To Write Response Of Servlet Into PDF

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to print the response of servlet as pdf. Below is my codeI am able to generate the response but not quite sure how should I write it to a pdf.
package com.Hardik;


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JSP :: Pass Array From Servlet In Response To JavaScript Call?

Oct 16, 2014

I have an arraylist in my servlet which i need to pass to jsp as a response for a javascript call. This is an arraylist of DTOs. There are 24 DTO objects in the list. The DTO has an int variable and a HashMap. And i need to pass this into the javascript code in my jsp page. Do i use json? Do i send the entire list as a json object or should i iterate through the arraylist (from servlet) and serialize all the DTOs and pass that to the jsp?

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Servlets :: Write Output Stream After Response Has Been Committed By Server

Aug 6, 2014

When do i get IllegalStateException in servlets.What it means by trying to write to the output stream (response) after the response has been committed by server. What it means by committing response and uncommitting response. cannot i send uncommitted response.

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Java Servlet :: Showing Error While Compiling Servlet

Jan 23, 2013

I am a beginner want to compile servlet with following path

javac -classpath Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5commonlibservlet-api.jar;classes:.-d classes

Problem arises as follows:

javac: invalid flag: FilesApache
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options

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Servlets :: What Is Need Of Response Object

Feb 19, 2015

Inspite of not returning anything, what is the purpose of response object in servlet? I have typically used or heard of only response.sendRedirect()

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Servlets :: How To Send A Response Of A Map As A Json

Oct 5, 2014

@RequestMapping(value = { "/mapping" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Map<A, List<B>> getAsByB(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
return map;

when i try to get it by url i get an error. how can i send a response of a map as a json ?

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Servlets :: How To Access Ajax Response

Jul 23, 2014

I have a requirement where a form is present with first name, last name, file upload etc. File upload is done through ajax call and then the form is submitted to a servlet. I want to know whether the file has been uploaded or not in the servlet which is called after i click on the form submit button. So is there any way i can read the response of the ajax call in the servlet ?

here is the ajax call below



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EJB / EE :: Cannot Create A Session After Response Has Been Committed

Jul 6, 2014

I have a EAR enterprise project with EJB and Web module.EJB module has a SongTokenImpl stateless session bean with @Stateless and @Webservice annotation.Web module has and success jsp.

SongServlet has dependency injection to SongTokenImpl.

TicketMaster songMaster;

ShoppingCart shoppingCart;

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

String songName = request.getParameter("songname");
Token token = tokentMaster.bookToken(new Song(songName));
System.out.println("we got song token for song "+token.getSongName());


we got song token for song xyzInstead i see below error.SongServlet threw exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed/

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Web Services :: Send Attachment Along With SOAP Response?

Feb 18, 2015

I have a SOAP Client with wsdl to send a query to a SOAP Server. Along with the SOAP response I am supposed to attach a generated csv file (Not required to open and read - just attach).

SOAP Handler has been implemented at server.

Since it is client code I am not supposed to paste the exact contents online.

I can create new SOAPMessage and use AttachmentPart to attach the file but I am stumped regarding where to set it as response. We have used only javax.xml and apache.cxf.

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Command Line Output Response To Textfile

Aug 8, 2014

I am trying to make a method that takes in a cmd command (nslookup, systeminfo, etc), and outputs the response to a text file. I have tried a dozen different ways with no success. below is my most current failure. It succeeds when i run it, but nothing shows up in the text file.

public static void runSystemCommand(String command) {
command = "ping";
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(proc.getInputStream());
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:NetPanelDataping.txt"));

[Code] ....

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How To Get User Response To Hit And Stick Game Play

Mar 14, 2015

I'm making a "very" basic blackjack game, and I'm stuck on how to get a user response to hit and stick game play.

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

class blackjack {
public static void main ( String[] args ) {
Random r = new Random();
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String money;
String name;


I know people will want me to tidy it up, or do it "their" way, but honestly I just need method of getting the user to press h or s and have the program continue under it's own steam.

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Servlets :: Unable To Display Response To Web Browser

Jan 22, 2014

i am using eclipse kepler and tomcat 7 with the below code to get a response from the browser. i get no errors on my code and i organize my imports but when i run the code i get an http 404 error. i restart the server and it goes into the whole motion telling me that "Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost started and is synchonized" i refresh it and i still get the error.

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


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Web Services :: Print Axis2 Response / Request Xml

Nov 27, 2014

I want to print RAW Request Response XML to console. I have created the stubs using wsdl2java axis2. wsdl2java has created 2 java files, one for stub and one for callbackhandler.

I am trying with below method but getting null value for

operationContext.getMessageContext("Out") / operationContext.getMessageContext("In");.
public void SOAPLogHandler(Stub stub){

ServiceContext serviceConxt = stub._getServiceClient().getServiceContext();

//**** Enable the Cache to hold the last operation
OperationContext OperationContext = new OperationContext();
boolean cacheLastOperationContext = true;
OperationContext.setComplete(true); // Enable the Cache value


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Web Services :: JAX-WS How To Log Request And Response On Client Side

Nov 27, 2014

I am calling a SOAP based webservice using JAX-WS and a client jar. I want to get a request and response somehow and save it for audit purposes. How I can do this?

When I google it, only Handlers come up, but, as far as I understand, it is not applicable on client side.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Slow GUI Response When First Displaying Controls

Jun 15, 2015

I have been using JavaFX for some time now and have encountered many performance issues, mainly with the initial display of GUI elements.  For example, a simple stage with a table view (with about 10 columns) and chart takes about 5 seconds to display.  A color picker will take about 3 seconds from the time I click the control to when it displays the pallet.  This only happens when the controls are first displayed.  This can't be right.  I have searched and none seems to have a similar problem so I thought I would ask here just to make sure.  Here is a sample Hello world that shows the problem with the color picker (takes ~ 3 seconds to show pallet when clicked). 
public class HelloWorld extends Application
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        StackPane root = new StackPane();
        ColorPicker cp = new ColorPicker();

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Servlets :: Calling To Download Soap Response File

Oct 2, 2014

I have a class that do a soap request to a web service , the response is containing a base64 string repressing a file content , how can i send this string to a servlet (maybe any other way) to send it to the user as a downloaded file .

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Servlets :: Cash Counter - How To Send Response To A New Window

Mar 3, 2015

I am creating cash counter application. i want to generate a pdf receipt in new window and print it.

I am using jsp to take input from user and servlets to process the input.

I am able to generate a pdf but in same page. i want it to be a popup menu. How to implement it?

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Web Services :: Soap Web Service - How To Parse HTML Response

Mar 6, 2015

i'm sending soap request but i'm getting html response it is leading to crash! how to parse html response?

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JSCH As Library Does Not Response From HTML Applet Call

Apr 12, 2014

I work on SSH for creating a external tool to manage remote OS.

I find out the JSch library and i create the java GUI project as jar application, and worked for me very well. (i am working on Netbeans ).

I introduce the JSch library with Netbeans as follow. Right click on the Project-> Properties -> Libraries ->Compile ->Add JAR/Folder.

After that i try to transform the project to applet in order to work it form web server.

I made the transformation in all the code.

When i run the applet through the Netbeans it worked for me. When i build the project to create the jar file.

I create a folder with the my.jar file, index.html, a folder named (lib) which contains the jsch-0.1.50.jar file.

Then try to run the index.html, the GUI appear but cannot connect to the remote with the SSH, and does not give any error.

I think that the problem is that my.jar cannot communicate with the jsch-0.1.50.jar.

Why the project runs trough the Netbeans an does not run when i call it from the next html code.


Java Code:

<Title>Java Example</Title>
This is my page<br>
Below you see an applet<br>
<Applet Code="AppletUI.class" archive="my.jar" width=600 Height=700>
</Html> mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Web Services :: XML Input File - Parse It And Give Response To Client

Dec 12, 2014

New to webservices. Can i get to create webservice which takes xml input. Parse it and gives the response to client.

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Servlets :: Response Content Type - Download CSV File With Records From DB

Jan 12, 2015

This issue is regarding response from the servlet

I have written a code to download .csv file with records from DB.

To download records i am uploading a .CSV file containing telephone number.

After downloading the .CSV file page is not getting refreshed.

Below is the code snippet i am using,where i am setting response content type as test/csv.

ServletOutputStream op = resp.getOutputStream();
// Set content type of output
resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="test"");

How that page will get refreshed after csv file download or after response.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Loading HTML Page With WebEngine - Invalid Response From Server

Apr 27, 2015

I get this error when I load a HTML page with WebEngine. The HTML is getting generated by an own (Java-)ServerSocket. How can I figure out where the problem is? I can load the HTML file successfully when loading the(same) generated HTML file from the local filesystem. Maybe the http headers causing these problems ? On the other hand I can load the page without problems in Firefox. How to get more information ?

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Translation Game - Translate A Word Proposed To And Check If Input Response Is Correct

Dec 19, 2013

The project is to develop the game Translate the Word .... It is asking user to translate a word proposed to and check if the input response is correct. At the end of the game score will be calculated and displayed.

Game Play :

1 - Ask the user to specify , through the console , its name and the number of words to offer . It is up to you to handle exceptions (eg number of words greater than the number you provided )
2 - Recover user response ( the word translated ) and check whether to continue . (eg you want to continue (y / n)) after each proposal.
3 - compare the response of the user with that which is preset for the word in question .
4 - Show the score at the end ( or at the breakpoint ) .
5 - Save the file in a user name , the score , the number of questions and the start date and end of the game played .

Some notes to consider :

1 - The language (eg, English - French , English - Arabic , etc. . ): It is up to you to specify the language adopted in the game and inform the user of your choice.
2 - The word bank to offer : It is up to you to develop the appropriate means to get the words to propose to the user. That said , the words and their translations can be retrieved :

a. a TXT file
b . an XML file . ( Tutorials DOM and SAX )
c . CSV file ( OpenCSV Tutorial )
d. a database ( Tutorial Access)
e . through APIs (eg Wordnet and google translate etc . ) .
f . a combination of the previous options a, bc , d and / or e . (eg words stored in a txt file and answers retrieved from the api google translate)
g . etc. .

Examples of files and databases are attached to the project statement . You will need to add one or more external libraries to your project. Click here for details on adding external libraries to Netbeans .

3 - A user will be associated with the question score if he can translate the word correctly. The score for each question can be calculated based on the number of words / questions to be proposed .

Development : In this project you will need at least a class called Question to encapsulate the word and its translations and provide all necessary methods to manipulate the object type Question.

An interface called IParser to make extensible project. Any class that implements IParser is a parser file (XML , TXT , CSV , etc.). / Database. In your project there will be a single class that implements IParser and will be used to retrieve words and their translations.

Add the ability to store the questions and answers of the user on the hard disk. Make the class Serializable Question

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JSP :: How To Get String From Servlet

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to work out how to get a string from a servlet in to the JSP, The code I thought would work was as follows.

request.getSession().setAttribute("test", "this is a test");
request.getRequestDispatcher("C:myjsp.jsp").forward(request, response);

String s1 = (String) session.getAttribute("test");
<%= s1 %>

This is returning null ...

I have tried a few examples and followed a few tutorials but I keep getting null or nullpointexceptions.

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JSP :: Passing ID To Servlet Through URL

Mar 9, 2015

I was send the id through url like this code.

<td> <%=rs3.getString("Project")%> </td> <td> <a href="TaskAssignment.jsp?id=<%=rs3.getString("id")%>"> <input type="button" name="edit" value="Edit"></a></td>

i have problem to getting this id in servlet.


String id=request.getParameter("id");

the variable id getting only null

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DOM And SAX Wrappers In Servlet

Jun 2, 2014

I am new in XSLT and I started to support an application which has the servlet below. Which are the patterns in this servlet related to XSLT? Beyond the basic methods get and post, I didn't understand the purpose of too many methods. Obviously I can debug but I can figure out every purpose because it is not clean code: at least when I compare with much more straight forward servlets that I have supported. It seems that who has developed this application has used some common practice of wrapping DOM and SAX methods.

package jsp;
import My_App.ConfigAdapter;
import My_App.queue.PanHandler;

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