Time - Cannot Input Any Value Into Parameter Without It Returning Error

Nov 25, 2014

I think my code is correct, but I cannot input any value into the parameter without it returning an error. I have tried different forms of the time (0734, 7:34, 7,34, and others) but none of them work. I attached a screenshot of the error message. How can I input the parameter?

public class Time extends Object
private int itsHour; // always in the range 0 to 23
private int itsMin; // always in the range 0 to 59 
/** Create an object for the given hour and minute. If min
* is negative, adjust the values to make 0 <= min < 60. */
public Time (int hour, int min) // constructor

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Method Is Not Returning Array - Null Error

May 18, 2015

I am trying to return an array and I keep getting a null error. The below class sets the material numbers into an array and should return that array if called :

public class Jobs {
private int[] materialsNumber;
//change to parts and create another class that gets the materials for the parts
 public int[] job1() {
materialsNumber[0] = 11960120;

[Code] ....

I later try to call the method. The program executes but stops after I println "test in loop"

public class PurchaseOrdersToParts {
 private Jobs job = new Jobs();
 int[] getPartsForPurchaseOrder(BigDecimal purchaseOrder) {
 System.out.println("inside getparts");
 BigDecimal testNum = new BigDecimal(123.0);
[Code] ....

This is the method that is calling the method in the GenerateOrdersToParts class

private PurchaseOrdersToParts purchaseOrdersToParts = new PurchaseOrdersToParts();
PoRepository poRepository;
public GenerateShopJobTickets() {
[Code] .....

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Returning Input Class From HTML Using Selenium

Dec 1, 2014

This is my first Java Application. What i am trying to do is log into my dummy trading account, find a trade based on a ticker and then return the value.

Here is what i have so far

import java.io.IOException;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

[Code] ....

The immediate issue I am having is using Selenium to click on the Login Button. The tag seems to be returning as a class and not an id.

<input class = "inline faux-button secondary" type ="submit" tabindex="3"
onclick="javascript:return Go()" value="Login" name="submit_button"></input>

I have been able to use just the findElement by id on other accounts I have, however you have to pay like £100 a year to stop being timed out every 10 seconds, so I get stuck after logging in.

iii.co.uk doesnt have a time out function so trying with this. How to access the input class above.

The error I am getting from Selenium is:

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: {"method":"class name","selector":"inline.faux-button.secondary"}
Command duration or timeout: 47 milliseconds

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How To Input BigInteger Parameter Values Using JConsole

Jan 9, 2015

I am trying to test my JMX bean in JConsole.  How do I input BigInteger parameter values using JConsole? It appears to want a numeric value, but everything I have tried results in an IllegalArgumentException saying there is a ClassCastException.

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Getting User Input Second Time

Apr 19, 2014

I'm working on creating a dice game and getting the users input is giving me a really hard time. I have the main game working but this part I'm stuck on. The problem is that it's not giving me the chance to enter the second input when I ask for the game.

//Create Scanner object
Scanner keys = new Scanner(System.in);
//Get chips
System.out.print("How much money would you like to change? ");
int chips = keys.nextInt();
System.out.println("You now have $" + chips + " in chips.");


This is what I get when I run it run/How much money would you like to change?

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Time Input Validation

Nov 24, 2014

I am trying to validate user input of time. It seems that only part of it works. It will only accept hour 20-23 as valid.

void timeValidate() {
String value = "";
boolean bTryAgain = true;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

[Code] .....

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Run Time Error In Reading Data From Keyboard

Aug 9, 2014

i tried to run simple program od adding two number by using scanner class but there is run time error here it is code file and error.

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Countdown Clock - User Can Input The Time?

Nov 5, 2014

how can you add a feature where the user can input the time for the clock to countdown to?

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Run Time Error As Null Pointer Exception While Compiling

Apr 12, 2015

I have an input text file as file.txt where, it consists of only real values separated with commas, and arranged as rows as columns as mentioned below :


the number of rows is 100 and the number of columns are 9, that is they are fixed.Above is just an example, the file consists of decimal values.What I require is for each column of values I need to find out it's average or mean, that is in above example,

for 1st column:(1+1+2)/3
for 2nd column(2+4+4)/3
for 3rd column(3+7+5)/3,,,,,,,like this till the last column.

So I need to take the input from the .txt file, calculate the column average of each column and the average of each column must be displayed as output. I have done a bit of coding, but it is giving a run-time error as NullPointerException.I will forward my code as attachment, the reading of file, is done as string in java and then it must be converted to double values, also to read the comma separated input from a file I have used the split().

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CountDigitx - Take Two Integers As Input And Return How Many Time X Occurs In Number N

Apr 29, 2014

Write a recursive Java method countDigitx that takes two integer numbers as input (a number n and digit x) and returns the number of times digits x occurs in number n:

For example if n=23242 and x=2 then the method should return 3 that is the number of times the number 2 found in n.

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Compile Time Error - Cannot Invoke Read On Primitive Data Type Int

Jul 10, 2014

I have a code in which I am reading input from System.in and Destination is some where else

Here is my code

File file=new File("D:/output.txt");
OutputStream os=new java.io.FileOutputStream(file);
Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter Data to write on File");
String text=scanner.nextLine();
int c=Integer.parseInt(text);
int a;
System.out.println("File Written is Successful");

In the line while((a=c.read())!=-1)

a compile time error is shown "cannot invoke read on primitive data type int"

Where I am going wrong?

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Comparing Sample Client With Real Time Client - Transport Error 404

Jan 23, 2015

I have tried each and every thing in all the other answers. Like setting chunked to false, changing parameters, changing http1.1 -1.0. I am just writing a sample client to compare it with my real time client. Following is the code of client:

package com.webservicemart.ws;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import com.webservicemart.ws.USZipStub.ValidateZip;
public class UsZipClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

And Following is the error :

[INFO] Unable to sendViaPost to url[http://www.webservicemart.com/uszip.asmx]
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.handleResponse(HTTPSender.java:310)
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.sendViaPost(HTTPSender.java:194)
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.send(HTTPSender.java:75)

[Code] ....

I have tried with other geoIP service and weather forecast too. I get the same error.

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How To Compare Int To Empty String To Input Error

Apr 16, 2015

I am having issues with the program below everything works but I can't figure out a way to add code that if a user just hits enter without inputting anything it says "entering in nothing is not a valid choice" I am stuck on how to compare a int to a string ...

//import statements
import java.util.*; //for scanner class
// class beginning
public class Guess {
public static void main(String[] args ) {
//Declare variables area

[Code] ....

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How To Compare Int To A Empty String To Input Error Message To User

Apr 16, 2015

I made a guess a number program but I am having issue figuring out a way that when a user enter's in nothing for the program to spit out a message saying "hey entering nothing doesn't work try again" then ask for input. I have done some research and from what I have found is to read the input in as a String rather than int, and use something like Integer.valueOf() to get the integer value but I am completely lost on how to apply that to my program here is my code

//import statements
import java.util.*; //for scanner class
// class beginning
public class Guess {
public static void main(String[] args ) {
//Declare variables area
int guess, secretNumber = (int) (Math.random() * 10 + 1), lowGuess,highGuess;

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Military Time - Adding Minutes Displaying Correct Time

Feb 9, 2015

I am working on an assignment that I can't seem to figure out the final part to. The program takes in course data such as the time the class starts and how long it lasts. The time is in military time (0000 - 2400)

I need the output time to be the time the class started, plus the length of the class, and displayed in military time.

for example,

Start Time = 0930
Length = 50 minutes
Endtime = 1020

I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. I have gotten a program that works for this time and minutes, and displays the correct 1020. But when I change the information to say

Start time: 0700
Length = 90 minutes

I get:

Endtime = 90

90 is technically correct, the way the formula is setup, but I need it to display 0900 not 90.

Here is the code that I have. Be easy, I'm still learning, and this is just the file I created to get the formula to work. Also, the verbose in here is just for my own debugging to make sure values should be what I'm expecting them to be.

public class calc
public static void main(String[] args) {
double hours, minutes, length;
double temp;
int time = 2400;
hours = time / 100;
System.out.println("Hours are: " + hours);

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Input A Sentence And Print Words That Start With Vowel - Java Error On Execution

Jul 23, 2014

This is a program to input a sentence and print the words that start with a vowel.......There is no syntax error but on executing and typing the sentence and pressing enter,I get a error saying :

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:658)
at sentence.main(sentence.java:22)

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Check For Upper Case Letters From User Input - Cannot Find Symbol Compile Error

Apr 15, 2015

I decided to code this quiz I took in class about asking the user to input a string and the code is suppose to check for upper case letters. If a upper case letter is found, it should increase a count by one. Once the check is done, it should display the number of uppercase letters. For some reason I am getting this weird compile error stating that symbols can't be found...

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class StringCheck{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("please enter a string: " );
String s = input.nextLine();

[Code] ......

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Converting Military Time To Standard Time?

Jan 29, 2014

I have two classes. time_runner is used for testing my code.

This is what I'm using to test my code:
class time_runner
 public static void main(String str[]) throws IOException {
 Time time1 = new Time(14, 56);
System.out.println("time1: " + time1);
System.out.println("convert time1 to standard time: " + time1.convert());
System.out.println("time1: " + time1);
System.out.print("increment time1 five times: ");


The two constructors are "Time()", which is the default constructor that sets the time to 1200, and "Time(int h, int m)" Which says If h is between 1 and 23 inclusive, set the hour to h. Otherwise, set the hour to 0. If m is between 0 and 59 inclusive, set the minutes to m. Otherwise, set the minutes to 0. Those are my two constructors that I pretty much have down. The three methods however I'm having trouble with. The "String toString()" Returns the time as a String of length 4. The "String convert()" Returns the time as a String converted from military time to standard time. The "void increment()" Advances the time by one minute.

public class Time {
private int hour;
private int minute;
  public Time(int h, int m) {
if(h > 1 && h < 23)
hour = h;


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Non-Parameter Constructor Calls Two Parameter Constructor

Apr 19, 2014

I was practicing my java skills and came across an exercise in which a non parameter constructor calls a two parameter constructor. I tried a few searches online but they all came back unsuccessful. This is the part I am working on:

public PairOfDice(int val1, int val2) {
// Constructor. Creates a pair of dice that
// are initially showing the values val1 and val2.
die1 = val1; // Assign specified values
die2 = val2; // to the instance variables.
public PairOfDice() {
// Constructor that calls two parameter constructor

I tried calling the two constructor using the line "this(val1, val2)" but I get an error because val1 and val2 are local variables.

Then I tried to use the same signature: "this(int val1, int val2)" but that didn't work either.

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Why Method Is Not Returning A Value

Apr 29, 2014

I'm new to Java and I have a problem with a method, I can't see the code of the method, I just have a jar, but it should return a boolean, something like this:

boolean band = false;
band = TestClass.testMethod("blabla");
// band = false

The problem is that the method seems that is returning nothing (band remain false), and if I initialize band to true:

boolean band = false;
band = TestClass.testMethod("blabla");
// band = true

band remain true, in other words, the value of band is never modified, the question is, how is this possible? because it should return the same value on both calls, true or false, no matter the initial value of the variable that is receiving the returning value of the method.

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Returning Values From Table?

Apr 6, 2015

This simple program should build a new table with random values and on the getValue method (perhaps called from othe TestClass) return back content of particular cell. why my getValue method doesn't work. Nay! It returns error while compilation.

import java.util.Random;
class TablicaIntowa{
public int getValue(int a){
return tabl[a];
} //getValue method end


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Returning Values From Arrays

Nov 22, 2014

I have created a class and a matrix of doubles (or at least, I think I have, that's partly what I want to verify).I need to return the values of the array,Here is my class:

public class example{
double[][] Position=new double[2][11];
double calculate(){
for (int time=0;time<=10;time=time+1){
double A=Position[2][time];
return A;

I am getting the error: "This method must return a result of type double", though to me it looks like I am returning double (A).

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Returning A Result And Then Using It In Main

Jan 4, 2015

I've made a class called Car with a method which will tell me a category for the engine size regarding the actual size (which I've included in the main just so I could see if it works) but everytime I test it I get an error.

public class Car {
public String b;
public String c;
public double es;
public double cs; 
public String getCategory() {
if (es < 1.3)

[Code] ....

Figured it out. Was missing parenthesis on audiCar.getCategory();

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Why Terminal Not Returning Results To IDE

May 14, 2014

i am trying to run a command in terminal the code is below if i run the command in terminal it works fine however when i run it from netbeans with code below nothing gets printed. however if i run a different command such as (ip addr) it works fine?

public static void a() throws IOException{
ArrayList lister=new ArrayList();
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = rt.exec("ps -ef | grep firefox");// the command i am trying to run to get pid of application
InputStream stderr = proc.getInputStream();

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Returning A String To The Main?

Oct 12, 2014

I am writing a code where in the first method the question will ask whats your favorite website. for example www.javaprogrammingforums.com...when it outputs it will read just "javaprogrammingforums" without the www. and the .com.

Because the program will ask a series of questions in the main, I would like website question to be returned to the main. Here is my code, and what can I do?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class chapter3 {
public static String website(Scanner kb) {
String website;
System.out.println("What is your favorite website?");
website = kb.next();

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Returning Data From A Constructor?

Sep 1, 2014

I'm having an issue returning data from a constructor. This is an assignment, and the specifications were that two classes are to be used, one for the variables and assigning methods, and one for the main method and the printing. This app compiles, but returns "0" for the isbn number, and I'm sure it's because I'm not doing something right with my constructors. My code is below

public class Book {
/* Declare Variables */
public static int isbn;
/* Constructor */
public Book (int isbn) {
isbn = 454545;


There are other variables to add, but if I can get one working, I can get the rest working.

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