Swing/AWT/SWT :: Java Browser Not Displaying Google

Jul 28, 2014

my web browser isn't displaying any web page. When I create the method editorPane.setPage(), it takes forever (about 20 seconds) to show nothing. It'll load the web browser after the 20 seconds of waiting. Here is my code:

public class Browser extends JInternalFrame {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 4589041456161585394L;
public Browser() {
super("Browser", true, true);
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.setSize(Desktop.getSingletonInstance().getWidth(), Desktop.getSingletonInstance().getHeight());


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How To Utilize Google Directions API In Java Swing Program

Mar 13, 2015

I am making a program which will have the user enter their location (by postcode) into the GUI (Swing).

I want to use Google's Directions API [URL] .... to find directions from this user input address to another address. However, I have never gone about using external APIs before and even going as far as installing the necessary files on my system to get started is getting complicated.

How do I go about using this API in my own application? I have tried following the tutorials (e.g. [URL] .....) but I suspect I may even be using the wrong tutorial (I am seeing references saying that the client thing is depreciated).

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Swing Application - Java Browser API

Oct 21, 2014

I was using jdic api for the embedded browser in my java swing application but its not working good anymore so i want to use a better reliable and of course free api ..

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Embedded Browser In A Standalone Java App Running On Windows

Aug 24, 2014

I have an embedded browser in a standalone java app running on windows. The browser calls up web pages over the internet with no problem.

import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
final Browser browser = new Browser(group01, SWT.NONE);
browser.setBounds(0, 0, 1000, 400);

I have a C executable which captures and documents network traffic. I communicate with it by entering into any browser (it works with them all). It responds with a simple html form (three buttons, a tick box, a label, and one text box).However I cannot get it to work with the embedded SWT browser.

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How To Create File In Google Cloud Storage Using Java

Feb 26, 2015

I am Using NetBeans to develop a Desktop application in Java. I am strong some project related data files in text

format in my local folder(eg: E:securestorage) . I plan to store the same in google cloud . How it can done ..

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Servlets :: How To Upload File To Google Drive With Java Web Application

Dec 4, 2014

How to upload file to google drive using java. my java code is.

HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
httpTransport, jsonFactory, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, Arrays.asList(DriveScopes.DRIVE))

[Code] ....

So in that file object(java.io.File fileContent = new java.io.File("document.txt");) asking complete file path. But in file upload we can get only file name not path.

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Browser Automation / Embedding Into GUI / Attaching To Existing Browser Window

Aug 7, 2014

What best API or whatever you call for browser automation? I mean clicking links, filling forms, gathering sources and other info. I already tried selenium WebDriver. It have all needed functions but there is no feature like attaching code into already opened browser so even doing google search it opens new browser window (opening takes ~5-10secs). Also I believe that there is no way that I could embed that browser into GUI.

Also tried WebSpecs and old Watij but also didnt found any way to attach or embed browser into my GUI.

So what I need is that I could create GUI with embeded browser and bunch of buttons. I click buttons then embeded browser clicks links, gets info etc.

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Using Java To Interact With A Web Browser

Oct 6, 2014

I have made a simple program that will read in a text file full of songs. Each line in the file has 1 song, each line is then stored in an array. My plan is to use the songs in the array and search for it through youtube and then possibly load the first video result that YouTube finds.I know what I have made so far is a beginner application but as for browser interaction,

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Displaying GIFs In Swing

Feb 12, 2014

How is it possible to put a gif in swing that automatically changes the frame rate by itself? g.drawImage("file.gif") won't work.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Displaying PNG In A Window

Jan 31, 2014

That's my third day working in Java using Swing and the IntelliJ Idea IDE.I'm trying to do something as simple as displaying a PNG in a window, and I'm doing this:

public class AboutRapide {
public JPanel mainPanel;
private void createUIComponents() {
mainPanel = new ImagePanel();


the problem is that, in the paintComponent method, the Image is never found when I run my app from the IDE, but it is when I run it from Finder in my Mac. Same application. I think it relates to how the application is launched so I guess what's a proper way to refer to a resource file with an image so it can be displayed no matter how the application is launched?Also if I generate a Jar for the application, as the resource gets into the Jar compressed file, it can't also be loaded.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Displaying Results In A Message Box?

May 8, 2014

how to display results in a PLAIN_MESSAGE. My program is converting hex to decimal and displaying the results. Here's the code:

package pkgfinal;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Final {
public static int Convert(String userInput, int base){
int running_sum = 0;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: FPS Counter Only Displaying Ideal FPS

Mar 23, 2014

I have an fps counter in my game loop:

public void run()
long currentTime,timeDiff;
prevTime = System.nanoTime();
accumulator = 0;
boolean TRUE = true;


When I print the fps variable to the terminal window, it show a value of ~59.9998 - very close to the frameRate of 60. That is to be expected, and works well. The problem is that when I deliberately make the game go really slow, by spamming a bunch of enemies, the game looks slow, but the FPS is still apparently ~59.9998. I thought that maybe the paint() method was not calling when it was supposed to, but that might not be the case.

This FPS counter should be working, I can't see where I have gone wrong. Is there a problem with the code, or is there another problem that might cause the screen to be redrawn 10 times a second with an FPS of 60?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Displaying Image Using ImageIcon?

Jul 5, 2014

I'm currently following this Java tutorial:[URL]

I'm at the Image part of this chapter and I wrote/copied these 2 classes:


The error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(Unknown Source)
at image.Board.<init>(Board.java:17)
at image.Image.<init>(Image.java:10)
at image.Image.main(Image.java:20)

I'm fairly certain the problem is the path in this piece of code:

ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("C:GebruikersKristofferworkspaceImagessrcimageNature.jpeg"));

I've done some research and found that I should place the image in the same folder as my .java files, which I did [URL] but the problem still persists.

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Overriding Java ToString Method For Web Browser

Mar 14, 2014

How do i print override the toString for WebBrowser as i would like to print out the object bc. Tested the program and it is fine if i put it in the main method rather than the WebBrowser constructor.

import java.util.*;
class ListNode <E> { /* data attributes */
private E element;
private ListNode <E> next;
/* constructors */
public ListNode(E item)
{ this(item, null);


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Displaying Image On Button Press

Mar 22, 2014

I have been reading some java guides here [URL] .... and was trying to put a bit of what I have learnt into practice but am having some difficulty. Basically, using netbeans IDE I have created a new jFrameform so that I can place swing components in design mode. What I want to create isnt overly complicated but I just cant seem to get it. In design I have simply added a panel and a button. When I press the button I want to display an image I have located at:


This is my code so far (most of it has been automatically generated from me adding things via design mode:

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package test;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.imageio.*;

[Code] ....

I assume I need something like below somewhere , do i need to create a draw method? if so how do I call it as it is expecting graphics2d as a parameter, what would I pass into it?

BufferedImage img = null;
try {
img = ImageIO.read(new File("/resources/images/numbers/1.png"));
} catch (IOException e) {

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Buttons Not Displaying Till Mouseover Them?

Jan 19, 2012

I set out to make a Tic-tac-toe (Cross and Noughts) game to test my learning so far. While things have gone pretty well so far, I am absolutely stumped by my current issue. When I compile and run the code, the Grid of buttons that I generate do not appear. However, if I mouse over the window, they seem to then get refreshed/repainted. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is happening. From Googling the issue, it seems this is either an issue with the layout manager or related to a thread conflict with the GUI? [URL] ....

I'm listing out the code for the game class and the button class.

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
public class CrossNoughtsGame {
private JFrame frame;
private JPanel mainPanel;
private ArrayList<CNButton> buttonList = new ArrayList<CNButton>();
private boolean isX = true;

[Code] ....

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Java EE SDK :: Where HTTPSession Attributes Stored - Browser Or Server

Jun 15, 2013

I am wondering where the attributes I put into the Httpsession are stored.
For example, if I do the following
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("usr", usr);
session.setAttribute("pwd", pwd);
where does the ("pwd", pwd) pair store?
In my case, my web application needs to use the usr and pwd to login to another application, so I have to store them somewhere. So for security reason, if the pwd is kept in the browser side, I need to encrypt it first before I put it in the session. On the other hand if it is stored in the server memory then encryption seems not necessary

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Java Servlet :: Printed To Browser As Plain Text Instead Of Converting It To HTML?

Jul 23, 2012

I learning java an created the following servlet. The only problem is it printed to the browser as text instead of html..

It literally printed like this.

<HEAD><TITLE>Hellow World</TITLE></HEAD>
This STUFF IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the servlet I created.

package sample;
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {

[Code] ....

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Using JtextField As Google Toolbar?

Mar 4, 2015

how build a Google toolbar to search on web with java? I have this code but something is wrong...

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Use Google API To Translate From One Language To Another

Mar 29, 2014

I want to use google translate api to translate language from one language to another...

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Google Speech API Not Found On Console

May 20, 2014

i want to know about to convert speech to text in java..,

i found some articles are released to achieve this target (Speech 2 text) by using the Google Speech API from Google console.

i have already account & using the Map & other API too. But i unable to found the Google Speech API now..,

Sample Link : Speech to Text Library for Processing (STT)

what shall i do to achieve my target..

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Taking Information From Google Doc And Storing To Be Able To Print Later

Jan 20, 2015

I've looking for information on taking a range of data from a google sheet such as the one below.


The function that i'm trying to accomplish is allowing a user to run the program and input their 5-digit Unique - ID. After inputting their 5-Digit ID the program will take that input, and check whether or not that ID is present on the spreadsheet.

Ex: (Using the numbers from above) I type in : "89504" then (I would want the program to spit out if the ID is on the sheet).
(89504 appears on the sheet) So i would want it to print out something like "ID is found on list "Cat".
Associated named include: "Phil Roberts".

I tried, with my limited knowledge, to create what I have described above.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SwitchesTwo
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Welcome to the ID # Checker");
System.out.println("Enter the ID of the person you are trying to verify");


The issue I have with the mock-up above is the fact that I have to manually add in every individual name and ID. I would much rather write code that would allow it to update as I update the spreadsheet. Therefore, no need for 800+ cases. (theres around 800 ID numbers for this project)

In a perfect world, the code would be something like "Take info from cells C5 - C2000 and store as string array" (I think array would work.) while also doing the same with B5 - B2000.

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Java GUI Displaying Image Icon

Dec 2, 2014

how to display a jpg image on a through a Jlabel. I am sure it is a simple error but I am still new to GUI's. line 31 to 35 you can see the ImageIcon and file wrapped in the JLabel. I verified its in the correct location and file name, but usually fails (i thought) when it is not correct.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;


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JSF :: Calling Google Reverse Geocoding Address Lookup

Sep 25, 2014

I'm trying to integrate google reverse geocoding address into my jsf application. I would like to be able to enter a postcode and hit a 'Find Address' button to bring me back all the addresses within that location. I have attempted the script below just to get something working in html then build a jsf2 page up. The results that I keep getting back are for a specific building rather than a list of houses within the same street. I think this is because I'm using the lat/long.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<div id="latlng" value="53.561922,-2.120010"></div>

[Code] ......

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How To Create A Box To Hold Text Below Google Maps Within Android

Feb 19, 2014

At this point I know how to utilize Google Maps within Android but it always seems to take up the full window, there is an image below which shows what I'm attempting to accomplish (having a box below the Google maps where I can store text i.e. "Hello World"

How do I add box below Google Maps, so to store text i.e. "Hello World"

Code so far:


Java Code:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private GoogleMap googleMap;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

[Code] .....


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Java Block Breaking Game - GUI Is Not Displaying

Dec 7, 2014

I get no errors but the gui is not displaying

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package part1;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class brick {

[Code] ....

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