Verifying Oracles JDK RPM Bundle

Nov 10, 2014

I am not sure if this is the right for this question. I am working on a script that installs JDK on developers workstations using yum on CentOS 6.4 Linux, 64 bit. Before that I would like the script to perform a gpgcheck. I could not find the gpgkey on the Oracle Site. Where I can find it?

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JSF :: Message Resource Bundle

Sep 17, 2014

Im debugging a code that has the following setting:


Just want to ask, for example I have and the web is currently using the SG property but one property is not exist on it, can I just redirect to use the US property?

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JSF :: Resource Bundle In Modularize

Nov 28, 2014

My application suppose to work with different languages. I have created different messageResource bundle file for each language. However, as we are adding more features, the resource files for each language becoming very long, which makes it difficult to manage (edit) for non-techy person. Therefore, I would like to know, how can I redesign or remodularize in such a way that it will be easy to manage for Content Writers? Can I redesign my bundle resources based on application pages?

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How To Serialize Resource Bundle Class

May 13, 2014

In my application i'm using java.util.ResourceBundle class. This is not serialized. My application works perfectly in a single node. But if i moved it to clustered mode resource bundle object will not be replicated to other server becasue it's not serializable.

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Bundle Several Static Methods For Tax Computations

Sep 11, 2014

Question:_public class TaxComputer {

private static double basicRate = 4.0;
private static double luxuryRate = 10.0;

1. Create a class that will bundle together several static methods for tax computations. This class should not have a constructor. Its attributes are

• basicRate—the basic tax rate as a static double variable that starts at 4 percent - a private static method

• luxuryRate—the luxury tax rate as a static double variable that starts at 10 percent - a private static method

Its methods are

• computeCostBasic(price) —a static method that returns the given price plus the basic tax, rounded to the nearest penny.

• computeCostLuxury(price) —a static method that returns the given price plus the luxury tax, rounded to the nearest penny.

• changeBasicRateTo(newRate) —a static method that changes the basic tax rate.

• changeLuxuryRateTo(newRate) —a static method that changes the luxury tax rate.

• roundToNearestPenny(price)—a private static method that returns the given price rounded to the nearest penny. For example, if the price is 12.567, the method will return 12.57.

My code:

public class TejvirThindCh6Ex1 {
* @param args the command line arguments
private static double basicRate = 4.0;
private static double luxuryRate = 10.0;
public static double computercostbasic(double price)

[Code] .....

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Bundle Images And Sounds To Netbeans Project

Nov 9, 2014

I want to bundle some images and sounds with my project, that is, I want to put these images (png) into the jar and be able to access them inside my project.

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Implement Singleton - Loading Resource Bundle Only Once For JVM

Jun 20, 2014

When I browsed I came to know two ways of implementing singleton.. I dont know which is best.. I am implementing this to load resource bundle only once for my jvm using constructor to getBundle.

public class bundle {
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(bundle .class.getName());
private static bundle instance;
private static ResourceBundle messages;
private bundle () {
messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("pb", Locale.getDefault());

[Code] ....

and I am calling this as bundle.getInstance.getMessage("hi");I wanted to knw which option is better and why.. and in the second case how can i call the getMessage() method?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Custom Icons Into Bundle DMG Package

Jul 21, 2014

I created an ant script to create an installer for my JavaFx app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="app-javafx" default="do-deploy" basedir="." xmlns:fx="">
    <property name="java8.jdk.home" value="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home" />
    <property name="" value="${java8.jdk.home}/lib/ant-javafx.jar" />
    <target name="init-fx-tasks">

[Code] .... 

During compiling I see:

Using base JDK at:

  Using default package resource [Bundle config file] (add package/macosx/Info.plist to the class path to customize)
  Using default package resource [icon] (add package/macosx/app.icns to the class path to customize)
Creating app bundle: /Users/Utente/Documents/workspaceServer/javafx/target/deploy/bundles/
Config files are saved to /var/folders/q6/vmt_h0tx3rgdbt_4h2_2f3780000gn/T/build6635061168386632777.fxbundler/macosx.

Use them to customize package.
ler/macosx. Use them to customize package.
So I get files inside the temp directory and I copied them inside my project target directory. Unfortunally javafxbuilder don't use them to customize the package so I think the path where I have to put that files is wrong.

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Trying To Create Custom Resource Bundle Shows Error

Jan 15, 2014

I am using jdev12c. I tried to create the following class
package view;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
public class Resource extends ListResourceBundle {
    protected Object[][] getContents() {
            return new Object[][] = {

[Code] ....
The code is copied from java documentation ListResourceBundle (Java Platform SE 7 )
Looks like a documentation bug where "=" has to be removed

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