Trying To Find Cheapest Path Recursively

May 25, 2015

Trying to find cheapest path recursively, given a grid a integers trying to recursively find the cheapest path from the top to the bottom. cheapest being the sum of the path. I think I've made my code over complicated. recursive things are usually much more elegant

import java.util.Scanner;
public class trial {
public void readFile(String fileName)
[Code] ....

and here is the grid

27 19 18 85 32 11 18 24 22 98
60 83 52 61 18 64 74 33 95 42
56 27 71 56 65 70 18 78 35 74
15 89 19 92 61 76 92 42 57 26
88 28 78 45 21 98 11 72 82 97
49 54 88 79 16 43 27 78 52 71
17 18 60 40 72 39 70 52 96 11 
62 79 25 50 73 40 98 64 44 72
25 79 72 25 64 35 29 16 77 96 
12 93 49 64 61 34 83 87 34 36

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How To Recursively Find Given String In A File

Oct 19, 2014

I have to recursively find a given string in a file. I HAVE to use the LineNumberReader class, and the output would be like so:

Line#Found : the string of the whole line

This is the code I've written:

public String findGivenString(String givenString, int currentLineNumber) {
LineNumberReader lnr = null;
try {
lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(getFile()), 4096);
String s = lnr.readLine().toLowerCase();

[Code] ....

I messed around with a bit, and it doesn't change to the new set line. Though the line number is incrementing! So it just keeps checking the first line of the file over and over again, which is why it can't find the given string. Which also throws the StackOverFlow exception I'm getting.

Here's the output if I remove the comment from the System.out...:

String @ that Line# 1: package banking;
String @ that Line# 2: package banking;
String @ that Line# 3: package banking;
String @ that Line# 4: package banking;

So you see it keeps checking the same line even though the line number IS incrementing.

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Recursively Find Text In Text Files

May 29, 2014

Java Code:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please search for the directory");
else if(fileName.getText().matches("")){


This is actually my question:

Java Code:

1. billing-20140527[09].txt has

a)XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.
b)XGMS,2034-05-27 30:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

2. billing-20140527[10].txt has

a)XCGS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

[B]I try to find the number 1 in both text files, if lets say I input the text file name is billing, I can find the number 1 in both text file and output them:[/B]

a) XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.
b) XCGS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040.

[B]However, if I specify the text file name: billing-20140527[09].txt and find the number 1 inside the text file, it will only output:[/B]

a) XGMS,2014-05-27 10:08:04,122,PLAYER_VERIFY,VERIFY to LBA,0x580000,0xC0000,253040. mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

So far, I can't get this program to run,

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The System Cannot Find The Path Specified

Feb 25, 2015

I have the Java Development Kit downloaded in my C file and my book tells me to compile the program I need to open command windowand change the directory where the program is stored. I tried the command cd to change directory and received this message "The system cannot find the path specified."

I checked the Environment Variables on Windows 7 and the Path says: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_31in

This is after many tries and i still can't change directory and i keep getting the same message.

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System Cannot Find Path Specified

Feb 24, 2015

I have the Java Development Kit downloaded in my C file and my book tells me to compile the program I need to open command windowand change the directory where the program is stored. I tried the command cd to change directory and received this message "The system cannot find the path specified." I checked the Environment Variables on Windows 7 and the Path says: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_31in

This is after many tries and i still can't change directory and i keep getting the same message.The book I am using to learn Java is "Java How to Program: Tenth Edition" from Paul and Harvey Deitel.

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Unable To Find JDK Path

Sep 19, 2013

I am new to linux and using centos ver 6.4 64bit . i want to install sqldeveloper so i run below rpms
After install  when i run sqldeveloper command then it prompt me for jdk path

1. Which I don't know how to find
2. When I try to give /usr/bin/java1.7.0_09/ and enter then it give me below error
Error: /usr/bin/java1.7.0_09/bin/java not found
Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk

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How To Find Longest Path In A Matrix

Feb 18, 2015

I have some N*M matrix or N*N matrx , and there's a "worm" that can start from any index in the first column, or, any index in the first row. i need to choose the longest worm that satisfying this :

The index that comes after the index before him must be greater then 1. and i must use recursion, also for helper methods. no loops at all. that's it. i'm having a problem to find the longest worm in the matrix.

My idea was to create an helper array and assign to the array indexes a variable that will count the steps of the worm and finally assigns in to the helper array index. then i used findMax method to find the max value in an index. and thats will be the longest worm. i wrote a lot of code so i wont put it here. i will say that i'm close. if the longest worm is 6 i get in my output 7.

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How To Find The Current Path Of A File

Jun 24, 2014

First of all, i am using ubuntu and jdk8. My problem: displaying the current path of a file in my system Approach: I have a file called dummy.txt in a given directory which have enough permissions and i did the following:

File file=new File("dummy.txt");

I expected to see displayed the current path of the file without the name of the file but it is showing a different path. I just want to display the current path of the file without the name.

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Simple Agent Find Path?

Feb 13, 2015

i want to build a simple x,y grid in eclipse. Where an simple agent can search for a goal and end the episode.

I have java experience but I cant get my head around something simple as this.

I know there will be state, actions and environment and agent class.

But I cannt figure out where to start with this, do i start with state or action.

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How To Find A Path Through Array Maze

Mar 4, 2015

So what I'm trying to do is write a code in java which finds a path through a maze. I want it to go through the maze and determine if there's a * symbol at that location or not. If there is a * symbol at the specified location then the program would search for another position until it finds one without the * symbol and if it can't then I'll have the program return null. I also want it to implement backtracking which I'm not sure how to do. Here's my code so far

private boolean findPath(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol){
boolean solved = true;
for(int i=fromRow; i<toRow; i++){
for(int j=fromCol; j<toCol; j++){
if (x[i][j] == ('*')){
//do something
return false;

the code isn't finished yet however what I'm not sure is what do I do with the if statement and how do I implement backtracking?

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Array Is A Set Of Numbers In Triangle - Find Maximum Path

Aug 12, 2014

If you aren't familiar with the euler problem 67, you are given an array that is a set of numbers in a triangle. Like this

7 4
2 4 6
8 5 9 3

and you have to find the maximum path, which for this one is

(7) 4
2 (4) 6
8 5 (9) 3

I have solved this problem iteratively with the code below

depth = depth-2;
while (depth >=0) {
for (int j = 0; j <= depth; j++) {
values[depth][j] += Math.max(values[depth+1][j], values[depth+1][j+1]);
depth -= 1;

depth is a variable for the row in the triangle. My problem is that i need the solution to be recursive and i am having trouble doing this. So far i have

public static int findMax(int[][] array,int depth) {
if (depth==0)
return array[0][0];
else if

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Use Relative Path In Place Of Absolute Path

Nov 7, 2014

I am copying the xml files from one folder to other folder, in the source folder, i have some files which have some content like "backing File="$IDP_ ROOT/metadata/iPAU-SP-metadata.xml" but while writing to the destination folder.i am replacing the "$IDP_ROOT" with my current working directory. The entire copying of files is for deploying into tomcat server. The copying is done only when server starts for the first time.Problem: If i change the folder name from my root path in my machine after i run the server,the entire process will be stopped because the destination folder files already contains the content which is with existed files names or folder names.

So i want to change it to relative path instead absolute path. What is the best way to do it? Please look at code below:

[ // Getting the current working directory
String currentdir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile().getParent() + File.separator;

rootPath=currentdir.substring(0, currentdir.indexOf("ControlPanel"));


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Recursively Reverse Linked List?

Oct 17, 2014

i tried everything but its giving me errors. i tried the for loop but its giving me something else.

this is what i have to do Write a recursive method that prints out the data elements of a linked list in reverse order.

Your method should take in as a parameter the head reference to a linked list. Then, write a recursive method that returns a count of the number of elements greater than a given threshold. You may assume that the data elements in the linked lists are ints. The parameters of your method are a reference to the linked list and a int value representing the threshold.

public class recursion3
public static void main(String [] args) {
char a [] = {'A', 'B','C','D','E'};
public static String reverseString(String s) {
if (s.length() <= 1) {


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Recursively Reading Files Within Directories

Nov 1, 2014

I just can't seem to figure it out how to solve this inherently recursive assignment.The task is to check a directory path and read the files within that path; also, if there are more directories within it, we have to go deeper into those directories to read the files within them - if any. What you're looking at is my skeleton of the assignment:

public class SearchingForStrings {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String path = "."; // Default
File sf = new File(path);
String mainDirectory = args[0]; // These two are just
String keyString = args[1]; // command-line arguments

countLinesWithString(sf, mysteriesDirectory, keyString);


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Searching Directories Recursively For File

May 8, 2015

I have a case: i have to make fast searching of a file in to all file systems(Linux or Windows). I use search directories recursively for file. Is there a quick way?

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Factorial - Writing Iterative Program Recursively

Apr 30, 2015

It was quite recently that Data Structures was introduced to me, so I started out writing some iterative programs recursively.I found some strange output which shouldn't have come out but if you take a look at these three codes

long factorial(long n)
if(n == 1)
return 1;
result = n*factorial(n-1);

[Code] ....

These are three versions of the code, achieving the same objective of obtaining a given number and returning the factorial, but in spite of the changes made to the code, they produce the same result. I needed a reason as to why it is so? I tried to dry run all the codes but at some point or the other I got confused, and had to start all over again and couldn't come up with a proper result.

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Iteratively And Recursively Summing And Reversing Array Of Longs

Mar 23, 2015

My program is supposed to use recursion and iteration to sum and reverse elements in an array of Longs. The array is supposed to be 1000000 cells and I am supposed to compute the average times of 99999 trials. When I try to run the program, it keeps saying running.... but doesnt ever do anything.

public class PA2Delegate {
private long[] start;
private long[] end;
private Long reversal;
private Long sum = (long)(int)0;

[Code] .....

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Compute Recursively Total Number Of Blocks In Triangle With Given Number Of Rows

Jul 8, 2014

We have triangle made of blocks. The topmost row has 1 block, the next row down has 2 blocks, the next row has 3 blocks, and so on. Compute recursively (no loops or multiplication) the total number of blocks in such a triangle with the given number of rows.

triangle(0) → 0

triangle(1) → 1

triangle(2) → 3

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How To Set JDK8 As PATH

May 5, 2014

My OS: Windows 7


I've tried where javac in command prompt but it can't locate it. I need to know how to set JDK 8 as PATH.

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Set Path To File In Jar App

May 12, 2014

What I do wrong when I trying to set path to file in my jar app. I have application which work with xml file. I have next project structure:

|_  /lib
|_  /resources/file.xml
|_  /src
So, I need to set correctly path to my jar file, because when I running it from IDE, it works nice. By default it seems:

private File file;
private StreamResult streamResult;
file = new File("resources/file.xml");
streamResult = new StreamResult(file);

And methods where I can modify the DOM structure via transformer in end of methods:

transformer.transform(source, streamResult);

So, I trying set path to file:

private URL url;
file = new File(url.getPath());
streamResult = new StreamResult(file);
But it didn't not work, because when I trying to get resource by next condition

url = getClass().getResource("resources/file.xml");
url = getClass().getResource("resources/file.xml");url = getClass().getResource(url = getClass().getResource("resources/file.xml");resources/file.xml");
url - is null
I tried next solution
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream("resources/file.xml"); 
There, I got also null....
Also, I tried made absolute path
filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
file = new File(filePath);
streamResult = new StreamResult(file);

But it also didn't work. There I got message seems like: "Can't find resource /User/user1/Desktop/program1/resources/file.xml" - but that's really absolute path to a file.
Also, I tried made it via System.getProperty

String filename = "file.xml";
String workingDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
finalfile = workingDir + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + filename;
file = new File(finalfile);

I also made unit test which completed with "green light", but in jar its wrong with message "Can't find resource /User/user1/Desktop/program1/resources/file.xm" ....

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Relative Path Not Working

Sep 11, 2014

relative path not working if specified folder is outside eclipse IDE, but if i put same folder in current project it is working.

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Java Path Variable

Mar 2, 2014

I have BlueJ installed on my computer and it does the job of compiling the java source code written in it. If I want to write and compile source code outside of BlueJ do I still need to download the Java SDK and set the PATH variable, even though I am apparently able to do it in BlueJ?

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Servlets :: Getting Path Of The Base URL?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a data.json in my J2EE web app.I need to load it either from local path when unit testing or from url when the server starts up.

so I've set it to get the local path by default and what I'm trying to do is that it is is running on a server, I'd like to change the path to a url.

Here is my code:

public String getUrlBase(HttpServletRequest request) {
URL requestUrl;
try {
requestUrl = new URL(request.getRequestURL().toString());
String portString = requestUrl.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + requestUrl.getPort();
return requestUrl.getProtocol() + "://" + requestUrl.getHost() + portString + request.getContextPath() + "/";
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;

which works fine. The only issue is that I had to place this in the login page. Is there a way I can only set the path to the base url upon server start up?

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How To Change Maven Path

Jan 8, 2014

When I write below command:

which mvn

I see below output


But it is not the maven installed by me. I think it came with linux

Now I want to change mvn path with following command:

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-2.2.1
export M2=%M2_HOME%bin

But it does not change. I still see

which mvn

I see below output


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Class Path With Windows 7

May 28, 2010

I've just got a new computer and i tried to set the class path the way i did with windows xp but it's not working. This is what i have done. I added a Path variable to user variables and added C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin as the variable value. But when i got to command prompt and type javac it just tells me javac is not recognised as an internal or external command.

Also another problem is after trying this and it not working i tried to add a path to the system variables. I added a new path variable but i think once i did that it deleted the one that was already there. Is that going to mess up my computer? What the default path variable for windows 7 is?i've got the right destination as i typed cd to change directory and when i typed C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin it changed to that. And i noticed if i typed in the destination wrong its just made an error.

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JavaFX Get Coordinates From Path?

May 8, 2014

I'm working on a project right now in JavaFX, and got stuck. I am drawing a path consisting of CubicCurveTo's and I wonder if there's any way to get the X and Y coordinates from certain parts of that path.

Imagine following a curve (path) with a pencil slowly, and every second you take note the X and Y coordinate. I mean I'm not interested in the control points or start and end points, but the points "in between", preferably at a certain interval.

I've searched for many things online, but have trouble knowing exactly which words to search for. "Paths" often bring up file paths, traversing, coordinates etc. all fail to give me any good results.

I tried to be as specific I could, and I don't think my current code is of any interest in this matter.

(The point of it all is that the path should simulate the path a person walks, and I will store the coordinates in a database for every second).

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