Web Services :: Large Number Of String Objects

Apr 20, 2015

I have application written in rest with Jersey-Jackson for JSON processing. All the resources produce and consume JSON. Now, the problem is, it is a server intensive application and large number of request will be hitting the server with large JSON request object. Now, because of this reason, when the JSON object gets converted in to Java object with String fields in it mapping to JSON request values large number of string objects are getting created which is resulting in frequent GC.

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Accept String And Number Of Repetitions As Parameters And Print String Given Number Of Times

Oct 3, 2014

I'm having a hard time with this problem, this is what I have, but I can not use two integers, I have to use one integer and a string...

This is the question:

Write a method called printStrings that accepts a String and a number of repetitions as parameters and prints that String the given number of times. For example, the call:

printStrings("abc", 5);

will print the following output: abcabcabcabcabc

This is what I attempted:

public class printStringsproject {
public static void printStrings(int abc, int number) {
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
printStrings(1, 5);

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JavaFX 2.0 :: 3D Sphere To Represent Each Single Point - Rotation Lagging With Large Number Of Points

May 22, 2014

We are doing a visualisation tool for point cloud research project. We use 3d sphere to represent each single point and when we have large number of points to display (~40,000), the rotation becomes very lagging.
What we have tried:

set JVM flag -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true, this worked a bit, but not significant.set JVM flag -Djavafx.autoproxy.disable=true, this did not work.

set Cache to true and CacheHint to Cache.SPEED, this did not make much difference.create another thread to do the rotation, and sync back after calculation, this did not work neither.

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Program With Ability To Book Appointments For A Number Of Different Services

Sep 30, 2014

I am creating an apointment application. This programm will have the ability to book apointments for a number of different services, such as doctors, hairdressers, teachers etc for a number of cities.

These information will be placed on a combo box and ideally i would like to provide only the options available acording to the choices made so far.

So, for example we have
A Pediatric in London
A Vet in London
A Sergeon in Berlin
A Barber in Berlin
A Heardresser in Rome
A Programmer teacher in London
An English teacher in Rome

My thinking is that the user choses the city, for example London, then there will be a type of service combo box. In this case (of London) it will hold Doctors and Teachers. If Doctors is chosen, the next field will hold the available Medical specialty, i.e. Pediatrics and Vets and according to that choice the apropriate doctor will pop up.

My problem is not how to programm that. i havent got there yet.

My problem is how to design it! I am thinking that each individual will be an object. each having the same fields, city, type of service etc. But in such a way i am not sure how i can manage to get all the appropriate information in order to poppulate the combo boxes.

I would have to search all the objects for each combo box? From a rough testing i did, i think i could easily get all the individuals that resign in London, but that would give me two records for the doctors(for example).

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Web Services :: Telephone Book - Enter Phone Number / Correct Person With Name And Address Should Appear

Nov 30, 2014

Applications: Netbeans (8.0.1), Apache Tomcat

My Aim: Creation of a telephone book

How should it work:

I have a Database with Data of people (name, adress, phone number).

If a user enters a phone number (CLIENT) -> the correct person with the name and adress should appear.

I build up the infrastructure and now I'm at the point that I have to create a Webmethod for it. I just worked on projects like addition of two integers, hello "name", ... I think this example now is harder, BUT i can learn a lot!

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Search For A String In Large Text File Of 1 GB Size And Print Line When Match Found

Feb 18, 2014

I have a large text file of 1 GB size. I need to print the line when a matching word is found in a particular line. Below is the code I am using. But if there are many lines that has the matching word, it's taking lot of time. Any solution to print the lines much faster.

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if(line.contains("xyz")) {

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How String Objects Are Different From Other Objects

Jan 23, 2015

how String objects are different from other objects

part 1:

// creating two objects
Dog mydog1 = new Dog();
Dog mydog2 = new Dog();
// comparing the reference variables
if( mydog1 == mydog2){
System.out.println(" The reference variables refer the same object ");
else {
System.out.println(" They refer to different objects ");

The above code works as I understand objects , it prints "They refer to different objects " to the screen.

Part - 2

// creating two objects ( I beleive, pls correct me if i am wrong )
String a = "haai";
String b = "haai";
if( a == b){
System.out.println(" Reference variables refer to same object");

When i run the above code it prints that a and b refer same object , I don't understand how they refer to same object when i didn't assign " String b = a; ". My question is did java just create one object and stored the same reference values to a and b .

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I/O Arrays - Count Number Of Repetitiveness In String For The Number

May 19, 2014

//read the file
//make the numbers 1 string line
//count the number of repetitiveness in the string for the numbers
//display four lowest ones

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Lottery2

[Code] ....

when I run it the array gets sorted but how do i keep the data in other words

what it is supposed to do is grab numbers from a file, and give me the lowest 4 numbers back. I know the numbers using the array but how do i pull out the lowest 4 and keep the data true no matter what numbers or how many of them are in the file.

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Sorting Objects By A Number Of Fields

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to find a concise way to write the sort methods for my class. I am supposed to make a program that can sort objects by a number of fields: year, rank, artist and title.

I used an idea from this thread : java - Sorting a collection of objects - Stack Overflow

And I am trying to use the custom comparator for my sort methods. However for some reason, the sortingBy variable fails to recognize any of the enum types.

Whenever I try to set the sortingBy variable equal to one of them, for example:

Java Code:

private Order sortingBy = Year; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I get a "Year cannot be resolved to a variable" error.

What I want to be able to do is make it so every time a specific method is called, say, for example sortTitle(), sortingBy will change to Title, then the SongComparator will sort using the case Title.

Is it possible to do this? I can't figure out how to modify SongComparator's object variables that way.

Java Code:

import java.util.Comparator;
public class SongComparator implements Comparator<Song> {
public enum Order {Year, Rank, Artist, Title}
public Order sortingBy;

[Code] .....

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Best Way To Keep Track Of Number Of Objects Created

Mar 13, 2014

Which is the best way to keep track of the number of the objects I've created?Is is a good practice to have a static variable, which will be incremented everytime I call a contructor?

Class circle{
private double x,y,radius;
private static count;
Circle(double x1, double y1, double radius1){

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For Loop - Store Any Number Of Objects As Long As It Is Less Than 4

Jul 8, 2014

I have a problem with my application. It supposed to store 4 different Room objects but when I entered one only it stores tat object variables into all my Array elements. I just need it to store any number of objects as long as it is less than 4.

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
class TestRoom {
public static void main(String [] args)
String[] roomsInHouse = new String[4];

[Code] .....

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Determine Number Of Subsets Of K Items Chosen From A Set Of N Distinct Objects

Sep 22, 2014

Part of my program requires writing a function that determines the number of subsets of k items that can be chosen from a set of n distinct objects ("n choose k" or n!/((n-k)! n!)). The only errors I am getting are from the first line of the function:

// n choose k: distinct subsets of k items chosen from n items
public static int choose (int n, int k) {
if (k <= 0)
return 1;
return choose(n--, k--) * (n/k);

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How Many String Objects Are Created In Each Line

Aug 15, 2014

how many objects got created at each line (in String pool or in Objects memory):

public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "test";
String s2 = new("test");
String s3 = s1 + s2;
StringBuider sb = new StringBuilder().append(s2);

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How Many Objects Created With New String Method

May 22, 2014

I am little confused about String creation in java.

Doubt 1: How String objects assigned to Pool area:

1. String s="in pool";
2. String s1= new String("not in pool");

How many objects created in statement 1 and 2. According to recent discussion with my colleague, one object created in String pool in case 1. And in case 2, two objects are created, one as literal goes to String pool and other with new() opr goes to Heap.

If above is correct, Ain't we wasting double memory for same object ? Really need clear understanding on this

Doubt 2: How does intern() work: Please see if my below explanation is correct

1. If String literal is already present in String pool , and i create a same string with new operator, reference to object is changed to pool area.

2. If String object is created using new operator and intern is called on it. If same string object is not present in the String Pool, Its moved to String pool and reference to this in Pool is returned.

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Create Separate String Objects As Strings Are Immutable

Jan 28, 2015

I want to clarify it whether this below code, when running this loop, will it create separate string objects as strings are immutable or else, will it keep the same reference(as each time inside loop, we use the same name 'rslt') and assign new string value for this?

while(inc < numberOfColumns){
String rslt=rs.getString(inc+1);
rowArr[inc] = rslt;

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Sorting Array Of Objects Based On One Of Class String Variables

Apr 8, 2014

I have a school assignment that involves me sorting an array of objects based on one of the class String variables. I am using as the title says a simple selection sort method. The problem I'm having is that when I run the program in debug mode, it never seems to enter the if statement in the inner loop. I would like to say I've tried a number of things to figure it out, but honestly I'm just stumped as to why it's not working.

Here is the code:

public static void sortTransactions(Transaction[] oTransaction){// This is the sorting method, obviously it's not done so it currently just prints to screen.
System.out.println("Successful call to sortTransaction()");
String min = "";
int curInd = 0;
Transaction[] temp = new Transaction[1];

[Code] ....

The output when I check to see if the array is sorted verifies that the array never does get sorted.

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Real Reference Values (memory Locations) Of 2 String Builder Objects

Mar 7, 2014

My intention is to see the real reference values (memory locations) of 2 StringBuilder objects as below:

StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("123");
StringBuilder sb3 = sb2;

I was expecting a printout like


But all I got was 123 printed twice. How can i print out the reference values instead of what is inside the StringBuilder object ?

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How To Check If At Least One Number In A String Is Different From 0

Nov 18, 2014

I'm trying to come up with a method that would validate each turn a player makes. For a turn to be valid, it has to only contain numbers from 0 to 3(inclusive) and at least one digit must not be 0. Here is what I`ve come up with so far. For example, with "303" as the number and "101" as the turn, the turn would be valid and my method should return true, but it does not.

public static boolean turnIsValid (String number, String turn ){
boolean rep=false;
int pos1=0;
char min='0';
char max='3';

[Code] ....

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Masking Of Number In A String?

Jan 14, 2014

My requirement is to

1- mask the number(whose length is between 10 to 12).

2- central digits are replaced by 'X' and 1st and last two digits remains unchanged

Input string: dsfjgjkdfgjdsfjg12345678901fdgkhfdklg55555hfdkhg
output string: dsfjgjkdfgjdsfjg12XXXXXXX1fdgkhfdklg55555hfdkhg

In the above example number 123456789012 is masked to 12XXXXXX01 but the number 55555 remains same as length of 55555 is 5 and we will only mask the number whose length is between 10 to 12 .

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How To Return Value Certain As Number And Some As String

Nov 23, 2014

I've to return some value as a string and some as a int, how is this possible? Here's my code:

public class Card {
public void start(){
String [] suit = {"Spade","Club","Diamond","Heart"};
int [] number = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};}
public String getColour(){
String [] suit = {"Spade","Club","Diamond","Heart"};

[Code] .....

So at the top, i've set it to return value as string because of the King Jack Queen and Ace, but i also have to return as numbers(int). And also i'm using a loop to read all the numbers, is there any other way?

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RegEx For String And Number

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to write a regular expression for a text which has both String and number... like abc1234, xyz987, gh1052 etc. And the string usually contains 2 or 3 characters.
What I need is two Strings one containing the text (abc, xyz, gh etc) and other containing number (1234, 987, 1052, etc.). Have written the code below. but doesn't seem to work.
String query = "abc1052"; //Or query = "zyx900";
String regexp = "(.{3})(d*)|(.{2}(d*))";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp);
Matcher match = pattern.matcher(query);

[Code] ....

Also tried with regexp = "(.s*)(.d*)" in no avail.
Finally achieved with regexp = "(D*)(d*)";

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Convert All Number From 1 To 9999 From Int To String?

Oct 24, 2014

Some of the numbers can be converted from int to string , other cant. My problem is in if (input.length() == 3) and if (input.length() == 4. Basically having problems printing the 3 digit and 4 digit

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("Skriv: ");
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
String input = console.nextLine();
int firstDigit = 0;
int secondDigit = 0;
int thirdDigit = 0;
int lastDigit = 0;


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Number Of Occurrences Of Specified Character In A String

Oct 16, 2014

the number of occurrences of a specified character in a string...i tried to do the program occurrences in a given string and i tried the code as below.


import java.util.*;
public class Occurrence
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


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Phone Keypad Number As String

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to write a method that returns a number, given an uppercase letter as follows:

public static int getNumber(char uppercaseLetter)

The program is supposed to prompt the user to enter a phone number as a string. The input number may contain letters. The program translates a letter (upper- or lowercase) to a digit and leaves all other characters intact.

My code is below:

import java.util.*;
public class PhoneKeypad {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String phNumber = input.next();

[Code] ....

I am getting these errors:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate field name&signature in class file Chapter9/PhoneKeypad
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:791)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)

[Code] ...

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How To Convert Number To String In Java

Apr 8, 2013

How can I convert number to string in java. Something like

public void Discription(Number ownerName){

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Delimiter Function And Number Of Words In String

Apr 20, 2014

Working on my java skills. The is Delimiter function is suppose to return true if there is a delimiter in the string and false otherwise. The main is suppose to call this function and count the number of words in the string:

Here is what I came up with:

import java.util.*;
 public class NumberOfWordsInString {
public static void main (String[] args){
Scanner in= new Scanner (System.in);
String s;

[Code] ....

Somehow my method isn't being successfully called by my main and the following error msg was received:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:

length cannot be resolved or is not a field

The method isDelimiter(char) in the type NumberOfWordsInString is not applicable for the arguments (char[])

at javaimprovements.NumberOfWordsInString.main(Number OfWordsInString.java:10)

line 10:
char ch [] = new char [s.length];

and the main doesn't call the isDelimiter function

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