Servlets :: Remember Online User ID / Password

Jan 25, 2014

Some web site offers feature of "remember user id/pwd" so next time when you access the same web site, it automatically pre fill out the user id field and or password field for you. How is this kind feature implemented ? I am not talking about the auto-complete function here.

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Servlets :: Including Remember Me Token In Request Header

Mar 20, 2014

I know when including remember me token in request header, it will contain expiry date. does this mean the token generated must be able to be reversed back to it's original string?

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Servlets :: Online Examination App

Jun 30, 2014

I am trying to build a basic online exam app.But not able to find out how to do that.So user will log in , click on start exam That will be handled by servlet , servlet should call Model class that will fetch questions from database and make a list of those questions and return it to servlet.Than servlet will set that list as an attribute.

and redirect to jsp , which will have three buttons previous ,next ,finish.on clicking on finish I will call servlet wichich will calla model class which returns users score and then servlet redirects to result.jsp.Is this way is right ?

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Java Code That Ask User For Password Input

Jul 21, 2014

This is the java code that I wrote for a password:

// java application that asks the user to enter a password
 import java.util.Scanner; //program uses class scanner
 public class password{
//main method used to execute java application
public static void main(String args[]){
//create scanner to obtain input from command window

[Code] ....

here is the output of the code when I run it :

entered the passwordreason
Try againPress any key to continue . . .

The code compiles without errors. The problem is when , I entered the actually password that I declared in my code, it doesn't output "You entered the correct password" but it instead outputs "Try again", which is supposed to be the output if you've entered the incorrect password. What did I do wrong?

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EJB / EE :: Validation For User / Email And Password Doesn't Works

Dec 23, 2014

I having problem on validating email and password whether does it belongs to a registered members or not. I'm using NetBeans and created a database, table name as members. I have done setting up connection pool and fill in data to my members table.This is my members table data.

1|1||what|Number 1
2|2||fire|Number 2

This is my index.jsp

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Library Application</title>


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Does A BufferReaderobject Remember Its Last Location If Pass It On To New Method

Jun 28, 2014

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(...)));

secondMethod(BufferedReader br){
br.readLine(); //

will the br continue from the first line of the file or the one he last read in the createBufferReader method?

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Remember File Structure On Subsequent Openings?

Mar 12, 2014

I have a program I am working on, and have been using the following code:

Java Code:

private void checkQInstall(){
try {
qs = new File("C:MEMORYGAMEq.bin");
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(qs));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

[Code] .....

Now my main issue is I am working on a project that could be used on a variety of systems. I understand that Java is designed for flexibility among OS's and that the way I have coded is designed for a Windows system (afaik). How to retain an installation directory so that on subsequent openings, the program knows where to open the file, without it being platform dependent.

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Setting Password And Username - Username Works But Getting Errors For Password?

Apr 4, 2015

username works perfectly, but when I enter password I get this error.

Java Code:

OKbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if(Usernametxt.getText().equals("Admin") &&
System.out.println("permition granted");
System.out.println("permition Rejected");


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Getting Password From Password Field

Aug 26, 2014

I am new to JAVA GUI programming and was wondering how you go about getting and testing if a password field text equals something. For example, if the password equals "password" then do something.

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Servlets :: How To Check For A Session As The User Goes Through Different Pages

Mar 18, 2014

I have a question about how to check for a session as the user goes through different pages. I am using Java beans and EL to pass data from page to page but I cannot figure out how to check for a session on the pages without the use of a scriptlet with an if else statement in it.

I do not want the user to be able to access any pages unless they are logged in. With a scriptlet, I can create a statement that says if session exists show name else redirect to login page.

From what I have read and what some of the wonderful members here have told me, scriptlets are a big no no these days. So, how do I do these without the use of a scriptlet?

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Servlets :: Restrict User To Login From One System At A Time

Apr 23, 2014

In My application I want to implement functionality to let user login from only one system at a time. I am searching for something that can Identify the system uniquely (Like IP address or Mac address ). I am using servlet and I don't know how to access Mac in servelt

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Servlets :: Clean Way To Log Every Database Operation Issued By Which User

May 16, 2014

So, there's a new requirement to log which user issues what database operations. The dumb way is to pass the session object around, but I hope said dumb way is not the only way to achieve this. Hopefully there's another cleaner and smarter way to do this.

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Servlets :: Delivery Of SMS Containing National Identification Number Of User Upon Request

Mar 6, 2015

I have a project which consists of the delivery of an sms containing the national identification number of a user upon request. This request will be in the form of an sms. Say for instance a client sends an sms to the mobile operator, my app would retrieve the national id and communicates it to the mobile operator which would send it the client.

I have downloaded and installed kannel as well the smsc simulator SMPPSim and also gone through some of the documentation. Now my problem is, how can i simulate the reception of an sms? Say for instance a client sends 'nidn 5', i want to be able to take 5 and process it in a servlet to retrieve the associated national identification number. How to achieve this.

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Servlets :: How To Track Client IP Address From Where User Requested To Application

Jan 28, 2014

I need to track the client IP address from where user requested to my application.

I tried following:

String ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();

In which InetAddress is giving my local machine IP when i run my application in localhost, but I mapped localhost:8080 with IIS server then InetAddress not giving exact IP address. How can we resolve this?

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Servlets :: Generate M By N Multiplication Table Based On User Input

May 8, 2014

I have a basic html form with one user input text box labeled "Enter a number" and a submit button labeled "Create a multiplication table". This is the working with a servlet to display an html formatted multiplication table. Everything else is working fine just the formatting is off; I can't seem to get the top row and far left column to number properly. It should look like this with the top row of numbers beginning with a blank cell and then numbering 1 thru n (depending on what the user selects. The first column should be the same, a blank cell and then 1 thru n. Then the multiplication table should be in the rows/columns of the table. Picture this:

I can't get mine to start with a blank cell in the top left-hand corner, instead it has 1 in that cell and the table starts calculating with 2x2.

Servlet code:

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] ....

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Java 64 Bit Won't Go Online

Jul 18, 2014

I know I have a 64 bit OS, my computer, will simply not download the 64 bit version of java when I hit the big ol' red button on the main page. and yes, I have gone to the downloads page and downloaded the one that's 64 bit, but whenever I try to play games, it simply won't let me go online. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing seems to work.

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart - Show Text Based On Which Page A User Is Coming From

May 30, 2014

I am making a shopping cart app in JSP and servlets to bring it all together. Finally.

I have a registration servlet (c1), a registration form jsp (c2), a login jsp (c3). c1 checks if a username is in the database or not.

If the username is not there, then register the user and send them to c3. I want c3 to display a "registration successful" message if a user has just registered successfully and is coming from c1. ELSE, take the user back to c2 with a message which tells them to choose a different username or password etc.

How do I implement the logic of showing a message depending on where a user is coming from ? The servlets and jsps are ready and I only need to add this logic for a custom message. Of course, I could make a JSP for Registration Successful and one for Registration Failure. But, that seems to be unnecessary.

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Java Online Compiler API

Aug 20, 2014

Running a java source code through an online java compiler (in which you will just pass the the source code using a http request, then the compiler will return the output/error of the source code automatically)?.

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Servlets :: Capture Keystroke From User In Textarea And Insert Details Into Text File Using Java

May 6, 2014

i am trying to do a program captures keystroke and mouseclick from user in a textarea and insert the details intoa text file using java. Mainly such as delay between keys, no. of times backspace being pressed, alt tab press and copy paste mouse click.

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Java Online Applet For Survey

Nov 2, 2014

For a project I have to create an online survey, I cannot use a per-made online survey system because I have really specific needs that no pre-made system can satisfy, so my idea would be to create it in java and store the data in some simple text file, which are fairly easy to work with in java. My question is, is it possible, and if yes how difficult is it, to put the entire thing online? What worries me isn't putting the applet itself online, but the text files that should collect the data, I already have the website to host it.

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Online Shopping Price Comparison

Jan 20, 2015

I want the code for comparing the price of product on different online shopping site ...

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Find Whole Syntax Of API Method Online?

Jul 5, 2014

I was trying to find the complete readLine() method In the online docs but all I can get hold of Is:

public String readLine()
throws IOException

Reads a line of text. A line is considered to be terminated by any one of a line feed

'), a carriage return ('

or a carriage return followed immediately by a linefeed.

Returns:A String containing the contents of the line, not including any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the stream has been reachedThrows:IOException - If an I/O error occursSee Also:Files.readAllLines(java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.charset.Charset)

Is It possible to view the actual method syntax online ?

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Getting Images Online And Display On JPanel

Jan 18, 2014

I want to be able to get an image online and display on my JPanel but for some reason my image wont load and just shows a blank square, but when I try to load an image from my hard drive it works just fine.

Here is what I was trying to do:

Java Code:

BufferedImage image;
image ="insert link here"));
catch(Exception e)
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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JSP :: Store Time Taken By Each Question In Online Examination?

Apr 2, 2015

How to store the time taken by each question in an online examination system?(i am devloping the project using jsp)

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Make Java App Which Will Be Used Only For Online Banking Transaction?

Dec 19, 2014

I need to make an java app which will be used only for online banking transaction with credit/debit card i need to know the basic procedures for costumer to come and do the transaction

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