Servlets :: Front End JSP Conforming To SQL

Sep 24, 2014

A data entry form is on the front end. This allows one to enter say emails, addresses, etc. It utilizes a jsp, jstl, servlets, and beans. The backend sql has say a size of 50 for email. If more than 50 char are entered on the form, w/o any intervention, a truncation error is thrown. A static class was set up to hold the input element names and max sizes. It seems to work well keeping all in check, names and sizes on form, names in servlets, size of sql.

req.setAttribute(elementname, elementobject)
name="${date.inputName}" //setattribute objects

.getInputElement("date").getInputName() //static map...shared with above objects

Is there any other system of keeping everything in sync. I am building it all, but I was wondering how this is parsed out if there are separate sql, middle-tier, and front-end developer? It seems better just to have good documentation that would be shared between the different implementers.

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Front End Design In Java GUI

Jul 11, 2014

I am designing an application I want to know what are the best technology Like Java FX for front end design?

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How To Develop Front End Like OLX / Quikr

Sep 29, 2014

I want To develop a webSite like OLX,QUIKR..Technology using : Java..But i dnt have idea on developing front END..

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Front End For Air Traffic Control Simulation?

Apr 1, 2014

I'm a student designing and developing an Air Traffic Control (ATC) system for incoming aircraft, mainly implementing the part which handles the queuing system for approaching aircraft.

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Image Won't Appear In Front Of Other Graphic Objects

Feb 3, 2015

For the assignment, we are supposed to make a checkerboard with alternating colors, then put images on top of certain spaces to act like "pieces." I did the checkerboard, but whenever I go to try and put an image the checkerboard, it doesn't appear! I put the image in the same directory as my other code as well. I did some experimenting and discovered that the image is appearing, but behind the checkerboard.

Here is the code:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class CheckerBoard extends JApplet{
public void paint(Graphics g){
Image img1= getImage(getCodeBase(),"arrow1_nw.png");


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Move All Of Number 7 To Front Of Array

Jan 24, 2015

I'm using Dr.Java and doing a numbershifter lab. I have to create a random array of number from 1-10. Then move all of the 7s to the front of the array. The order of the other numbers is not important as long as all numbers follow the group of Lucky 7s. Files needed and All data is random.I have done the following:

public class NumberShifter
public static int[]makeLucky7Array( int size)
int [] newRay = new int[size];
for( int i=0;i<newRay.length; i++)
newRay[i] = (int)Math.round(Math.random()*10+1);


It's adding to many 7s in the front of the array.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Graphical Front End For A Poker Game?

Oct 19, 2014

basically I'm a good way through developing a Poker game which I've been developing just for fun(!?) and also to improve my skills, which it has done substantially. The logic involved with some of the hand comparisons and the evaluations of the winner is pretty complex.

Nonetheless, once I've finished the threaded timer to control the regulation of rising blind levels, and the betting mechanics for the Computer players I'll be looking to start creating the front end and this is where I'm a little confused.

Obviously for what I want, neither swing or AWT would be sufficient, so I guess the gap in my knowledge is how to integrate my back end code with a web front end. Is this possible? - What options exist for integration? just pure CSS / JS, or would Angular.js be viable? I'm looking to utilise some ready made images as graphics with maybe some minor animation effects.

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Implementing Back End Code To Front In GUI - Java Swing

Jun 8, 2014

I am messing around with a Swing application and am a bit stuck as to how to join the front and back ends.This is the code for the DataManager class which is responsible for loading and saving objects and interfacing with rest of the system. The data I need displayed comes from a .txt file in the applications directory. I need to show certain aspects of the data in the JComboBoxes in the GUI class.

Java Code:

package programdataapplication;
import java.util.*;
public class DataManager {


how I can join back-end and GUI classes.

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Design And Implement GUI Front End For Computerized Version Of Battleship

Feb 21, 2014

Code for implementing a simple computerised version of Battleships has been supplied. Examine the code ensuring that you understand it. The game is played against the computer.

A number of ships (default is 6) are place randomly on a 4 x 4 grid. A ship occupies one square only. The player then guesses the position of a ship. If he/she guesses correctly the ship is HIT and sinks. If the guess is incorrect the player loses a life. The default number of lives is 7. If the location has been guessed already, no lives are lost.

When the game starts, a 4 x 4 grid should be displayed.

The user should be allowed to enter/select a cell location. If the selected cell contains a ship, the ship will be destroyed. If not the player loses a life. The cell should display an appropriate picture, icon or message informing the user of its current state.

The number of lives and number of ships remaining should be displayed.

When the game ends an appropriate message should be shown informing the player whether he/she has won or lost. The positions of the ships should also be shown.

The purpose of this assignment is that students demonstrate an understanding of the Java Swing library and that he/she can navigate and use the API effectively.

Your finished GUI should be both user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Ideally, the user should have the option to play another game, to quit or give up mid-game. You may also wish to include other options such as different levels of difficulty, etc.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Creating Front-end Application That Uses Command Line Tools

Sep 8, 2014

I'm creating UI's that run on top of backend tools that can run from seconds to days and output GB's of generated data (imagine running tar on the Google servers).
I understand how to execute my backed tools using a runtime process and how to interact with them, and running a simple text as a command line Java app works as expected.  The issue occurs when I wrap the code in a JavaFX frount end UI try to update the UI elements in a reasonable manner.  If I simply use System.out.println() as in the command line version, I see the output from my task.  However, simply trying to put that same output into a TextArea using .appendText() doesn't update the TextArea until the background process completes.
I see all sorts of clippings relating to Task, CreateProcess, invokeLater, updateProgress, but none of them seem to solve their original posters' question (nor mine at this point).

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Java EE SDK :: How To Access Remote Persistent Objects From Web Front Client

Apr 1, 2012

I have a doubt about how to design a web application which has their persistent objects in a service layer in a remote server, i mean a business application. So, once we have a web application as a client of this remote business application, how those persistent objects should be mapped in web front?

Should I either pack all jpa annotated classes into the web front application or there is another neat way to do this?
I was intending in copy all persistent classes present in the remote business application into the web app package, i know it's not the best way to get what i need.

What is a more appropriate design for a web application which must get some objects from a remote business application and persist some other objects there?

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Servlets :: How To Get URL Of JSP Page

May 20, 2014

I am trying to use iText to create a PDF document. I found a nice tutorial online but one thing stumps me. How do I get the URL of the JSP page that contains the content? Since this will not be static, I don't want to hard code this. I am sure this is something simple but I am fairly new to servlets and JSP.

String File_To_Convert = "test.htm";

How do I get the url of the JSP page?

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Servlets :: Possible To Use Annotations?

Aug 10, 2014

Is it permitted or possible to use annotations on classic servlets?


import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

[Code] ....

I tried to visit my webapp with /appinfo appended after the context url but I get a 404 and I see no errors in the GlassFish4 log.

My project is using JSF 2.x with the viewservlet mapped on *.xhtml and it is using Spring Beans as well (using the Spring Context Loader), mapped to /rest/*. Do I need to map something else?

I can only get this servlet working without annotations but only using the old web.xml way.

I don't know what I need to do to get my servlet working with annotations.

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Servlets :: Not Mapping To URL

Feb 4, 2015

I have a servlet that is not mapping to my URL:


When I try to call the Servlet from a JSP:

<a href="/View/viewFlow?V1">V1</a>

The resulting link is [URL].... It's bypassing the project name. The link should be [URL]...

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Servlets :: How To Map Website URL

Nov 25, 2014

I have my mapping as below


So that I can map the first request coming say to my first page , it does the work but some of my css and images is not getting displayed .

So I did as below


By doing this my css and images get displayed and everything works fine.

But the problem is I want to display my first page as user puts the url.

I am putting my jsp pages in WEB-INF/jsps , I am not putting it directly under WEB-CONTENT directory.

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Servlets :: Need To Set Up A Server

Dec 20, 2014

I am new to Servlets and came across it in Head First Java 2nd Edition. I wrote the servlet code. I don't know how to run it. Do I need to set up a server?

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Servlets :: Sessions Within Same War

Aug 14, 2014

Suppose we have two servlets runing inside same war on same server. When user access servlet A and create a session, he then open another tab or browser to access servlet B (session created by servlet A still exist). Inside servlet B, does


return the session created by servlet A ?

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Servlets :: How To Use Session

Apr 16, 2014

I'm trying to go back to basic and strengthen some of my foundation. I'm wondering what kind of data would be appropriate to be stored inside a session? My app is a web app where all the users are the employee of a company. So it's an web-based app that keeps track of stock movements, purchasing and sales order (standard distributor company). The web app interacts strictly with employees, so no public facing app (yes, that's right, no shopping cart). So, in this kind of web app, what kind of data that by storing it to session.

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Servlets :: Calling JSP Page

Mar 25, 2014

I am calling a jsp page from my servlet using the requestdispatcher.forward(myjsp.jsp) method. myjsp.jsp is creating a new thread which is parallely processing along with the servlet. The issue is that the jsp page is not displayed until the servlet finishes its execution, although the new thread is created by jsp and is executing in parallel. How do we have the jsp page displayed even when the servlet is executing.

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Servlets :: Redirect After Login

Jan 30, 2014

I have a secured Struts application in WebSphere that uses FORM j_security_check for authentication.There is also a Post Logon "filter" defined which runs some code after a login is processed.The extract from web.xml showing the login configuration and filter is as follows:



If a user isn't logged into the application and they try to access one of the secured servlets, for example, they are directed to the login page to enter their information.If they login successfully, they are then directed to, rather than the default "welcome" page. Is there a setting in the web.xml or the post logon filter where I can force j_security_check to ALWAYS go to the default welcome page after a successful login?

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Servlets :: URL Encoding And Decoding

Jan 29, 2015

I need to encode the URL in order to prevent XSS security threat. I don't have to encode the complete URL, I just have to encode the values for query string. How to encode only the values of query string parameters and change it in the URL itself using java. I am planning to do this in a filter.

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Servlets :: Checkbox Not Working Right

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to finish this servlet that adds a new course to my courses display. im using a check box so the user can pick what the prerequisite are for the new course they want to add. so if they check cs201 , it will add cs201 as a prerequisite for that new course.

for some reason my checkbox will only add the first checkbox that is clicked. like if i add a subject , and click the check boxs for cs203 , cs202, and cs201. it will only grab cs201 and add it to my course display. it wont grab all 3. how can i grab the other info thats checked?

package cs320Homework1.servlet;
import java.util.List;
 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: URL Routing Without Using A Framework

Feb 18, 2015

I am seen that ASP.NET apps have a handy feature called URL Routing. How will one implement this in Java without the use of heavy frameworks like Spring MVC ? How do you even begin writing a URL Router if there isn't anything available?

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Servlets :: How To Convert Into Jsp Page

May 22, 2014

I have to convert servlet into jsp. but i dnt know how to convert servlet into jsp.This is my Servlet

package com.example.imagecalculation;
import java.awt.List;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;


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Servlets :: Requests Interfere With Each Other

Jun 17, 2014

I did a Servlet and a JSP with a combobox. I called the JSP on one browser and selected value n1 from the combobox. From another computer, I called the (same URL) and selected value n2. I expected the Servlet to handled both requests separately, however when I select value n2 on the 2nd browser, the jsp on the 1st browser that initially had value 1, now changes into value 2 as well.

Why cant the servlet handle requests separately? users actions on different browsers should not interfere with each other..!

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Servlets :: Reload Particular Div Tag Of JSP File?

Jul 9, 2014

Can I reload a particular div tag of jsp file from servlet?

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