Take Replacement String Entered By User And Print Out New String

May 22, 2014

I'm having trouble with the last few lines of the code. It's supposed to take a replacement string entered by the user and print out the new string. For some reason it's now allowing me to enter a replacement string

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Project02 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a long string: ");
String lString = keyboard.nextLine();

[Code] ....


Enter a long string: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Enter a substring: jumped
Length of your string: 44
Length of your substring: 6
Starting position of your substring in string: 20
String before your substring: the quick brown fox
String after your substring: over the lazy dog
Enter a position between 0 and 43: 18
The character at position 18 is x

Enter a replacement string: Your new string is: the quick brown fox over the lazy dog <------ isn't taking user input

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Continuously Get User Input Until Empty String Entered

Jul 26, 2014

I have the code below that just keeps getting the user's name and displaying it until the user enter's an empty string. Well, to simulate that, I just hit the keyboard instead of entering any name but for some reasons I am not seeing in my code, the programme just keeps looping.
System.out.println("Enter your name :
Scanner st = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter your name :
String name = st.nextLine();
if(name==" ") break;
System.out.println("you are out of the while loop now!!");

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Reading Input With Scanner And Checking If User Entered Empty String?

Apr 7, 2015

The project is a program that allows the user to enter students and enter grades for each student. One of the requirements is that if there is already a grade stored for the student that it will display the previous grade. IF the user then enters a new grade the new grade will be stored. IF the user simply presses enter (enters an empty string) nothing is done. I have everything working except for the requirement of doing nothing if the user enters an empty string. If I just press enter at this point I get a NumberFormatException.

The below code is a method "setTestGrades" from the student class. This method iterates through each student object stored in an array list and then checks if there is a previous grade (Requirement# unset grades have to default to -1) before allowing the user to set a new grade.

public void setTestGrades(int testNumber) { //Sets the grade for the specified test number for each student in the arraylist.
testNumber -= 1;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Please enter the grade for Test #" + (testNumber + 1) + " For Student " + studentList.get(i).getStudentName());


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Print String From Starting Character Given By User

Jul 14, 2014

Now I am doing dictionary app using files..

Here i want to print the String from Starting character which is given by user..Here i given below the image like my concept..here we put .(dot and enter R)eclipse will print the method name which is starting from R..

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Ask User To Store 10 Numbers In Array - Print In Order Entered And Reverse

Apr 15, 2014

Write a Java program that asks the user to store 10 numbers in an array. You should then print the array in the order entered and then print in reverse order. However, instead of putting all the information in the main, you should use a class called PrintIt. The PrintIt class should have an instance variable that is an array to hold the numbers. You should have a method that will print the array in the order entered. You will also need a method to print in reverse oder. Then create a tester class that asks the user to enter 10 numbers and puts them in an array.

So far I've got this.

public class printIt {
int i;
int [] numArr = new int [10];
public printIt () {
i = -1;

[Code] .....


Enter a number:







what i want as an number is being able to print out 10 numbers but this only lets me do two numbers. Why is that so?

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Accept String And Number Of Repetitions As Parameters And Print String Given Number Of Times

Oct 3, 2014

I'm having a hard time with this problem, this is what I have, but I can not use two integers, I have to use one integer and a string...

This is the question:

Write a method called printStrings that accepts a String and a number of repetitions as parameters and prints that String the given number of times. For example, the call:

printStrings("abc", 5);

will print the following output: abcabcabcabcabc

This is what I attempted:

public class printStringsproject {
public static void printStrings(int abc, int number) {
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
printStrings(1, 5);

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How To Print String Only Five Times

Feb 11, 2015

I can't figure out how to print this string only five times. I tried to use the * operator, but that doesn't work with strings apparently, unles i'm not importing correctly.
import java.lang.String;
public class Looparray
public static void main(String args[] {
for (String myStr= "Hello there!";;) {
System.out.print (myStr);

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How To Print 5th Letter Of A String

Nov 11, 2014

So if I wanted to tell the user that the fifth letter they entered is "____" how would I do that.

I am prompting the user to enter a word and then displaying the length of the String. Now I want to display to the user what the fifth letter of the String they entered is.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class StringPractice
public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String word;
int lenght;

[Code] ....

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Print Pyramid String Error

Nov 18, 2014

I'm having a small error with my code, it is getting rid of the first letter of the string after the first line printed.

import java.util.*;
public class PrintPyramidName {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("What is your name?");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

[Code] ....

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Why Print Char 0 (zero) plus String Does Not Work

Apr 3, 2015

I have a simple doubt. I was studying and create some code to check the result and I found out a strange situation.
Whats wrong with this code? Why it does not print anything?
char = 0; //integer value
System.out.println( c +" String ");
and why this next works very well?
char = 1; //integer value
System.out.println( c +" String ");
I know that char is stored as a positive integer and assign with 0 is different of assign with '0'.

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Prompt User For Integer To Make Sure Length Entered By User Is A Power Of 2

Oct 8, 2014

Basically I need to make a program prompts the user for an integer, check to make sure the length entered by the user is a power of 2 and at least 2. Then I need to convert from base e to base 2 then I need to print the tick marks of a ruler based of the value of the length.

I got the whole converting thing working and the check for a power of 2, that wasn't an issue because it didn't require any recursion. I just don't know how to print out the proper tick mark values.

The way it is supposed to work is that it needs to look like this. Say the user enters 8;


Or if the user enters 16;


The bottom row is pretty much just the index value, that I print fine.

The top row though is supposed to be the length of the ticks on a ruler, with the middle most value being the value of the conversion from base e to base 2 from above. I can get that printed and what I get just looks like this.

For 8;


For 16;


As you can see I can get the middle value and the index values below but I don't know how to use recursion to get the right numbers.

Here's my current code.

import java.util.*;
public class TickMarks {
public static void main (String args[]){
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean looping = true;
while(looping == true){
System.out.print("Please enter a length: ");


Now the methods isPowerOfTwo() and printLength() both work fine. However, I'm not sure how to get the left and right side working.

My thoughts were to split the length in half and get a left and right side. I gave both of them arrays so I can keep track of the values. Now as you've seen above I get all zeros and I know it's because that's the default value in an array, I just don't know how to get the proper values.

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Read Through A String / Count How Many Vowels There Are And Print Out When Detected

Sep 15, 2014

So I need to write a program that reads through a String and counts how many vowels there are and prints them out as it finds them. This is what I have so far:

if (vowel == 'a' || vowel =='e' || vowel =='i' || vowel == 'o' || vowel == 'u'){

The problem is that I can't figure out how to print out the character once it detects it as a vowel.

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Writing To Text File - Print String On One Line

Oct 19, 2014

I am writing to a text file via user input and it is saving all the user input to the file but it is just printing one word per line. I would like it to print the string on one line and print the next string on the next line upon them hitting enter.

public void textFile() {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter file name: ");
String fileName = reader.next();
File f = new File(fileName);
PrintWriter p = null;

[Code] ....

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Store String Input In Array And Print In Reverse Order

Apr 5, 2014

I have a college question ask me to write a class StringRevert which does the following:

-prompting user for an interger n
-creating an array of n string
-repeatedly read character string from user input and store them in the array until end of array is reached or user input -quit(quit should not saved in array)
-print the string from array in reverse order, from last enter to first enter.
-assume user always supplie correct input

This is what I've done so far but how to get it working.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class StringRevert {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("enter value of n: ");
int n1 = in.nextInt();
String[] n = new String[n1];

[Code] ....

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Get A String From User Input?

Apr 13, 2014

I trying to get this code to get user input instead of reading from a hardcoded array. I'm getting compile errors while trying to get user input. Here's some of the code:

Java Code: // BubbleSort Java
// compile with: javac BubbleSort.java
// run with: java BubbleSort


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String Manipulation - Getting User ID?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a string and i need to do some manipulation with that. I have tried couple of things but not sure if those are feasible or not. Here is the situation:


I want the value of uid from this string, actually it's user id.

This particular string i want :: aa,bb

Things which i have tried:

I was trying it in this way string start with uid and ends with ou, but in this case user name itself can have ou, so in that case it breaks. Another approach i was thinking of is splitting the string by = which gives me aa'',bb,ou at first position and then i will again split this string to remove ,ou. but i am not sure if this approach is good or not?

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Evaluating User Input For String Or Int

Jan 14, 2015

I have to take a users input. The general gist of the problem is I want to convert a decimal number entered by the user inputs into it's binary equivalent....the conversion part I know how to do.

I'm stuck at the user input phase. If the user inputs a decimal number within the correct range (lets say between 0-5000 for this example) the conversion goes ahead as planned and the program outputs on the screen the binary equivalent.

If on the other hand the user inputs a number outside of this range ... OR a String OR and empty space, an error message is given and the user is asked to try again. I don't know how to handle it if the user enters the different types...int or String.

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Prompt User To Enter A String

Feb 15, 2015

I am suppose to design a problem the prompts the user to enter a String. Based on the input from the user, have the program prompt with a full description of the playing card entered. Below is a table of the notation and meaning:

Notation Meaning
A Ace
2...10 Card Values
J Jack
Q Queen
K King
D Diamonds
H Hearts
S Spades
C Clubs

Use the .charAt(...) to extract each character from the user's input and build a switch statement to determine the full description.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PlayingCardIdentifier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a card notation: ");
String s = input.nextLine();


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String From User Not Removing Spaces

Apr 6, 2014

I'm not sure why but my infix string isn't removing the spaces. Here is the part of the code:

Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter Infix express: ");
String infix = s.nextLine();
infix.replaceAll("\s", "").trim();
InfixtoPostfix convert = new InfixtoPostfix(infix);
String postfix = convert.toPostFix();
System.out.println("Converted Express: " + postfix);

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Here is the output when I run it:

Enter Infix expression:
(7 + x) * (8 – 2) / 4 + (x + 2)
(7 + x) * (8 – 2) / 4 + (x + 2)
Converted Expression: 7 x+ 8 – 2* /4 x 2++

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Search For A String In Large Text File Of 1 GB Size And Print Line When Match Found

Feb 18, 2014

I have a large text file of 1 GB size. I need to print the line when a matching word is found in a particular line. Below is the code I am using. But if there are many lines that has the matching word, it's taking lot of time. Any solution to print the lines much faster.

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if(line.contains("xyz")) {

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Scanning Known String And Not Input Typed By User?

Jul 29, 2014

I'm having an issue with my program that needs 2 lines of input when I only want one. First I call Scan.nextLine(); to fetch a word. Then I want Scan.findInLine(word).charAt(number); to scan the string word for a letter instead of having to put another line in the console. How do I make Scan.findInLine(word).charAt(number); scan a single String instead of scanning input typed by the user?

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Getting User Input From TextArea And Storing It As String Value

Jan 20, 2015

I am having trouble with getting a user input once they enter it in to a JTextArea and then storing it in to a string value. See, I wanted the user to enter an answer in to the JTextArea, and then once I store it in to a string value, I would be able to use it later. I wanted to after storing the variable to print it on to a JLabel, but nothing is showing up... Heres my code.

static String usera[]= new String [10];
for (int i=0; i< usera.length; i++) {
//These are the JTextArea names
usera[0]= Question1.getText();
usera[1]= Question2.getText();


I already initialized the JLabels earlier in my code, and I did not feel the need to post all my code here. This is where I am trying to get the string variable and then printing it out.

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Return A String That Holds User Inputs

Apr 18, 2015

I'm working on an assignment for my Java Programming class that requires me to work with Multiple Classes.

Overview of the assignment: Create a "Database" that allows a user to input information about a College Class.

My program has three Classes:

The information that must be tracked in the Course Class is:
- Section Number
- Instructor
- Classroom
- Students (an ArrayList of class Student)

The information that must be tracked in the Student Class is:
- Name
- Major
- Hours

The Driver class will use the main method to print the user a prompt asking for inputs, then display all of the user's inputs after he/she wished to exit the program.

I'm having no trouble with asking the user for inputs and then checking the validations for the inputs, I'm currently struggling with return a String that houses all of the user's inputs for the variables above. The information must be returned in a method called toString(). Both the Student and Course Class must have a toString() method that returns the information in the class (value of the variables), I must then call upon these methods from the main method of the Driver Class to print them back to the user.

The toString methods within the Student & Course Classes are at the bottom of the code

To Summarize: What I need to do within the toString() methods to return the values the user has inputted for the various variables? Such as.. Should I pass something through the method? Do I need the this keyboard to pass through the variable again? I just fear that I'm currently misunderstanding a very critical part of programming.

My Driver Class

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Driver {
Course courseInputs = new Course();
Student studentInputs = new Student();
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

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Calculate And Store Value Into String The User Selected And Keeping It Going

Oct 28, 2014

This is the first time we are using 2 different classes. This is the code I have so far. What I am having trouble is doing the calculations and storing the value into the planet the user selected and keeping it going. I will attach the instructions ....

public class FakeGravity{
// Instance variables
private String planet;
private int VelocityDecay;
private double BouncinessFactor;
// default constructor
public FakeGravity(){

[Code] ....

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Business Application - Get Input From User And Converts It Into A String

Apr 24, 2014

So this application gets input from the user and converts it into a string. It then uses various methods to set instance variables of this class and ends up printing those classes to display information to the user about that products.

package javaapplication5;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class Product
private String product;
private String description;
private double price;
[Code] ....

I am getting a logical error. My output is this:

Enter a product for information. Choose either Java or C++
Prduct: null Description: null Price 0.0

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Storing Input From User As String Variable And Then Converting It To Double?

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to make a program that calculates the change due in dollars and cents. The user inputs both the amount due and the amount tendered. My program only works with whole numbers?

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