Touch Panel - Install On Costumer Information Server

Jul 16, 2014

I want to make a touchable program to install on my costumer information server that my client can search and register via my local database, how can i do this????

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JSF :: PrimeFaces Accordion Panel Information

Aug 13, 2014

I have an JSF that uses primefaces accordion snippet. However I want to populate the information from each tab from a seperate webpage that would also have accordion snippet in it. I can do this on a single page no problem, but the length of the program (webpage) is getting to the point that it is unmanageable.

The code I have:

<p:layoutUnit position="center">
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Burglar">
<h:outputText value= "Burglar"/>
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Skills">
<h:outputText value= "Skills"/>

[Code] ....

What I am after:

<p:layoutUnit position="center">
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Burglar">
<h:outputText value= "Burglar"/>
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null" url="burglar.xhtml">

[Code] ....

How to get this to work... I am sure that it has something to do with my url but not sure how to fix it and I can not find anything on the web on how to do this.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: When Click On Button From Bottom Panel Top Panel Need To Be Redrawn

Apr 1, 2014

When i click on the button from bottom panel, top panel need to be redrawn. But redrawing is not happening. It happens only when resizing the applet.

public class Graphics_Chart(){
public init(){
JScrollPane topPane = new JScrollPane(new ImagePanel2());


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Replicate IPad Touch Screen?

Jan 30, 2015

Haven't used java in a long long time and firstly need to know if its possible to build an app to replicate my ipad touch so that I can loop it between two different points on the screen. Friend recommended I got netbeans to get me started but wanted to ensure its possible before I get started.

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Moving Objects - Not Collapse Just Touch And Stop

Apr 28, 2014

Let's say we have a matrics of coordinates:

(0,0) (0,10) (0,20)

(10,0) (10,10) (10,20)

(20,0) (20,10) (20,20)

And we have a class that draws a rectangle of 10 pixel height and 10 pixel width at 0,0 coordinates.

And we want to move with the arrows the rectangle but not to go off the frame.

The question is:

How can I do that if I draw another rectangle, it knows where is the other object and they not collapse. And so on, they move, but not collapse, just touch and stop.

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Simple Pong Game - Touch Red Block

Dec 27, 2014

I don't know how to write a code to pong ball, when it touch red block.

public class bounc2 extends JPanel implements ActionListener,KeyListener{
double x = 0,y=0,velX=3,velY=3;
double x2 = 5,y2=145,velX2=0,velY2=0;
double x3= 473,y3=145,velX3=0,velY3=0;
Timer t = new Timer(5,this);
public bounc2(){

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Recover From Too Many Touch Points Reported Exceptions

Sep 17, 2014

I'm trying to stress test JavaFX and I'm on Window 8.1 using 1.8.0_20-b26. I have an application that has many objects on the scene with animation timers and overall it purposefully runs very slow. I have listeners on the root AnchorPane for touch input and if I generate many touch point events after a few minutes I get "Too many touch points reported" exceptions (posted below) and the app of course no longer responds to touch input. Is it possible to catch the exception and then reset the scene touch input so it goes back to normal without restarting the application? If it lost any current touch input that's fine.
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: Too many touch points reported
  at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePeerListener.touchEventNext(


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Two Finger Gesture Results In Touch Point Sequence

Sep 2, 2014

I'm trying to implement a two finger gesture to move a control for a touch screen. However simply touching the screen with two fingers will generate several events that jump all over the place. This here is the code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;

[Code] ....

The log output looks something like this:

Two finger move pressed
First layout: 100.0, 100.0
Move by 94.0, 209.0 event set=4
Move by 1.0, 0.0 event set=5
Move by 95.0, 208.0 event set=6
Move by 1.0, 1.0 event set=8
Move by 96.0, 208.0 event set=11
Move by 219.0, 147.0 event set=11
Move by -121.0, 61.0 event set=13
I know that there is the possibility that I get multiple events with the same event set id. However this is not always the case. I would have expected to get one for each of the finger in the gesture. Why is that? As I understand the difference between changing the layout coordinates and the transformation is, that with the transformation coordinates, the bounds in parent changes, but not the bounds itself.

I'm not entirely clear on what effect this has, especially as I will also have the zoom and rotate gesture on the component. Which one is the better choice to change?To my understanding the coordinates of the touchpoint are relative to the parent component. In this case the layout coordinates of the rectangle. This would mean that I have to calculate the delta of the touch point in the onTouchMoved to the touch point of onTouchPressed.

This would get me the vector the rectangle moved.In the above example I use the main touch point of the two touchpoints of the event. As I understand it this should always be the same one. The correct way would be to calculate the geometric mean of the two points and use that, but that has the same effect. Simplifying the above example to one touch point only shows the same jumping behavior. 

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How To Install Apache POI

Jan 19, 2015

I'm trying to learn how to read from, and write to, Excel files. I'm looking at this link : [URL] ....

It seems like there are some Apache dependencies. So, I go here : [URL] .....

I downloaded the zipped file from the first link. Now what? I don't see any .exe file, or any way of installing it. How do I install it, or run it, or whatever? What is the next step here?

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How To Install Java In Linux

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to install Java on my Debain based Linux OS and can`t seen to figure it out. I first typed "chmod +x", than typed "./" to install it. It started to install, but than it gave my this message: (computer name has been changed)

bobsmith@bobsmiht-OptiPlex-GX620:~/Downloads$ ./
Configuring the installer...
Searching for JVM on the system...
Preparing bundled JVM ...
./ 1: eval: /tmp/.nbi-5045119.tmp/jre-7u4-linux-i586.bin: not found
Cannot prepare bundled JVM to run the installer.
Most probably the bundled JVM is not compatible with the current platform.

How do I fix this? My Linux computer is not connected to the internet, I don`t know if this is a problem or not.

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How To Install Java 8 On Ubuntu 14.04

Apr 19, 2014

I used Ubuntu 13.10 on a Chromebook and Java7 and Java8 both worked nicely. Not on Ubuntu14.04, however.

I can try

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
javac -version
java -version

… and it tells me 1.7.0_51 IcedTea etc. I haven't found an OpenJDK version of Java8, so I tried the usual technique of unzipping the Oracle download into /usr/java (which I have created and given “campbell” ownership of).

campbell@xxxxx:~$ /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java -version
bash: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
campbell@xxxxx:~$ /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/java -version
bash: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/java: No such file or directory

Same download in my home directory as I had last week. I repeated the download and got the same error. It is different from the error for Oracle Java7, which I haven't actually got installed at the moment.

I shall probably revert to Ubuntu13.10 for a bit.

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How To Install / Extract JEE Libraries

Feb 7, 2015

I'm trying to make my first servlet, however since I have only installed the Java SE, the javac compiler is complaining about missing packages (javax.servlet.http...)

I've realized now that I need javax.servlet jar or class files from Java EE, but after downloading from Oracle here I'm not seeing any .sh or installer (which I saw mentioned elsewhere). The oracle page only instructs to unzip the downloaded file, and searching for javax.servlet only reveals a few files which I'm not sure what to do with:


How do I go about installing the Java EE libraries I need? I am on a mac, and I'd like to do this without IDE, using the command prompt if necessary.

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How Registry Can Look Before Java Install - Keyword

Dec 2, 2014

I am attaching a document which shows the current state of my registry.What I want to know is if I can [safely] delete the JavaSoft folder with all lower subfolders, then re-install jdk1.6/0_31 which, I am told, is the current version being used here by developers.According to others on the development team (not my team), there COULD be something in the registry that is preventing both the installation of java jdk AND its uninstallation.Since I cannot seem to attach any kind of document.

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Converted Java File Into EXE - How To Install And Use It

Sep 22, 2014

I have created a java file and coverted it into exe file.. that exe file can be run directly by clicking the icon.... i dont need this, i want to install this java exe file and then use it.. is there any possible way?

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How To Switch From One Panel To Another Panel

Apr 5, 2014

I have two(panel1 and panel2) panels in a jframe,all three of them are different classes .

In jframe there is a display panel on which the panel1 and panel2 are called and displayed.

now i have a button in panel1 .i want that when i will click on that button panel2 will be displayed or added to the dispalypanel of jframe.

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JSP :: Inform Browser To Show Plugin Install Window?

Aug 22, 2014

In my web application there is a need to provide a custom plugin to client , so I need to inform the browser to show plugin install window so that client can install that particular plugin.

how to do it from my JSP page . ?

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Java Install Error - Keyset As Registered In Invalid

Sep 1, 2014

I have uninstalled JAVA because I needed to download the 64-bit version but no matter WHAT I do I still get the same installation error message "keyset as registered in invalid" and I was downloading it from [URL] .... I will do whatever it takes to fix this!

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How Cacerts File Is Populated Within Java Install Directory

Jun 23, 2014

How the cacerts file if populated within the java install directory?

Are there standard certificates that come with the jre install? Are they pulled from the OS somehow?

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Install Java From Command Prompt With Parameters To Disable These Prompts From Occurring

Dec 23, 2014

We are using Kronos and when our staff trys to run reports -- they get three java prompts.The first one is asking if they would like to update java.The second one is do you want to run this application.The third one is allow access to the following application from this website

We are in a non persistent VDI environment so these prompts come up over and over and to edit the Windows 7 image to disable all three of these prompts.Is there a way to install java from the command prompt with the parameters to disable these prompts from ocurring? if so i will uninstall and re-install with those prompts.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Virtual Machine Has Aborted Error During Java EE SDK Install

Aug 5, 2014

I'm trying to install java_ee_sdk-6u3-jdk7-windows-x64.exe on our new Windows Server 2012 machine but the installer starts and I then get a Setup box appear that says Error: The Java(TM) Virtual Machine has aborted.  I've looked in the Event Viewer and there are no messages and I've tried to get the installer to create a log file (by passing the parameter -l <loglocation>) but it doesn't seem to get that far as no log is created.
The very first time I tried to run the JavaEE install on this machine, it installed everything ok but didn't create the windows service as .NET Framework 3.5 was missing.  So I uninstalled JavaEE and added in the .NET Framework 3.5 and then my problems began.  I have already installed these versions of Java and JavaEE successfully on a previous Windows Server 2012 machine which had the .NET Framework 3.5 on it. 
The JRE installed already on the computer is jre-6u45-windows-x64.exe and I am logged in as an administrator.  I've tried uninstalling the JRE and reinstalling and also doing a registry clean using CCleaner incase there are any old references to the JRE/JavaEE but it didn't work.

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JSF :: XHTML On One Server Can Talk To Managed-bean On Other Server (different Machine)?

Jul 27, 2014

I am developing a web application using JSF-2.0 on weblogic 10.3.6. I am using Facelets as VDL. I have 5 different machine. They are different according to their OS and their geographical location. On my first xhtml page server (machine) is decided. Then on next page file upload and rest of processing takes place. My restriction is that SSO configuration can be done on only one machine.

So I am restricted to using xhtml files from only my primary server where SSO configuration is done. But I have to connect to servlets or managed-bean of different machine as requests are machine specific and file needs to be uploaded to those machines for processing. So I cannot use redirectUrl as I need to be only on one machine. Is it possible that xhtml on one server can talk to managed-bean on other server(different machine)?.

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Servlets :: How To Create A Room That Should Be Like Static On The Server Until Server Is Down

Apr 1, 2014

I am working on a chess game. I need to construct a game room where all the player are present and room chat is up. Also some tables where games are being played. Now my question is how to create this game room?

To me this room must need to be like static or global (if I am not mistaken) that is up when server starts and players can join this room and should be down when server is done. How can I implement such room that would stay up for infinite time.

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Connect A UDP Web Server To Compression Server

Apr 19, 2015

Working on a project and am in need of some quick guidance to wrap things up. I have a functioning compression server that will create two files after the user gives it some input and a "magic string" to know when to stop reading input for that specific file.

I now need to connect a UDP web server to that compression server. the web server will read from the HTTP POST Request the data that was uploaded and send it to the compression server to create the two files... i have included both programs below

Web Server:

import java.util.*;
final class HttpRequest implements Runnable {
//Declare Constants and Variables
final static int BUF_SIZE = 1024000;
final static String CRLF = "


Compression Server:

import*; // for DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket, and InetAddress
import*; // for IOException
import*;// for Zip
public class CompressionServer {
private static final int ECHOMAX = 65535; // Maximum size of echo datagram
private static final int BUFFER = 2048; // Buffer size for writing to Zip File


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When Add Second Panel The Result Is All White

May 11, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class PRJ04 extends JFrame {
public static void main (String [] args) {
PRJ04 frmApp = new PRJ04();
PanelChart pnlChart = new PanelChart();

[Code] .....

When I comment out the adding and setting of the pnlChart on my main driver, the pnlPopulationInputs shows up fine, and it runs ok. When I add the pnlChart I get errors like crazy and a white screen. My errors:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at PanelChart.drawChart(
at PanelChart.paintComponent(
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(

[Code] ....

Once more with this one, I refer back to our in class example. Our programs are set up the same, yet he has no issues with the "/ by zero" exception.

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Scrolling In Panel Won't Work

Oct 9, 2014

I've got a panel which an arbitrary number of text fields may be added to at run time. I've got it set up so that the window's height, and the height of the panel in which the fields appear will never exceed the height of the screen.What I don't have is a way to make the panel scroll to access the fields that are being visually truncated. I'm setting the autoscrolls on the panel to true, but when I run the program, the fields are simply truncated.


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Which Listener To Use On Video Panel

Jun 4, 2014

I have panel = window(new frame) and its used to render a video image on, i need to pickup a touchscreen press change of event but not sure which event listener to use and on which component. Is it a panel, window or frame event? and which listener would detect a focus change or a mouse press

I know mouse listener and focus listener and window listeners are available but not sure they would be able to detect the screen press on the video rendered image...

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