Transferring Coordinates From Design Program To Array In Java?

Mar 6, 2015

The idea I'd like to present, concerns the correction of "designer" drawings - those done by the design consultants - against "site/construction" drawings - them being used on site by the workers to build the project itself.

This is normally a laborious process, involving being sat at a desk with two large folders, checking each detail and measurement against the design drawing.What I'd like to present is an idea, where the co-ordinates of the design or "mother" drawing, are transferred into a usable Java program, and they could be then used to ensure correct dimensions have been applied by the the sub-contractors in their "construction" drawings.Like I said, this can normally be a process of days for a site engineer to check - process known as "QA, quality assurance".

Basically, I just need to make a presentation of having a genuine interest in Software Design and Development. It could be applied in a range of areas in terms of construction site application - checking drawings, writing up work orders, dig orders etc - but the principle of having the co-ordinates of the mother or "design" drawing scanned into an array in Java as a means to output those site drawings/orders etc, applies to each potential application.

So - in short - and not looking for crystal clear detail, just general pointers - what programs or methods could transfer a plethora of co-ordinates from a design program like Auto-Cad, to a Java program, where I assume I would then be using a program containing a complex series of loops to ensure the correctness of the derived "construction" drawings; derived from the "mother" or designer drawings, that is.

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Transferring JAVA Files

Aug 8, 2014

I have made a program on BlueJ but need to transfer the class to a pen drive so that I can take it to school and show it to my teacher. How is this done

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JSP :: Transferring Object To Java Class

Mar 28, 2014

I have a servlet that generate a list of objects named "Alerte". I display this list in my jsp and I want the user to be able to delete one of them by clicking on it. Data are stored on Google Datastore. My problem is that I don't know how to pass the current object from the loop of my JSP page to my java class.

List<Alerte> alertes = (List<Alerte>) request.getAttribute("alertes");
<c:forEach var="alerte" items="${alertes}" >

[Code] .....

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How To Plot Geographic Coordinates In Java

Apr 3, 2014

-7984749.593824852,5368675.690126911 -7984392.035620423,5367570.791302501 -7983220.843257783,5366848.500158152 -7982343.534350842,5364796.5795687605 -7980293.251969412,5363408.488192292 -7980621.978425723,5361760.555707421 -7979175.604281852,5359233.088002191 -7977402.284793513,5358332.850725802 -7976513.843937492,5357665.108234091 -7976472.321767421,5357241.582554582 -7974834.812057852,5357842.933691362 -7973351.925120993,5354420.819505452 -7973743.435770122,5354147.992005592 -7973309.512395002,5352911.428583422 -7973639.9086436825,5352740.575552852 -7972698.034432082,5350359.050518452 -7972255.539456172,5350294.883494262 -7971909.001881332,5349519.720176511 -7970907.683061652,5349775.605440161 -7970575.617020612,5348986.585139751 -7970013.342272613,5349482.445545332 -7969898.683197102,5350177.703443532 -7968337.649977702,5350328.647515352 -7967111.243147633,5351652.264468962 -7966171.150047882,5351373.1018466605 -7966125.286417683,5352115.720678982 -7964626.258154663,5351707.120082232 -7955765.449326492,5345109.379313592 -7954159.443032822,5343966.704795052 -7942364.363746833,5335522.893249432 -7929990.868386692,5326092.063381992

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Design And Develop Program To Implement Lazy Buddy System Algorithm

Jul 19, 2014

I want to know the java code for lazy buddy system algorithm which can be run in eclipse or netbeans

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Java Design Patterns

May 9, 2015

we have been given a scenario to design a system in which we have to make the class diasgrams. however we have to use appropriate patterns that match the scenario.

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Front End Design In Java GUI

Jul 11, 2014

I am designing an application I want to know what are the best technology Like Java FX for front end design?

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Java Loop Design

Jun 16, 2014

Basically I have to enter 5 numbers that I put through a loop and they print the star * depending on the number.An example would be this 5:*****. However, my codes prints out 5:*; 5 times. How to correct my code

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class IntegerOutput
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner input = new Scanner( );

int num1;
int num2;
int num3;
int num4;
int num5;


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Design Patterns And Java Algorithms

Nov 22, 2014

I've looked over the concepts of Java programming, tested them in code and i understand most of them. I have a problem when i need to make harder programs , this might be because i dont know design patterns and algorithms.I'm curious what a entry level programmer needs to know to get a job in the field. Right now i was thinking i need to know:

1. The way all big concepts work and most of the keywords.

2. Design patterns.

3. Algorithms.

what i actually need to know for an entry level job and can you tell me which design patterns and algorithms are a must know for that first job. Considering i might have financial problems in the near future this is not a theoretical question, i really need to know what i need to learn in the next 2-3 months to get an entry level job down.

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How To Make A Flat GUI Design With Java Swing

Apr 26, 2014

Here is an example of a GUI. Is it possible to make this kind of a thing using Java Swing? Is it possible to have a picture on the entire background of the JFrame, and then other Swing components like buttons, labels etc. sitting on it?Is it possible to have action listeners behind pictures? In other words, they will behave like buttons: the user clicks on them and they do something.

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Java App / Audio Producer - Multiple Consumer Design

Jun 1, 2014

I am planning to develop an application that does the following:

1) Receiving an audio streaming from a shoutcast server
2) Decode and push it throught producer to a shared buffer
3) Share audio data to as many consumers are interested to this feed.

What is the best practive for doing this? I tried several things without success.

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Transferring Output To GUI?

Apr 2, 2014

I have been working through a problem, and I have working what I need to work. However, it prints out to the command line and I want to output to a GUI. I have set up the GUI and everything seems fine there, the problem is when I try to change the output that was coming through the command prompt to a JTextField. I am getting the following error.

The field DataAnalyzerGUI.dataOutput is not visible

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DataAnalyzerGUI extends JFrame {
private JPanel contentPanel;
private JButton btnExit;
private JButton btnClose;
private JButton btnFBdata;


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Transferring Variables Across Classes

Aug 30, 2014

Class 1:

view sourceprint?

1 public class one {
2 public static void main(String[] args){
3 int num = 0;
4 System.out.println(num);
5 two.change(num);

[Code] .....

This should print 0, then 1, but it prints 0, then 0. How do I make it print 0 then 1 with the same format?

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Java Program That Reads Array From Text File

Mar 19, 2015

I was wondering if it's possible to do this: I want to build a java program that reads a java array from a text file.

Then I want to read it, and output it in a different format.

The reading and out is easy - as text.

But how can I incorporate the read text in to a java valid array in my program, which I can use?

Is this even possible?

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Transferring Data To MySQL Database

Jul 27, 2014

try {
is = new FileInputStream(file);
data = new byte[(int) file.length()];;
String extension = "";
int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');

[Code] ....

Everything works except transferring the image file.

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RMI :: Transferring Video - AVI File Getting Corrupted

Apr 2, 2010

I have a code which transfers images using rmi... This code works fine... But if i give a .avi file instead of a .jpeg the file gets transferred to the other machine but it gets corrupt... The size is also the same... Do I have to encode the video ??

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Transferring Contents Of Text Area Of One Jframe To Another?

Mar 14, 2015

trying to tranfer content of a text area on one jframe to a text area in another

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Transferring Amount To Other Account - Number Format Exception

Apr 7, 2014

I'm doing this project in, with html. and in one of the web pages, what I'm doing is that, a person is transferring an amount to someone else, and if the transfer amount is more than the account balance, then he cannot transfer. else, save details in a table.

Here's the code I've used

String t1=request.getParameter("text1");
String t2=request.getParameter("text2");
java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date();
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd/MM/yyyy");
int tamt = Integer.parseInt(t2);
int bamt = 0;

[Code] .....

But when i enter the fields and click the submit button in the form, to save it in the table, i get the error:

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: null"

(I've attached a screen shot of the error) : NumberFormatException.bmp (750.98K)

What does this mean? how do i find the line in the code that has the error?

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How To Get All Points In X And Y Coordinates Of Arc

Jul 4, 2014

I am planning a race simulator car and I have a problem to get the x and y coordinates from the graph (or circuit). I explain the problem better. If I for example, drawing an arc using the library DRAW2D how do I get all the points in x and y coordinates of that arc?

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Properties Of A Triangle - X And Y Coordinates

Oct 29, 2014

A triangle is defined by the x- and y- coordinates of its three corner points. Compute the following the following properties of a given triangle: the lengths of all sides, the angles at all corners, the perimeter and the area. The program must prompt a user for the point coordinates. I have created a class Triangle and a class TriangleSimulator, I am stuck and can't figure out why my program won't run correctly.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Triangle {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
private int x1;
private int x2;
private int x3;

[Code] ....

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JavaFX Get Coordinates From Path?

May 8, 2014

I'm working on a project right now in JavaFX, and got stuck. I am drawing a path consisting of CubicCurveTo's and I wonder if there's any way to get the X and Y coordinates from certain parts of that path.

Imagine following a curve (path) with a pencil slowly, and every second you take note the X and Y coordinate. I mean I'm not interested in the control points or start and end points, but the points "in between", preferably at a certain interval.

I've searched for many things online, but have trouble knowing exactly which words to search for. "Paths" often bring up file paths, traversing, coordinates etc. all fail to give me any good results.

I tried to be as specific I could, and I don't think my current code is of any interest in this matter.

(The point of it all is that the path should simulate the path a person walks, and I will store the coordinates in a database for every second).

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Point Coordinates - X Y Pair

May 8, 2014

What are the x- and y-coordinates of the Points referred to as p1, p2, and p3 after the following code executes? Give your answer as an x-y pair such as (0, 0). Recall that Points and other objects use reference semantics.

PHP Code:

Point p1 = new Point();
p1.x = 17;
p1.y = 9;
Point p2 = new Point();
p2.x = 4;
p2.y = -1;
Point p3 = p2;
p1.translate(3, 1);
p2.x = 50;
p3.translate(-4, 5); mh_sh_highlight_all('php');




My guesses were: P1:(20,10) //Correct

P2:(50,-1) //Incorrect

P3:(0,4) //Incorrect

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How To Get Coordinates Of Transparent Area In Image

Mar 25, 2015

How to find coordinates of transparent area in the image. I working on .png image which has transparent background and transparent area in the middle of the image. The transparent area in the middle look a like ellipse, so i want to find coordinate of top, bottom, left, and right of that area. I am using opencv.

I have tried to find pixels and from result that i got, i understand that pixel with rgb that equal to 255.0 255.0 255.0 is transparent. what i have in my mind is, if rgb with value that equal to 255 255 255 detected, i will put 1 into arraylist named transparent, and if it not equal to 255 255 255 i will put 0 into the list. So when i look into the list, if there is 1 0 or 0 1 it means that border between transparent area and colored area or vice versa. But, how to know if that border is between transparent area in the middle of image and the image, and not between background and the image. Am i doing this correctly?

Here snippet of code.

Mat imgMask = Highgui.imread(imgfile);
double[] pixels = new double[3];
System.out.println("channel " + imgMask);
for(int x = 0; x < imgMask.cols(); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < imgMask.rows(); y++) {
pixels = imgMask.get(y, x);

[Code] .....

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How To Draw Points With Coordinates From Database

Jul 23, 2014

I extracted columns from database and made calculations inside while loop. I know i need to make array to get from it coordinates for points. I want to draw them in interface created in another class but i have black hole and don't know how to get datas from while loop to array which is below.

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How To Create Coordinates In Two-dimensional Grid

Mar 16, 2015

how to create coordinates in a two-dimensional grid, in the end it shall look like A5, F6 and so on. The aim is to place 3 DotComs in this grid by coincidence. To do this one uses two arrays. One array represents one DotCom, the other represents the grid's size, in this case 49 (7x7).The code ends like this:

ArrayList<String> alphaCells = new ArrayList<String>();
int x = 0;
int row = 0;
int column = 0;
while (x<comSize) {
grid[coords[x]] = 1; // mark master grid points as used
row = (int)(coords[x] / gridLength);
column = coords[x] % gridLength;
temp = String.valueOf(alphabet.charAt(column));
return alphaCells;

why row and column are calculated like this. Furthermore I don't understand why the column is used to generate a character, because columns are marked with numbers and rows are marked with characters.

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Point With X And Y Coordinates - Display Difference Between Them

Apr 26, 2014

//Design/write a class named MyPoint to represent a point with x and y coordinates. The class should contain:

//->Two variables, x and y, that represent the coordinates
//->A no-arg constructor that creates a point (0,0)
//->A constructor that constructs a point with specified coordinates
//->Two getter (accessor) methods for the variables x and y
//-> A method named distance that returns the distance from a point to another point of the MyPoint type
//-> A method named distance that returns the distance from a point to another point with specified x and y coordinates.
//Draw the UML Diagram for the class. Implement the class. Write a test program that creates two points (0,0) and (10, 30.5) and displays the distance between them.

I have written the program but not I have to do it with user input ....

class MyPoint {
private double x;
private double y;
public double getx()
return x;
public double gety()

[Code] ....

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