Simple Form Of Doing Groups Of Expressions In One Line?

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to put all this in one line - new DefaultTableModel(0, INT HERE) - there is a way?

List<ArrayList>valores=new ArrayList();
ArrayList valorPrimeiro=valores.get(0);
int primeiroTam =((ArrayList)valorPrimeiro.get(0)).size()+1;
defaultTable=new DefaultTableModel(0, primeiroTam);

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Java Regular Expressions - Simple Search And Replace

Mar 1, 2014

I want to do a simple search and replace regular expression of lines. I am very unfamilar with Java regular expressions, and I'm not sure how to do something as simple as what I want to do. I have lines that look like this...

Java Code : access_log /home/%USER%/access_log mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I want them changed so %USER% changes to a string, such as "cyrus," so they appear like this ...

Java Code: access_log /home/cyrus/access_log mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The reason I want to use regular expressions is because I want to use the replaceAll method of the java.lang.String object. If I use replace I have to convert my strings into char arrays, and my code becomes bulky.

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Using Factory And Singleton Design Patterns To Create A Simple Form

Nov 16, 2014

My assignment was to create a simple form that demonstrates the use of the factory and singleton design patterns. "Use the Factory pattern to ensure that each form input consists of a text label and a textfield. Use the Singleton pattern for the submit button. When the submit button is clicked, a pop-up should show all the information that was typed into all of the form fields."

I used JFrame to create the form without the design patterns and I although I get the desired result, I'm not quite sure how I can integrate the design patterns into the code I wrote. The example I have to go off uses shapes, not text fields so I think that's why I'm not quite clear on how to approach this.

Here's my code so far:

import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;


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Factory And Singleton Design Patterns - Building A Simple Form

Nov 20, 2014

My assignment was to create a simple form that demonstrates the use of the factory and singleton design patterns. "Use the Factory pattern to ensure that each form input consists of a text label and a textfield. Use the Singleton pattern for the submit button."

Here's what I have: file

interface Form {
public void getFormField ();
} file (I have a similar files just like this for,,, and
import java.util.Scanner;
class Name implements Form

[Code] ....

It compiles at the moment but I get a null pointer exception in the main method of the FormFactoryDemo file.

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Randomly Distribute People In Groups

Jan 18, 2014

I want to create a program that takes n number of people (String vector) and assigns them a random group number (int) the range from 1 to k. The number n is evenly divided by k.

I have created a program that associates every String with a random int number. There is however the problem that the random generator just gives a random number, but doesn't make an equal number of people for each group. Which means even if the numbers are random, some of the numbers happen to come up more times than others.

How can I write, to make sure that each number is generated the same amount of times?

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JavaFX Adding Several Object Groups On Event

Jun 18, 2014

We are doing a Timeline project, So this is what i want to do:

Pressing a "New Event" button opens the New event window where you are supposed to write input in three fields, name, date, and information. There is also a button "Create" that when i press that button, i want to take all the input from the fields and save/send it to our database, and go back to the timeline GUI. With this, i want a new event object to be created(in this case i have done several shapes in a group) so basically a new group i want to be added. All the information is suppose to be taken from the database right after i create it.

I'm pretty stuck on how i should solve this, for the moment have a group called event that i add on the canvas. First thing that pops up in my head is a void method that draws the event, or maybe a temporary array.. P

package application;
import controllers.CreateEventController;
import application.EventPop;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: HTML Form - Possible To Send Data (image / Text) Along A Single Form

Jan 8, 2015

I want to understand how is it possible to send data (image + text) along a single form. Here is my code:

<form method="post" action="updateAccount"
<input type="file" name="file" value="Select image ..." /> <input
type="submit" value="Start Upload" /> <br>
<textarea rows="8" cols="54" name="about">Yes

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Making Payroll Form Using Java Language But Its Like Framing Form?

Jun 6, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise1{
public static void main(String[] args) {
String employeeName, employeeNumber, position, department ;
double otpay, salary, deduction, hrs, rate ;
Scanner input = new Scanner (;

[Code] ....

That's my codes but its wrong according to our prof. it should be in frame form. i don't know how to do it since i did not encountered framing since i was started in java.

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EJB / EE :: Maintaining Values From Primefaces Form After Form Submit

Jan 29, 2015

I have a form containing several fields, 2 of which persist to different table in a database than the rest of the fields on the form. I have no problem persisting the data into both tables of the database, and after the form is submitted I reset the form to its default values. That all works fine.

But in the same session, when I open another form (a search form) and enter search criteria, which then displays a datatable containing the search results, those 2 values that are persisted to another table are not showing up, but the rest of the data is.

Here is the method that calls the persist methods:

@ManagedBean(name = "foreignPartyController")
public class ForeignPartyController implements Serializable {
public void saveData() {


The values do show up, but the problem is, when a subsequent form is opened in the same session (e.g. a search form) the field for that value shows the actual value, instead of the field being blank.'

I am not sure why the data from the one database ("parent") is showing up, yet the data from the other database ("child") is not.

Is it something I am doing wrong? I thought by setting the setter in the child controller class back to a new instance of the Entity class (PolicyPayment) that it would reset the form to default values, but at the same time retain (or save) the inputted values in the same session.

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JSP :: Synchronous Form To Asynchronous Form Submit?

May 8, 2014

I have a button on UI which adds messages and when the user clicks on it the form gets submitted, meanwhile the user is clicking on refresh(F5) multiple times which is causing the same message to be displayed multiple times. To resolve this , I am converting the form from a synchronous submit to Asychronous but it is still not working. Below is the code:

Code before:

<td><input class="buttonred" type="submit" value="Confirm Add" name="submit_message"></td>
<s:form action="upd-message" method="POST" validate="true" onsubmit="validateMsg();return false;" enctype="multipart/form-data">
function validateMsg() {
var frm = document.forms["upd-message"];

[Code] .....

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JSF :: How To Post PHP Form Contents To Form

Feb 28, 2014

How do i post php form contents to a jsf form?

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Checking SSN Without Regular Expressions

Jun 5, 2012

Prompt user to enter a social security number in the format DDD-DD-DDDD, where D is a digit. Displays "Valid SSN" for a correct ssn, and "Invalid SSN" otherwise.I have it working I am just looking for other ways to solve this with an array maybe or something simpler. I have used if statements here:

public static boolean checkSSN(String social) {
boolean valid = false;
// 9 digits and 2 hyphens. First three characters, 5 and 6, and 8, 9,
// 10, 11 are digits


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JSP / JSTL :: How To Group Expressions In EL

Nov 12, 2013

In jsp when using EL the parenthesis are not allowed for grouping of expressions. I mean


is not allowed so if i have to group expressions in EL how do i achieve it?
I wanted to do the following in EL

${(a==b && b==c) || (v==r && r==d)}

so how do i achieve this?

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How To Use Regular Expressions For Integer Input

Jul 21, 2014

I have a program in which I take some characters input from User


How can i restrict user that input should be only char 0 or 1?

If the answer is regular expressions then What Should be Its Regular expressions?

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Java Expressions With Multiple Operators

Jan 11, 2014

Following are the expressions? I tried running them and those are the answers I got. However, I cannot figure out the working.

//c = ++a + a++ - --a - a-- + a * + a/a ; //ans is 10
//c= a* + a/a ; ans. is 1.
//c= a * +3 ; //ans is 30
//c =5+ a* +2; //25
// c= 5+ a* + a/a ; //ans. is 15.

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Regular Expressions For Range Statements

Apr 1, 2014

I have the following Output









_G7192, in 10..15 / 16




Y in 1..15,


__X in 1..15 / 17 / 20.

From this, I need to extract the statements of variables that do not start with _G . I mean, I need to extract, Y in 1..15 , __X in 1..15 /17/20 but not _G7145 in 10..15 / 16.

I am using regular Expression for this as [^_G]^[A-Za-z0-9_]+ in|ins [-9 -9]..[-9-9] [/[-9-9]..[-9-9]]+

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Type Conversion In Expressions - Int To Byte

Feb 22, 2015

I am reading a book on Java and we are at a point where it is explaining type conversion in expressions. One of the examples shared has a byte being multiplied by itself and then assigned back to itself ...

byte b;
b = 10;
b = (byte) (b * b);

this is all good and dandy (that is, the code functions properly).

However, I am confused why I need to typecast here! Without the cast, the compiler screams, "Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte." Yet I haven't converted to an int?? It appears there was an implicit conversion.

The final value, 100, is clearly within byte's range of -127 to +127 isn't it? So I am lost as to what is the issue here.

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Save Logical Expressions In Java

Feb 3, 2015

How to save (condion1 & condition2) | condition3 |(Condition5 & condition6) etc in database and how to retrieve it.

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Evaluating Infix Expressions Using Generic Stacks

May 12, 2014

I am given the task to create a program that evaluates infix expressions using two generic stacks, one operator stack and one value stack.

This is my file:

import java.util.*;
public class GenStack<T>{//T is the type parameter
private Node top;//top of stack
public class Node {//defines each node of stack
T value;
Node next;

[Code] ....

I'm having trouble with the eval and apply methods. The eval method doesn't appear to pickup ')' characters, like it doesn't even see them.

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Integer Variables - Which Three Logical Expressions Are Equivalent To Each Other

Apr 12, 2014

Assuming that x, y, and z are integer variables, which of the following three logical expressions are equivalent to each other, that is, have equal values for all possible values of x, y, and z?
(x == y && x != z) || (x != y && x == z)
(x == y || x == z) && (x != y || x != z)
(x == y) != (x == z)
None of the three
A. I and II only 
B. II and III only 
C. I and III only
  D. I, II, and III

I selected B, but got it wrong. I really think I need understanding boolean logic. The correct answer says something else but I don't get the logic. Here is the correct answer:

Answer Key : The following model answer has been provided to you by the grader. Carefully compare your answer with the one provided here.

Expression III is the key to the answer: all three expressions state the fact that exactly one out of two equalities, x == y or x == z, is true. Expression I states that either the first and not the second or the second and not the first is true. Expression II states that one of the two is true and one of the two is false. Expression III simply states that they have different values. All three boil down to the same thing. The answer is E.

In exercise 4, I get the same problem:

The expression !((x <= y) && (y > 5)) is equivalent to which of the following?

A. (x <= y) && (y > 5)
B. (x <= y) || (y > 5)
C. (x >= y) || (y < 5)
D. (x > y) || (y <= 5)
E. (x > y) && (y <= 5)

Exercise 4
Score: 0 / 1
Submitted: 2/10/2014 8:21pm
Your answer is incorrect.
Answer Key

The following model answer has been provided to you by the grader. Carefully compare your answer with the one provided here. The given expression is pretty long, so if you try to plug in specific numbers you may lose a lot of time. Use De Morgan's Laws instead:

!((x <= y) && (y > 5))
 !(x <= y) || !(y > 5)

When ! is distributed,
&& changes into ||, and vice-versa

(x > y) || (y <= 5)

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JUnit Test - Read From Text Line By Line And Save Words In FileOnTable

Nov 21, 2014

I have wrote this class who read from text line by line and save the words in fileOnTable.. Now i don't know what to read in ReadOffer to save the words in object offers and return this.. One more question.. What JUnit test can write for this code..?

package com.example.crazysellout.UserSide;

[Code] ....

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I/O / Streams :: Find Line Number In A File Using Multi Line String

May 5, 2014

My requirement is to find the line number using multiline string. Here I need to extract the string between FROM and where clause(from the below string) and need to find the line number in the file



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Floyd Triangle - Accept Line Number From User And Print Only That Particular Line

Sep 10, 2014

Write a program that accepts the line number from the user and prints only that particular line from the Floyd triangle.

Input: 2
Output: 2 3

Input: 3
Output: 4 5 6

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How To Make File Reader Object Move To Next Line If There Is No More Input On Line

Feb 18, 2015

How do I make the file reader object move to the next line if there is no more input on the line. Here is my text and output file as you can see that my text file column cuts off on the 2nd line after 70. I want to read that next line which is 100 into my labs variable however its reading it into my final exams variable. I'll also post the code but I didn't think it was necessary.


Labs Projects Tests Final Exams

[import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyGrades
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
int lab, project, test;
int finalExam;//Par and Player values


not sure if I code wrapped it correctly

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JSP :: EL Expressions - Find A Place Where Values For Status Is Being Set / Assigned To

Feb 4, 2014

I have a web application project built in Spring MVC 2.5. There are some EL expressions which are used in JSP as below:


But, I coudln't find any place in Java/JSP where the value for status is being set. What could be the possible place where the values for status is being set.

As the code is client specific, so, I couldn't paste the specific code over here but I have searched in whole workspace i couldn't find a single place where values for status is being set/assigned to.

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I/O / Streams :: Reading A File Line By Line And Deleting It

Oct 15, 2014

If I want to read my file line by line and when it hits a certain value from that point it should start deleting the lines until the tag ends.Just curious will my code actually work at the moment or not because it goes through so many times then goes straight back to the variable declarations at the start of the method and never hits the console print line.

public void removeEnvironment(){
//declare variable to environment id
String environmentID = "Environment id";
String lines = null;
boolean lineFound = false;
boolean end = false;


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