Servlets :: How To Generate N Number Of PDF In Java

May 13, 2014

i want to generate n number of pdf here n will be some limit according to requirement so ultimately I have to generate more than 1 pdf same time with once running the code I Have some values associated with id i want to print those values with respective id's in pdf format, values can be in database or in some variable , which way i should go... i have some ideas either i can save those values in database and can make a single xml file from database of all records and then divide each node with different different pdf or directly get the values from database and generate the pdf.

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Servlets :: How To Generate Unique Reference Number With Clustering Without DB

Feb 10, 2015

At our banking application , there is a requirements to send unique reference number for some payment transaction.How can I do this at Prod while we have three app servers and we don't have DB at our end (front end site)?

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Java Lotto - Randomly Generate Five-digit Number And Prompts User To Enter Five-digit Number

Sep 25, 2014

1. Write a Java program that randomly generates a five-digit lottery number and prompts the user to enter a five-digit number. Each digit in the number is in the range between 0~9. The program should determine which prize the user wins according to the following rule:

- The user wins the first prize if the user input matches all five digits in the lottery number in exact order.
-The user wins the second prize if the user input matches any four digits in the lottery number in exact positions.
-The user wins the third prize if the user input matches any three digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
-The user wins the fourth prize if the user input matches any two digits in the lottery number in its exact position.

- The user wins the fifth prize if the user input matches any one digit in the lottery number in its exact is my code. I have tried replacing the && statements with || and it always returns either case 1 or case default.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
class Hw5 {
static int getPrize(int g1, int g2, int g3, int g4, int g5,
int u1, int u2, int u3, int u4, int u5) {


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JAVA Program That Will Generate A Random Phone Number

Mar 12, 2014

Instruction: You work for a telemarketing company and you are required to write a JAVA program that will generate a random phone number. (talk about a real-world application)

-The phone number should consist of 10 digits
-The first 3 are the area code and should not begin with 0, 8 or 9
-The second 3 digits should not be greater than 742 and not less than 100.
-The last 4 digits can be any digits
-Print the number using the following format: "(xxx)-xxx-xxxx", this way it will look like a real phone number (use decimal formatting)

by this : Generating Random Numbers
Using arithmetic operations

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Java Random Road Cross - Generate Random Number Between One To Ten

Dec 8, 2014

The program I'm supposed to create generates a random number between one to ten. Then the program is to ask me if I wish to cross the road. If you choose to cross, the outcomes for 0-2 are "You crossed safely." For 3-5, 75% of the time it should say "RIP you got run over", and 35% of the time it should say "You crossed the street." For 6-8, 60% of the time it should say you made it.", and 40% of the time it should say "You died". For 9-10, it should say "RIP".

So far I have gotten the random number generation part working. I have up to here:

import java.util.Random;
public class test4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
for(int i =0; i < 1; i++){
int num = random.nextInt(10) + 1;
System.out.println("The number of cars on the street are: " + num + "Do you wish to cross the road?");

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Servlets :: Generate Graph From Backend Database?

Jun 7, 2014

1) I will have to create two columns in MYSQL database and insert data in that, each column contain 8-9 k data.

2) Then i need to plot this data in chosen GUI in three separate plots on one screen as shown in attached image.

3) Time interval for X-axis for plotting individual graph is 0.001.

4) Then i need to plot these two waveform data against each other as XY graph as shown in graph.

How to do this or what language and technique i need to choose.

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Generate Random Number From 0 - 2

Jan 16, 2015

How would I get java to generate a random number from 0-2? all I've been able to find on random numbers is math.random which gives you from .0 to .10. you can multiply this by 10 to get 1-10 or by 100 to get 1-100 but how to make it so java will simply let me tell it the rand of numbers I want or get a random number in a range that is not a multiple of 10. and I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere.

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Servlets :: Generate M By N Multiplication Table Based On User Input

May 8, 2014

I have a basic html form with one user input text box labeled "Enter a number" and a submit button labeled "Create a multiplication table". This is the working with a servlet to display an html formatted multiplication table. Everything else is working fine just the formatting is off; I can't seem to get the top row and far left column to number properly. It should look like this with the top row of numbers beginning with a blank cell and then numbering 1 thru n (depending on what the user selects. The first column should be the same, a blank cell and then 1 thru n. Then the multiplication table should be in the rows/columns of the table. Picture this:

I can't get mine to start with a blank cell in the top left-hand corner, instead it has 1 in that cell and the table starts calculating with 2x2.

Servlet code:

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] ....

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Generate A Random Number From 100 To 150 Inclusive In Applet

Apr 12, 2011

how to code the generated a random number from 100 to 150 inclusive for an applet

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Random Generate Secret Number Into Array

Apr 1, 2014

Trying to generate random integers, based off user-input for amount of integers, and then sort them into an array. The problem is that the second method needs to be int[] but I cannot figure out what to make the return result. The instructions say it needs to be an int[] in the UML diagram, so I know it's not supposed to be void.

Java Code:

public void generateNewSecret() {
Random rand = new Random();{
for (int i=0; i<numDigitsSet; i++) {
secretNumber[i]= rand.nextInt(10);
System.out.println("" + secretNumber[i]);

[Code] .....

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EJB / EE :: Generate Unique Number And It Should Not Skip At Any Situation

Jun 4, 2014

We have a customer requirement , need to generate a unique number(configurable) and it should not skip at any situation.

We have about 3- 4 modules where we need to generate. And update in some xyz table column each time. We are doing this as below approach.

We generate that number in separate transaction and that too in end of the business logic and then move to success page. But recently it got skipped due to time out error during updating .... the db usage is huge at some time and multi user doing operation which intern generate multiple number of this time.

But as DB is not responded and complete transaction is roll out and this number got skipped...

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Servlets :: Asynchronous Request Processing - Generate Thousand Of Lines Of Output

Aug 16, 2014

package com;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.annotation.*;

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/alan", name = "NullS", asyncSupported = true)
public class Null extends HttpServlet {

[Code] ....

When I run this servlet this generates thousand of lines of output. Whats the problem?

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Generate Random Number Between Two Values That Can Be Negative Or Positive

Apr 30, 2015

I am trying to make a method that generated a random number between two values that can be negative or positive.


rand(-0.2, 0.2);

would give one of these: -0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2

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Generate Random Number Between 0 And 19 Which Represent Location In Array

Aug 2, 2014

To simulate it, the program will generate a random number between 0 and 19, which represents the location in the array (i.e. index number). Then, the 3 numbers to the left and right of this location should be reset to the value 0. If there isn't 3 numbers to the left and right you may assume a lesser number depending on the boundaries of the array.

How to reset the numbers to 0 in the final array ?

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Generate A File In Java With Unix TimeStamp

Feb 5, 2015

I need to generate a file in Java with Unix TimeStamp. Want to generate an ordered list of Data entry objects for a defined period of time e.g., getData (long startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, long resolution).

1) I would like to generate resolution with random numbers by using Random class.

2) How to take Start and end timestamps to generate a file (i.e., writing into a file).

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Java Program To Generate Data Along With Outliers

Mar 4, 2015

I am currently concentrating on Java programming skills. Right now developing a Energy usecase in Java with Spring framework. Have business requirement to generate data along with outliers. For example, have two parameters called as min and max (centigrates). Generate a file between min and max and store in a file. Atleast need to generate 10 outliers in each 100 records. Outliers should be < min and > max. How to write a java class with this business condition. The file should be like,

Java Code:

Public class DataGeneration(int min, int max)
where min = 30
max = 50

98938409384389384< >30
39083048938409384< >49
39583980398493840< >-30
90853948093849383< >100 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

From above sample data file, it will be generating two outliers. How to create such kind of data generation in Java class?

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Basic Console Java Program - Generate Employee ID

Feb 27, 2014

Basic console java program. I need to generate an employee id. I have an employee class that I will paste here so you can see my fields and constructors.

public class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int id;
public int nextUniqueId = 0;
public Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Web Services :: Java Code To Generate Curl Get Http Request

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to generate this request with my Java program, but I just can't seem to figure it out: curl -v -H "Authorization:Basic MY_AUTH_CODE" -H "Accept:application/xml" -H "app_id:MY_APP_ID" -H "app_key:MY_APP_KEY" -X GET "THIRD_PARTY_URL"

I tried to generate a query string, but I keep getting 403 errors. I also tried to input my parameters using URLConnection.getRequestProperty("name", "value"), but that didn't work either.

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Using JAVA Scanner Class - Manipulate And Generate Data Dictionary Add Cards For Each

Feb 24, 2015

I have a string of variable tags (tag) filled with variables, and using a Scanner (scan) to manipulate and generate data dictionary add cards for each. The variables are delimited with new line character, and the variables are structured such that the actual name of the variable contains info as to its data type, size, etc. What I need to do is move the scanner to a particular point into the string then use .nextInt() or similar. I don't want to do this to the whole variable, just where I start it from. How can I do this?


/* variables in String tag...

Scanner scan = new Scanner( tag );
int ptr = tag.indexOf( "_" );
if ( Character.toLowerCase( tag.charAt( ptr ) ) == 's' )
// then start at the "_" character and grab the nextInt()

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Servlets :: Count Number Of Users Accessing Web Application

Aug 30, 2010

In our web application we are using servlets,jsp and spring technologies.Here we are also maintaining session mechanism in our application.But now i need to count number of users accessing our web application at a time. How can i implement this mechanism...

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Servlets :: Delivery Of SMS Containing National Identification Number Of User Upon Request

Mar 6, 2015

I have a project which consists of the delivery of an sms containing the national identification number of a user upon request. This request will be in the form of an sms. Say for instance a client sends an sms to the mobile operator, my app would retrieve the national id and communicates it to the mobile operator which would send it the client.

I have downloaded and installed kannel as well the smsc simulator SMPPSim and also gone through some of the documentation. Now my problem is, how can i simulate the reception of an sms? Say for instance a client sends 'nidn 5', i want to be able to take 5 and process it in a servlet to retrieve the associated national identification number. How to achieve this.

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I/O / Streams :: How To Use Java To Generate Word Document From A Word Template

Aug 19, 2014

I am looking for java codes to generate a word document based on a word template, basically, I have a word template created and in my local path, the template has a proper format with some fields which will be filled in after java codes ran. The java codes will fetch one record from a table, and open the word template and then fill the fields in the word template, and created a new word document and save it in another folder.

I found this example: [URL] which is similar except it uses xml template instead of word template, how to make it work to change the template from xml to word (docx) template?

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Servlets :: Get Remote Username In Java

Sep 22, 2014

I have a servlet. Users from other machines access that servlet and I want to capture the remote user's UserName and do validation over that.It's just a simple servlet and no login/password is present. I tried request.getRemoteUser(), but its of no luck.

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Servlets :: Create Corresponding Java Object?

Sep 18, 2014

I get an json from http request. I want to create a corresponding Java object.

is there any automated mapping? Something called pojo or something else?

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Servlets :: How To Rewrite URL In Java Web Application

Apr 2, 2015

On Form Submit my url changes from



Form action is EditReport(Servlet Name).

Now on EditReport i perform the databse operations and forward the request to the GetReports?fname=Formname Servlet using Request Dispatcher.So that i am on the same page which is the first one (1) i started from.

Now Everything works fine on the .jsp page But the url remains unchanged that is the second one (2).

Now if i hit the URL again i.e. localhost:8080/Workflow/admin/EditReport it will give an error.

So how to rewrite the url i.e. from admin/EditReport to /admin/GetReports?fname=Formname after performing all the operations.?

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Servlets :: Payment Gateway In Java

Jan 20, 2011

How to implement the payment gateway in java.

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