Web Services :: REST Interceptor Argument Pass Through

Mar 22, 2015

I hope this is the right forum. My question is about REST interceptors. I've got the code:

package edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import javax.enterprise.util.Nonbinding;
import javax.ws.rs.NameBinding;


The output from the debug show that permissions values inside of the ResourceImpl contains the values I'd expect (foo,bar), but inside the interceptor, they're missing. Is there a way to get the arguments in ResourceImpl to pass through to the interceptor?

Log output looks like:

15:59:55,223 INFO [stdout] (default task-9) @edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor.FortressProtected(permissions=[])
15:59:55,229 INFO [stdout] (default task-9) @edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor.FortressProtected(permissions=[foo, bar])

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Web Services :: How To Implement Rest API

Mar 26, 2015

how to implement the Rest API which is like "URL...". And how to implement in Java where the class extends ServerResource.

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Web Services :: Rest Modify Resource

Jan 20, 2015

"citizen":{"name":"John", "gender":"M","age":32}

Now, I only want to change age to 35, which method should I use and how should the payload/URL look like to be RESTful?

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Web Services :: How To Use Special Character In URL Using REST Web Service

Mar 19, 2015

URL....my file name can contain special characters but when I passing this file name as a parameter in URL using REST.I am getting exception.

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Web Services :: WebDav HTTP Extensions And REST

Nov 26, 2014

Are the WebDAV extensions related to REST principles? What I mean by that is, REST is an abstraction of the WWW architecture and the WebDAV is just an extension to the HTTP. So can we say that when I speak in terms of REST API's, I can restrict myself to HTTP and not HTTP extensions like WebDAV?

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Web Services :: Getting Connection Time Out - JSON Rest Client For POST Request

Mar 23, 2015

I want to write one REST client program for POST request ,request and response is in JSON Format.

public String getAck() {
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null;
URL url=null;
try {
url = new URL("http://test:8080/ils/main");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


Line OutputStream os = httpConnection.getOutputStream();

I am getting connection time out problem

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Pass Predefined Size Array As Argument

Jan 9, 2014

Is this possible in Java?

public void doSomething(int[4] year){

What I am trying to do is to get the person who is using the method to send a year in the format 1998 and so on.

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Pass A Command Line Argument Value With White Space In Between?

Feb 3, 2014

for example, I want to pass 'Hello Word.docx' and 'Winston' (both without quotes) as a command line argument as I execute the main method

Is it possible to pass 'Hello World.docx' as a whole word?

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Web Services :: Rest Session Not Getting Invalidated After Invalidating UI Session?

Dec 17, 2014

I have 2 war in 1 EAR.

War A corresponds to UI

War B corresponds to Rest

1) From War A, I login to the application and then fetch some users that is a rest call. I get the response back from rest in json form that ui consumes and display the data on page.

2) Now I click on the logout link from ui jsp. This logs out the session from Ui. I use <form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" based logout.

3) I then go to the proxy (using burp) and manually request the rest call which I made in step no 1), the rest gives the response back with the same json object returned in step no 1) This shows that the logout action on step 2) is invalidated the session from War A (ui war) but the session or cookie based from WAR B (rest war) is not invalidated.

Expected outcome:After I Logout from War A(ui war), the session must also get invalidated from war B (rest war) and manually request from proxy should not get the same response object as received in step 1)

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Passing Object Argument To A Method - Unable To Call Methods On Argument

Feb 7, 2015

I am trying to pass an object of type Product p to my editProduct method, however trying to call p.getName(); doesn't work and throws a NullPointerException. The same kind of thing works for my displayRecord method (in a different class) and I can call .getName() on Product p, also passed as an argument to that method. Below is my editProduct class. The NullPointerExcepion is being thrown at line 61 (i.e., nameField.setText(p.getName());).

I don't know if I explained right, so here's a line thing of how the classes relate:

Search >>>(field.getText())>>> displayRecord(Product p) >>>editProduct(p)>>> EditProduct

And as a side note: adding the line p = new Product(); fixes it and successfully runs the class (including the Save and Quit parts) but obviously I want it to specifically refer to the Product I pass to the method.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

[Code] ....

I'm asking a question because I don't understand how Product p could possibly be null, because the argument is passed through my DisplayRecord class, which also takes a Product p argument and works. In that class, I have declared Product prod = p; and prod is what I am passing to editProduct.

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EJB / EE :: CDI Error For Interceptor On Websphere 8.5

Oct 15, 2014

I have just enabled CDI on Websphere 8.5.5 and added interceptors

In beans.xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/
xsi:schemeLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://


When i deploy EAR, i get below error.

WebContainerL I WebContainerLifecycle startApplication OpenWebBeans Container is starting...

[10/15/14 14:53:15:259 EDT] 00000067 BeansDeployer E BeansDeployer deploy org.apache.webbeans.exception.WebBeansConfigurationException: Given class : interface com.example.jaxrs.SecurityChecked is not a interceptor class

what would be the cause of this error?

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EJB / EE :: Verify If Interceptor Is Invoked

Oct 20, 2014

I have an interceptor (configured with beans.xml from the following link, IBM Specs) on JAX-RS resource method for checking user entitlements. How can i verify if the interceptor (method annotated with @AroundInvoke) is being invoked?

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Difference Between REST GET And Httpget?

Dec 2, 2014

But while searching i came across 2 different implementation.. One is this and other is this , where httpget is used..

So are these same ? When we talk about Restful, is the 2nd implementation valid ?

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Rest Assured JsonPath Counting

Aug 7, 2014

How can i count using JsonPath? See this json -

"total": 4414,
"userName": "Tom",
"total": 6608,
"userName": "Jerry",
"total": 5,
"userName": "Tom",

I want to count userName "Tom" so the answer will be 2 and counting "Jerry" will produce 1

Running the following says i have the value inside but how much of it.

assertThat(jsonPath.getList("userName", String.class), hasItem("Tom"));

Running this says the size of the list but the list may contain other values than "Tom", Like "Jerry"

assertThat(jsonPath.getInt("size()"), equalTo(3));

is this can be answered within JsonPath or i must use FOR, LOOPS, else ?

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How To Make Picture Appear In Same Window As The Rest Of Drawings

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to learn Java and while i was playing a bit with the basic knowledge that i have i encountered a problem. When i run the program, the lines and the picture appear in two separate windows when i compile the program. how can i make them appear in the same? The code is this:

public class Game

private int x;
private Picture pic;


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Java Interface As Argument

Nov 19, 2014

I have 2 files which are as follows:


import java.io.EOFException;
public interface ICharacterReader {
char GetNextChar() throws EOFException;
void Dispose();

And another file:

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.util.Random;
public class SimpleCharacterReader implements ICharacterReader {
private int m_Pos = 0;

[Code] ....

My task is as follows:

1.) Write a class that takes an ICharacterReader interface as an argument and returns a list of word frequencies ordered by word count and then alphabetically.

And also write a main method of a console application that exercises this class using a SimpleCharacterReader, and prints the output to the console.

For example, if the stream returns "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" then the output will be:

it - 2;
of - 2;
the - 2;
times -2;
was - 2;
best - 1;
worst - 1;

2.) Test the answers in part 1, by writing unit test cases.

How to pass interface as an argument and what is meant by "writing unit test case"?

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Error In Command Line Argument

Mar 8, 2014

class A
public static void main(String a[]){

This is my code.... i got error......

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:a(wrong name: A)

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Passing Array As Cmd Line Argument

Mar 10, 2014

Can we pass array as a cmd line argument as follows ?

>java TestRun file[], number
if yes, in the main(), how do we capture this array ?
public static void main(String [] args){
String [] files = args1 ;
// or will it be String [] files = args1[];

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Parent Class - No Argument Constructors

Mar 10, 2014

class Test3 {
} class MySub extends Test3 {
class Test4{
public static void main(String args[]) {
MySub m = new MySub();

I learned that if a class and its parent class both have no constructors, the compiler is supposed to complain. When I compiled Test4, i got no errors. why did it give no errors?

I read this article : [URL] ....

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JSF :: Passing Argument Parameters Between Pages

Jul 19, 2014

So I have an application where the user logs in (using j_security_check). User is taken to a welcome page where user's name is displayed as a link. When clicking that link I would like to take the user to a page where the user is able to update the credentials (password, address, etc). In this way the user only has access to the link related to that specific user's credentials. I am trying the following structure:

The welcome page (adminindex.xhtml) is:

Welcome to admin <h:commandLink value="#{userb.loggedUser}" action="#{userb.selectedUser}"/>
<f:param name="userName" value="#{userb.userName}"/>

The user backing bean:

public String selectedUser() {
userName = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(userName);
return "UpdateUser";

[Code] ....

The last line of the stack suggests that a null PK value is being picked up by the FacesContext method in the backing bean. I'm confused because the userName string IS the primary key of the user table which is structured like this:

CREATE TABLE sha_users
( username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
, password VARCHAR(255) NULL
, PRIMARY KEY ( username ) );

I'm sure I'm getting the concept of how to pass query parameters...

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Why Main Method Has Argument String

Oct 6, 2014

One interviewer has asked me one question that why main() method has argument "String[] arg".What is reason behind this ??I am unable to explain it because i never think about it ..

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Access Integer Value From Command Line Argument?

Apr 3, 2014

I want to access integer value from command Line argument without changing body of main method.?

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Make Simple Program Which Takes In Argument?

May 12, 2015

So I'm trying to make a simple program which takes in an argument (target) and then looks through an ArrayList of strings. If it finds a string that begins with (target) then it will return the index of that string. If it doesn't find a string which begins with (target) then it will return -1 instead.

For some reason, the program is always returning -1, rather than the index of the string within the ArrayList when there is one which matches the search criteria.

Here is the code:

public int getIndex(ArrayList<String> text, String target)
int i = 0;
int index = -1;
boolean found = false;


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Argument Program - Missing Return Statement

Jan 22, 2015

I am trying to compile the arguments program but it is giving missing return statement error. how to correct the error message.

public class Arguments {
public static Void main ( String args[])
int count, i=0;
String sdata;


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Passing A Null Argument To Overload Procedure

May 24, 2015

I am trying to create a class to read data from the JOptionPane. I am trying to create a general procedure and then be able to overload it using the rest. Basically I just want to call the procedure readString with options and without options while verifying that the user entered the correct information.

Java Code:
public class BankIO {
public static final Object[] mainMenu = {"1. Create Account", "2. Delete Account", "3. Update Account", "4. Display Information", "5. Quit"};
public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Banking Pro";


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Reading TXT File As Command Line Argument?

Apr 23, 2015

I'm having trouble with how to read a text file into my program so the words can be sorted alphabetically. Should I use something like a FileReader?

An example of what I'm trying to do is a .txt file that holds the statement "java is a simple object oriented and distributed and interpreted and robust and secure and dynamic."

The output should organize the words like so: and and and and distributed dynamic interpreted is java object oriented robust secure simple

Here's what I have:

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: java AscendingAlphabet"


I can never get it to read the file correctly, it just prints the "usage: java..." statement.

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