Swing/AWT/SWT :: Else If Statements - Arithmetic Sequence

Apr 1, 2014

So I have one set of If Else If statements. My program calculates just the first comboBox. It is retrieving all the values from the other comboBoxes but I do not understand where to place the other If statement structure so I can calculate the other values I have set for the other objects. I would not like to use a different class for each and I know I have my calculations done right below my current if statement. Could it be left there and where shall I place the other if statements so they get read by my arithmetic sequence?

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Object source = e.getSource() ;
int deckSiz = (int) Decks.getSelectedIndex() ;
int wheelSiz = (int)Wheels.getSelectedIndex();


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Create A Basic Graphical User Interface For Sequence Translation

Mar 3, 2015

I am trying to create a basic graphical user interface for sequence translation (including a JTextField for the description of a sequence and status of function button pressed e.g. “simple” translation and input and output TextFields). This involves a number of different class files. I cannot get my user interface to do what I want and I think I have problems with my "actionPerformed" method. How the code should be linked together?

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
try {
// Get the description, content and result
String d = tool.getDescription();
String input = tool.getInputText();
Stringr = translation.getResult();


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Arithmetic Tester Program

Aug 6, 2014

How do i go about developing a simple arithmetic tester program which can be used to support young children improve their arithmetic skill. The program should accepts string data for the player's name and the number of questions they want to try, which will be entered by the user. The program should take in the following inputs from the user:

The name of the player, so that the game can refer to them by name in messages. The name must be between 2 and 20 characters inclusive.

The number of sums that the user wants to attempt. This number must be a whole number, and be between 2 and 50 inclusive.

The program must check that the values entered fall within the valid ranges. The program must also check that no empty strings are entered for names.

Once the player has entered their name and the number of questions they want to attempt, the game begins. The program must generate sums for the player.

The program should generate one question at a time and display the question for the user. The questions must involve two numbers and be either a multiplication, division, subtraction, or addition. For example, the following are all valid questions:

3 * 4 = ?
8 / 2 = ?
7 + 1 = ?
9 - 8 = ?

The first number, second number, and arithmetic operator (multiply, divide, add, subtract) should all be chosen randomly, the program should Generate a new random number for each of the three parts of each sum. this requires you to choose one of the four symbols based on which random number is returned.

A few checks must be carried out before a generated question is displayed to the user. If the question is an addition question, no checks are required. If the question is a multiplication question, no checks are required. However, checks are required for subtraction and division sums.

If the question is a subtraction question, the program must check that the second number is equal to or smaller than the first number. Whilst the second number is larger than the first number, new numbers should be generated.

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How To Develop Complete Arithmetic Class

Nov 21, 2014

 import java.util.*;
 public class TestArithmetic {
  public static void main(String [] args) {
  Scanner console = new Scanner (System.in);
  System.out.println("Enter First Number");
int x1 = console.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter Second Number");


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How To Compute All Possible Arithmetic Operations Of 4 Integers

Nov 25, 2014

I'm new to Java and I want to write a program that compute all the possible arithmetic operations of 4 integers.

For example, if the user enter 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively, then I want the computer to print out the following results:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4
1 + 2 + 3 - 4
1 + 2 + 3 * 4
1 + 2 + 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4

(parenthesis can be ignored for this program)

This is what I have so far, but I don't know how to continue:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArithmeticComputation{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in);
int num1 = stdin.nextInt();

[Code] ....

I'm looking for a method that allows me to assign char into actual operators, so that I can loop through all the computation.

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Arithmetic Expression With Quadratic Formula

Oct 3, 2014

I have just started to learn programming in the book I am teaching myself from it said how would you write the following arithmetic expression with it being the quadratic formula but only the plus part of it in the plus or minus..

package javalearning;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class QuadraticFormula {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter value for B: ");
double B = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter value for A: ");
double A = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter value for C: ");
double C = input.nextDouble();
double negativeOfB = -B;


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Catch Arithmetic Exception In Program

Jan 29, 2015

I want to catch the exception in my program is the below way:

class Temp
public static void main(String s[])
int x=10/s.length;

[Code] ....

I am expecting my program should give output as "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" but is giving

Temp.java:11: error: ')' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:11: error: ';' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:16: error: 'catch' without 'try'
catch (Exception e)
Temp.java:22: error: reached end of file while parsing
4 error

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Find Arithmetic Mean Of The Numbers Stored In Array

Feb 23, 2014

The program below is intended to find the arithmetic mean of the numbers stored in the array q in two ways: once by storing the numbers in an ArrayList d, where you allow all the necessary conversions to be performed automatically; and once by storing them in an ArrayList e, where you perform all the conversions by hand. Complete the program.

Here is what I have so far:

double[] q = { 0.5, 2.4, 7.4, 2.8, -6.2 };
ArrayList<Double> d = new ArrayList<Double>();
ArrayList<Double> e = new ArrayList<Double>();
for ( double x : q ) {
d.add( x );
e.add ( new Double ( x ) );

[Code] .....

Why does it still show "a / d.size?" I thought I fixed that. Whatever, it's supposed to be "dTotal / d.size()", etc.

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Calculating Arithmetic Expression - Recursive Function

Oct 26, 2014

I have a given arithmetic expression, which form is (A+B) or (A-B), were A and B are either numbers from 0-9, or another ARITHMETIC Expression.

The first thing that comes to my mind is a recursive function, but how to start...

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Source File - Arithmetic Operator Substitution

Nov 6, 2014

My goals:

1) Have some source file be read in

2) Specify what arithmetic operators to swap (+, -, /, *)

2) If an arithmetic operator is read (like a + sign etc) then we swap it with its opposite (- for example)

3) Once the swap is complete, the rest of the file stays the same even if more operators are in the file...it is then output to a file (I am going with 1mutation.java)

4) This is where it gets tricky....it then picks up where it left off to finish reading the + operators (or whatever was specified) and repeats steps 2-3 (but the operator that is already swapped gets left as it was / skipped) and the output is saved as 2mutation.java.

The most I have been able to manage is having it changed 1 operator or all of them at once. I deleted a lot of my work to start fresh / master one operator for the time being. Here is what I have:

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class OperatorSub {
[Code] ....

This is the data file I am using. (see attached) The file should be .java or .cpp but I stuck with .txt for now. How to tackle this? Am I on the right track?

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Test Arithmetic Java Programming Error

Oct 13, 2014

I have written this program but I am seeing error when I compile this program ( javac TestArithmetic.java).

1)TestArithmetic.java:26 cannot find symbol

2)symbol: class Arithmetic

3)location: class TestArithmetic

4) Arithmetic ar = new Arithmetic(x1,x2,x3);

1)TestArithmetic.java:26 cannot find symbol

2)symbol: class Arithmetic

3)location: class TestArithmetic

4) Arithmetic ar = new Arithmetic(x1,x2,x3);

2 errors.

Code :

import java.util.*;
class TestArithmetic {
public static void main (String[] args){
float number;
Scanner console= new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.println("Enter first number");

[Code] .....

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Int And Double - Performing Floating Point Arithmetic

Sep 19, 2014

I am new Java Programming and I am struggling to pass my Java class. How to perform Java but I am trying. For this particular assignment I supposed to:

* Change all variables' data types to double.
* Change the two prompts to request double values
* Change change the two calls to the nextInt() method to nextDouble().

This is the original assignment:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArithmeticDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input= new Scanner(System.in);
int firstNumber;
int secondNumber;
int sum;
int difference;
int average;


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Arithmetic Operation - String Index Out Of Range Error?

Nov 17, 2014

I am trying to write a program which asks the user to enter two numbers and then do the arithmetic operation based on user's input . No compiling errors but when I run the program I keep getting "StringIndexOutOfBounds" error .
class arithmetic { 
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int ent1 = 0;


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Arithmetic Expression That Will Display Doubles To Only One Decimal Place?

Sep 29, 2014

I am looking to find a way to display the number of decimal places without using any type of formatting string.

Only to make it xxx.x instead of xxx.xxxxxx.

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Request A User To Input Two Numbers For Num1 And Num2 And Do Arithmetic?

Feb 6, 2014

New to programming, and my teacher wants us to declare two variables : num1 and num2, and have the user input values, then run it through 2*num1 - num2.

Here is what I have so far, and I am lost and frustrated:

package hellowworld;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class definevariables {
static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num1;
int num2;

[Code] ....

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Arithmetic Methods Whose Main Method Holds Two Integer Variables

Jan 15, 2015

a. Create an application named ArithmeticMethods whose main() method holds two integer variables. Assign values to the variables. In turn, pass each value to methods named displayNumberPlus10(), displayNumberPlus100(), and displayNumberPlus1000(). Create each method to perform the task its name implies.

b. Modify the ArithmeticMethods class to accept the values of the two integers from a user at the keyboard.

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JAVA Calculator - Equals Method To Return Appropriate Value Using Standard Arithmetic

Apr 18, 2014

I am having trouble using the equals method to return the appropriate value using standard arithmetic.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

[Code] ....

I know that "inText.setText(Integer.toString(secondOperand));" in the code is wrong, I just don't know the right code...

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Program That Implement Final Method And Perform Arithmetic Operation

Mar 4, 2014

class A
public final int Add(int a,int b) {
return a+b;

class B
public static void main (String args[])

This is what I have. I'm not sure if this even makes use of a final method. But when I run it I get an error saying cannot find symbol for line 13.

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Simulate Simple Calculator That Performs Basic Arithmetic Operations Of JAVA

Sep 9, 2014

How can i write a java program that simulate a simple calculator that performs the basic arithmetic operations of JAVA. (JOption Pane and Repeat control structure)

Example : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.

The program will prompt to input two floating point numbers and a character that represents the operations presented above. In the event that the operator input is valid, prompt the user to input the operator again.

Sample Output :

First number 7
Second number 4

<+> Addition
<-> Subtraction
<*> Multiplication
</> Division

Enter Choice: * <enter>

The answer is 28.

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Nested If Statements

Sep 11, 2014

I am in the process of creating a calculator GUI that calculates different answers based on inputs two main comboboxes and numbers in the appropriate textfields. The first one allows the user to choose from 18 different materials, while the second has the user choose between two different shapes. In a brief word explanation, here's how it's set up:

User chooses material.
User chooses shape.
User types in appropriate values.
'Calculate' button clicked.
If shape = rectangle, execute rectangle calculation.
Else if shape = cylinder, execute cylinder calculation.

Everything works just fine with zero errors on all 18 materials and all kinds of decimal numbers when the second shape is selected. So the math and layout is solid. However, when the first shape is selected, it returns a $0.00 answer regardless of the input values (still no red-line errors). In efforts to troubleshoot, when I have /* Cylinder section */, the rectangle section works to a 'T'. This, I believe is caused by poor formatting in the syntax of the 'if' 'else if' in regards to the shape combobox.

//If 'Rectangle' is selected:
if(shapeDropDown.getSelectedIndex()==1) {
if(materialDropDown.getSelectedIndex()==0) {
String msg0 = "The price is: $"
+ currencyFormat.format((0.098*(number2*number3*number4)*3.06));


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While Loops Within If Else Statements?

Dec 19, 2014

What I'm trying to do below is to say if (adultTickets > 0) I want to bypass the studentOAP tickets question and go straight to the question about dinner. But if (adultTickets ==0) I want to go to the studentOAP question and then if the (studentOAPTickets >0) to go to the question about dinner. But if the (studentOAPTickets ==0) I want to go straight to the question about the contact number.

System.out.print("How many adult tickets do you require? ");
int adultTickets = 0;
boolean validAdultValue = false;
while (validAdultValue == false) {

[Code] ....

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Trying To Add Values Under Different If Statements

May 1, 2014

My initial question had to do with looping but now I'm having trouble adding certain variables.

The original thread is here: [URL] ....

If you look at the end of the code it won't recognize the "overtime" and "hourDiff". I have to use it for each level the
user chooses and am not sure how to do so. Even if I put it under the if{ statement it won't calculate. I assume it's due to it being cut off from other blocks but I'm not sure how to combine them.

My code is:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Pay {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double salary2 = 20.00;
double salary3 = 22.00;

[Code] ....

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Tic Tac Toe Game Using While Statements

Oct 23, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TicTacToe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create scanner
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
//Declare variables to hold the board

[Code] ....

I need to create a while statement for random computer moves.

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If Statements Without Braces

Nov 2, 2014

I'm doing some revision for my OCAJ atm, & I came across this code in a mock question which takes two int arguments & simply returns the larger.

public int max(int x, int y){
if (x > y)
return x;
return y;

When evaluating it I thought this would be invalid code as would always return x. But it transpires I was way off & that this actually works! In playing around with it, it seems like the first return statement is treated as:

if {// this bit } & the second return is treated as: else{ //this bit}.

What baffles me though is that you can put any amount of additional statements before the second return and it continues to work, however if you put even a single statement before the first return, the whole thing falls over.

I guess my two questions are - Am I right in my discovery above ( that statements preceeding the first return will always break it)? & secondly is this a good way of coding? for readability, I would always do it as:

public int max(int x, int y){
if (x > y){
return x;
return y;

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If Else - How To Not Execute Both Statements

Oct 4, 2014

I am making a program, where the user answers 3 questions and then I add the number of correct answers in to the (int) numberofcorrect variable, then I want to print the results, and no matter how many correct, the program executes first the correct if statement, then the else statement.

Eg: I have 2 correct it will print:

"Grade B, 2 of 3 "

"You failed the test"

Why does it do that? How can I change my code so the else statement dosent print if one of the if statments is allready printed?I want to know how to not execute the else statement, if one of the if statements have allready been executed.Below is my current code for this problem:

if (numberofcorrect == 3){
System.out.println("Grade A, full score");}
if (numberofcorrect == 2){
System.out.println("Grade B, 2 of 3 ");}
if (numberofcorrect ==1) {
System.out.println("Grade C, 1 of 3");}
else {
System.out.println("You failed the test"); }

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How To Sequence Through Components

Mar 28, 2014

I know my problem is my lack of understanding of OOP but I have searched for a solution and can't even seem to get close.This is a very simplified version of what I will need to do. I have a button and six textboxes. When the button is pressed I want to take the text from textbox6 and place it in textbox1, textbox2, textbox3, textbox4, and textbox5.

I need sometthing better then this brut force method.Java Code:

package textboxes;
public class TextBoxesGUI extends javax.swing.JFrame {
public String NewText;
public TextBoxesGUI() {


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