Swing/AWT/SWT :: Stopwatch - User Select How Timer Format Is On Java Beans

Mar 17, 2014

I am working on a java bean, on a stopwatch

private String displayFormat = "%02d:%02d:%02d";// produces 00:00:00 hour:min:seconds
public void timerHasChanged() {
currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// How long has been taken so far?
long secsTaken = (currentTime - startTime) / 1000;
long minsTaken = secsTaken / 60;
secsTaken %= 60;
long hoursTaken = minsTaken/60;
minsTaken %= 60;

Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format(displayFormat, hoursTaken, minsTaken, secsTaken);

How would i code the get and set method for format, so in property tab a user can choose if they want the timer shown in seconds, or minutes or hours or seconds&minutes

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Finding Out Old Split Times For Stopwatch

Mar 17, 2014

I am working on splitting a time for a stopwatch and printing it on console,

String splitTimesStr = "";
currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long secsTaken = (currentTime - startTime) / 1000;
long split = secsTaken - startTime;

[Code] ...

it produces
Split time: 00:02
Split time: 00:05
Split time: 00:08
Split time: 00:09

when it should produce
Split time: 00:02
Split time: 00:03
Split time: 00:03
Split time: 00:01

its printing out the time on stopwatch rather than: time on stopwatch - old time, how would i code this?

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Changing Format For Timer?

Mar 17, 2014

im making a javabean for stopwatch which works perfectly, but i want in the property descriptor format, so the user can change its format.

currently i have;

private String displayFormat = "MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss";
private SimpleDateFormat formatter;
public synchronized void setDisplayFormat(String newFormat) {
String oldFormat = getDisplayFormat();
try {


currently the timer works its format is in 00:00 minutes:seconds, but i want it to start as MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss, for example March 17 2014 00:00:01, so only one second has passed here. i believe the set and get format method is fine but the timerhaschanged needs to change as this is where the format takes place.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Generating UNCOMMON Format File Using Java

Oct 17, 2014

Well I want to generate a license key for my software product. I'm aware of Google's Guava Libraries for generating alpha numeric license keys. But I'm thinking it to do in a different way without using any such libraries or specifically guava libraries. Till now this is my plan that,

1. Get a MAC ID / IP Address of the system in which the application will be installed and ready for it's first use.
2. Store that MAC ID in a UNCOMMON File format in client's PC only.
3. And what should be the next step.?

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JSP :: Form That Has A Drop Down Option For A User To Select

May 28, 2014

I have a jsp form that has a drop down option for a user to select. I would like to know how to have a pre-selected option that has been retrieved from my database or provide a default option if none has been selected by the user. My form allows a user to update a record in my database and what I need to achieve is when a user is updating an existing record they do not have to touch the drop down box if the do not need to change that option.

Here is my current form below form method

="POST" action='UserController?action=edit&albumId=${album.albumId}' name="frmAddAlbum">
<label for="album id">Format : </label>
<select name="action" selected=<c:out value="${album.format}" /> >
<option value="listUser">CD</option>
<option value="listUser">Tape</option>
<option value="listUser">MP3</option>
<option value="listUser">VINYL</option>


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User To Select Item From Printed Out Array List

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to have a user select from a printed out array list, instead of having the user type in the "bill type" each time there is a bill to avoid user error as much as possible. For example I would like to have it print out like this:

"Select bill type from list:

1. Rent
2. Car
3. etc..."

and I would like the user to choose a number and not type in the "bill type". I don't want to use "Switch case" because it would need to be an expanding and I don't think "switch case" can do that.

Here is the code:

package homebudget;
class Spending
//Do i need a totalAmount variable?
String type;
double amount;
int year, month, day;
public Spending()

[Code] ....

case 2:
//Give option to enter a new expense or pick from list.
//How to do this? If Statement that doesn't list duplicates, or a while search?

resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the type of expense:");
type = resp;
resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the amount of the expense:");
amount = Double.parseDouble(resp);

[Code] .....

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Write A Program In Which User Will Select A Text File

Mar 30, 2015

i am trying to write a program in which the user will select a text file(which contains information that the graphical output will be based). I have successfully set up my file chooser however when i select the text file,i do not get any graphical out put. please see attached .zip file for code.

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Create User Interface That Will Allow Customer To Select Any Category Or Subcategory

Jun 25, 2014

I have a database containing products which are separated in categories and subcategories.I want to create a user interface that will allow the customer to select any category or subcategory and load the products in the main application window.My problem is that i dont like tree do you know any alternative of tree that i can use ?

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Getting Strings To Print In A List So That User Can Select Object To Manipulate Its Attributes

Oct 6, 2014

I have an Array of objects that contains strings. I am new to Java and have read books, the Java docs, and searched the Internet for my problem to no avail. How can I get my strings to print in a list so that the user can select an object to manipulate its attributes? I have a class called Instruments and created 10 guitar objects. Here is the code:

Instrument [] guitar = new Instrument[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
guitar[0] = new Instrument("Guitar 1");
guitar[1] = new Instrument("Guitar 2");
guitar[2] = new Instrument("Guitar 3");
guitar[3] = new Instrument("Guitar 4");

[Code] ....

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Java Beans Usage - Storing Data

Mar 7, 2015

I've spent almost 3 hours on googling about java beans and where it is usable. What I've figured out is that a bean has a public non-arg constructor, properties and getters/setters to manipulate them. I also know that a bean contains no logic, only fields. However, I don't fully understand why I need to use beans instead of normal classes even if a class can do the same things like a bean? Are beans used to store data or what?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Can't Select The Very Last Row In A Jtable

Mar 26, 2015

I have encountered a very tricky spot in a project that i am working on. I must have a JTable to programmatically select the very last row in an AbstractTableModel. I have tried every thing but nothing works so far.

The problem is is that the JTable only scrolls down to the second last table row in the model? What am i missing?

//Show the very last row in a tablemodel object using the method updateTableRows
//after an "insert action event" occurred
public void updateViewMode(String name,
java.util.List<NetworkSwitch> list,
boolean flag) {
CableTableModel model = cableTable.getCableModel();


What happens is that the only row that gets selected is the second last row of the total rows iny AbstractTableModel object, "CableTableModel"

What am i missing?

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Hot To Get A Swing Timer To Update At Different Times

Apr 27, 2014

I'm working on a space invades game and I have a swing timer set up to update the score(number of aliens killed) and for the aliens to shoot. I'm trying to get the score to update at say 100 ms, but the aliens to shoot at 3200ms. I tried to use 2 timers one for the aliens, and one for the score,but the aliens would just use faster score timer.

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Timer To Jframe

Jul 2, 2014

I am trying to write a game which needs timer beginning from zero to.... , and show it in my jframe. How can I do that?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Manually Select A Node In JTree?

Oct 24, 2014

I have problem with manually (through my java code) selecting items in a JTree. I did Google the problem and found solutions here :


This code worked for me only partially. Once I tried selecting deeper nested nodes, I ran into problems. Since my production code is very cluttered I built an example and reproduced my exact problem in it.

package de.fortis.tcws.client.controller;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;


The important method is 'manualSelect(String[])'.

It streps through the tree by comparing user objects and finds the target node. Then it calls 'navigateToNode()' which uses the solution discussed in the links above.

This method behaves incosistently:

If you call it with an empty array it will correctly select the root node. The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = correct

If you call it with target node 1 it will correctly select node 1. The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = correct

If you call it with target node 1.1 it will select node 1.1 but for some reason it is not displayed as marked (no background). The righthand pane shows the text of the selected node. = only partly correct

If you call it with target node A it will run into an exception. Debugging reveals that the selection occurs correclty at first. You can also observe the righthand pane showing that 'A' was selected. But afterwards another TreeselectionEvent is occuring that has a NewLeadSelectionPath of null. I do not know where this second SelectionEvent is triggered from.

This code is run with Java 1.6.0_39 which is also what I will have to use in production.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Switch Images On Combobox Select

Aug 7, 2014

Is it possible to switch images (on jlabel)on combobox item select. I

If (combobox.selecteditem = value)
SetIcon (resource) // I'm using the default auto generated code used by eclipse when we set an icon for a jlabel in the gui

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Swing TIMER - Start To Be Set To 1 Minute And Go Backwards

Apr 13, 2014

I am trying to create a timer.

Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new TimerActionListener());// does this mean the speed?
int count = 180;

I would like the timer to start to be set to 1 minute and the timer to go backwards so 60,59,58,57 etc..

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Select 2 Buttons In A Radio Button Group?

Mar 16, 2014

How do you make it so that you can select 2 buttons in a radio button group? for example: If I have 7 radio buttons, and I want to be able to select 2 of the 7 instead of 1.

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Stopwatch Program In Netbeans

Oct 18, 2014

This is a stopwatch program. Somehow, the run method in the displayUpdater does not get called. Overall, the program should have a start button and when the user clicks start, the button changes into a timer. My timer doesn't count here because the run method is not called.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class StopWatchNew extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Creates new form StopWatchNew
public StopWatchNew() {

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Select Different Blocks Of Code When File Selected In JFileChooser?

Nov 12, 2014

I have a program where I have to open a file and then run a piece of code to do something with it. However since there are different files I want to run different pieces of code depending on the file. I have a JFileChooser setup and it works but I would like to have a something like an if else depending on the file extension.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Select Items Of JList2 From MYSQL To Show In Jtable

Jan 31, 2015

There is a Jlist(Jlist1) which is populated with the columnNames from MYSQL. Then There is another empty Jlist (Jlist2) which the user can add items from Jlist1. At this stage I want to know how I can select items of JList2 from MYSQL to show in Jtable. Because the columnnames(items) of Jlist2 is less than the Jlist1. Like Spss that when you select variables from available list then you can add some of variable to selected list and do analysis.

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Get Object Strings To Print In List So That User Can Select That Object To Manipulate Its Attributes

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to Java and have read books, the Java docs, and searched the Internet for my problem to no avail. I have an Array of objects that contains strings. How can I get the object's strings to print in a list so that the user can select that object to manipulate its attributes? For example, the user can select "Guitar 1" from a list and manipulate its attributes like tuning it, playing it, etc. I have a class called Instruments and created 10 guitar objects.Here is the code:

Instrument [] guitar = new Instrument[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
guitar[0] = new Instrument("Guitar 1");
guitar[1] = new Instrument("Guitar 2");
guitar[2] = new Instrument("Guitar 3");
guitar[3] = new Instrument("Guitar 4");
guitar[4] = new Instrument("Guitar 5");
guitar[5] = new Instrument("Guitar 6");


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Java Count Up Timer

Mar 6, 2014

How to do a count up timer in java? like "0:00:00" hh:mm:ss

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Using A Timer In Java Quiz

Apr 17, 2014

I am currently making a quiz for a project. I am almost finished, but I need to use a timer.

Here is what I want to happen:

The user to has 15 seconds to answer each question. If they answer, they are given the option to move to the next question, or leave the quiz. If they answer incorrectly, the quiz closes. If they do not answer within the 15 seconds, the program treats this as an incorrect answer, and the quiz closes.

Here is a section of the quiz code which includes the start of the code to the end of the code for the first question:

Java Code:

package quiz;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;

[Code] ....

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How To Specify End Time In Java Timer

Apr 13, 2014

We can specify the start date & time using timer class. any option to provide end date & time also with out using third party.
I want to run a job between two given dates at given interval gap.

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How To Implement Clock / Timer In Java

Jun 10, 2015

How do I impliment a clock/timer in Java? The program saves files in memory for future use. I've included part of the program below I'd like to add a timer to check if the file was changed every 10 minutes. I have included part of the program below.
static FastDateFormat fastDateFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"); 
  private static final class FileContentsObject {
  private long cachedTime; // currentTime
  private long lastModifiedTimestamp;
  private List<String> contents;

[Code] .....

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How To Select Item From A List And Add It To Display Java GUI

Apr 28, 2014

I'm making an application that will allow users to view several displays simultaneously. I'm trying to make it so that the user should be able to select one of the items from a list then hit a radio button add them to the display. And there will be a second button to remove them from the display. Oh and there will always be alteast one display.

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