Servlets :: How To Remove Item From Shopping Cart

Feb 20, 2014

I created a website using jsp and servlet. I made a shopping cart and got the items to display. But how can i remove the items from the cart? Next to each item is a remove button. When that is pressed the item selected needs to be removed and cart needs to refresh.

Here is the code to display the cart:

<table width='700' border='2'>

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart - Not Add More Than One Item

Dec 30, 2014

I have following servlet to add items into cart -

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;


One item gets added to the cart successfully. When adding the second item it gives a Null Pointer Exception at line 53


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Servlets :: Shopping Cart Session Is Not Working Properly

Jan 4, 2015

I am adding my shopping cart in session like bellow in servlet

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60*30); // 30 minutes
if (session.getAttribute("cart") == null){
session.setAttribute("cart", new ShoppingCart());
cart = session.getAttribute("cart");

I seems if more than one person accesses it from server, if they items in the shopping cart, all the product is added to a single session. I mean if i added 4 items first and other person adds 2 items, second person sees 6 products in his cart. Where am I going wrong?

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart - Show Text Based On Which Page A User Is Coming From

May 30, 2014

I am making a shopping cart app in JSP and servlets to bring it all together. Finally.

I have a registration servlet (c1), a registration form jsp (c2), a login jsp (c3). c1 checks if a username is in the database or not.

If the username is not there, then register the user and send them to c3. I want c3 to display a "registration successful" message if a user has just registered successfully and is coming from c1. ELSE, take the user back to c2 with a message which tells them to choose a different username or password etc.

How do I implement the logic of showing a message depending on where a user is coming from ? The servlets and jsps are ready and I only need to add this logic for a custom message. Of course, I could make a JSP for Registration Successful and one for Registration Failure. But, that seems to be unnecessary.

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Shopping Cart Using Array Of Items

Nov 5, 2014

I am working on a project. It is a shopping cart java program that should be setup with an array size of 5 and increased at increments of 3 if you go over 5 items. When I go over 5 items in increases however it changes the item names to null. See output below.

Here is the actual assignment:

In this exercise you will complete a class that implements a shopping cart as an array of items. The file contains the definition of a class named Item that models an item one would purchase. An item has a name, price, and quantity (the quantity purchased). The file implements the shopping cart as an array of Item objects.

1.Complete the ShoppingCart class by doing the following:

a.Declare an instance variable cart to be an array of Items and instantiate cart in the constructor to be an array holding 5 Items.
b.Fill in the code for the increaseSize method. Your code should be similar to that in the CDCollection class handout but instead of doubling the size just increase it by 3 elements.
c.Fill in the code for the addToCart method. This method should add the item to the cart and update the totalPrice instance variable (note this variable takes into account the quantity).
d. Add a getTotalPrice() method to return the totalPrice.
e..Compile your class.

2.Write a program that simulates shopping. The program should have a loop that continues as long as the user wants to shop. Each time through the loop read in the name, price, and quantity of the item the user wants to add to the cart. After adding an item to the cart, the cart contents should be printed along with a subtotal. After the loop, print a "Please pay ..." message with the total price of the items in the cart. Compile and run this class.


Enter the name of the item: Apples
Enter the unit price: .5
Enter the quantity: 1

Shopping Cart

ItemUnit PriceQuantityTotal
Total Price: $0.50
Continue shoppping (y/n)?
Enter the name of the item: Oranges
Enter the unit price: .5
Enter the quantity: 1

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Shopping Cart - Custom Tag And Image

Jan 4, 2015

I am developing shopping cart in which I am storing image in database and retrieving.

When I select any product category from menu. example, I selected Computer then all list of product related to computer will be return i.e productName, Price and image, By using JSON.

this is my json response and output in comment.

success : function(data) {
if (data.length != 0) {
var d = eval(data);
for ( var key in d) {

[Code] ....

Alternatively I created custom tag to resolve this.Custom tag is working fine in jsp but in java script it saying error raised Unterminated custom tag. I think I used this custom tag in javascript but i am not sure about this error,

custom tag code for image :
imgByte = product.getImage().getBytes(1, (int) product.getImage().length());
String encodeimage = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(imgByte));
out.println("<tr><td><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64," +encodeimage + ""/><tr> <td>");

MY Question
1 - How can I use Custom tag in javascript ? Or
2 - How can we extract image from json object, like I did in custom tag .

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JSP :: Shopping Cart - Calculate Total Price

Sep 21, 2014

I am making a shopping cart web, but some problems I meet about how to calculate the total price

I use ajax in product list web and if I choose one product , it will send the Id that I read from MySql to servlet and use session to save it . and I click the button jump to the cart, the page cart.jsp will read information from session ,and find product information from mysql by id , now my question is where I calculate the total price, servlet or jsp?

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Java ArrayList - Printing Shopping Cart Receipts Project

Oct 26, 2014

I'm new to the concept of ArrayList and I want to solve this problem in my code.

My main problem: I don't know how to sort itemA and itemB to appear only once then It will just add the total prices together.

This is the behavior of my code:

C:Documents and SettingsDrewDesktop>java ReceiptCode
Enter Company Name
123 Main Street

[Code] ....

I don't know how to sort itemA and itemB to appear only once then It will just add the total prices together. Here is my sourcecode:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

[Code] ....

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Remove Item From Table?

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to make a calendar that, when you click on the date, the result are stored in a map and visualized in a table that refers to a container.

I successfully created the map mechanism, but I have a problem on the list....

I add the rows in this way:

Object newItemId = container.addItem();
Item riga = container.getItem(newItemId);
How can I delete a row in the list, when all I have in input is the "Timestamp" information, in a Long value?

BTY, I'm using NetBeans with Vaadin extension

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How To Remove Item From ArrayList Then Add Back To Place Of Removal

Dec 2, 2014

How do you remove from an ArrayList at a particular index then add back to that same index without the removal causing the ArrayList to compensate for the loss of them item and moving the empty space to the end of the array list?I've tried:

public void dischargePatient(int bedNumber) {
if (bedNumber < beds.size()) {

But this moves the bed at bedNumber to the end of the ArrayList after removing the patient from the bed. How do I keep it at bedNumber?

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Servlets :: How To Design A Shopping Website

Nov 23, 2014

I am working on a Project of Ecommerce Shopping WebSite in Java.

First I Decided to use Servets,JSP,Spring,hibernate etc.. from Scratch to design its Layouts and Functionality.

But After Reading this Thread [URL]...

I Found that there are already some Ecommerece Solution that are availabale in Java Like Magento.

Is it worth To use these Ecommerce Solution for Development Purpose of Premium Purpose.

I read that some of them are Open Source.

If a ShoppingCart Solution is OpenSource then Can We Use that to develop and Distribute for Premium Purpose?

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Servlets :: Architecture Design For Shopping Database

Apr 2, 2015

I'm working on a consulting training project to create a eCommerce online shopping application. Nothing big, just something functional and simple. That's why I want to structure it with the easiest maintainability possible. I've already ironed out the the database entities and how they'll relate to one another and even managed to establish connection to the database from my java application class. NOW I need to configure a user session on the web.xml, from what I've learned so far in my consulting, I can easily use jsp and servlets to have httpsession objects receive and send the information needed to and from the database, but the question is, how many do I need for a client's session?

Would maintainability be easier if I divide each entity's class actions to different servlets(a customer servlet, order servlet, product servlet, etc...), or can a single servlet handle an entire session without any complication?

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Default Constructor That Create Empty Cart

Feb 25, 2014

Java Code:

package collectionsHw_netid;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ShoppingCart {
//field items
static ArrayList <String> food = new ArrayList<String>();
static ArrayList <Double> price = new ArrayList<Double>();

[Code] ....

Create a new class, ShoppingCart, with a single field, items, that can hold any number of items (Hint: use an ArrayList)

Create a default constructor that creates an empty cart

Create the following methods. After you write each method, test it by running main.

insertItem which adds an Item to the end of the cart (use only 1 parameter)

print which prints the name and price of each item on a separate line using a loop

removeItem which removes an item at a given index

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Code For Shopping List

Dec 2, 2014

Im new to java, the program works but I have a feeling its not the right way to do it.

public class ShoppingItem {
private String ItemName;
private double ItemPrice;
private int ItemQty;
public ShoppingItem()
ItemName = "Fruit";
ItemPrice = 100;
ItemQty = 1;


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Online Shopping Price Comparison

Jan 20, 2015

I want the code for comparing the price of product on different online shopping site ...

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What Classes Can Be Used For Shopping Checkout System

Mar 15, 2015

I'm currently trying to build a project for a mock checkout system. Basically it has to allow for users to browse through a list of items and add and remove products to the shopping cart as well as keep track of everything, dynamically updating the total price of the items in the checkout. In addition I also have to allow for the use of multiple checkouts. I have the main gui built but just trying to ascertain the best manner in which to build everything behind it.

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Program For Shopping Mall Management

Nov 4, 2014

My program is basically on mall management ,here have to give details to customer of mall on a screen so, they can easily get that particular shop exact location . Infact they can get offer details that is given by that shop . Customer can even get alternate options of shop for their demand for eg: if someone want sports wear then he/she may get many options of shop like PUMA,NIKE,REEBOK etc.

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JSP :: Display Product Details From Database In A Gridview Format For Online Shopping System

Apr 12, 2015

I want to display product details such as product image, name, price in a one cell of a table tag on jsp page. There should be multiple rows and 3 cells per row in the required output.i have written the following code:

<form action="displayServlet" method="get">

<table >
statement4 = connection3.createStatement();
rs4 = statement4.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM product");


This code displays all cells in only one row. I used colspan but its not working...I have attached the snapshot of above code output and required output

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LinkedList Remove Method

Apr 12, 2014

My remove(item E) method is working fine if I remove an item that is in the list. However, it has an error when I try to remove an item which is not on the list!

Linked List Class

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class LinkedList<E>
private Node<E> head; // head node of the list
private int size = 0; // number of elements that have been added to the list
// Returns the element at a specific list index.
// Big-O: O(n) (due to the nodeAt call, which must traverse the list)
public E get(int index)


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How To Remove Value Or Highlighted On Click

Jan 16, 2015

I want my jSpinner value "0" to be removed on button click. and I want my jSpinner and jFormattedTextfield and jTextfield value "0" to be Highlighted(e.g: like highlighted by mouse double click) on button click.By removed I mean: nothing to be in the jSpinner. empty as any textfield. the jSpinner default value is 0 and on Click I want the value of the jSpinner to be removed and Highlighted, I need both examples code.

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Buttons To Add And Remove 1 Ball

Apr 29, 2015


import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Ball extends JPanel {
private int delay = 10;
private Timer timer = new Timer(delay, new TimerListener());
private int x = 0; private int y = 0;

[Code] ...

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How To Add And Remove From Arraylist Through Different Class

Mar 13, 2014

Right now i am working on some java using BlueJ and trying to insert and remove data from an arraylist through a public class or from a new class.

I want it to have it as like a database were you can add and remove data but have a limit of storing.

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How To Remove ActionListener From All Of Buttons At The End

Mar 18, 2015

How can I remove the ActionListener from the buttons of my application after i have got something happen.

Please consider the following application:

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Exer1218659 extends JFrame {
private String[] textButtons;
private Container contents;

[Code] .....

After the line 37 executes I expect that the ActionHandler (ah) will be removed from all of the buttons but this do not happen, then all the remaining button still responding to the clicks. Where is the problem in my code.

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Code Won't Allow To Remove Integer

May 7, 2014

My program gives me an error when I try to "digUp" the purse. The error appears in the purse class.

public class Purse
public double gp;
public double gold;
public double silver;
public double copper;
public double platinum;
public static final double GOLD_VALUE = 1;

[Code] ....

In the digUpPurse() method, it tells me


What this means.

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How To Remove Possible Suffix / Return More Than One Value

Mar 19, 2015

I have a prob with my coding..Here it is :

private boolean chk_akhiran(String pkata) {
String tempkata = new String();
boolean wujud = false, status = false;
for (int i = 0; i < akhir + 1; i++) {
tempkata = Suffix[i]; // list of suffix that possible to be removed

[Code] ....

Example : "katakan" will produce "katak" but at the same time possible root word that can be produced is "kata"
in Suffix [i] i have a suffix "an" and "kan"'s stop when meets suffix "an" bcoz "an" is above "kan" in a list .. How to get another possible root word....

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How To Insert Item Into Array

Mar 1, 2014

I don't really get the concept of how I "insert" an item into an array. I get a cannot find symbol error when I try to. I think its because I'm losing focus. What sort of code would "insert" an item into an array? I just want a goal of conceptually how I would do it.

Anyways, here are the instructions for the exercise:

Write a new class method, insert, for the Item class that takes three arguments - an Item[] array, an Item newItem, and an int k - and inserts newItem into array at index k, discarding the last item of the array (that is, the item originally at index array.length - 1).

Here is the uneditable code:
public class Item {
private int myN;
  public Item( int n ) {
myN = n;

public String toString()

[Code] ....

I get a cannot find symbol error, but I thought I was doing as I was supposed to. I thought you had to have an ArrayList to be able to insert or delete an item from an array. How can you take a primitive object, like an array, and insert something into it. My idea of it was a[i] would be replaced with a[i + 1]. I know I'm getting this concept wrong because that's what I tried to do.

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