Tortoise / Hare Applet Displaying Incorrectly

Sep 2, 2014

I've almost completed a Java class, but I've hit a snag on the final project. I have to design a code that will display an applet of a tortoise and hare racing each other. There are certain outcomes when a random integer between 1 and 10 is selected that either cause the animal to move forward or fall back. My code compiles correctly, but when it runs, only one of the two animals is displayed. How to fix it such that both animals will be displayed at the same time so I can view how they are in comparison to each other.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Project2A extends Applet
Random gen = new Random();
private int harePosition;
private int tortoisePosition;

[Code] ....

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Applet Image Not Displaying

May 4, 2014

I want to display a picture but it isn't working:

public class BildApplet extends Applet {
Image car;
public void init() {
this.setBackground(new Color(200, 200, 255));
car = this.getImage(getDocumentBase (), "redcar.gif");

[Code] ....

Why not?

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Displaying Random Images In One Applet

Sep 9, 2014

I have a super class and an inherited class. What it is supposed to do is display random images in one applet. The images dont match the words and images dont match the wording. What am I doing wrong? Probably a few errors.

Super Class:

import java.awt.Color;;
public class Dukes {
private Color noseColor =; // default Dukes have red noses
private String action = "../../images/duke/dukeWave.gif"; //default Dukes are friendly
private String whatDoing = "Give me something to do";
private String message= "";
public Dukes() {
int rint = (int)(Math.random() * 3); // randomly generates a 0, 1, or 2
if (rint == 0)

[Code] .....

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Java Applet - Displaying Output With Text?

Feb 24, 2014

my java applet - displaying output with text

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Curly Brackets Placed Incorrectly

Oct 22, 2014

At this moment in time my program compiles and runs as I want it to, but when I look at my code I see that my While Loops braces are placed inside my Try Block. When I move these braces outside of the Try Block, next to the WhileLoop, the program doesn't run like I want it to.

Likewise, when I place the While(answerIsCorrect) inside the Try Block, it doesn't work like I want it to either.

Also, my problem is on Lines 17 and 18.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class SwingInputExample
public static void main(String args[])
int firstNumber=0;
int secondNumber=0;
int correctAnswer=0;
String studentGuess = null;

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Error Page Is Not Displaying Instead Error Status Code Is Displaying

Apr 5, 2014

I have written some error checking code

File name ErrorPage.jsp

<%@ page language="java" isErrorPage="true" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


I have put error.jsp and badpage.jsp file in public access folder that is web content in eclipsewhen I am running the code I am status code of 500 and not the errorpage.jsp message .

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Displaying MP4 Within JFrame?

Apr 5, 2015

I was wondering if its possible to show a video (mp4) inside a jframe? like the windows media player ....

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Displaying A Return Value

Jan 18, 2014

I am working on a program to have a user input two positive integers and then finding the greatest common denominator between the two. My problem is, I don't know how to display the number (num2) that is returned after the method. Putting a simple System.out.println gives me the error "unreachable code".

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ****
public static void main(String[] args)


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Displaying Name As Same Character

Jun 19, 2014

My program task is if we give a character... the display will print CHARACTER AS CHARACTER Shape






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Array Is Not Displaying

Feb 10, 2015

I have a problem with one method for my assignment. This is the requirement for this method: "This method uses a loop to list all accounts contained in the Array, adding each account details to a String, before outputting to screen in the format specified in the screenshot below. Ensure that there are no out of bounds exceptions by checking if each array slot has an account object before adding its details to the output String. (arrayname[index] != null)"This is my code for this method:

public void listAllAccounts() {
String allAccountsString = "List of all accounts:
for(int i = 0; i < ACCOUNT_SPACES; i++) {
//allAccountsString += accountArray[numAccounts];
if (accountArray[i] !=null) {
allAccountsString += accountArray[i].toString() + "
" ;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, allAccountsString);

The problem is that the Message Dialog does not display the accounts I have already created. It just displays "List of all accounts:

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Displaying 2 Dim Array

Mar 27, 2015

When i am trying to display the contents of this array its showing arrayindexoutofbounds do i display this array?

String names[][] = new String[10][2];
for(int i=0;i>=10;i++){
for(int j=0;j<=i;j++){

[Code] .....

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Frame Not Displaying

Sep 20, 2014

I created a instance of a class AddItemView, inside StartUpMenuController. I then passed it into the class, the main method is below showing that as well. However when I do this:

else if(e.getSource()==menu.addBtn)
new addItem();

I get an error, little red line on the bottom of the text. I am testing the frame at the moment to make sure it is what I want before I move on to the Controller side of it. I just want to display it and go from there.

package mainMenu.Home.DataBase;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import addItemBtn.Home.DataBase.AddItemView;
public class StartUpMenuController
StartUpMenu menu;
AddItemView addItem;

Not sure if this is the issue but the class I am making a new instance of is in a different package. I imported the package though.

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How To Add Applet To The Frame

Aug 13, 2014

i have created a frame with a menu bar displaying i want to set a username and password to that flame through an applet how to add applet to the frame??

here is my code ..

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
class MenuFrame extends Frame{
String msg="";
int flag=0;
CheckboxMenuItem debug,test;


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Don't Need Main In Applet?

Apr 3, 2014

Why we do not need main in applet .....

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Embedded Applet On JSP

Aug 4, 2014

I am facing problem when displaying my applet on jsp. I have convert my applet project into CustomColor.jar. my package is dcs.raj.MyApp

I have import my jar into project property. But still it is showing error on all browser, i have changed the java control panel > Advanced > Java Consol > Show console.

But still I am facing the same problem.

My Jsp code is

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JSP Page</title>
<APPLET CODE="dcs/raj/MyApp.class" archive="CustomColor.jar" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=400>
</html> mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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JSP :: Instead Of Displaying File Asking PDF To Download

Aug 21, 2014

I am trying to display the files stored in server using jsp. I used the code below to display. But for pdf it is asking to download (No option for open). For XLS, XLSX, DOCX, PPT and PPTX it is showing zip file to download. For type doc it is showing junk data.

String fileName=(String)request.getAttribute("fileName");
int loc = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
String fileName1 = fileName.substring(0, loc);
String fileName2 = fileName.substring(loc + 1, fileName.length());

[Code] ...

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Page Is Not Displaying The Content?

Sep 14, 2014

One of my official site is not disaplying the content in machine#1 IE10 browser.And the same site is showing data in another machine#2. I compared the both machines JRE and JDK settings but no difference found.

how to link the JRE to browser.

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JFrame - ImageIcon Not Displaying?

Apr 14, 2014

why my image may not be showing. Note I am using eclipse.

import javax.swing.*;
 public class Window {
private JFrame gameWindow;
 public Window() {
gameWindow = new JFrame("Tamagotchi!");


I have used file.exists() and this returns true, and file.length() which returns the correct file size.

System.out.println(backgroundImage) returns "splash.png" so thats ok.

Why then is my image not showing?

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Displaying Inputs To TXT File?

Oct 13, 2014

so far this is what i have written. The program works correctly but I need to be able to have the numbers i am entering to show up on the .txt file.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class LargestAndSmallest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Displaying Override In Inheritance

Jul 11, 2014

I'm learning about inheritance and part of my problem is to create an Order with methods, then an UpdateOrder where the total price is changed by adding four dollars to it, and then a main method displaying a few orders. I've copied all three below in order. My question is when I run the program it will display the totalprice() first for the second order followed by name, number, etc.what you override always displayed first regardless of the order you put them in? (The issue is at line 31 on the third code.)

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Order { //superclass
private String customerName;
private int customerNumber;
protected int quantityOrdered;
protected double unitPrice;
protected double totalPrice;


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Displaying Output With A For Loop

Feb 28, 2015

I need to display my calculations in a table format using loops.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class YourLoanCalculator {

The increments are correct, but I wanted them listed under the "Payment #:" column. I figure that if I do that, I can also correctly display the interest, principal, unpaid balance and total interest paid at that point, right?

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Displaying Memory Location Instead Of Name?

Jan 28, 2014

Frozen Heart
Randuin's Omen

As you can see instead of displaying the champion name it is displaying the memory location and I do not know how to fix it.

class Champions
String name;
Champions [] weak = new Champions [3];
Champions [] strong = new Champions [3];
String [] items = new String [3];
public static void main (String [] args)


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Displaying Sets Of Points

Jan 20, 2014

Here is my code

Java Code: //Points Display
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Random;


1. Why, when I press "New" rapidly, will it skip painting shapes sometimes/adding to totcount.

2. How can I make it so that The box in the background(which is currently connected in the wrong way as I was getting an error when I connected it correctly) can be modifiably large. AKA, I want to draw a grid in the background that can be different sizes, depending on the values of a variable xsize and ysize.

3. What can I do to clean this up? All I want it to do is display the convex hull of the four points given in the int[][] displaypoints.

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JPanel Is Not Displaying All The Time

Jul 2, 2014

Yes my JPanel is not displaying all the time like you would think it would. Before you beat me up yes I am a bit new I am just working on the GUI part of java over my summer break. Obviously it is not suppose to do that. Secondly, As you can see i am using the alphabet to create JButtons. Shouldnt there be an easier way to use a for( loop) . I tried before but I didn't want to get too side tracked.

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class hello {
private JFrame alphaframe1;
private JFrame alphaframe2;

[Code] .....

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Displaying Pie Chart In JScrollPane

Mar 12, 2014

I have a JScrollPane and JTable inside. In the right column of the table at the end (south) I made a ChartPanel in one of the classes where I make the design for the Frame:

Java Code:

ChartPanel chartpanel = new ChartPanel(pieChart);
pCapturing.add(chartpanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

And when I click on any row above, from the list in the column, I would like an appropriate pie chart to be drawn.

I need here (in another class where I define the getTableCellRendererComponent) to enter a code to display the chart in the last row of the panel:

Java Code:

PieChart3 pie=sectionsChartProvider.getSectionPieChart(section);
if((hasFocus) || (isSelected)) {
if(column == 0)
setBorder( new MatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 0, colorBorder) );

[Code] .....

But, I don't know how to do this. I also have a class for drawing the pie chart.

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Displaying Two Document From One If Function

Oct 15, 2014

So I have this

function checkvalue (val) {
else if (val==='checked')

Which works fine... But if I try and add another document under the if VAL === replaced then nothing works and neither of the boxes appear.

function checkvalue (val) {
else if (val==='checked')

Is this not possible?

Also, Both of my input type are set up like this...

<input type='text' style='display:none' name='check1n' id='check1n' placeholder='Name of Part' />
<input type='text' style='display:none' name ='check1h' id='check1h' placeholder='Part Number' />

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