Singleton For DirContext For LDAP Configuration

Aug 9, 2013

I want to create a singleton for DirContext for LDAP configuration, hence i have used the initialize on demandclass holder idiom as shown below

public class SlmApplicationContext {
* inner class to hold the instance.    
private static class Holder {       
private static DirContext instance = new InitialDirContext();   
* Method to get the singleton instance of this class.    
* @return SlmApplicationContext    
public static SlmApplicationContext getInstance() {       
return Holder.instance;    }       

Now the problem is if i close the DirContext.close(), when the next request comes the singleton wont    work as the dir context is already closed, hence it will create a new dir context for each requests. Which breaks the singleton concept, hence how we can ensure the  singleton works fine even with DirContext.close()?

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Java Program For Retrieving Results From LDAP

Jan 23, 2014

I'm trying to run the following java program by using the instructions provided here URL....The program tries to connect to LDAP directory, searches for an objectGUID and returns sAMAccountName...But when I compile the java program I get 19 errors as given below.

/a1/utils/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class string
location : class seek
public static void main (string[] args) {


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JSP :: Could Not Load Tomcat Server Configuration

Jul 31, 2014

I am using RAD and I copied the Tomcat server from server to local folder. Then I tried to add this tomcat by adding new server. I got the error in title. After searching, I copied the Tomcatconf files to myworkspaceserver omcat at localhost-config, restart RAD and refresh. But now I am getting the error that the conf may corrupted or incomplete.

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Servlets :: Why All Configuration Files Are In XML Format

Mar 3, 2014

I dunno why all the configuration files for ex: web.xml and struts.xml in any web application are xml files.

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Spring MVC - Java Based Configuration

Aug 16, 2014

For some time i've been trying to rewrite my XML configurated webapp into one that has Java Based cofiguration. Unfortunately ,even after going through many tutorials i've been unable to do so.

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Export And Import Of Configuration Files

Apr 24, 2015

I have a library that I'm writing, the library contains a spring xml configuration file (lets say it's called libraryContext.xml) that sets the library up correctly for runtime, it also includes a test spring xml file that sets the library up for test by importing libraryContext.xml and overriding certain dependency injection beans (the library basically connects to a real database under normal conditions and uses dummy DAO's under test conditions). That bit is all fine.

The thing is, when I build the jar for the library (lets say it's called library-0.1.jar), the jar does not seem to contain the libraryContext.xml and that means that I can't import library.xml into my applications context.xml.

Basically, I have this line in my applications context.xml

Java Code: <import resource = "classpath:libraryContext.xml"/> mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Unsurprisingly, since the xml file is not contained in the library-0.1.jar, the error I get is,

Java Code:

Offending resource: class path resource [applicationContext.xml];
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException:
IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [libraryContext.xml];
nested exception is class path resource [libraryContext.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

With respect to potential solutions to the above problem, I could:

1) physically copy the libraryContext.xml file (and its other *.xml and *.properties dependencies) into the application, but then I'd have to maintain duplicate files - I don't like this option.

2) find out if there is a better way to handle this problem from people who know better. E.g. is there a way to embed the libraryContext.xml file (and it's dependencies) into the jar file so that it can then be imported into the application. I've spent a while on google trying to figure this out and haven't come up with anything overly useful (perhaps I've been using the wrong search parameters).

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How To Set State Of Radio Button Based On Configuration File

Apr 10, 2014

I am using Java Swing to create a GUI. I have some radio buttons on a JFrame that gets opened when the user makes a certain selection. I want to read a config file to have the radio buttons selected or deselected when the form is opened to indicate the current state of the radio button based on the saved config file.

How do I go about setting the radio button as selected (visibly selected) when I open up the JFrame?

I was trying to use RadioButton.setSelected(True); but this doesn't actually visibly select the radio button.

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Create A Database Configuration File And Include All Other Files

Apr 19, 2014

I am creating an application in core java where i am using database. I need to create a database configuration file & include it all other files. So, how can i do that ?

Java Code:

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MYDSN","system","tiger"); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I cannot do this in an interface since only abstract methods exist there. I tried to create an another class file to extend it but my program is already extending other class i.e. javax.swing.JFrame..How can i implement this ? just by creating the object of that class in main method ?

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How To Use Serialization In Singleton

Nov 28, 2014

What is serialization in Java ?how to use serialization in Singleton?

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What Is The Need For Singleton Class

Jun 12, 2013

If i am correct, a singleton class is the one for which only one object is allowed to create right. so why can't i just use everything in that as static and access them using the class name ? what is the need to create a single object ?

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Get Access To Either Logger Or LogManager Class And Print Current Configuration

Oct 22, 2014

I want to know if I can get the entire file constructed in Java code. I am not talking about configuring the logger using Java code.I have a logger that is already configured using a file. I want to get access to either Logger or LogManager (any other?) class and print the current configuration that is in memory.

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Singleton Pattern In Java

Apr 21, 2003

I have heard about using patterns in core java.Is it possible?If yes, how?

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To Obtain Explanation On Singleton Implementation

Jan 11, 2014

I've found following code for Singleton Implementation from this forum, I am having a difficulty of understanding following,

1. When Singleton instance will be created, ( From which call ) ?

2. What feature of Static Inner class allow object to be singleton ?

3. How Inner Class implementation is thread safe ?

4. What will happen if variable "instance" mark as non-static, Will it still grantee singleton implementation ?

Java Code:

public class Singleton {
// Note private constructor
private Singleton() {}
private static class SingletonInner {
private final static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
public static Singleton getInstance() {
return SingletonInner.instance;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Implement Singleton - Loading Resource Bundle Only Once For JVM

Jun 20, 2014

When I browsed I came to know two ways of implementing singleton.. I dont know which is best.. I am implementing this to load resource bundle only once for my jvm using constructor to getBundle.

public class bundle {
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(bundle .class.getName());
private static bundle instance;
private static ResourceBundle messages;
private bundle () {
messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("pb", Locale.getDefault());

[Code] ....

and I am calling this as bundle.getInstance.getMessage("hi");I wanted to knw which option is better and why.. and in the second case how can i call the getMessage() method?

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When Close Out Singleton JFrame And Then Open It Again - Components Are Gone

Nov 30, 2014

I made UpdateInmateDisplayer a Singleton so that I could access it from the private class ButtonHandler. It works to display the first inmate's number on the screen but when I close out the window and click the Book Inmate button in CurInmatesDisplayer again, it only shows a blank window. I've tried adding the components again from the ButtonHandler in CurInmatesDisplayer but it doesn't work.

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Singleton Pattern - Static Field And Public Constructor

Apr 4, 2014

In singleton pattern just having a static field is not enough? Do we really need to have a private constructor?

I can have a static field and have a public constructor and still say it is singleton.

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Using Factory And Singleton Design Patterns To Create A Simple Form

Nov 16, 2014

My assignment was to create a simple form that demonstrates the use of the factory and singleton design patterns. "Use the Factory pattern to ensure that each form input consists of a text label and a textfield. Use the Singleton pattern for the submit button. When the submit button is clicked, a pop-up should show all the information that was typed into all of the form fields."

I used JFrame to create the form without the design patterns and I although I get the desired result, I'm not quite sure how I can integrate the design patterns into the code I wrote. The example I have to go off uses shapes, not text fields so I think that's why I'm not quite clear on how to approach this.

Here's my code so far:

import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;


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Factory And Singleton Design Patterns - Building A Simple Form

Nov 20, 2014

My assignment was to create a simple form that demonstrates the use of the factory and singleton design patterns. "Use the Factory pattern to ensure that each form input consists of a text label and a textfield. Use the Singleton pattern for the submit button."

Here's what I have: file

interface Form {
public void getFormField ();
} file (I have a similar files just like this for,,, and
import java.util.Scanner;
class Name implements Form

[Code] ....

It compiles at the moment but I get a null pointer exception in the main method of the FormFactoryDemo file.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Calling Singleton Bean From Session Bean Returns NullPointerException

Feb 23, 2013

I am doing this

public class ResourceBean {

[Code] ....

And I call this singleton bean from a stateless session bean like this

public class ClientBean {
ResourceBean resource;

public String create(String r)
String res=resource.returnString(r);
return res;

But resource.returnString(r); gives a org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException I started the glassfish server in debug mode and found out that "resource" was null. but @PostConstruct in singleton does print which means singleton bean exists.

Can we call singleton beans with no interface in such a way form a session bean? I actually want to acquire instance of singleton bean when a client invokes method in Client bean...

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