Wages Calculator - Determine Total Cost Of Crew Departing From Port On That Day

Nov 27, 2014

A wages calculator application is required that can determine the total cost of crew departing from the port on that day. To do this, the application reads from an itinerary text file containing each ship being loaded in the port that day, in the following format:

<ship id>
<journey id>
<l> // where <l> is the length in hours of the journey
<s> // where <s> is the number of crew for the ship for this journey
<rate> // for each s, <rate> is hourly rate of pay

Your application must calculate the total cost of the crew for each ship/journey and then compare it with a "recommended maximum journey cost" (RM) amount typed in by the user when the application is first run. If the total amount is less than or equal to RM then the details must be written to the screen and to an output text file called wagedaily.txt. If the amount is larger than RM then the results must be written to the screen only. Messages to the screen must indicate whether the crew cost is less than, equal to or larger than RM.

Your application should find the ship with the highest crew cost that is below RM and print this out as the final piece of output to the screen.

It has given me a bunch of ships and numbers to play around with in the code, here they are:


[Code] ....

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Get Input From User To Be Multiplied By Package Cost - Discounted Total?

May 12, 2014

I am new to java and this is one of my first program assignments. I can't figure out how to make the if else statements work. I am trying to get the input from the user to be multiplied by the package cost but it gives me an error. I also can't figure out how to solve for the discounted total.

Purpose of the program: To write a program that asks the user to enter the number of packages purchased. The program should then display the amount without any discount, the amount of the calculated discount (if any), and the total amount of the purchase after the discount is applied.

What the output should be:

Enter the number of packages purchased: 10
Your total without discount: $990.00
The discount is: $198.00
The discounted total: $792.00

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Practice {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double packageCost = 99.00;
double amtPackage = 10.00;
double withoutDiscount = packageCost * (double) amtPackage;

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Basic Cost Calculator

Oct 20, 2014

Why I am getting errors for this program I (tried) to write. I am new to java.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TheBarkingLot {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int n;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("How many large dogs are boarding today?");

[Code] ....

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Java GUI - Calculate And Display Total Cost For Certain Automotive Maintenance Services

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to create a GUI application that calculates and displays the total cost for certain automotive maintenance services. The application should contain hree classes: 1) the main class that creates and displays the window; 2) a panel for the routine services and 3) a panel for the non-routine services. 2 and 3 are instantiated in 1. I'm pretty positive the error lies in the NonRoutinePanel class because when I comment it out of the main class the program runs fine. But I can't quite figure out which lines of code or methods are causing the problem.

When I try running the program I get these error messages:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1040)
at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:958)
at javax.swing.JFrame.addImpl(JFrame.java:540)
at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:926)
at JoesAutomotiveGUI.<init>(JoesAutomotiveGUI.java:38)
at JoesAutomotiveGUI.main(JoesAutomotiveGUI.java:111)

Here's my code for the three classes:

import javax.swing.*; // Needed for Swing class
import java.awt.*; // Needed for BorderLayout class
public class RoutineMaintenancePanel extends JPanel
public final double oilChange = 26.00;// cost of oil change
public final double lubeJob = 18.00;// cost of lube job

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Calculate Fuel Economy Of Personal Car In Terms Of Gallons Per Mile And Total Cost For One Fill-up

Apr 4, 2015

public class CarV5
// private instance variables
String Model1;
int endMiles1, startMiles1;
double gallonsUsed1, pricePerGallon1;
[Code] .....

When I try to compile the program, its telling me that it cannot find the Dist variable in the main method for calcMPG and calcGPM. I'm not sure if the methods are right for the calcGPM or calcMPG.

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Program That Will Determine Total Weight And Center Of Gravity

Sep 18, 2014

You have been given the job of writing a program to assist pilots who fly the Beechcraft Starship-‐‑1 executive aircraft.As with any airplane, it is essential that the pilot know the total weight of the loaded plane at takeoff and its center of gravity. If the plane weighs too much, it won'ʹt be able to lift off. If the center of gravity is outside the limits established for the plane, it might be impossible to control. Your task is to write a program that will determine the total weight and center of gravity of this plane

Inputs: The number of crew members, number of passengers, weight of the forward baggage compartment contents, aft baggage compartment contents weight, and the amount of fuel in gallons are to be accepted as INTEGER values in the order stated. Be sure the input values are within acceptable ranges

Outputs:You must echo the input values, annotated with their appropriate names,calculate and display the total weight, and the center of gravity.

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Display Two Types Of Table One With Initial Cost And Another With New Cost

Mar 16, 2015

HTML Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class BellmanFord {
private int distances[];
private int numberofvertices;
public static final int MAX_VALUE = 999;

[Code] ....

I am trying to display two types of table one with initial cost and another one with new cost. Based on the java code here i already have one table but don't know how to display another table.

Attached is the sample output that i am aiming for. The output table for the above code is:

Enter the number of vertices

Enter the adjacency matrix
0 4 0 0 -1 0
0 0 -1 0 -2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 -5 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0

Enter the source vertex

distance of source 1 to 1 is 0
distance of source 1 to 2 is 4
distance of source 1 to 3 is 3
distance of source 1 to 4 is -6
distance of source 1 to 5 is -1
distance of source 1 to 6 is 2

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Basic GUI Calculator - Display Amount Of Commission And Total Annual Salary In Dollar Format

Apr 28, 2014

So, I am supposed to write a program that calculates the total annual compensation for a salesman using user input for the salary, sales, and commission rate (list of 3 predefined commission rates. have to display in dollar format the amount of commission and total annual salary.

CommCalc class

public class CommCalc
//attributes of class, stored data
private double sales;
private double salary;
private double rate;
//and a total field? beware stale data.
//store sales argument from sales field
public void setSales(double sal)

[Code] ....

I know that i have to fix some of the semantics . I have this code that I made earlier, is there an easy way to make it into a GUI interface? Or will I have to go throughthe code lines to add the JOptionPane? And I am a little confused on how to make a list (array) for the commission rate.

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How To Get Total Number Of Pennies In Dollar Amount For The Output Of Total Pay

Mar 28, 2014

I cannot get the right output for my program. I need to get the total number of pennies in dollar amount for the output of Total Pay. This is my program. The directions are:

Write a program that calculates the amount a person would earn over a period of time if his or her salary is one penny the first day, two pennies the second day, and continues to double each day. The program should then show the total pay at the end of the period. The output should be displayed in a dollar amount, not the number of pennies. Do not accept a number less than 1 for the number of days worked.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class PenniesForPay {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numDays;

[Code] ....

totalSalary should be total number of pennies / 100....However its not picking up only day 30 of pennies which is 536,870,912 pennies and then dividing it?

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Calculate Total Price And Display Total In Order Class

Oct 11, 2014

I'm struggling with inheritance in my assignment. The assignment states that I should use the calculatePrice() to calculate the total price and use another method to display the total. The I must overload the calculatePrice() and add a fee in the SpeedOrder() class.

My main class

package useorder;
import javax.swing.*;
public class UseOrder {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

The problem is mainly displaying the TotalPrice field and. I can't display TotalPrice if it's not static but if it's static I can't inherit it to the SpeedOrder class to assign the total in the overloaded calculateprice method. How can I display the total in my order class and use it in my SpeedOrder class?

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COM Port Does Not Display In Jcombobox

Feb 1, 2015

displaying COM port in Combo box , see my code below , it does not show any error but it does not show COM port in combo box , instead it shows the class name of Communicator with some garbage data .

Code :

import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import gnu.io.CommPort;
import gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier;
import gnu.io.SerialPort;
import java.io.IOException;


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What Is The Coding For Udp Port Scanning

Feb 3, 2014

what is the coding for udp port scanning?

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Opening A Serial Port In A GUI

Oct 20, 2014

I have created a java gui application and I need to communicate through the serial port. I would like to open the serial port in the beginning of the application and then close it when the applications closes. The problem that I am having is that I created a method to open the serial port in the main function but I can not close the serial port on exit off the application. Is there away of having the serial port be setup so that all methods can access the serial port.

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How To Disable USB Port In Netbeans (Java)

Dec 3, 2014

If this is the C Programming codes for disabling the USB port:

system("reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetSer vicesUSBSTOR /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f");

How can I use the codes below in Java using Netbeans?

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Reading COM Port On GPRS Modem

Jul 16, 2014

I'm a new in java program. I need reading COM port on GPRS Modem. I plug the GPRS Modem in my PC and it has connected. I use Eclipse and create a project and new a file a.java, i collect this following code from the internet and paste it into the a.java file.

Java Code:

package serial;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.comm.*; //for accessing serialport
public class OwnPort {
static CommPortIdentifier portId;

[Code] ....

You can see the result here

I don't know the result why return " Set default port to COM4. port COM4 not found."

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JRE :: Port Number For Active Host Name

Aug 23, 2014

I have tnsnames string and I know one of the following Host is working  say Primary-host .
How to get Port number of only primary Side ?. This needs to do because we cannot get port number using any oracle query.

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Read Serial Port In Java Applet

Jul 19, 2014

My company is a transport company. We receive goods form partner and transport it to customers. There is a process that we must accept a number of kilograms into bill after we weigh goods by the electronic balance(the electronic balance have serial port plug in PC) . To decrease this process, I'm looking for a project "read serial port wrote in java applet". Who have code,

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JDBC :: Oracle UCP Connecting To Wrong Port

Apr 10, 2015

I am trying to connect to Sql Server database using Oracle UCP with sqljdbc4-3.0 JDBC driver for Sql Server,with different ports and instances.

– the issue is with the port being ignored in the server string.

For example, using port 1440 connects to the default instance (which is on port 1433) rather than MSSQLINSTANCE1 which is on 1440.

Below are Server hosts used.

sql005.sqlasoftware.com (connects correctly to the default instance)
sql005.sqlasoftware.com:1440 (connects incorrectly to the default instance on port 1433)
sql005.sqlasoftware.comMSSQLINSTANCE1 (connects correctly to the named instance)

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Totaling Up Cost Of Service Categories

Mar 27, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
File inputFile = new File("C:UsersNick TateDesktopLog.txt");

[Code] .....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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EJB / EE :: Port Asynchronous Bean Support In App Servers Like Weblogic And Jboss

Dec 26, 2013

I need to port asynchronous bean (provided by websphere) support in App servers like weblogic and jboss. Is this feature already part of J2EE specification? Or should I use some other external package to get this feature?If so what are those async bean like features for weblogic and jboss?

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Server Socket Channel - Listen On A Port For Incoming Connections

Dec 3, 2014

What is the difference between instansiating a ServerSocket and .accept(); and a ServerSocketChannel .accept();

They both listen on a port for incoming connections so what is the benifit or dissadvantage of ServerSocketChannel?

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JSP / JSTL :: Glass Fish Server At Port 4848 Is Not Running

Dec 21, 2012

I was running Glass Fish Server at port 4848 (http://localhost:4848). Later I stopped it through administration tool, STOP button.

Since then it was not running. I want to run it again.

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Get Certain Number Of Items And Then Calculate How Much Every Item Cost

Jan 4, 2015

This is supposed to get a certain number of items, and then calculate how much every item costs. It adds up the sum of those prices and checks if it is over 150$, if it is, it returns true, if it's not, it returns false.

import java.util.*;
class Cust
public static boolean DelPay (int a) {
Scanner reader=new Scanner (System.in);
int b,s=0;
for (int i=1;i<=a;i++) {
if (s>150)
return true;
return false;

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Writing A Pizza Program - Average Cost Of Order

Oct 9, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that will output the total number of large,medium,and small pizza along with the average cost of an order. I'm stuck on this error , "Else without if" on line 48 else ...medium.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaOrder
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
double cost,total, average;
String name,response,size,type;
int count,l,m,s;


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Array List Of Pizza Toppings - Access Cost Through Get And Set Method?

Dec 1, 2014

So I have created a array list of pizza toppings, only 4 in total, and each ingredient needs to have a cost property. I'm supposed to access the cost through a get / set method, as the user can create their own pizza and it will total up the cost, but how to.

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Program That Compute Cost Of Painting And Installing Carpet In A Room

Jan 30, 2015

I need to create a code for this asign:

Write a program that computes the cost of painting and installing carpet in a room. Assume that the room has one door, two windows, and one bookshelf. Your program must do the following:a. Prompts the user to enter, in feet, the length, width, and height of a room.

A. Read the dimensions of the room.

b. Prompts the user to enter the width and heights, in feet, of the door, each window, and the bookshelf. Read these quantities.

c. Prompts the user to enter the cost, per square foot, of painting the walls. Read these quantities.

d. Prompts the user to enter of cost, per square foot, of installing carpet. Read these quantities.

e. Output the cost of painting the walls and installing the carpet.

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