Swing/AWT/SWT :: Sorting In File Tree Node

May 12, 2014

I have requirement of sorting the files in tree structure with name and timestamp of creation, i am new to swings...

Here we are using FileTreeModel.

Root Folder:

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Java N-node Tree

Mar 30, 2015

I'm trying to write Java code for the following figure. Where, if node:4 will create following separate 4 trees. Number of node in

LEVEL1 (yellow) : n node.
LEVEL2 (green) : n-1 node.
LEVEL3 (blue) : n-2 node.

See image for node:4.

The example out for node:4 :
032 and so on.

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Find Node Method Within Binary Tree

Mar 29, 2015

I have some work where I have to create a binary tree. Anyway I am stuck on one of the classes which has several methods I must fill in! The code is below

The headers for each method are: public Node find (member p1)The method find(Member p1) is used to return the node which contains a particular member. It is a private method because the interface to CabinetTree should not provide direct access to the internal nodes. It makes use of the method Node findNode (Member p1, Node current)

and the next method is : Node findNode(Member p1, Node current) which searches the tree from current node to find a node whose value is equal to the Member p1, i.e. a node in the tree such that p1.equals(current.getMember()) is true. If there is no such node then the method should return null.

public class CabinetTree {
private Node head;
CabinetTree(Member p1) {
head = new Node(p1, null);

[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Mouse Event For Tree Node

Jun 10, 2014

I have a TreeView insight TabPane
treeView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
                if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
                    // Some action

For some reason when I click on a tab body I can also perform the listener action. How I can add additional statement to perform the action only if I select node?

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JSF :: Tomahawk Tree - Find Node ID In Bean Side?

Jan 6, 2015

I used tomahawk t:tree for showing my data in tree structure and displayed that very fine. But my problem is how can we find the node id in bean side when we select one node .Because i want to show some data based on that node.

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Unable To Remove Node From Binary Search Tree?

Apr 1, 2015

So in my binary search tree I'm trying to write a method that deletes the idem but for some reason it's not working. I have two things, I have the method and then another piece of code that tests the deletion method. Here's the actual method
public void delete(String word) {
root = deleteItem(root, word);
protected TreeNode deleteItem(TreeNode r, String word) {
if (r == null){
return r;
if(word.compareTo(r.item.getWord()) < 0){


Here's the test code

message = "Test: deleting 'word' -- ";
t = new BSTRefBased();
try {
result = t.getRootItem().getWord().equals(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
result = false;
System.out.println(message + (result ? "passed" : "FAILED"));

So for some reason it keeps saying that the test failed. Why does it keep saying that.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Select Tree Node On Button Click

Jun 20, 2014

I want to develop simple example in which I can select TreeView Nodes with Buttons(in some cases clicking on image and etc). I created this simple sample:
<pre style="" _modifiedtitle="true" jivemacrouid="_14032555963537721" ___default_attr="java" jivemacro="code" class="jive_text_macro jive_macro_code jivemacrouid_14032555963537721">
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

[Code] .... 
The question is how I can select tree Node when I click on a button. For example when I click on a button Item A1 I want to select tree idem Item A1.

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Why Reference Node Doesn't Change It Value In Binary Search Tree

Feb 10, 2015

the problem was :

i wrote it on paper with my examples.and just for laughts , i uploaded another picture that dont belong to my problem. its just my way to understand binary search tree implementation , so i wanted so share.just for laught : looks like the map of the universe.

now my problem : why after i changed Current to Current.left, Parent still has the value of root. i draw and wrote it on a paper. to be clear as possible - picture 2 :

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Linked Binary Search Tree - Creating Node Object

Apr 5, 2015

I'm trying to use LinkedBinarySearchTree but a lot of the variables are protected in BinaryTreeNode. I am creating a BinaryTreeNode object but it still isn't allowing me to use them. The variables I am trying to use are element, left, and right.

import ch11.exceptions.*;
import ch10.LinkedBinaryTree;
import ch10.BinaryTreeNode;
* LinkedBinarySearchTree implements the BinarySearchTreeADT interface with links.

public class LinkedBinarySearchTree<T> extends LinkedBinaryTree<T>
implements BinarySearchTreeADT<T>

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Populate JPanel Based On More Information About Selected JTree Node From A File?

Aug 27, 2014

When you select a node in a JTree can you then populate a JPanel based on more information about that node from a file?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add New Node Value To Array?

Jan 28, 2014

I have an add button on my screen to add a new node to tree. So once we click add button a popup comes to provide the new node name and then we press add button and the new node gets added to the tree.So know i want that when ever we add a new node to the tree the value of the new node should get stored in an array at the same time.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Manually Select A Node In JTree?

Oct 24, 2014

I have problem with manually (through my java code) selecting items in a JTree. I did Google the problem and found solutions here :


This code worked for me only partially. Once I tried selecting deeper nested nodes, I ran into problems. Since my production code is very cluttered I built an example and reproduced my exact problem in it.

package de.fortis.tcws.client.controller;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;


The important method is 'manualSelect(String[])'.

It streps through the tree by comparing user objects and finds the target node. Then it calls 'navigateToNode()' which uses the solution discussed in the links above.

This method behaves incosistently:

If you call it with an empty array it will correctly select the root node. The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = correct

If you call it with target node 1 it will correctly select node 1. The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = correct

If you call it with target node 1.1 it will select node 1.1 but for some reason it is not displayed as marked (no background). The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = only partly correct

If you call it with target node A it will run into an exception. Debugging reveals that the selection occurs correclty at first. You can also observe the righthand pane showing that 'A' was selected. But afterwards another TreeselectionEvent is occuring that has a NewLeadSelectionPath of null. I do not know where this second SelectionEvent is triggered from.

This code is run with Java 1.6.0_39 which is also what I will have to use in production.

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How To Fetch Values Inside Tag / Node Of XML File

Mar 25, 2015

I need to fetch the values inside the tag/node of an XML file.

The xml.file looks like this,

<data cc="100" ln="58">2291</data>
<data cc="100" ln="59">2291</data>
<data cc="105" ln="58">2389</data>
<data cc="105" ln="59">2389</data>
<data cc="110" ln="59">1</data>
<data cc="110" ln="57">1</data>


I need the value of cc and ln.

For example the first line contains cc = 100 and i need to fetch 100 and ln = 58 and i need the value 58.

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I/O / Streams :: Generate File Tree Structure Of Mounted Unix File System

Apr 22, 2014

I am creating a web application that runs on server X(unix) and it has another unix system mounted on it. I want to generate the file tree structure of this mounted unix file system and show it on to a web application so that users can select a file and move it onto this current unix machine.

I know this sounds stupid and you may want to say why cant we directly copy the file, I am doing a proof of concept and using this as a basis.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: File Browser - Adding Node To FlowPane Or TilePane

Jul 13, 2014

I trying to make a file browser but when i try to add item to a FlowPane through  me an error at runtime, look at this code if i add label with imageView when there are more than x ítem the error appear.

package first.sample; 
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
[Code] .....

But if i add the label and the imageView alone the error didn't show. Ihave folder in my pc with more than 1200 file and the error always appear. Is there a way to make a flowpane or tilepane hold enough items?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating New Leaves In Tree

Aug 26, 2014

Having trouble adding leaves to my tree. Developing a stand alone Java app using mainly SWT and Eclipse JavaEE on Windows.The tree is like this:


My requirement: when a child is selected/clicked I want to create a grandchild (there could be from zero to say 12 grandchildren). Thus if user clicks/selects childA2:


Codewise I have:

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;

Question one: do I need any further tree related imports to get this to work?

final Tree tree = new Tree(shell, SWT.VIRTUAL | SWT.BORDER | SWT.CHECK | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.SINGLE );
tree.setBounds(975, 00, 375, 600);


And it is here I've tried lots of options but it's like bleak mid winter - no new leaves What seems odd is that I can see the selected/clicked child text item.getText() but if I look at the index it is always -1. And I thought the index would let me create the leaf.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Button To Refresh Tree

Apr 6, 2015

I want to add a button who refresh the tree the problem that i have not "DefaultTreeModel" in my class to do this ((DefaultTreeModel) jTree1.getModel()).reload(); and i try this jtree.updateUI(); but not work ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Disable Sorting By Clicking On JTable Headers

Nov 18, 2014

Is there a way to disable sorting by clicking on the JTable headers?I have tried a few ways but because I am sorting the data when I load it that 'breaks' that also. Here is what I am trying to achieve.

Sort by 3 columns:


but then I want it so the user cannot resort that when the table is displayed..

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Draw 3 Triangles On Top Of Each Other To Give Appearance Of A Tree

Nov 22, 2014

I'm having trouble in 2 areas.

I'm trying to draw 3 triangles 'on top' of each other to give appearance of a tree. My code is below and struggling with how to set my x/y cords correctly.

Also I've drawn a rectangle under a new class and that should then be appearing in the south location of my border layout (south) - but it's not.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Christmas1 extends JFrame {
JPanel titlePanel;
JLabel title;

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Swing Tree Will Expand Listener?

Jun 3, 2014

Is there some equivalent of the Swing TreeWillExpand-listener for TreeView?
In my particular case I want to check whether some constrains are set to show some children before they will populated in the view.

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Sorting A Text File Alphabetically

Oct 13, 2014

So we have to create a code that reads in a file that has a huge list of words. Our code has to convert every word to all lower cases and then re-sort alphabetically. I was able to turn everything to lower case, but for the re-sorting I keep getting a null pointer exception on the line of the if statement.

import java.io.*;
public class readDict {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
System.out.println("Opening the file...");

[Code] ....

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Reading / Sorting And Writing A File

Dec 4, 2014

I need to read lastname, firstname, and ssn from a text file and sort them based on oneof those three creiteria. Here is my person class:

public class Person implements Comparable {
private String lastName, firstName, ssn;
private static int sortBy = 1;
public static final int LASTNAME=1, FIRSTNAME=2, SSN=3;
public void setSortMethod(int method) {
if(method != LASTNAME && method != FIRSTNAME && method != SSN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else {


how to sort my info and store it into an array and then write that info into my new file.

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Sorting Data Alphabetically By Second Name In A File?

Apr 11, 2013

I have a problem sorting this file alphabetically by second name. Basically, my method sorts each column alphabetically but i would like to sort the file according to the second name.

Moe     Carl
Saul     Sergio
Rocky     Louis
Ike     Ziken     

This is how my method sorts the file:

Ike          Carl
Moe          Louis
Rocky          Sergio
Saul          ziken
Moe     Carl
Rocky      Louis
Saul     Sergio
Ike     Ziken

Code :
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class thedata implements Comparable
          private String firstname;
          private String secondname;

[Code] .....

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Viewing Website File Tree

Apr 25, 2014

This is probably more of a web-based question. I have a basic web crawler I wrote with Java (using JSoup) which crawls through our repositories and stuff to locate the paths to certain snapshots and whatnot. It crawls through using the file tree which gets exposed when you try to go to a directory in a URL.

The problem I am having is that some of the directories contain index files, which means the connection to the directory redirects from the file tree to the index file. Any way to prevent that redirection?

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Java Tree Structure - Build Tree Based On Traversal Results

Jun 17, 2014

How to do draw the original binary tree based on traversal results?

A binary tree has this pre-order traversal result: A,B,D,H,I,E,F,C,G,K,J (TreeNodes) And the same tree gives the following in-order traversal: B,H,I,D,A,C,F,E,K,G,J. Can you draw the tree structure?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JTree - Drag And Drop Inside One Tree - Java 1.6

Jul 16, 2008

I am trying to drag and drop tree nodes within the same JTree. I have a code which uses Java 1.2 java.awt.dnd.I would like to use TransferHandler and newer implementation.I have found a code which works when JTree is drop target but there is no code where Jtree is drag source and drop target.

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