my own web application system now i want access a cash register machine from my web application to print receipt

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EJB / EE :: Access JMS Queue Configured On Websphere Application Server

Nov 13, 2014

I am new to JMS and Websphere server and I am trying to access a JMS queue configured on Websphere Application Server 8 from my Java code. But I am getting the exception mentioned below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at Source)
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.initializeDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.internalInit(


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Java DB - Embedded Or Localhost?

Sep 10, 2014

Using Netbeans 7.4, I have hand coded a GUI (SE desktop distributable application), created a single table database (Java DB using 'Embedded Driver' connection).

As I'm at that stage of creating a (non-CRUD) database application using Hibernate 2.0, is it possible to use the Java DB/Embedded Driver with Hibernate or does it need to be a 'localhost' connection?

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Servlets :: How Init Access ServletContext

May 28, 2014

How does the init() method in servlets have access to the servletContext . in its signature i can only see public void init(ServletConfig config) and init () . then how does it access servlet context .

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Servlets :: How To Access Ajax Response

Jul 23, 2014

I have a requirement where a form is present with first name, last name, file upload etc. File upload is done through ajax call and then the form is submitted to a servlet. I want to know whether the file has been uploaded or not in the servlet which is called after i click on the form submit button. So is there any way i can read the response of the ajax call in the servlet ?

here is the ajax call below



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Servlets :: Access List Of Database Records Using JSP?

Apr 3, 2014

How we can get the list of records from database my sql using jsp pages and servlets so that it show results on webpage.

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Servlets :: Better Ways Of Securing Webpages Access

Jul 10, 2014

I wish you could share some methods for securing access to webpages of websites you had had a hand on? I know of:

- asking for user credentials from an entry page and processing them inside a javabean to confirm they are equal to those kept in the system before granting further access.
- masking servlets paths in web.xml
- hiding client scripts in libraries that are kept on server

Do you know of other methods?

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Servlets :: How To Forward Request To Another Web Application

Jun 14, 2014

I have to forward my request to another webApplication using post request parameters. In this case Webaplication-1 need send request using post request params to Webapplication-2 & once Webaaplication-2 receives request it has to process & display output.

For this have tried below 2 options which Servlet API provides.

1. RequestDispatcher : this will used to forward request to another resource within the application.

2. sendRedirect() : this method support doGet() of Servlet.

3. Using HttpClient, which is provided by Apache able to do but it will not displaying Output,It sending back response to Webapplication-1 .

Is there any option which will handover request from one webapplication to another webapplication.

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Servlets :: Creating Blueprints For Web Application

May 27, 2014

I now know the basics of JSP and Servlets and I am going to make my own web app (shopping cart).I am having great difficulty in making a blue print for my code. But, I don't know if my blue print is useful or even missing something. where I can learn a formal process to make blueprints (not algorithms or flowcharts) for my code/web app ? I want to be able to make such amazing blueprints, that a beginner coder could simply follow the requirements and do all the coding himself.

What I did so far -

1 - Finalize a small list of features in the app.
2 - Identify all the entities or classes needed for the app - Customer, Product, ShoppingCart, etc.
3 - A list of all the web-pages/servlets/jsp's that the app might require.

I wonder if I can start coding right away. I hope that I have not missed something which will bite me later and will require a whole rewrite of the code.

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Servlets :: How To Send Request From One To Another Web Application

May 30, 2014

I have to send a request with post parameters from one web application to another web application,both are running different servers.

In my application i don't have any JSP,html only controller part which will handle request extract request parameters & based on request params i'll do a web service call.

My current requirement is based on request parameters i'll send request to another web application with received parameters.

I tried with sendRedirect() ,but it support only get() method.

how to proceed further.

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Servlets :: Simple Web Application Design With JSP

Apr 13, 2014

I am trying to design properly a simple 1to50 game (yes, the one that is so popular among mobile apps), but as a web application that allows two player games. I tried to document myself on the technologies I could use and came to the decision that some kind of Java would be suitable. I know that HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript are client side languages with what I can basically design the client application that runs on a web browser. I installed Tomcat web server, configured Java Servlet API, done some research on Servlets and JSP, but I still cannot really imagine how all of this can work. Servlets form the Controller, JSP files the Model? How can I make them communicate, how can Servlets "tell" JSP files what to dynamically generate? Can JSP files communicate with JavaScript? Is JavaScript even necessary?

I thought that this question is not basically about a specific thing regarding JSP or Servlets, more about design and general concept, that is why I put this question under beginning Java.

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Servlets :: How To Rewrite URL In Java Web Application

Apr 2, 2015

On Form Submit my url changes from



Form action is EditReport(Servlet Name).

Now on EditReport i perform the databse operations and forward the request to the GetReports?fname=Formname Servlet using Request Dispatcher.So that i am on the same page which is the first one (1) i started from.

Now Everything works fine on the .jsp page But the url remains unchanged that is the second one (2).

Now if i hit the URL again i.e. localhost:8080/Workflow/admin/EditReport it will give an error.

So how to rewrite the url i.e. from admin/EditReport to /admin/GetReports?fname=Formname after performing all the operations.?

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Servlets :: Offline Tasks In Java Web Application

Feb 11, 2014

I am on developing a web application (using struts). So most of my web application use cases are reading and presenting data to the users.

But i need to write the another set of programs to keep on reading the data from another data bases and update my database. I have list of timings at which i should read the data from each of other sites (i.e. i know when the other databases gets updated information). Its almost every 20 mins..

Now i want to design the app.

1. Should i include the data read programs as part of my Web application ( means runs in same server JVM) and make the threads as daemon threads..?
2. Should i write another application (offline application) runs out of server in another JVM ?

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Servlets :: How To Deploy One Web Application On Multiple Server

Mar 14, 2014

I would like to know how we can deploy one Web application on multiple server to share the work between them? My first thought is that we just deploy the same war file on different servers that connect to the same database. However, what will happen when a user enter something like [URL]? How can multiple servers share the same domain name and how the requests from different users are redirected to these different server?

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Servlets :: Two Application Servers - Session Replication

Jun 20, 2014

My application has two Application servers, App1 and App2..

We are using weblogic 8.1 Application server

There is session replication done in weblogic.xml file .


[Code] ....

The application works fine but currently there is data getting replicated among different users. Is it the problem of session data getting merged with other session data or is it server cache not getting cleared or is there any setting to be changed in weblogic application server??

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Servlets :: Which Is Correct Paradigm In Integrating Two Application

Feb 6, 2014

I am working on an application, which paradigm is correct for implementing:

Client Side: Web Application (HTML/JSP/Servlets)
Intergration: Mule ESB

Client will call Mule ESB flow using HTTP URL and get response from the same..I have two way outs

1) We call Mule ESB from HTML directly and Mule ESB send response back to another JSP page. Then, I need to mention page name inside, Mule ESB flows.

2) Or We call Mule ESB from controller(servlets) and Mule ESB send response back to servlets and then servlets redirect to correct page with manipulated data.

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Servlets :: How To Convert Webapp Into Desktop / Standalone Application

Nov 20, 2014

I have a web app using spring MVC + hibernate on the server side and jquery, ajax, javascript on the client side.

What I wish to do is to convert it into an exe file to make it standalone app.

Is there a software out there that can accomplish it? I don't want to recreate it from the scratch and I only know how to do web apps.

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Servlets :: Perform Certain Task On Shutdown Of Web Application In Java?

Apr 5, 2014

how to perform certain task on the shutdown of a web application in java

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