Swing/AWT/SWT :: ActionPerformed And ActionListener On Netbeans Are Same?

Mar 3, 2014

ActionPerformed and ActionListener on Netbeans...If I create a ComboBox on Netbeans using GUI design, then I right click over the Combobox I can find Events - Action - ActionPerformed... but I can't find ActionListener...

Are ActionPerformed and ActionListener the same?


where is ActionListener on GUI Netbeans? Do I need to manualy write the ActionListener part?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Turn On Light Through ActionPerformed With OpenGL Java

Apr 29, 2015

I'm writing a java program with opengl and I'm trying to get it where the user would select something like lighting on in a JMenu and then it would turn the lighting on in the house/barn... I have a method called LightOn that I put gl.glEnable(gl.GL_LIGHT0); but it just doesn't seem to turn on when I call it from the action performed... Is there something I'm missing from my code that I'm supposed to use instead since I have tried it with a boolean.. So the boolean starts off as false and when the JMenuItem is clicked the actionPerformed will turn the boolean to true and call the method LightOn. In the display method I have what the light is supposed to be

Snippet of code in display method for lighting:

float [] whiteLight = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
float [] ambientLight = {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f}; //default
gl.glLightfv(GL2.GL_LIGHT0, GL2.GL_DIFFUSE, whiteLight,0);
gl.glLightfv(GL2.GL_LIGHT0, GL2.GL_SPECULAR, whiteLight,0);
gl.glLightfv(GL2.GL_LIGHT0, GL2.GL_AMBIENT, ambientLight,0);
float [] lightPosition = {25, 25, 25, 1};

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Need To Add ActionListener

Mar 25, 2015

I am trying to implement user input in my dice rolling program but I do not understand where I need to add the actionListener. What I want the program to do is allow the user to click on each roll button and have the output be between 1 and 6. I figured I can put it in the "main" class due to the size of the program but I would like to know the best way to go about adding the actionListener into a sub-class for practice purposes.Here is my code thus far:

package com.jprogs;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class DiceGenerator extends JFrame {
DiceRollEvent dice = new DiceRollEvent();
// create the roll buttons
JButton roll_1 = new JButton("Roll #1");
JButton roll_2 = new JButton("Roll #2");
JButton roll_3 = new JButton("Roll #3");
JButton roll_4 = new JButton("Roll #4");
JButton roll_5 = new JButton("Roll #5");
// create output field for each roll


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Implement ActionListener

Feb 7, 2014

I have a class with jbutton declared inside like these:

public class UI{
private JFrame ventana;
private JTable table;
private JPanel panel;
private JScrollPane tableScrollPane;
private JTextField aBuscar;

[Code] .....

I would like to add actionlistener in my JButton's. Where must I declared these listener. How should I do these?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: KeyAdapter And ActionListener

Nov 27, 2014

I was working on implementing the game Hunting the Wumpus [URL] .... for one of my projects in College. I've got the major parts of the game already implemented. I am working on creating a start screen right now. But I've run into a strange problem. In my code the main method that draws is the PaintComponent method in the private class HTWPanel. I need the Actionlistener to listen to the "QWES" keys while the state of the game is PlayState.Playing so that the user can enter the direction he's going in. If I have the following code for my paint component, the Actionlistener works fine.

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
map.draw(g, 100);

But when I try to add a start screen (by changing the background color and adding a label called "StartScreen"), the controller only listens to keys while the start screen is showing, not while the game is playing. I'm pretty sure this problem is due to some internal implementation of KeyAdacpter or ActionListener, but I'm not sure what.

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (state == PlayState.START) {
else if (state == PlayState.PLAYING) {
if (this.getBackground() != Color.WHITE) {this.setBackground(Color.WHITE);}
map.draw(g, 100);

I attached a screenshot of my main class, HuntTheWumpus, and a screenshot of what my game looks like so far. Each square is a different room in the Wumpus's lair. The black rectangles are door representing which direction you can go to. The rooms that are 2 squares or less from the wumpus are colored red. The hunter is represented by the black circle in the upper left hand square. His he can move left right up and down into different rooms with the "QWES" keys.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JButton Actionlistener Not Working?

Mar 5, 2014

I was suspecting I had a jButton not working, so I added a console print to test. See below. When I click the button, the console doesn't display anything. Am I using the button wrong?

private void jButtonUpdateItemsMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
System.out.println(drawPreviousRectangle);//this is a boolean

I have also tried the following with the same results (or lack of).

private void jButtonUpdateMajorDeckItemsActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
System.out.println(drawPreviousRectangle);//this is a boolean

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Same Code For Both ActionListener And MouseListener

Mar 8, 2014

is any simple way to apply the same code on both ActionListener and MouseListener, so that the same code is executed when the user either presses a JButton or presses Enter when a JTextField is focused.I know that I can define a method, while it is not preferred as I may use break; in my MouseListener.

A simple example:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TwoListener extends JFrame


Although I can define a new method that prints out the three numbers, I have to add certain break; code in different cases. So I just wonder whether there is another way to do things like this.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding ActionListener To 9 JButtons

Mar 8, 2014

I need to add actionlistener to my code which allow the number 1 to 9 to function which are located in the nested for loop.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class EX_7_2 extends JFrame {
public EX_7_2() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 10));

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Access Variable Outside ActionListener

Jul 26, 2014

I'm trying to acces my variable "cost" so when i press a button it prints the cost(for now) but the int value just prints 0

public class Holiday extends JFrame
private RoutinePanel routine; // A panel for routine charge checkboxes
private JPanel HolidayPanel; // A panel for non-routine charges


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JMenu - Is This OK To Use MouseListener Over ActionListener

Aug 13, 2014

I know that JMenu and JMenuItem is suppose to use action listeners but would you consider this implementation an exception?

menuAbout.addMouseListener (new MouseListener () {
public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent arg0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Server Tec Software System
public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent arg0) { }
public void mouseExited (MouseEvent arg0) { }
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent arg0) { }
public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent arg0) { }

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Actionlistener To Jcombobox

Jun 10, 2014

implementing a swings application. I have a JFrame containing 2 JPanels : Top & Bottom panel. Top panel has a Jcombobox, Botton panel contain a Graph plot. On changing value in combo box, graph plot should get updated. I thought of adding actionlistener to Jcombobox. Not sure what to implement in its actionPerformed()

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding ActionListener To Button Component?

Mar 7, 2014

Can I add actionListener to a button component without creating a reference to it? Look at my code below:

public void init() {
//Create the layout
setLayout(new BorderLayout(20, 5));
//Add buttons
add("North", new Button("Red"));
add("South", new Button("Yellow"));
add("East", new Button("Cyan"));
add("West", new Button("Magenta"));
add("Center", new Button("White"));

Or should I just do the usual instance.addActionListener(this) like myButton.addActionListener(this)?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Cannot Get ActionListener To Change JLabel Text

Apr 24, 2014

I am trying to write an application where if you click and hold down on 1 button and move the mouse to another button and release the text on the 2 buttons should be switched around.I have a print line so I can se the text are supposed to get switched around but it is just not happening in the GUI.

I attached all my code in case the flaw was to find somewhere else in the code, but the functionality I am working on is the lines 76 to 121.

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;


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Netbeans IDE 7.4 Does Not Recognize Swing Apps

Jan 9, 2014

my IDE doesn't seem to recognize that my program is a Swing app.I get the following error message when I run the app: "jtabledemo.JTableDemo class wasn't found in JTableDemo project."It compiles successfully though.Here is the code verbatim:

package jtableDemo;
// Demonstrate JTable.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
<applet code="JTableDemo" width=400 height=200>


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Implement JTextArea In Netbeans

Apr 20, 2014

I have dragged and dropped a jTextArea from netbeans palette onto my form. But when I right clicked for Event > action > actionPerformed for implementation, I realized such was not there, unlike the jTextField component. For example, I have tried this but it didn't work:

Import java.swing.*;
JTextArea txa = new JTextArea();

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Java Built By Netbeans

May 2, 2015

I would like a small box to be able to enter a contacts information and I started with building it thru netbeans. Now I am thinking I should start from scratch so I understand everything. What should I do? I am having trouble making the buttons at the bottom work. All I would like to be able to do is setFrameVisible(false); but I can't seem to be able to do that without loosing the whole project not just the frame I am working on.

The buttons I am referencing are the Cancel & Accept

public class pa4GUI extends javax.swing.JFrame
String ph;
String ln;
String fn;
String em;
String or;


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ActionPerformed Method For JTextField Not Working

Feb 8, 2015

I made a program to see how JTextField works. However,the contents inside the actionPerformed method of class FieldListener do not get executed when I press enter.

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Checker
public static boolean check;
public static JFrame imgframe;


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How To Remove Object From Jframe As Part Of ActionPerformed

Mar 11, 2014

I currently have a program written that outputs a canvas object and adds a picture of 5 taxis to it.I have now added a jtextfield so that a user can add an interger. Ideally if the user was to enter the number 8, there would be 8 taxis added to the canvas.I am having trouble with the final part i mentioned. how to delete the old canvas and output a new one with the amount that the user wrote in the jtextfield.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;


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How To Start Algorithm For EnterAction ActionPerformed Button

Nov 23, 2014

I've written my program and don't know the algorithm for a postfix notation and how to make one correctly?how to start my algorithm for my enterAction actionPerformed button?

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Netbeans GUI Creator With Border And Gridbag Layouts?

Jan 6, 2014

I'm trying to use netbeans GUI creator to create a chessprogram. However, the default "freeflow" layout is very difficult to work with. However, when I switch the layout to gridbag or border layout, I can't figure out really how to do anything. I don't know how to resize or position elements. Any good set of tutorials for using netbeans GUI creator with non standard layouts?

(I originally used absolute layout, which I can easily add and position elements in, but which I abandoned because i want the chessboard squares to resize when the window changes size).

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Use JTable Drag And Drop From Netbeans Palette

May 3, 2014

I am still learning how to perfectly use the netbeans palette. I just created a GUI and want to use jTable on it. I have also dragged and dropped jTable component on my GUI. What should I do thereafter? My aim is to allow user input figures into cells, sum up the figures and enter same into a database. I have not used jTable before in java.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Print JFrame Content Using NetBeans Java

Sep 10, 2014

I am developing a program in netbeans forms. I've got to a point where I will click a jButton to print the content of either JFrame or JPanel. I am using Netbeans forms to develop the project....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Panels Switching On A Single Frame Using Netbeans Builder

Feb 3, 2014

I am writing a ComputerBaseTest application with Netbeans. I have each question on a panel and I want the questions(panels) to be switched, viewing the previous and the next question on a single frame, but I do not know how.

I only understand frame switching if each questn is to be on a frame but each score on each question (frame) do not sum up to give the overall score at the end of the test. Using multi-frame shows a sign of bad programming.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Endless Loop While Calling Dialog Box Via Separate JFrame Class In NetBeans IDE

May 2, 2014

I've used Netbeans IDE to create a simple Swing JFrame container, class NewJFrame.

NewJFrame calls another JFrame with dialog in it. Problem is there is an endless call made to it. Here's the issue relevant piece of code:

//Code for calling class
package p;
public class NewJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ActionListener {
public NewJFrame() {
initComponents(); //IDE auto generated code for binding

[Code] ....

I searched but i cannot understand why run class is getting called multiple times. I have attached the screen prints for both the screens. 2nd screen print(of called class) is very shallow since screen was blinking unstopped due to multiple calls, but i have attached a faint image of it.

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How To Use ActionListener

Nov 17, 2014

public void paint(Graphics g) {
rectangle=new Rectangle(50,50,100,100);
public action() {
JFrame frame=new JFrame("Assignment 2");


I'm trying to add shapes on my panel once a button is clicked.The tutorials I found is having only 1 panel & therefore they can use g.drawRect() directly but I have few panels & that's the part I don't know how to implement it.The coding above with (//invalid) is the part I would like to write it out but it's invalid.

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For Loop In ActionListener

Mar 31, 2014

I want to make a game and I have the following:

A main JFrame which include some text and a Button (The Start Button), and I made an ActionListener for that Button to another ActionListener which have a for, but when I run the project I only see the final of the for loop.

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