Sorting Runners Into Time Order Shortest First

May 5, 2014

i need to sort these runners into time order shortest first, the classes both work i just cant get the method sortRunnerList() to work

Java Code:

public class Runner implements Comparable <Runner>
/* static variables */
private static int nextNumber;
// To be added by students in Question 3, part (i)(a) and part(iv)(a)
/* instance variables */

private int number; // runner's number
private String name; // runner's name

[Code] .....

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Sorting Array In Alphabetical Order

Feb 3, 2015

I am trying to sort an array that I have by alphabetical order but I am having problems. Firstly the code that I have used to sort the array may not even do what I need but havn't got far enough to test it yet so go easy on me . I have read in some places when searching how to do this that I would have to create my own bubble sort in order to achieve this but I was hoping that Java had a built in sort method/function. Secondly I lack the knowledge in java to be able to assign an existing array or even a variable to the newly sorted array as I need the unsorted version with the original name and the newly sorted version as another.

code (This is not all of the code, I decided to include only what I thought was relevant):

import java.util.Arrays;
public class Sentence {
private String words[];
public Sentence(String[] words) { this.words = words; }
public String toString() {
return "Sentence{" +
"words=" + Arrays.toString(words) +

[Code] ....

Is it possible to shorten the sort function to just this?

public String sorted() {
return Arrays.sort(words);

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Array Sorting - Ascending And Descending Order

Apr 10, 2014

I am sorting an array in ascending and descending order. I am using the nethods in Arrays as below


I want to print both input and output array in sysout.

Object[] ipArray = [45,8,32,41,11,7];
Object[] opArray;
Object mArray = ipArray;

Arrays.sort(mArray); This is changing the ipArray too ?

How can I get my input array unmodified ?

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Sorting Arrays In Descending Order With Collections Class

Jun 28, 2014

I am trying to create a java program to sort an array in ascending and descending order. Here is the program I created :

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
public class ArraySort
public static void main(String [] args) {
int [] num = {5,9,1,65,7,8,9};


BUT I GET THE FOLLOWING EROOR ON COMPILATION error: no suitable method found for reverseOrder(int[])
method Collections.<T#1>reverseOrder(Comparator<T#1>) is not applicable

[Code] .....

What's wrong with my program?

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Sorting User Input Arrays Into Ascending Order

Oct 15, 2014

I am writing a program that grab user input number which represent beats per minute separated by commas. It then parses the numbers and reorders them from smallest to largest and then outputs the average, medium, maximum and minimum number all in separate lines. I am having trouble getting the array to sort the input from smallest to largest. It is currently only working for 3 numbers inputted. Anything more will not reorder it.

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package heartrate;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;

[Code] ....

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Numbers Inputted By User And Sorting Them Out In Ascending Order

Nov 12, 2014

I am writing a program that is supposed to take 3 numbers inputted by the user and sorting them out in an ascending order. I believe my code is correct but can't figure out why the program isn't behaving as expected.

import java.util.*; //Required to use the scanner console
public class Week3_Programming_Problem
static Scanner console = new Scanner(; //Allows for user input

public static void main(String[] args)


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Array Sorting In Ascending Order - Displaying Integers

Oct 21, 2014

I couldn't where the problem with this code. The question is : (Write a program that reads in nine integers and sorts the value in the ascending order. Next, the program restores the sorted integers in a 3 x 3 two-dimensional array and display the integers as shown in the result.) And this how i did it:

package test1;

import java.util.*;
public class test1{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] hold = new int [9];
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter 9 integers, press <Enter> after each");
for (int i = 0; i < hold.length; i++);

[Code] ....

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Sorting Arrays - Order From Greatest To Smallest Based On Frequency

Feb 12, 2014

These are all arraylists and not arrays

I have currently two arrays.

Java Code:

String[] chunks = {"a","b","c"};
int[] freq = {2,4,3}; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I am looking for a way to order these from greatest to smallest based on frequency.

The resulting arrays should be:

Java Code:

chunks = {"b","c","a"};
freq = {4,3,2}; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Because b is most frequent, and a is least frequent.

One way I can think of doing this is a two dimensional String array

Java Code: String[][] fullHold = {{"b","c","a"},{"4","3","2"}}; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Then sort based on the character values of the second row.

How can I sort a two dimensional array based on a single row (where it will rearrange the other rows in accordance).

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Unable To Call / Test All Of The 5 Sorting Methods At Same Time In Main Class

Dec 19, 2014

For reference I am programming Java in BlueJ. I am fairly new to the language and I am having trouble with sorting.

I am trying to call / test all of the 5 sorting methods (at the same time) in the main class. To be specific, the sorted list has to technically outputted 5 times.

I figured out how to call / test Quicksort:

Sorting.quickSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

But the others are not working correctly. Specifically these:

Sorting.mergeSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PbubbleSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PinsertionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.selectionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

For reference, this is the output when it is not sorted:

Smith, John 610-555-7384
Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Smith, Larry464-555-3489
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837

This is the output when it is sorted:

Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Smith, John 610-555-7384
Smith, Larry464-555-3489

This is the class Sorting, which I should note is all correct:

public class Sorting{
* Swaps to elements in an array. Used by various sorting algorithms.
* @param data the array in which the elements are swapped
* @param index1 the index of the first element to be swapped
* @param index2 the index of the second element to be swapped
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void swap(T[] data,
int index1, int index2){
T temp = data[index1];
data[index1] = data[index2];


This is the Main class in which I am supposed to call the sorting methods, SortPhoneList:

public class SortPhoneList{
* Creates an array of Contact objects, sorts them, then prints
* them.
public static void main (String[] args){
Contact[] friends = new Contact[7];
friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384");
friends[1] = new Contact ("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827");


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Class Defined Under Another Class - Sorting Elements In Reverse Order

Jul 4, 2014

I have never seen a class defined under another class ....

class pe{
static class pqsort implements Comparator<integer>
public into compare(Integer one,Integer two)
return two-one;

First I want to know how class pqsort is defined under class pe ....

And how the comparator used in this example is sorting elements in reverse order

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Algorithm To Find Shortest Route Between Two Points In 2D Grid Array

Mar 24, 2014

What would be a good and simple algorithm to find the shortest route between two points in a 2D array[grid] ? There can be certain obstacles in the grid i.e. some of the cells may be inaccessible. I tried googling for it and found that A* is the best for this but I am just a beginner and would like to start with something much simpler.

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How To Get Shortest Path Between Two Nodes In Adjacency Matrix Using Undirected Weighted Graph

Apr 26, 2014

how to get shortest path between two nodes in adjacency matrix using with undirected weighted graph using BFS algoritham java program??

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Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm - Determine Connection Between Individuals Within Given Array

May 11, 2014

I am using the shortest path algorithm to determine the connection between individuals within a given array. The array is written into the code and not read from external files.

When I am having problem is .. i am having problems how to prompt the user for the starting point or vertex and read that prompt to determine the starting point in the array. I know that this code :


determines the starting point. i want to read "v0" from the user prompt.

total code being used

import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Vertex implements Comparable<Vertex>

[Code] .....

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Extract Higher-order Bits Of Random Number In Order To Get Longer Period

Mar 1, 2014

One of the random number generators in Java extract the higher-order bits of the random number in order to get a longer period.

I'm not sure if I understand how this is done. Suppose that the random number r = 0000 1100 1000 1101. If we extract the 16 most significant bits from r; is the new number r = 0000 1100 or r = 0000 1100 0000 0000?

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Binary Tree Post Order / Inorder And Pre-order Traversal

Jan 26, 2014

Any link to the accurate explanation of binary trees in java?

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Military Time - Adding Minutes Displaying Correct Time

Feb 9, 2015

I am working on an assignment that I can't seem to figure out the final part to. The program takes in course data such as the time the class starts and how long it lasts. The time is in military time (0000 - 2400)

I need the output time to be the time the class started, plus the length of the class, and displayed in military time.

for example,

Start Time = 0930
Length = 50 minutes
Endtime = 1020

I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. I have gotten a program that works for this time and minutes, and displays the correct 1020. But when I change the information to say

Start time: 0700
Length = 90 minutes

I get:

Endtime = 90

90 is technically correct, the way the formula is setup, but I need it to display 0900 not 90.

Here is the code that I have. Be easy, I'm still learning, and this is just the file I created to get the formula to work. Also, the verbose in here is just for my own debugging to make sure values should be what I'm expecting them to be.

public class calc
public static void main(String[] args) {
double hours, minutes, length;
double temp;
int time = 2400;
hours = time / 100;
System.out.println("Hours are: " + hours);

[Code] ....

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Converting Military Time To Standard Time?

Jan 29, 2014

I have two classes. time_runner is used for testing my code.

This is what I'm using to test my code:
class time_runner
 public static void main(String str[]) throws IOException {
 Time time1 = new Time(14, 56);
System.out.println("time1: " + time1);
System.out.println("convert time1 to standard time: " + time1.convert());
System.out.println("time1: " + time1);
System.out.print("increment time1 five times: ");


The two constructors are "Time()", which is the default constructor that sets the time to 1200, and "Time(int h, int m)" Which says If h is between 1 and 23 inclusive, set the hour to h. Otherwise, set the hour to 0. If m is between 0 and 59 inclusive, set the minutes to m. Otherwise, set the minutes to 0. Those are my two constructors that I pretty much have down. The three methods however I'm having trouble with. The "String toString()" Returns the time as a String of length 4. The "String convert()" Returns the time as a String converted from military time to standard time. The "void increment()" Advances the time by one minute.

public class Time {
private int hour;
private int minute;
  public Time(int h, int m) {
if(h > 1 && h < 23)
hour = h;


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Sorting With A Comparator

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to sort an ArrayList of objects with the comparator as I want to sort based on a certain value for each object. I understand I would need to override compareTo() in the objects class, is there any way I can get around also needing to override for all subclasses of the object?

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Sorting With Two Stacks

Oct 16, 2014

So we have to ask the user to put in a string of letters, and bring those letters in as cars to where there is a storage area and an assembly area, and we have to sort them from there into the assembly area with the smallest (A) at the head. I think I set up my code pretty well, but when I run it, no matter what I put in it returns CBAo. Say I input KATE, it should return TKEA but instead CBAo or if I input JANICE it should return NJIECA but it just returns EDCBAo. Here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class carStacksDessart
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stack<Integer> storage = new Stack();

[Code] ....

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Sorting A Map Alphabetically

Nov 30, 2014

I'm trying to create a method that takes a map and sorts it alphabetically. I think I have the logic correct but I'm getting errors when I run it:

private static void sortMapAlphabetically(
Map<String, String> termsAndDefinitions) {
Map<String, String> tempMap = new Map2<String, String>();


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Sorting Out ArrayList

Nov 26, 2014

I have to sort out my ArrayList but cannot make it work. Here is

Java Code:

User poor = this.users.get(0);
User ritch = this.users.get((this.users.size()-1));
System.out.println("Poorest user has" + poor.getUsername() + poor.getBalance() );
System.out.println("Ritches user has " + ritch.getUsername() + poor.getBalance() + "
"); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The Collections.sort(this.users); does not work.

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JSP :: Sorting Query In JSTL?

Jun 21, 2006

i am doing a code using JSTL to fire a query. everything come fine except the resule is not sorted as desired. i am putting the code below--

String sort_order=(String)request.getAttribute("sort_order");
<sql:query var="viewQueryj" sql= "select USER_ID, PERMISSION_ID, USER_NAME from administrator order by ?">
<sql:param value="${sort_order}"/>

now the resule is always sorted by USER_ID. if i want to sort it using USER_NAME i pass parameter from controller to this page in sort_oredr variable which comes fine but the result doesn't sort by name, only by id. if i hardcode USER_NAME in query then the result is as desired.

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Sorting 2D Java Array

Sep 16, 2014

I need to sort a 2D array to look like this : [URL] ....

Here is the code that I have.

File 1:
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Assignment1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] rainArray
= {
{"January", "3.03"},

[Code] ....

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Array Sorting Using Two Different Methods

Nov 18, 2014

The following code is supposed to generate random integers and sort array1 and array2 using two different sorting methods. array1 is to be sorted with a "selection sort" method and array2 is to be sorted with the built-in Arrays.sort() method. However, array1 is the one that has a problem. It does not appear to output any values at all for array size of 4000 or more, such as array1[10000]. The assignment is to generate random integers, sort and benchmark the speeds at which array1 and array2 can generate and sort ints at array1[1000] array2[1000] array1[10000] array2[10000] array1[100000] array2[100000]

* The following is a sorting and benchmarking program to sort
* array1 and array2 with 1,000 , 10,000 and 100,000 array sizes.
* array1 uses selection sort from section 7.4 of the book
* and array2 uses the built in Arrays.sort() method.


I cannot post the output because the amount of data seems to have crashed the two previous posts I made on this topic due to the size of the problem.

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Sorting A List Error?

Jun 12, 2014

I am reading a file and sorting a list, and I cannot figure out why I am getting an error on line 15 that contains the following code

Collections.sort(sortedContributorList, new Contributor());

This is the error I keep getting:

The method sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) in the type Collections is not applicable for the arguments (LinkedList<Contributor>, Contributor)

import java.util.*;
public class myhashTable {
  public static LinkedList<Contributor> sortedContributorList = new LinkedList<Contributor>();
 public myhashTable(){


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Searching And Sorting Algorithm

Jan 2, 2015

I have a code that is meant to read a file and organize all the names from least to greatest salaries. It also allows the user to enter a name to find from the file, and the program finds the name and displays it. I have two errors, and I will show the error in my code

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