Using Result Of Conversion - Number Format Exception

Jul 27, 2014

I want to use the result of the conversion. Can i do that??

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class App2 extends Applet {
Label x,y,z;
TextField a,b,c;
Button p,q,r;

[Code] ....

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Hurricane Java Project - Unknown Format Conversion Exception

Mar 9, 2015

I am having some issues with errors. Here is my code...

import java.util.Scanner;
public class StormChaser {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Constants
final int MAX_STORMS = 319;
[Code] .....

I am having issues with these error messages.... I have tried a couple of different things with each error but haven't been able to figure it out.

Exception in thread "main" java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = '1'
at java.util.Formatter.checkText(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.parse(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.String.format(Unknown Source)
at Storm.toString(
at StormChaser.DisplayStorms(
at StormChaser.main(

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Student Poll Code - Unknown Format Conversion Exception

Dec 8, 2014

It doesn't work and I always get UnknownFormatConversionException...

public class studentPoll {
public static void main( String[]args)
  int[] responses = { 1, 2 , 5, 4, 3 , 5, 2, 1 , 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3,
2, 3, 3, 2, 14 };
[Code] .....

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Getting Number Format Exception When Trying To Use ParseInt

Feb 17, 2014

The problem occurs at the second to last line of text in this code.

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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* and open the template in the editor.

package reversing_digits;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Reversing_digits {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Number Format Exception - Empty String

Mar 8, 2014

This is the exception message I am getting when I run the program and I select a job from the check box and enter an hour amount.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class HourPanel extends JPanel {
private double hours;
String textField;

[Code] .....

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Number Format Exception While Parsing Date To Long

Feb 1, 2015

I'm getting a NumberFormatException while executing the below statements.

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day_of_month = 15;

long m_time = Long.parseLong((month + 1) + "/" + day_of_month + "/" + year);


long m_time = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf((month + 1) + "/" + day_of_month + "/" + year));

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Transferring Amount To Other Account - Number Format Exception

Apr 7, 2014

I'm doing this project in, with html. and in one of the web pages, what I'm doing is that, a person is transferring an amount to someone else, and if the transfer amount is more than the account balance, then he cannot transfer. else, save details in a table.

Here's the code I've used

String t1=request.getParameter("text1");
String t2=request.getParameter("text2");
java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date();
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd/MM/yyyy");
int tamt = Integer.parseInt(t2);
int bamt = 0;

[Code] .....

But when i enter the fields and click the submit button in the form, to save it in the table, i get the error:

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: null"

(I've attached a screen shot of the error) : NumberFormatException.bmp (750.98K)

What does this mean? how do i find the line in the code that has the error?

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Clicking Insert Button - Number Format Exception

Feb 9, 2015

Everything is working great except for my back button at line 172. It works good but if I try to click the "insert" button again. It gives me the java.lang.NumberFormatException error. Other than that it works fine, the "insert" button still works.

package userDatabasePack;

import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Database{
private String username2, insertUser, insertPassword;
private int insertUserId;

[Code] ....

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Date Format Conversion In Java

Aug 3, 2014

I want to convert a date which can be of any date formats into yyyy-mm-dd format...My code is below.

String[] date_formats = {
String dateReceived = "13/11/2012";
for (String formatString : date_formats){

[Code] .....

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Java Date Format Conversion

Jun 6, 2013

I have a piece of code as below for date format conversion.

DateFormat formatter1 ;
DateFormat formatter2 ;
Date date = new Date();

formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");
date = formatter1.parse("1952-12-10");
System.out.println("before format, date is " + date);

formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");
System.out.println("after format, date is " +formatter2.format(date));I would like to change 1952-12-10 become 10-DEC-52, h

However, I am getting below output:

before format, date is Thu Jan 10 00:12:00 MYT 1952
after format, date is 10-Jan-52

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String Format - Conversion To Date Object

Mar 21, 2014

I have a date in the following String format "2013-03-28,19:37:52.00+00:00"  and post processing I am converting this to following String as per prevailing logic "2013-03-28,19:37:52.00+0000"  (This is existing code and no changes have been Made here for last few years) And the using this SDFormat i.e  new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd,HH:mm:ss.Sz")   for conversion to Date Object
We are suddenly getting this exception now can't figured out what has changed ?
java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2013-03-28,19:37:52.00+0000"
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(

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Unix Timestamp Conversion To EST Timezone Date Time Format

Dec 26, 2014

I have a requirement to convert 'unix time stamp' to 'Date time format'

Input (Unix time stamp) : 1426013480000

Output should show : 3/10/2015 2:51 PM EST (or) 10th March 2015 2:51PM EST

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Exception In Thread Main - Cannot Format Given Object

Apr 16, 2014

I am working on a program that will allow a user to input grades for a class of four students who have taken two tests. Based on the grades entered, the program will calculate the averages of the two tests for each student and display it along with their respected letter grades.

Now I can get the program to compile successfully, but after inputting the grades in, I get the error message saying that it cannot format given object as a number. I am using 4 arrays to execute this program and maybe that's why I'm having the trouble? I'm not sure because I am still fairly new at this stuff and can't sen to resolve it.

I was having problems for a while and then finally got excited when I got it to compile without any errors and now I'm getting an error inside my program. All I need to do is format the numbers of the grades into something like: 000, and each of the averages as 000.0. I understand how to do it because I have done it in another program I've done in the past. I just don't know how to fix this error that is coming up.

here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class TestAverage
* A program that will store and process 2 test scores for a class of 4 students.
* The program will prompt for the test scores as shown above in the sample run.
* After all the data is entered,the program will display the score for test 1, test 2 .
* The average of the 2 tests and the letter grade for the class for each student in a tabular format.


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Decimal To Hexadecimal Number Conversion

Jul 16, 2014

Java programming, I decided to write a code today that would convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers. Unfortunately, it does not compile. The error message is "cannot find symbol - variable A", and might be the same error for the other variables B,C,D,E,F.

Here is my code:

public class dec2hex
public static void main (String [] args)
{int nbr = 99;
char a = A;
char b = B;
char c = C;

[Code] ....

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Reverse Number - Get Input And Result In Same Line

Feb 11, 2015

I'm having trouble with a program, reversing numbers. I got the program itself to work! However, I am having an issue with the output.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class p1a {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int n;
int reverse = 0;

[Code] .....

If I were to input, say 2341, I would get this: The reverse of 0 is 1432

The 0 should have been 2341, or whatever I input. What am I doing wrong?

I tried to move line 21 : (System.out.println("The reverse of " +n+ " is "+reverse);

Above the while loop, but instead get:

The reverse of 2341 is 0

How can I get my input and my result together in the same line?

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Double RelativeFrequency Value Which Does Calculation / End Result Is Number With Lots Of Decimal Numbers

Nov 24, 2014

for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
double relativeFreq = (onesAverage()/letters[i]);
char a = characters.charAt(i);
double j = score[i];

Above is my current code. Basically- There is a string called characters of length 26 (1 char for each letter in alphabet), a double relativeFrequency value which does a calculation and the end result is a number with lots of decimal numbers. The score array has set double values within the array.

What I want to do is create a print f statement where I print out each of the values I initialized above WITH specific amounts of spaces in between. So it should be in this order:

a (spaces) j (spaces) relativeFreq (newLine).

Between J and relativeFreq there should be 4 spaces, however if the value in relativeFreq is greater than 10 (it won't be greater than 100)- then there should be 3 spaces. Everytime I try to create a printf statement my code ends up crooked for some of the values.

for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
double relativeFreq = (onesAverage()/letters[i]);
char a = characters.charAt(i);
double j = score[i];
System.out.printf("%c %.4s %.4s%n",a, j, relativeFreq);

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JSP :: How To Format Number As Money In JavaScript

Apr 23, 2014

How to format number as money in javascript? e.g 1000 to 1,000 ... E.g., 100000000 then it will be format into 1,000,000,000 ...

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JSP :: How To Format Entered Number On Textbox

Apr 24, 2014

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<fmt:formatNumber type="currency" value="12345.6789"/></p>
<input type = "text"/>

This one is working if i set value in fmt but what i want to happen is when i enter a number in textbox it will be fommated on the format that i want, so i think i need to an of og text and set it into value of fmt? <y plan is when I enter a number in textbox it will automatically formatted ....

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Average Program - Number Format

May 5, 2015

I am writing a program using a given test drive... I am supposed to write two classes according to the test drive. The calculated correct answer should be 115.50 but i keep getting 115.52 instead and i just can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Here is the test drive code:

import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class FinalTester
public static void main(String[] args)
double avgPurchase;
Order[] lastYear = new Order[4];

[Code] ....

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How To Format Methods To Display Number With 1-2 Decimal Places

May 8, 2014

I am working with a program I wrote for class. I got it to compile and do what I want, But I was wondering how I can format my methods to to display a decimal with 1-2 decimal places. Would I create a method in my NumberAnalysis class to do it for me? Or would I declare an instance of the DecimalFormat class in my main method?

import java.util.Scanner; //Needed for Scanner Class
import*; //Need for File and IOException
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Ex8_11 { 
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
DecimalFormat decformatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
[Code] .....

This is my output:

Lowest Number: 1.09
Highest Number: 82.76
Total Number: 367.89000000000004
Total Average Number: 30.657500000000002

Think I just solved the answer to my own question, I did it by declaring double variables in my main method and called the methods and instantiated the variables into the methods... Is there a better way to do this?

package lesson4.skowronek;
 import java.util.Scanner; //Needed for Scanner Class
import*; //Need for File and IOException
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Ex8_11 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
[Code] ....

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Converting String To Number - Runtime Exception

Feb 6, 2014

I am getting run time Exception while converting String to Number....

public int convertToNumber(String numstr) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(numstr);
return i;

Here i am calling above Method convertToNumber().

if (validate.hasNumber(req.getParameter(LRSConstant.MOB_NUM))) {

This is an Exception which i am getting at Run time

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "9700636702"

[Code] ....

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Exception Thrown If User Enters Negative Number - Program Gets Suspended

Oct 19, 2014

In my cs class, we have to write a program that throws an exception if the user enters a negative number, the program should prompt the user to enter only positive numbers and then let them retype the number. But everytime I throw an exception, my program gets suspended.

What am I doing wrong, or is there no way to continue a program if an exception is thrown? Does the program automatically get suspended when an exception is thrown?

N = kb.nextDouble();
if(N<0) {
throw new NegativeArraySizeException();
catch(NegativeArraySizeException e) {
System.out.println("The number you entered must be positive. Please try again.");

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What Handling Exception And Declaring Same Exception In Throws Clause Achieve

Jan 24, 2014

I was giving a quick skim to some tutorials on the internet where I have found the exception that is handled is also declared in the throws clause of the method wrapping the try-catch block. For a code representation consider the following:

public void methodName() throws IOException {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
.... TODO handle exception


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Throwing Exception With Exception Class?

Sep 29, 2014

Right, so I got this program. It takes input from the user and assigns it to fields on an object. But, it's meant to check the users input. If the user enters bad input, it's supposed to throw this exception. For each of these exceptions, theres a class specifically for it.

public class PayrollDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Payroll pr = new Payroll ("Test Name", 234);
System.out.println("Current Employee Information.
System.out.println("Name: " + pr.getName());
System.out.println("ID: " + pr.getID());
System.out.println("Hourly Pay Rate: " + pr.getHourlyPayRate());

[Code] ....

And this is the exception class.

public class InvalidNameException extends Exception
No-arg constructor
public InvalidNameException()
super("Invalid name");
} error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method InvalidNameException()
location: class InvalidNameException
1 error

It's just meant to tell the user that they entered an invalid value, which would mean if they entered an empty string instead of a name.

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Calculate (C) How Is The Result 3

Apr 3, 2013

public class NewClass4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
a += 5;
b *= 4;
c += a * b;
c %= 6;
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = " + c);

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JSP :: Conversion Of HTML?

Feb 2, 2015

I have requirement to convert the HTML to JSP.

purpose: From the mobile i will get the HTML content and need the change content so need to convert html to JSP.

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