Validate Postal Code Based On Condition

Feb 18, 2014

How can I validate the postal code based on this condition...

9999 may not be used for US province .

If the street province is Mexico or Argentina or Brazil the street postal code must be 9999 ....

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Postal Code - Trimming Leading Zeros

Jun 10, 2014

I got situation where i have postal code as 0009 in database and the use is entering 0009 but somehow in my java code it only reading 9 from the xml file

This is how i define getter and setter

When i debug the code i get

passed postalcode 9

Java Code:

public String Postalcode="";
public void setPostalcode(String Postalcode) {
this.Postalcode = Postalcode;
public String getPostalcode() {
return Postalcode;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

What if 0009 is passed i what it to remain 0009

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Postal Code In Database - Leading Zeros Been Trim

Jun 10, 2014

I got situation where i have postal code as 0009 in database and the use is entering 0009 but somehow in my java code it only reading 9 from the xml file
This is how i define getter and setter :
When I debug the code i get this :

passed postalcode 9
if a user entered 0009 I what it to remain 0009
Java Code:

public String Postalcode="";  
public void setPostalcode(String Postalcode) { this.Postalcode = Postalcode; } 
public String getPostalcode() { return Postalcode; }

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Best Way For Parsing C Code Based On Java?

Dec 10, 2014

I have to write Scanner and Parser for the C-Code based on Java and obtain Abstract syntax tree(AST) . I am allowed to use tools like ANTLR, CUP. But i should be able to expand all macros in my code to its basic low level data type like int, boolean and whats the best approach?How to start initially?

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How To Validate And Integer From 0 - 9

Nov 5, 2014

I created a GUI with a jTextField as an input box and am wondering how to validate that this data is an integer from 0 - 9. Here is what I have. However the if statement shows an error that says int cannot be dereferenced.

private void doneButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//Create and Initialize Variable
int category = Integer.parseInt(categoryInput.getText());
if (category.matches(0-9)); //int cannot be dereferenced error here


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JSP :: Validate Username And Password

Apr 21, 2014

I want to validate username and password in JavaScript. I want to validate username and password with database values. If login failed i want to display alert message...ok. But problem is that i have index.jsp page. After clicking login button control goes to homepage.

jsp..okk.. in index.jsp I have taken dropdown to show designation. I select design then control goes to respective homepage... in homepage. I am checking username and password with database values. If login successful it goes to respective pages but if login failed it has to show me alert message. How can i do that ?

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JSP / JSTL :: Pass Value And Validate

Feb 15, 2013

Why will this NOT validate correctly in my IF Statement? Basically, a user chooses an option from the drop down list. The value is passed to t.jsp (itself) and if the option "All" is chosen, then it does something. If any of the years are chosen, then it does something else.

t.jsp (simplified version of what I want)

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<form method="get" action="t.jsp">
Select Year:

[Code] ....

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Ending The Run After If A Condition Is Not Met?

May 24, 2014

For an assignment

-I am too write a program that checks if 3 numbers (scannerinputted) are three sides of a triangle if not just ignore it.

-If they are the 3 sides to a triangle tell what kinda triangle it is Right/scalene/equilateral etc.

-ignore the 3 numbers if they are <=0

if(side1+side2>side3 && side1+side3>side2 && side2+side3>side1)
System.out.println("This is a Triangle.");
System.out.println("Not a Triangle.");

How can I make the program stop immediately if the else statement is checked. I have more "if statements afterward.

so it would say.

"This not a triangle"

"This is scalene or isosceles"

how can I get this output.

"This is not a triangle" and stop there.

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Simplify If Condition

May 24, 2014

I m trying to simplify an if condition as much as possible and i m curious if it can be made more short then i managed to .The problem is simple , a integer number with 3 digits is generated and the user is asked to input another 3 digits integer number ... One of the conditions that need to be verified is if all the digits in each number match but not exactly ( aka 123 and 132 ) .Using only an if statement to verify this what is the most short condition that can be checked to identify when the digits in a 3 digits number match the digits of another 3 digits integer number (not interested if they match exactly) .

The simplest condition i managed to find is :

else if (guessDigit1 + guessDigit2 + guessDigit3
== lotteryDigit1 + lotteryDigit2 + lotteryDigit3
&& (guessDigit1 == lotteryDigit1 || guessDigit1
== lotteryDigit2 || guessDigit1 == lotteryDigit3)
&& (guessDigit2 == lotteryDigit1 || guessDigit2
== lotteryDigit2 || guessDigit2 == lotteryDigit3)) {
System.out.println("Match all digits: you win $3,000");}

Is there a better(shorter ) condition that can be used ?

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For Loop With Condition

May 11, 2014

[public static void PrintNum () {

int i;
int j = 0;
for (i =100; j<5; i=i)j=100-(i-=1);
} ]

I'm not following how it calculated to 95 since I'm confused with this

part i=i)j = 100-(i-=1);

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JSP :: Validate Form And Show Errors?

Jun 5, 2014

I have a JSP which will let a user register for an account at my website. If the user submits wrong or illegal info into the JSP, then I want to return the same JSP with an appropriate error message next to/above each wrongly filled (form) fields.

If possible, highlight the wrongly filled form field - this feature is not necessary though.

I have given a sample below to show what I need. I understand that the sample must be using something like javascript, but I don't know all that client side scripting. I only want to use JSP to do it. As I said, I want to sort of return the JSP form to the user after marking all the mistakes and how to correct them.

How do I do this ?

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Validate Checkbox Functionality In Java

May 14, 2014

I'm guessing the vehicle checklist is for making your car? So like for the tires there would be 3 options and you check which one you want?

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Validate Date When Entered By User

Oct 13, 2014

Below is my current program for my java class. The assignment is to validate a date when entered by user.

import java.util.*;
public class Date{
public static void main (String arg[]){
int month = 0;
int day = 0;
int year = 0;

[Code] ......

My issue with my program is the output for the day.

If I enter 30 for the date I get this: Date is invalid
Date is invalid
Date is invalid
Date is invalid
Date is invalid

I wanted to know how what is wrong and why it is doing this.

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JSF :: How To Check Condition In Xhtml

Mar 26, 2014

I need to display button based on the condition in xhtml page.

using JSF2 & richface 4.0
<c:forEach items="#{empList}" var="emp">

How to check condition like empList.size > 0 in xhtml?

if list is having value, need to show buttons.

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Coding Own Classes - If Condition?

Jun 9, 2014

public int getIndexOfAMonster(String nameToGet){
int retValue = -1; //default is not found
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfMonsters - 1; i++)
if (monsters[i].getName().equals(nameToGet))
retValue = i;
return retValue;

1.What does the if-condition do?If the name of a monster in the array is equal to the name stored in the variable, return the monster's assigned value.

2.What does the for loop do? The loop condition simply loops through the whole arraylists. (In other words, it simply checks each Monster contained in the lists).

3.Assuming that the driver code compiles, explain what it’s use is? If the name of the monster is the same as the variable passed unto this method, return the number assigned to that Monster.

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JSP :: Session Validate Is Not Working In Internet Explorer

Aug 9, 2010

I have a click button called log off , here once a user clicks it , task goes to logout servlet to end current user session . below is my code , I don't know why it works fine with mozilla firefox and google chrom but not working with internet explorer.

response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store"); //HTTP 1.1
response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0
response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0);
HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();

[Code] ....

here it goes fine to my index, but if I logged in again, I should enter a new session , but unfortunately this not happened in explorer , works fine with mozilla , and chroom.

I have also done in my index.jsp the check like below:


just to erase whatever previous session . But why session exist on same page ! only in explorer , it makes me open new explorer for new user and that is what I don't want !

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Validate User Input In Dialog Box

Oct 20, 2014

I need to validate an input box so that the user can enter only round numbers.

The user can't enter any other characters except 0 to 9, they shouldn't be able to enter decimal points either.

They would be answering questions like, 'What is 7 times 8?'

Also, I need to validate it so that the program doesnt crash if they leave the input box blank or empty.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add DocumentListener To Validate Multiple JTextFields

Apr 22, 2013

Code given below does real time validation for 2 JTextFields. While entering some values to txt1 and txt2 enables the save button and removing values from txt2 or txt1 reset the save button to disable. I use Netbeans as IDE.What I want to do is, enable Save button after checking multiple JTextFields for validity. If any of the text fields is empty, btnSave must be disabled.This program gives expected result up to some extent. But there is little issue. After form appears for the first time, When I type something on Textfield1, Save button enables without checking Textfield2. This happens only at the first time.

public class NewJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
private Boolean isValidFromTextField1 = true;
private Boolean isValidFromTextField2 = true;
public NewJFrame() {


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Validate IP Address With Java Regular Expression

Jan 23, 2015

I am trying to implement an example (Book* : Java SE 7 ..By S G Ganesh) for validating an IP address but it fails to validate a valid IP addresses. I found another example on the internet(**) and it works super fine, no problem at all. I edited the code (the one I got from internet) into the exact format like book and it still works super but i don't understand why the books' example doesn't work though both look exactly the same now ,further more, how can i compare String x and y for equality?

public class TestClass {
void validateIP(String ipStr) {
String one = "((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|[01]?dd?)(.)){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|[01]?dd?)"; //copied from internet and edited
String two = "((25[0–5]|2[0–4]d|[01]?dd?)(.)){3}(25[0–5]|2[0–4]d|[01]?dd?)"; // copied from book
String x = "((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|[01]?dd?)(.))";
String y ="((25[0–5]|2[0–4]d|[01]?dd?)(.))";

[Code] ....

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If Condition Matches Multiple Times

Feb 16, 2015

I'm working on a problem that requires me to generator all possible word combinations based on a 7-digit number as input. Many of the generated "words" will be nonsense, but some with be "NEWCARS", "TAKEOUT", etc... This problem mimics the phone number a company would use to support clients remember that number.

I completed the exercise, but I would like to explore more elegant solutions. Specifically, I've used an IF-THEN-ELSE condition inside of a FOR loop. Here is my working code:

package com.johnny_v.exercises.telephone;
public class WordGenerator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numOfTimes = 2187;
String two = "ABC";
String three = "DEF";
String four = "GHI";


I receive StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exceptions. I it's because multiple conditions are matched. For example, the indexSix is reset to 0 when row is a multiple of 9. Because row is also a multiple of 3, this condition also executes and then increments "indexSix".

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Why If Condition Not Working When Compare Two Strings

May 11, 2014

Is there a different logic in Java for if statements when it comes to conditions? I mean my attempt to compare a String variable and a String attribute of a class that is on an array of objects was frustrated someway. It will not enter the if block. The two strings are equal. I displayed the values of each strings before the if evaluation and they are equal. The simbol I used was the ==, and I also tried the string.equals(string variable) as well as the compareTo() == 0 option but none of those worked. I wish I knew what it is the way to compare two strings.

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Servlets :: How To Create Deadlock Condition

Mar 2, 2014

How can we create deadlock condition on our servlet? Does calling doGet() from doPost() and vice versa really cause a deadlock? Or, does it cause a StackOverflowException?

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While Getting Input From User Check A Second Condition

Apr 22, 2015

Is it possible to wait for an input for a user and check in the meantime if something else is true?

Now if the server in the meantime says: there is no input needed and tells it the client.

Could the client now somehow change from

input.readLine() to another Method say: quit() ?

I am stuck there because I know the server sends: quit to the client1 but the client2 cannot react because it still waits for an input for the user.

Maybe something with Thread.sleep ?

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Search Algorithm Not Reaching End Condition

Apr 29, 2015

I am using what is known as a Depth First Search to solve a maze using my own Stack created class for an assignment. The reason I believe I am getting this error is because my program is never meeting the `finishSpot` condition. I have used the debugger and it looks like it is infinitely stuck at the Point before the `finishSpot`. My logic seems to be mostly correct except until the point where my maze solver tries to finish the maze, so i just need meeting that last condition that is causing my program to crash.

This is a sample maze:

*s* *
* * *
* f*

Here is my Main which uses my created Stack class.

//Creates a Stack and determines the start and endpoints.
public static void solveDFS( char [][] maze ){
LinkedStack stack = new LinkedStack();
Point currentSpot = findPoint( maze,'s' );
Point finishSpot = findPoint( maze, 'f' );
findPath( maze,currentSpot, finishSpot,stack );

[Code] ....

I made a mistake it says my program is crashing which it is not, but simply not meeting the condition.

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Validate Names And Test Scores - Logical Error

Oct 14, 2014

I am working in the field of validating data. I need to validate names and test scores and i keeping getting errors in my code. I keep tracing back all the errors and now I am stuck at a logic error. It is giving me a the validate sentence over and over even when i type stuff in. I have searched up how to do the .equals to a string but it doesn't give me a accurate enough to my problem.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class P5A
public static void main (String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Always Show" );
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

[Code] .....

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Match Validate User Input Via Regex Comparison?

Apr 19, 2014

I am trying to match validate user input via regex comparison. But i fail to do so.

The string that will be inserted will have the following pattern: "digit/s " and it can be repeated a random number of times.

The program will extend to characters in the future but for now i am struggling with digits.

i am using a StringBuilder to build the regex string. Or maybe i could use something else but so far i didn't make it.

So far i have this regex

Java Code: "(d+s+)+" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The problem is that the newline character will interfere with the last number.

So if i enter

Java Code: "3 4 555" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

- it will not match. And the regex will only see 3 4.

But if i enter

Java Code: "3 4 555 " mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

- with an extra space at the end it works. Obviously that is not the desired case.

I did find a workaround, but i fear it is somewhat broken

I changed to

Java Code: "(d+s*)+" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But in this case the pattern should see 3 4 5 5 5 as the regular expression. Am i correct?

I also tried some other variants but none of them worked:

Java Code: "d+(s+|*)" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Or i could do something like

Java Code: "(d+s){" + i + "}" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

- where i is the number of values i enter.

Am i on the right track here? What am i forgetting?

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