Text File - No ArrayList Or Comparator Is Allowed

Feb 15, 2015

The initial output of the texfile is this. NO ARRAYLIST OR COMPARATOR IS ALLOWED:

Steve Jobs 9 f 91
Bill Gates 6 m 90
James Gosling 3 m 100
James Gosling 3 f 100
Dennis Ritchie 5 m 94
Steve Jobs 9 m 95
Dennis Ritchie 5 f 100
Jeff Dean 7 m 100
Bill Gates 6 f 96
Jeff Dean 7 f 100
Sergey Brin 27 f 97
Sergey Brin 22 m 98

The collateExams method collates/sorts exam objects starting with the first 'm' (midterm) of the first object and immediately followed by the same person's 'f'(final). Only a SINGLE loop construct is allowed. The output from collateExams() should be the one below but my code is not working, i.e. collateExams method is not working. The output from collateExams() should be

Bill Gates 6 m 90
Bill Gates 6 f 96
James Gosling 3 m 100
James Gosling 3 f 100
Dennis Ritchie 5 m 94
Dennis Ritchie 5 f 100
Steve Jobs 9 m 95
Steve Jobs 9 f 91
Jeff Dean 7 m 100
Jeff Dean 7 f 100
Sergey Brin 22 m 98
Sergey Brin 27 f 97

I am getting [b]NullExceptions[/b] at

r[2*position[exams[i].getID()]+1] =
new Exam(r[i].getFirstName(), r[i].getLastName(),
r[i].getID(), r[i].getExamType(), r[i].getScore());

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

[Code] ....

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Write And Read Via ArrayList With Text File?

Feb 6, 2015

I wanna learn to create a method where I use a scanner or any other way to input.The stuffs I input will be strings. The whole thing will be like a destination creator.So if I input the string USA, it will write this to a file:


When I go to the method again the ID will be added so if I input UK, the file will contain:


Now if I terminate the program, next time when I run it again it will be able to read the ArrayList, so if I wanna go to the method again and write: Norway the file will contain:


Later I also want to be able to use println to show all of these lines from the file, as well I would like to be able to delete an ID, so if I delete ID 2 the file would contain:


I'm quite new to Java, I'm in a Java course since soon 3 weeks back and I have sure learned a lot, all the loops and basic statements that exist in most languages, but now when it comes to this I just don't understand.

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Reading User-specified Text File Into ArrayList Of Strings Using Java?

Apr 23, 2015

I am advised to use a while loop the Scanner method hasNextLine() and in the while loop body, call the Scanner method nextLine(), and add the returned String to the ArrayList of Strings. what I have gotten so far:

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(""));
while(input.hasNextLine()) {
String line = input.nextLine();

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Populate ArrayList Of Different Data Types From Text File With Java

Aug 25, 2014

I would like to create an ArrayList from data types stored in a text file.The ArrayList would be multidimensional with two data types; int, String.

Example text file could be:

4 cahiers grand format
3 stylots bic bleu
5 gommes

I find it very difficult for multiple data types i don't see how its possible.

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How To Make A Text File Only Use Lines In A Text File Beginning With A Certain Letter

Mar 15, 2015

I have a program that reads lines of text, but some of the lines of text aren't applicable and break the program. I'd like to put a letter in front of the lines in the .txt file I want to use, such as a #.

I need to make an if loop that'll check for the first letter on the line being #, and use the line in the program if true and skip if false. I'm guessing a boolean variable would be useful here to be true or false depending on the presence of #, but I don't know how to only read the first letter of each line, how can I do this?

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Pickup Selected Text File And Read Line By Line And Output Text Into Visual Text Pane

Dec 12, 2014

I am checking how to do following task.

01. pickup the selected text file and read the line by line and output the text in to visual text pane.

what i did:.

01. I wrote code that read the text file and output in to jave console/ also some of the interface.

the code read txt file:

Java Code:

String fileName = "C:/Users/lakshan/Desktop/lawyer.txt";
File textFile = new File(fileName);
Scanner in = new Scanner (textFile);


so it will read any text file dynamically and output to the text pane in interface. I think scanner code must be execute after the select the file from the browser and set the scanned result in to variable. then later out put the var as string in some jswing component?

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Check IsEnabled In ArrayList Of JTextFields And Get Text

Oct 9, 2014

I have an ArrayList of JTextFields in a CAMSetup1 class that contains a bunch of named JTextFields: Layer_textField_1, Layer_textField_2, Layer_textField_3, ... etc

I would like to check the .isEnabled status of a particular JTextField in that ArrayList from my main class by passing the name of the JTextField to a method in the CAMSetup1 class as a string

The peice of code calling the method from the main class is something like this:

if (CAMSetup1.getFieldEnabledStatus("Layer_textField_1") == true) {
data.writeToFile(CAMSetup1.getFieldText("Layer_textField_2") + " LAYER 2 LIST FILE

The method for checking the .isEnabled that I have so far is:

public boolean getFieldEnabledStatus(String textFieldname) {
boolean status = false;
//<need code here>
return status;

I also need getting the text:

public String getFieldText(String textFieldname) {
String filename = false;
//<need code here>
return filename;

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Using Same Parameters But Different Functions - Allowed Or Not?

Feb 12, 2014

I have made a class here that has two methods. As you guys can notice, in my two methods that I made, I have listed some arguments in there with parameters. My question is that the variables im using in first method, can they be identical on my second method? Is this ok to do?

public class StudentScore {
private int math;
private int science;
private int calc;
private int history;
private int pe;
[Code] .....

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User Enter A File On Text Field And Display Its Hex Representation In Text Area

Apr 17, 2015

I'm supposed to write a GUI application letting the user enter a file on the text field and display its hex representation in a text area and vice versa.

Here's my code:

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package hexconvertor;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class HexConvertor extends javax.swing.JFrame {

[Code] .....

It's not doing anything, I don't understand why.

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Can Change Arraylist To Have Number Images Rather Than Normal Text Numbers

Apr 9, 2014

I was wondering if it would be possible if i can change the arraylist to have number images rather than NORMAL text numbers?

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User Allowed To Reenter Data

May 22, 2014

In Chapter 9, you wrote a program named MeanMedian that allows a user to enter five integers and then displays the values, their mean, and their median. Now, modify the program to throw an exception if an entered value is not an integer.If an exception is thrown, display an appropriate message and allow the user to reenter the value. Save the file as MeanMedianHandleException.java.This is what I have. The exception is caught but the program starts over asking for five new entries.

import java.util.*;
public class MeanMedianHandleException {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0, avg, mode;
final int MAX = 5;
int[] num = new int[5];
try {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) {
System.out.println("Enter number ");
num[i] = keyboard.nextInt();


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Why Static Classes Are Allowed In Interfaces

Oct 25, 2014

I am reading about interface and i see that classes are allowed inside interfaces which are implicitly static. Here is sample of code i created and i am able to access the static method and fields as well. Here is the code snippet.

public class TestInnerClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
interface Test{
static class NestedClass{
static int x = 100 ;
public static void printMe(){

My question is what is the use of such static classes inside interface? If i don't have access to Foo, i can't ever invoke NestedClass. Whats the design usage?

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Read A Text File And Split The Text Into Tokens

Feb 2, 2014

I am trying to read a text file into Java and split the text into tokens. Eventually I want to be able to count the number of instances of a specific word. However, at this point, when I run the file, all I get is the location of the file rather than the text in the file.

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class textTest3 {
* Prints the number of words in a given file
* @param args
* @throws IOException


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JSF :: Injection Of EJB Into CDI Bean Call Of Method Not Allowed

Apr 21, 2014

In an JEE6 webprofile project, using JBoss EAP 6.1:

I have a CDI Bean:

import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import de.dpunkt.myaktion.model.Organisator;
import de.dpunkt.myaktion.services.OrganisatorDAO;


When I call doCreate() I get

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: JBAS014502: Aufruf an Methode: public abstract void de.dpunkt.myaktion.services.OrganisatorDAO.save(de.dpunkt.myaktion.model.Organisator) von Bean: OrganisatorDAOBean ist nicht gestattet

which translates to: call of method: .... from Bean ... is not allowed

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XML :: Content Is Not Allowed In Prolog With SOAP Attachment

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to get attachements from soap resonse,I am getting the below error "Content is not allowed in prolog" with SOAP Attachment".
soap response is
------=_Part_585_5017019.1404291979395Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<SOAP-ENV:Body><RetrieveIncidentResponse message="Success" returnCode="0"

[Code] ....
The code i am trying is below :

try {   // Create SoapMessage   MessageFactory msgFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();  
SOAPMessage message = msgFactory.createMessage();   SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart(); 
       //    Iterator i=message.getAttachments();
   // Load the SOAP text into a stream source   byte[] buffer = soapResponse.getBytes();  

[Code] .....

Detailed error log is
ERROR:  'Content is not allowed in prolog.'
Jul 8, 2014 10:13:53 AM com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory createEnvelope
SEVERE: SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given source
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to create envelope from given source:
    at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory.createEnvelope(EnvelopeFactory.java:114)

[Code] .....

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Web Services :: Exception From OLB Service - Content Is Not Allowed In Prolog

Jan 14, 2015

I am trying to hit the service which has been generated using apache cxf 3.0, I have generated the client using axis2 wsdl2java and whenever I tried to hit the service am getting as

"exception from OLB Service:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog."

Not sure about the cause of the issue. We have made interceptors on the server side to verify whether there is any special characters associated, but there are no such characters from provider.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: No Tooltip In Custom Control Allowed - Cannot Be Imported To SceneBuilder?

May 21, 2014

If I use an instance of Tooltip in my custom-control, it can not be imported to SceneBuilder any more. Using Tooltip in my custom-control skin works - is that the way it is supposed to be?
Background: I have a control (ValidatedTextField) which uses Tooltips to inform about unwanted characters. It works in SceneBuilder1.x.

SceneBuilder 2 does not "accept" this control unless I take out all Tooltips. I have verified this behavior with some other working controls.
I have found a workaround to use the Tooltip in the Skin.

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Sorting With A Comparator

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to sort an ArrayList of objects with the comparator as I want to sort based on a certain value for each object. I understand I would need to override compareTo() in the objects class, is there any way I can get around also needing to override for all subclasses of the object?

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What Is Comparator In Sorted Set

Jul 11, 2014

I read the document [URL] ....

But I am not able to get what is actual use of this in set ?

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Can Mix Comparable And Comparator

Jan 24, 2014

I am asked to create a code that if a user enters 1 it will use the object natural comparison form ('default') as written in CompareTo method.But if he chooses to enter something else then another comparison is used.Maybe I just need to use 2 diff comparators? but then what;s the point of defining something as 'default'....

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Implementing Comparator Interface?

Mar 7, 2014

overriding of the compare method.

Here's an example I found:

public class Someone {
String name;
int age;
ArrayList <Someone> listarr = new ArrayList <Someone>();
public Someone(String name1, int age1) {
name = name1;
age = age1;


1. In the compare method, what happens when it returns one of the 0, -1, or 1? How does returning such values contribute to the sorting process? How does it take in information (like I know it does through the parameters, but how exactly)?

2. Why do we use the class name for the generics?

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Comparator Interface Implementation?

Mar 6, 2014

Something about implementing Comparator interface isn't very clear to me: overriding the compare method.

Like here for example:

//This sorts a list of objects holding information based on age: the name and the age of the person
public class Person {
String name;
int age;
public Person (String name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

[Code] ....

What exactly is happening behind the scenes? I don't understand mostly the part where it returns a 0, a 1, or a -1. After it returns one of those values, what really happens next?

For the displaying of the list, is the method toString() being accessed to output the list in the System.out.println statement?

For the generics, why do we use Person?

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Binary Search And Comparator

Aug 2, 2014

If an array has been sorted using a comparator then why is it necessary to pass on that comparator to the binaryserach method. What I want to know is that how come the presence of a comparator reference affect the way the algorithm works?

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Writing Own Custom Comparator In Java

Jul 27, 2014

I have a java code that should sort an array of names based on the last name. e.g jane a, jane b, jane z, jane d should be jane a, jane b, jane d, jane z. I have the following code but for some reasons, the s1 in the comparator method is always null.
public class ShuffleName {
public static void sortNames(String[] names){
 Arrays.sort( names, new Comparator<String>() {
 public int compare( String s1, String s2 ) { 
String s1last = s1.split("s+")[1];
String s2last = s2.split("s+")[1];
return s1last.compareTo(s2last);


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How To Determine If Classes Use Comparable And Comparator

Apr 13, 2015

Which of the following classes uses Comparable and Comparator?


In the above question, what does 'uses' mean? Does it mean do above classes implement Comparable and Comparator?

I know that in order to compare any two elements stored in one of the above classes, we need to make the elements' class to implement one of these - either Comparable or Comparator.

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Using Comparable Or Comparator As Parameter In Method

Jul 1, 2013

I was going through some lectures online and found that to compare or even swap, the use of comparable or comparator argument like
public static boolean less(Comparable v,Comparable w)
     return v.compareTo(w)<0;
 public static void swap(Comparable []a,int i,int j)
     Comparable swap=a[i];
I did not get the use of passing Comparable or Comparator to the function as parameters. Object as parameter could have been used too?

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