Storing Multiple Rows Of Table In Java Variable

Feb 3, 2014

Can I store multiple rows of a table in a two dimensional string array in java.. The table has 3 columns and approximately 10,000 rows.. Some pointers for coding to achieve this...

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Rows And Columns In The Form Of Multiplication Table?

Mar 12, 2014

I am making rows and columns in the form of a multiplication table, listed below is my code:

package assignments;
 public class MultTable {
public static void main (String [] args) {
  int row, column, x, y;
  for(row = 0; row < 8; row++)

[Code] .....

If you see my sample run you can see that I have the multiplication table down but, I haven't completed it. I have to make the bottom left half of the whole table blank somehow. For example, I have to make it halfway through the middle of the table the bottom left half full of white space...

5 6 7 8 9
12 14 16 18
21 24 27
32 36

hm, it's supposed to be the other way around horizontally.

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Servlets :: Retrieve Complete Rows Of Table Using JSP

May 8, 2014

I have one table in mysql in that some rows are there i want to retrieve all rows using servlet and jsp concept and i have done half of the way but not getting output it is showing some info and nothing getting printed on page except columns heading and here is my bean class..

public class TimeDetailBean {
private Time intime;
private Time outtime;
private Date date;
private String eid;

public Time getInTime() {
return intime;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Is It Possible To Show Thousands Rows Of Table In Web Page

Jan 14, 2015

I have a lot of records in excel around 2000 rows and it can be more so what I am looking for is that I need to show this records in the web for front end user. I want to feel the user that it is the same as excel but web based so he can filter rows , highlight rows or columns and export whatever filtered by him . I have one sample photo for that program ( called IPCS ) , I am using it now but I need to make same like that in JSP or anything using java I can do it.

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JSP :: JSTL - Count The Number Of Rows In A Table

Jan 19, 2015

So far so good, I need to count the number of rows in a table. What I wrote:

<sql:query dataSource="${statistics}" var="result4">
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM statistics;

<c:forEach var="row" items="${result4.rows}">
Total players: ${result4.count}

But, it doesn't work.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Manipulate Selection Of Rows In A Table

Oct 30, 2014

I have a little problem in my Java FX application. in a tableview, I add records whatever... And i have a button that delete the selected record in the tableview, This button delete too the related record in a database.
When I select a row in this table , I store the ID of that record in a global variable to have it available . Thus, when I click on the delete button, delete the record from the database based on the ID that I stored in the global variable.
The problem is that tableview has a curious property. If I select the last row and I click on the delete button ( removing the last record of the tableview ) , the next higher row is automatically selected ; and causes the ID value stored change .
The row is deleted in the tableview is correct but apparently , when it comes to the method deletes the record from the database, the global variable ID is already updated and delete another record.
I would like to disable that property of the table so that the row can be selected only by the mouse ... or some other solution . 

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){
     table.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Object>(){

[Code] .....

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Insert Multiple Rows

Mar 12, 2014

how to insert multiple rows in a database..i want to insert multiple rows but this can happen when i hit the submit button once. i use j2ee and db is postgresql.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Refreshing GUI - Display Table With Several Columns And Rows

Jun 6, 2014

I have an application that displays a GUI and this GUI displays a table with several columns and rows. I have a class that extends DefaultTableModel. I wrote the code that displays the GUI. When the database table changes, how would I updated the GUI dynamically? Do you have any sample code that does that?

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Multiple Rows Into Database From JTable

Apr 12, 2014

How to insert multiple rows into a database from a jtable and also retrive the same details from database and show it in a jtable.

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Storing Multiple Int Values?

May 20, 2014

Write a complete Student class that allows you to use the statements such as the following in methods in outside classes, with the obvious meanings. Then write an application program that creates one student object, reads in test grades until a negative "grade" is seen (as a signal that the list of grades has ended), then prints out all available information about the Student:

Student bob = new Student ("Robert", "Newhart");
bob.storeGrade (23); // bob scored 23 on this test
return bob.getTotalGrades();; // total of test scores to date
return bob.getAverageGrade();; // for all test scores to date
return bob.getName();; // returns "Robert Newhart"

What I need is in the Student class... I'm not sure how to go about storing the grades without renewing the value of storeGrade (I'm sure what I have right now is incorrect, but I'm stuck). This is what I have so far, as you can see I left some of the grade-related bits blank for now, but all I want to know is how I can store the grades:

Java Code:

public class Student extends Object
private int itsTotalGrades;
private int itsAverageGrades;
private String itsFirstName;
private String itsLastName;
private int storeGrade;
public Student (String first, String last)

[Code] ....

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Linked List Symbol Table - Storing Identifiers

Apr 9, 2015

Basically I am supposed to build a symbol table for storing identifiers (an array) and then link the number line that identifier is stored on. I set the array to null and if the identifier is found then I link in a line number node. If it isn't found then I add a new identifier and line number.

My problem is that we are supposed prompt for the line number and identifier in the main class, but I don't know how to "connect" the classes per say so I can do the add method in the SymbolTable class.

import java.util.*;
public class Assignment {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
SymbolTable table = new SymbolTable();
boolean quit = false;

[Code] .....

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Storing Value In Long Type Variable

Mar 31, 2014

How can I store a value in long type variable whose range is greater than int type variable ....

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Storing Multiple User Inputs In Array

Feb 28, 2015

I need to generate a league table in Java based on results provided in the shape of user input. I have the 6 teams in an array. I need to ask the user how many wins, draws, losses each team has had.

for (String element : teams) {
"Please enter the number of wins, draws and losses for " + element);
int[] wins = new int [6];
int[] draws = new int [6];
int[] losses = new int [6];

How do I pull 3 separate values from the user and then store each value in a separate element of each array? so if one team wins 3, draws 2 and loses 1 - I need to put 3 into the wins array, 2 into the draws array and 1 into the losses array? I then need to total all this in a table.

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Arraylist Storing Multiple Types Of Data

Nov 16, 2014

I have declared an array list that will store data type of 1 Character and 2 integer. The data that will be store in this list is

1. A = {0 3}
2. B = {0 5}
3. C = {0 3}
4. D = {0 3}
5. E = {0 5}
6. F = {0 6}

Now here the alphabets are routers and integers are there con1 and con2 respectively. I have a set of router={ A,B,C,D,E,F}.

Step 1:I have to subtract con1 from con2 i.e. (3-0) of all the routers and
Step 2: then put the router having largest value in new set 1 and
Step 3: then this router will be subtract from the router set.
Step 4:then again I have to repeat the step 1 until the value of routers become <= 1.

Now what I did is I defined 3 arrays first is String array that stores names of routers, 2nd array that stores the first value and 3rd array that stores the second value. I can find the largest value but how to store the name of router against the largest value in the set.

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Storing Multiple Phone Numbers Into Single Array

Jul 9, 2014

This particular program is supposed to prompt the user to input either an uppercase or lowercase Y to process a phone number, they are then prompted to enter the character representation of a phone number (like CALL HOME would be 225-5466), this repeats until the user enters something other than the letter Y. All of the words entered are to be stored into a single array. The program is then to convert these words in the array to actual phone numbers.

import java.util.*;
public class Program1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
String begin;
int phoneNumber = number.convertNum();
System.out.println("Please enter an uppercase or lowercase Y when you are ready to enter a telephone number: ");


I realize that the second method doesn't have anything to return yet, I just wanted to put that in there while I was doing things that I actually know how to do ha. The convertNum() method is supposed to be the method with which the array of characters is converted to phone numbers.

would think it'd be easier to store the inputs from the user as individual letters rather than words for the sake of converting to phone numbers.

Also, we are only supposed to recognize the first 7 letters of each word that is entered, like the CALL HOME example, there are 8 letters but it's still a seven digit phone number, so I'm not sure how that would work.Also, when printing the phone numbers after they've been converted, we're supposed to print the hyphen after the third number, I have no clue how that would be done from an array.

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Storing Input From User As String Variable And Then Converting It To Double?

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to make a program that calculates the change due in dollars and cents. The user inputs both the amount due and the amount tendered. My program only works with whole numbers?

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Running Multiple Queries Parallely And Storing Results In Resultsets

Nov 12, 2014

I have one problem regarding Running Multiple queries parallely and storing results in resultsets . I have multiple queries but I need to executing all at a time without having to wait for one query to complete execution and then run another as there are 2 queries say query1 takes 10 mins and hence query2 should also start simultaneously and not wait for query 1 for completion.

String query1="select * from knowledge_rep";
String query2="select * from events";
ResultSet rs=null;
PreparedStatement ps =con.prepareStatement(query1);
ps =con.prepareStatement(query2);

[Code] ....

The above one is time consuming and second implementation using branch i wont be able to resolve it to result set using execute batch. Considering there are multiple select queries and the number of queries to be executed are dynamic and unknown and all the data from the queries are needed. Any leads to perform all these by running multiple threads simantaneously.

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Servlets :: Making Attributes From Textboxes And Storing Latest Passed Variable?

Mar 12, 2015

I am trying to make the variables that will be taken in from a type='text' box in HTML in NetBeans available to the other servlets as well as store and display the latest value passed into these boxes on the servlet page when the submit button is clicked or display null if the box has not yet received a value. However, I do not understand how to do this and do not understand as to why my current output is always null?

i) Is ServletContext().getAttribute("name of my textbox") really the way to pass the attributes to all servlets?

ii) Is ServletContext() passed in the service request?

iii) How to store the latest value passed into the submit box?

Here is my code

<title>Lab One</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
First Name: <input type="text" name="firstName">


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Variable Name From Table Value?

Apr 17, 2014

How can I make variable from table value? Example:

Java Code:

String table [] = {"vara","varb"};
for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++)
int table[i] = i;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
And vara = 0, varb = 1 here.

Is this even possible?

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JSF :: Data Table Displaying Same Item Multiple Times

Nov 25, 2014

I currently have a datatable on the bookingList.xhtml which is supposed to list all bookings made, if first booking petName is spot it displays the booking details perfect but if another booking is made (for example one with petName fluffy) then it displays 2 lines with fluffys details and spots details are not displayed, it carries on that if a third booking is made then the 3rd bookings details are displayed 3 times and neither spot or fluffys booking details are displayed,

bookingList.xhtml code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Passing Data Through Globally Created Table Variable?

Jun 14, 2014

I have created a DefaultTableModel tablel as a Global variable. The table is then created and attached to a Grid bag layout. Then I want to call the table again in another method to add rows of data into it. Hopefully that makes sense.

So the addrow for the table is located in the final method private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener

When I debug the code, deftablemodel variable is carrying NULL data.

Also to make things even more complicated, The actual headers for the table aren't showing up,... not entirely sure why though.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;


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Can Assign Multiple Values To One Variable

Apr 25, 2014

Can I assign multiple values to one variable? For example I want myNum = 0 thru 9 you see im trying to program a password checker program to verify that the password meets all the criteria 8 char long, 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 numeric, 1 special, and don't contain and or end

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How To Include Multiple UUIDs In Single Variable

Dec 31, 2014

My application depends on eight default user roles (or account types). They can be renamed or disabled, but should not be deleted. I want to protect them from deletion using their uuid value from the db. How can I pass their uuids into a single variable so I can use that single variable in my conditional statement? If I should use an array, any example of how I might do this?

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Switch Statements To Initialize Variable Due To Multiple Outcomes?

May 20, 2014

After this problem is fixed, my math game will run. The answer variable is supposed to be equal to the cases in the second switch statement by random but I get errors whenever I try to initialize it this way. I have been writing this program for almost 5 days now and it is finally wrapping up. Why I can't map the answer variable to the second switch statement the way I want to?

package pkgnew;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class New {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
//Declare and construct variables
Random randomnum = new Random();
int fnum, snum, answer;

[Code] .....

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Difficulties With User Defined Variable In Multiple Methods

Apr 9, 2015

I'm trying to build a program that will output what will ultimately look like a simple mario level turned on its side. As part of my output I need the user to define what mario looks like. I do this using Scanner and save the input to String mario. When I try to use that variable in another method it gives me troubles.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Mario2

public static void mario() {
//user defines mario
String mario = ">->O";
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What does mario look like?");
mario =;
System.out.println("Mario now looks like: " + mario);

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Ambiguity When Implementing Multiple Interfaces With Same Method / Variable Names?

Oct 14, 2014

imagine you are implementing 2 interfaces having identical method signatures:

interface A {
void doStuff();
interface B {
void doStuff();

[Code] ....

How can I implement both methods?

Or another example with member variables:

interface A {
public static final int i = 3;
interface B {
public static final int i = 33;

[Code] ....

How can I go about making clear which 'i' is meant?

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