Transferring JAVA Files

Aug 8, 2014

I have made a program on BlueJ but need to transfer the class to a pen drive so that I can take it to school and show it to my teacher. How is this done

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JSP :: Transferring Object To Java Class

Mar 28, 2014

I have a servlet that generate a list of objects named "Alerte". I display this list in my jsp and I want the user to be able to delete one of them by clicking on it. Data are stored on Google Datastore. My problem is that I don't know how to pass the current object from the loop of my JSP page to my java class.

List<Alerte> alertes = (List<Alerte>) request.getAttribute("alertes");
<c:forEach var="alerte" items="${alertes}" >

[Code] .....

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Transferring Coordinates From Design Program To Array In Java?

Mar 6, 2015

The idea I'd like to present, concerns the correction of "designer" drawings - those done by the design consultants - against "site/construction" drawings - them being used on site by the workers to build the project itself.

This is normally a laborious process, involving being sat at a desk with two large folders, checking each detail and measurement against the design drawing.What I'd like to present is an idea, where the co-ordinates of the design or "mother" drawing, are transferred into a usable Java program, and they could be then used to ensure correct dimensions have been applied by the the sub-contractors in their "construction" drawings.Like I said, this can normally be a process of days for a site engineer to check - process known as "QA, quality assurance".

Basically, I just need to make a presentation of having a genuine interest in Software Design and Development. It could be applied in a range of areas in terms of construction site application - checking drawings, writing up work orders, dig orders etc - but the principle of having the co-ordinates of the mother or "design" drawing scanned into an array in Java as a means to output those site drawings/orders etc, applies to each potential application.

So - in short - and not looking for crystal clear detail, just general pointers - what programs or methods could transfer a plethora of co-ordinates from a design program like Auto-Cad, to a Java program, where I assume I would then be using a program containing a complex series of loops to ensure the correctness of the derived "construction" drawings; derived from the "mother" or designer drawings, that is.

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How To Create Java Files Into Windows Applications (Exe Files)

Oct 26, 2014

What step to know to develop software..

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Transferring Output To GUI?

Apr 2, 2014

I have been working through a problem, and I have working what I need to work. However, it prints out to the command line and I want to output to a GUI. I have set up the GUI and everything seems fine there, the problem is when I try to change the output that was coming through the command prompt to a JTextField. I am getting the following error.

The field DataAnalyzerGUI.dataOutput is not visible

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DataAnalyzerGUI extends JFrame {
private JPanel contentPanel;
private JButton btnExit;
private JButton btnClose;
private JButton btnFBdata;


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Transferring Variables Across Classes

Aug 30, 2014

Class 1:

view sourceprint?

1 public class one {
2 public static void main(String[] args){
3 int num = 0;
4 System.out.println(num);
5 two.change(num);

[Code] .....

This should print 0, then 1, but it prints 0, then 0. How do I make it print 0 then 1 with the same format?

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Transferring Data To MySQL Database

Jul 27, 2014

try {
is = new FileInputStream(file);
data = new byte[(int) file.length()];;
String extension = "";
int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');

[Code] ....

Everything works except transferring the image file.

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RMI :: Transferring Video - AVI File Getting Corrupted

Apr 2, 2010

I have a code which transfers images using rmi... This code works fine... But if i give a .avi file instead of a .jpeg the file gets transferred to the other machine but it gets corrupt... The size is also the same... Do I have to encode the video ??

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Transferring Contents Of Text Area Of One Jframe To Another?

Mar 14, 2015

trying to tranfer content of a text area on one jframe to a text area in another

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Transferring Amount To Other Account - Number Format Exception

Apr 7, 2014

I'm doing this project in, with html. and in one of the web pages, what I'm doing is that, a person is transferring an amount to someone else, and if the transfer amount is more than the account balance, then he cannot transfer. else, save details in a table.

Here's the code I've used

String t1=request.getParameter("text1");
String t2=request.getParameter("text2");
java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date();
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd/MM/yyyy");
int tamt = Integer.parseInt(t2);
int bamt = 0;

[Code] .....

But when i enter the fields and click the submit button in the form, to save it in the table, i get the error:

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: null"

(I've attached a screen shot of the error) : NumberFormatException.bmp (750.98K)

What does this mean? how do i find the line in the code that has the error?

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How To Play WMA Or MP3 Files In Java

Jan 23, 2014

I was looking at the Sound API pages in the java tutorials. I was planning to use it to run wma files. Fortunately, for me, I found, soon into the tutorials, that these API DON'T support the type I have all of my files in (I have a ton of wma files but none of the libraries mentioned support them.)

I almost thought I heard JavaFx or whatever it's called does, but that sounds foreign and Netbeans lists it as a separate type of java in a way, so I don't know if it would be cross-platform or if it could work with the JavaSE API.) Nor do I know what JavaSX or whatever it's called is really, other than that it's more for internet than application.

If I wanted a JPanel or Applet acting as the content pane of a JFrame or being in a JFrame, could I use JavaFX (or whatever it's called) or some third party library (that I always tend to end up spending hours on trying to get it to find the jar files when I import them, so I hope I don't need too many jar files!!!! ) would it work with the JavaSE API?

I don't know much about Java and playing sounds (other than that there is a static method, I think under Toolkit, that will play a system beep) with programs.

However, I can see that that packages don't support certain types (so much for cross-platform!!!!!!! ) and also that a while back that Oracle took over and that they aren't really updating the Java Sound APIs really that much at all

So, without having to learn a whole new Java set of standards (assuming JavaFX or whatever it's called is a different set of standards from JavaSE), is there a way to play .wma?

That's all I seem to have on my computer.

(I suppose I could create new sounds, though if Oracle isn't updating the library, who knows if even that works anymore, but if you're trying to run a Java Media Player that runs lots of DIFFERENT sound file types, this seems a real setback. )

I heard you could convert them to MP3s (I heard there were free things that did it, but who knows if the things aren't filled with viruses that'll do it or, even if they're not, that they'll really mess up the quality of the sound and that I might lose the old .wma file in the process even if it doesn't corrupt the sound.)

But, even if I get a .mp3, I heard the main JavaSE libraries DON'T cover that either, though it was said it was easier to make it run them than .wma files.

MediaPlayer and the main JavaSE classes don't seem to be able to fit for this type of program (a java media player) that I was planning. Heck, they can't even play any music I have on my computer at all, media player or not.

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Renaming Files With Java

Mar 31, 2014

I have a batch of files that I want to remove a common word from all of their filenames. I think I could bash my way through this if I had a linux machine, but I don't. Any tips on what classes I need for the files I want to rename (if any) would be great. I can handle the string changes, but searching a directory and renaming files is something I've never done with code before.

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Secure Java Files

Oct 4, 2014

My friend has a youtube channel with 50.000 - 100.000 subscribers. I dont know the exact amount but he asked me to make a program for his subscribers. I made it in Java and it works perfectly fine but now i want to make it secure so people can't decompile it and read/change the code. Because ofcourse he also has viewers who can hack programs.

But i dont know how i can do that. I dont want to make the code hard to read. I already heard about program which adds lines of code without doing anything actually and programs making the code a lot more complicated. But thats not what i want, i want to make the Class files undecompilable so people cant decompile it to Java files again and read the code.

I know this is possible, Runescape for example is written in Java too and secured good enough in my opinion. I know there are fake Runescape games called private servers or something like that. But its not easy as downloading the game, decompiling it, connecting it to another server and you're done. A little kid can do that but i think its even possible that people just programmed Runescape again from scratch.So i want to make my program very hard to decompile or even impossible, i want it as impossible as possible.

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CMD Won't Compile JAVA FILES

Oct 10, 2014

I'v tried everything, i'v tried to create new path in enviornment variables i tried adding this path -->(C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_20bin) to the end of the default path doesnt work i uninstalled and reinstalled and did the same thing over and it didnt work am i editing the files wrong ? what i do is write the hello world program in eclipse to make sure there arent any errors then copy and paste in note pad++ save it as a .java file and it doesnt work i tried save it in regular notepad as .java laso and it doesnt work iv done every thing i could possibly find on youtube is this stuff outdated ? is there a new way? this one one of the errors ill get

C:javat>javac error: '{' exp
public class {

And this is the code for that file im trying to compile

public class {
public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.println("hello world");

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Batch Printing Of Files In Java

May 21, 2014

One challenging task in java i am facing is, batch printing of files in java .....

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Best Way To Read / Write Files In Java?

Mar 31, 2014

I have seen different methods of creating and reading files (specifically text files) in Java. The PrintWriter method or the Formatter with a Scanner to read the file, using a BufferedWriter with a BufferedReader, etc. They will all read/write text files, but from what I understand they do so in different ways. When would it be more beneficial to use a buffered writer than, say, PrintWriter, which is much simpler code-wise? Is there a "best" way to handle i/o in general in Java?

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How To Play MP3 Files From Java Program

Dec 26, 2014

I wanted to build an mp3 player as a Java project. One crucial part of the project involves being able to play an mp3 fie. I am not able to find the right api (if one exists) and am not able to find a suitable answer when searching on the web. A simple code snippet illustrating the playing of mp3 file using Java program. Also, I am using Eclipse IDE and how to import files if any importing of files is required.

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Managing Audio Files In Java

Apr 18, 2014

I'm doing a little game in Java and I would like to insert a background music managed by a JButton. When the button is pressed, the music starts and then, to stop it, the button is pressed again. If you don't press the button to stop the music remains in the loop until the player plays.

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No Java Source Files In Projects?

Apr 10, 2014

my course material is due for term 1 of my cert 4 programming course, but My lecture will not pass my java projects because there is no source files generated for them in the net beans project structure, tried building, cleaning and building, all i can think of?, tried IDE's 7.4 and 8.0 .

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How To Package Java Application With JAR Files

Apr 16, 2014

I have created an application that I wish for people to be able to run from command line, like so:

java myApp [filename]

Problem is my application uses functions from 3 .Jar files.

Here is how my folder(Assume it is called MyApplication) currently looks:

Application(folder)(contains .class files + source code)


I understand I need add some information to the Manifest.txt file but I am struggling in adding stuff to it in the correct format.

Assuming the above folder is called my MyApplication, what I need to put in the Manifest and how to build it all as a Jar File.

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JSP :: Preserving / Locating Java Files

May 6, 2014

I'm new to JSP, and am trying to follow along with a textbook in which we look at the differences between JSP files and the java files created from them. I'm using Tomcat and IntelliJ IDEA, both recent versions. Whenever I compile my project (which is just downloaded code from the textbook) everything works fine, I get accurate results in my browser. The problem is I can't for the life of me find the .java files that are supposedly created. It seems like they're supposed to be in the tomcat directory but they aren't, and I can't find them anywhere else and am coming up empty on windows search. So I'm thinking the files are getting deleted. So how would I stop this from happening?

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Java GUI Text Files Output

May 28, 2014

try {
String hour = (String) comboBox.getSelectedItem();
String filename = fileName.getText();
String date = ((JTextField)dateChooser.getDateEditor().getUiComponent()).getText();
String text = txtKeyword.getText();
String newline = "";
String directory = Directory.getText();
File path = new File(directory);

[Code] ....

**Here is my question. I'm trying to use input and loop method to search for a file. The above code works but my problem is lets say I try to find 2 different text files**

1. billing-20140527[09].txt has

a)XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.
b)XGMS,2034-05-27 30:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

2. billing-20140527[10].txt has

a)XCGS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

I try to find the number 1 in both text files, if lets say I input the text file name is billing, I can find the number 1 in both text file and output them:

a) XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.
B)/> XCGS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

However, if I specify the text file name: billing-20140527[09].txt and find the number 1 inside the text file, it will only output:

a) XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

How can I do so? Because I can output the number 1 from both text files even though I specify the name.

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Reading And Writing Files Into Java?

Apr 17, 2015

have to create a file named Lab13.txt. In the file I have 10 random numbers. I have to import the 10 numbers and have to Multiply all the numbers from Lab13.txt by 10 and save all the new numbers a new file named Lab13_scale.txt. so if the number 10 is in lab13.txt it prints 100 to Lab13_scale.txt. how do i get it to Multiply Here is what I have:

Java Code: import;
import java.util.Scanner;


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Can Transfer Other Files With Jar Using Java Web Start?

Nov 15, 2014

I made a tiny app that saves notes to a folder within the classes directory where I created the .jar file.Let's say I wanted to add this to Java Web Start. Would I be able to transfer the jar file within a folder(s) or would I have to change the program so that It creates a new folder to save texts In automatically ? Basically , can jar files be transferred with other files/folders ?

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How To Create And Write Files With Java

Jun 19, 2014

How come that nobody has a normal name? ... like:


or almost nobody.

Second question, this is the exercise I have to make:

write a program that reads a sentence and write it on a file separating each word on a diffrent line of the file

Java Code:

package vacanze_estive_8;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

[Code] ....

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Java Servlet :: What Determines Where Jar Files Get Placed In WAR

Apr 6, 2013

Using Eclipse I have imported a WAR with source. I have exported that project as a new war and it ran fine. I then added my own package and exported the war again. The jar file does not show up in /WEB-INF/lib folder. When I deploy the war on a tomcat server it barfs the following error:

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class [com.sharpline.fields.form.fields.TextAreaFormType] for bean with name 'com.sharpline.fields.form.fields.TextAreaFormType#53c37' defined in ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/activiti-standalone-context.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

[Code] .....

It looks to me like my class (jar) is missing in the final war. How do I resolve this?

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