Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating New Leaves In Tree

Aug 26, 2014

Having trouble adding leaves to my tree. Developing a stand alone Java app using mainly SWT and Eclipse JavaEE on Windows.The tree is like this:


My requirement: when a child is selected/clicked I want to create a grandchild (there could be from zero to say 12 grandchildren). Thus if user clicks/selects childA2:


Codewise I have:

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;

Question one: do I need any further tree related imports to get this to work?

final Tree tree = new Tree(shell, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER | SWT.CHECK | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.SINGLE );
tree.setBounds(975, 00, 375, 600);


And it is here I've tried lots of options but it's like bleak mid winter - no new leaves What seems odd is that I can see the selected/clicked child text item.getText() but if I look at the index it is always -1. And I thought the index would let me create the leaf.

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Creating A Tree In Java

Sep 9, 2014

how to create a tree data structure in java.I tried with a class consisting of node field and arraylist child nodes. but it does not satisfy the requirement.the requirement is that,

root: child1,child2,child3

on traversing it should print all the nodes as given above.no node should have same elements as child.

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Parsing Arithmetical Expression - Creating Binary Tree?

Dec 2, 2014

Write a Java program to create a binary expression tree in which:  leaves are (double) numbers, and interior nodes are binary algebraic operators). As an example, the expression  1 2 + 3 *  could be represented as:

The input to the program is an arithmetical expression (already) in postfix notation. Use for testing the sample :   

4 8 2 / * 10  7 ‐ + ( equivalent to 4*8/2+(10‐7) ) .  

After creating the corresponding expression tree, print it’s traversal in Pre‐Order, In‐Order, and Post‐Order.Evaluate the expression and print its final value (for this example, result should be: 19.00).

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Linked Binary Search Tree - Creating Node Object

Apr 5, 2015

I'm trying to use LinkedBinarySearchTree but a lot of the variables are protected in BinaryTreeNode. I am creating a BinaryTreeNode object but it still isn't allowing me to use them. The variables I am trying to use are element, left, and right.

import ch11.exceptions.*;
import ch10.LinkedBinaryTree;
import ch10.BinaryTreeNode;
* LinkedBinarySearchTree implements the BinarySearchTreeADT interface with links.

public class LinkedBinarySearchTree<T> extends LinkedBinaryTree<T>
implements BinarySearchTreeADT<T>

[Code] ....

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Creating Search Method For Binary Search Tree

Apr 22, 2014

I want to create a search method that returns the frequency of a word in the search method.

public class IndexTree {
private class TreeNode {
TreeNode left;
String word;
int frequency;
TreeNode right;

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Sorting In File Tree Node

May 12, 2014

I have requirement of sorting the files in tree structure with name and timestamp of creation, i am new to swings...

Here we are using FileTreeModel.

Root Folder:

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Button To Refresh Tree

Apr 6, 2015

I want to add a button who refresh the tree the problem that i have not "DefaultTreeModel" in my class to do this ((DefaultTreeModel) jTree1.getModel()).reload(); and i try this jtree.updateUI(); but not work ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Draw 3 Triangles On Top Of Each Other To Give Appearance Of A Tree

Nov 22, 2014

I'm having trouble in 2 areas.

I'm trying to draw 3 triangles 'on top' of each other to give appearance of a tree. My code is below and struggling with how to set my x/y cords correctly.

Also I've drawn a rectangle under a new class and that should then be appearing in the south location of my border layout (south) - but it's not.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Christmas1 extends JFrame {
JPanel titlePanel;
JLabel title;

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Swing Tree Will Expand Listener?

Jun 3, 2014

Is there some equivalent of the Swing TreeWillExpand-listener for TreeView?
In my particular case I want to check whether some constrains are set to show some children before they will populated in the view.

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Java Tree Structure - Build Tree Based On Traversal Results

Jun 17, 2014

How to do draw the original binary tree based on traversal results?

A binary tree has this pre-order traversal result: A,B,D,H,I,E,F,C,G,K,J (TreeNodes) And the same tree gives the following in-order traversal: B,H,I,D,A,C,F,E,K,G,J. Can you draw the tree structure?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JTree - Drag And Drop Inside One Tree - Java 1.6

Jul 16, 2008

I am trying to drag and drop tree nodes within the same JTree. I have a code which uses Java 1.2 java.awt.dnd.I would like to use TransferHandler and newer implementation.I have found a code which works when JTree is drop target but there is no code where Jtree is drag source and drop target.

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Creating A Excel From Swing?

Jul 9, 2014

I wrote a program that asks the user to enter some information, does some calculations and tells them what they need to order. I know there is a way I just do not know how to do it. I would like the output from the program which is presented in text fields to be printed onto a form I made in excel when a button is pressed.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Circular Window?

Aug 20, 2014

I want to develop an application, which shows a circular window with close, maximize buttons.

I want to create something like this: [URL]

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Several JPanels - Main Menu

Aug 17, 2014

I am tasked with creating several JPanels each of which has a title centered at the top. As such I have created parent panel that each panel extends. However, I am uncertain as to whether drawing the string on the panel or using a JLabel is the best solution. The panels might allow dynamic resizing...

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Creating JLabels - Slider In Java Swing

Feb 22, 2014

I have a problem with slider which i want to create jlabels in a panel by sliding the slider and get the value but the jlabel doesn't show in jpanel. Below is the code :

JPanel PanelBoxes;
JPanel panel;
JLabel c;
public static void main(String[] args){
DividePanel div = new DividePanel();

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Inner Class For Layered Panels

Apr 29, 2014

Is it good practice to create a inner class for layered panels with lots of components? In my opinion this makes the code easier to read and a lot less clustered.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating New Window Or Call Existing One

Oct 13, 2014

Will the code below just create a new blank window rather than call the one I have? I want to call the one I have from my main method ideally.

JMenuItem menuDelete = new JMenuItem("Delete");
menuDelete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
DeleteEnvironmentWindow deleteEnv = new DeleteEnvironmentWindow();

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating A Combination Lock That Consist Of Three Strings

Oct 23, 2014

I need to use a counter to keep track of user's input. In this class I am trying to create a combination lock that takes three strings. In the tester class the user inserts three strings and both are compared to see if users input matches correct combination. I have no errors only problem is the setPosition method. My output is always false.

public class CombinationLock {
private String first;
private String second;
private String third;
private String firstGuess;
private String secondGuess;
private String thirdGuess;
private boolean open;
private int counter;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating RTFEditorKit In A Class That Already Extends JTextPane

Apr 8, 2015

I'm building a text editor. At this point, the editor should be able to read and write text and rich text. I create an instance of a RichTextEditor class that I created that extends a superclass I created (that extends JTextPane). Both my rich text and plain text classes extends the superclass I created. I use the this.read() to input my plain text from buffered reader. I think I need to use the read(fileinput stream, rtf document) method from type RTFEditorKit, but I cannot use that because it does not extend RTFEditorKit. I don't want to create a new class that extends RTFEditorKit because I need stuff from the JTextPane.

here are the classes on git... the super: TextEditorPane.java

The plaintext: TextEditorWrap.java

and the rich: RichTextEditor.java

I have fiddled with the read() method in different ways. In all cases, nothing loads. If I use the BufferedReader method, it doesn't give me an RTF, just the code for the RTF file.

How should I proceed? Do I create some sort of RTF interface and implement it?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Non Hard Coded ComboBox List?

Sep 17, 2014

I need to display a list of environment id's out of my xml file into a JComboBox. I understand fine how to make lists and what not but examples are always hard coded.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Text Fields / Labels And Input Boxes On GUI

Oct 18, 2014

How to create text fields, labels and input boxes on a GUI, we haven't covered these in class as of yet, but I want my project to stand out so I'd like to know how to build a GUI now.

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234 Tree Search And Insert

Apr 15, 2014

We have this piece of code and we must make a search for a key. if the key exist it returns true if not false. Plus we must insert a key in the class. If it is already in there we say hey its already in and we don t put it again...

package askisi2;
import java.util.*;
public class mtree {
protected class tnode {
public int k1;
public int k2;
public int k3;

[Code] ....

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Binary Expression Tree

Apr 23, 2015

So everything in my program is working EXCEPT when it comes to calculating the result. I am supposed to evaluate the expression using postorder traversal to return the answer. I am honestly not sure how I would get the postorder traversal to return the answer to the expression since the only thing we really went over was how it re-ordered the expression so that it would end in the postorder/postfix order. Anyways, currently the way that I have the public int evaluate(Node node)method set up is giving me a result of 0, which obviously is not correct.

Here's the section that I'm having issues with:

public int evaluate(Node node){
return Integer.parseInt(node.value);
int result = 0;
int left = evaluate(node.left);
int right = evaluate(node.right);


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Tree Structure Of Folders

Mar 21, 2014

I have been trying to make a good tree structure for my Electrical Distribution network.. How to create two "subfolder" of my Voltage level folder.

Here is the code

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JButton;

[Code] ....

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Java N-node Tree

Mar 30, 2015

I'm trying to write Java code for the following figure. Where, if node:4 will create following separate 4 trees. Number of node in

LEVEL1 (yellow) : n node.
LEVEL2 (green) : n-1 node.
LEVEL3 (blue) : n-2 node.

See image for node:4.

The example out for node:4 :
032 and so on.

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Displaying All Paths In A Tree

Nov 20, 2014

I know what the tree data structure is, how it works, etc., but I need to design a method that will sequentially print out all the paths in the tree (i.e. for each node).

The method as provided is

private static String getAllPaths(final BinaryNodeInterface<Character> root) { }

Now the string that must be returned needs to be of the format:

root.getData() + " " + path + "
root.getData()[1] + " " + path[1] + "

The pseudocode I was thinking of doing was something along the lines of:

if(root.getData() = null) return paths;
path = ?; // absolutely no clue what to do here
paths += root.getData() + " " + path + "
if(root.hasLeftChild()) {
newPath += "0";
paths += begin recursion;
if(root.hasRightChild()) {
newPath += "1";
paths += begin recursion;
return paths;


(1) I don't know how to determine "path" before the left and right children check (the root node's path is "", the first left node's path is "0", the first right node's path is "1", pattern continues with left being "0" and right being "1").
(2) I don't know where to put newlines precisely.
(3) I'm not sure how to get the print layout precisely as it is supposed to be. At most I've been able to just get the last number in the sequence (i.e. if it was supposed to be "1000", I could get "0".

I am working with the pseudocode formulation, especially in regards to the logic and formatting. I think once I have an understanding of what is going on, I can solve it. And yes, I've gone through a couple pseudocode rewrites (a few hours worth) and haven't gotten anywhere which is slightly unnerving.

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