Web Services :: Exception From OLB Service - Content Is Not Allowed In Prolog

Jan 14, 2015

I am trying to hit the service which has been generated using apache cxf 3.0, I have generated the client using axis2 wsdl2java and whenever I tried to hit the service am getting as

"exception from OLB Service:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog."

Not sure about the cause of the issue. We have made interceptors on the server side to verify whether there is any special characters associated, but there are no such characters from provider.

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XML :: Content Is Not Allowed In Prolog With SOAP Attachment

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to get attachements from soap resonse,I am getting the below error "Content is not allowed in prolog" with SOAP Attachment".
soap response is
------=_Part_585_5017019.1404291979395Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<SOAP-ENV:Body><RetrieveIncidentResponse message="Success" returnCode="0"

[Code] ....
The code i am trying is below :

try {   // Create SoapMessage   MessageFactory msgFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();  
SOAPMessage message = msgFactory.createMessage();   SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart(); 
       //    Iterator i=message.getAttachments();
   // Load the SOAP text into a stream source   byte[] buffer = soapResponse.getBytes();  

[Code] .....

Detailed error log is
ERROR:  'Content is not allowed in prolog.'
Jul 8, 2014 10:13:53 AM com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory createEnvelope
SEVERE: SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given source
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to create envelope from given source:
    at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory.createEnvelope(EnvelopeFactory.java:114)

[Code] .....

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Web Services :: Difference Between Web-service And Service Operation?

Feb 24, 2015

difference between webservice and service operation.

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Web Services :: Calling SOAP Web Service

Jan 24, 2015

I am new to web services and need to call a web service that has already been written. Below is the wsdl for the web service.I need to call the web service from my java program. provide the code to call the webservice?

<definitions targetNamespace="urnefaultNamespace">
<message name="CREATECONTACTUSResponse"></message>
<message name="CREATECONTACTUSRequest">
<part name="REQUESTTYPE" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="SALESORG" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="FIRSTNAME" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="LASTNAME" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="EMAILADDRESS" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="TELEPHONENUMBER" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="EXTENSION" type="xsd:string"/>


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Web Services :: How To Add Uploading Image To Service Using Json

Mar 11, 2015

i have a service to save some form fields from the client and i need to add uploading image to that service using json. the service consumes json and produces json.

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Web Services :: How To Use Special Character In URL Using REST Web Service

Mar 19, 2015

URL....my file name can contain special characters but when I passing this file name as a parameter in URL using REST.I am getting exception.

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Web Services :: Unable To Connect Service Through Mashup API

Dec 29, 2014

I am facing below problem while i am connecting with any services through(MashUp API).I am using below Jars



public static void main(String[] args) throws UnirestException {
HttpResponse<InputStream> response = Unirest.post("https://ofc.p.mashape.com/directConvert/")
.header("X-Mashape-Key", "Y3MxEWkOX3mshcvQ85SZCoIqucVMp1qRpjbjsn0TYnnY8c1fIR")
.field("file", new File("<file goes here>"))
.field("format", "woff")
.field("output", "tar.gz")


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Web Services :: Soap Web Service - How To Parse HTML Response

Mar 6, 2015

i'm sending soap request but i'm getting html response it is leading to crash! how to parse html response?

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IWAB0014E Unexpected Exception Occurred In Web Service Sample Program

Apr 8, 2014

I first time tried Java web service sample example using eclipse with axis2. First i wrote the provider class. Then by clicking create Web Service from the provider class It will show the following error "IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occurred." I have attached the screenshot for reference.

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Web Services :: Exception While Running Web Application

Apr 15, 2015

I am integrating Struts hibernate tiles and spring configuration project. While running give me exception as

Apr 15, 2015 7:16:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_40in;C:WindowsSunJavain;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_40/bin/server;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_40/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_40/lib/amd64;C:ProgramDataOracleJavajavapath;C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:Program Files (x86)InteliCLS Client;C:Program FilesInteliCLS Client;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server


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Using Same Parameters But Different Functions - Allowed Or Not?

Feb 12, 2014

I have made a class here that has two methods. As you guys can notice, in my two methods that I made, I have listed some arguments in there with parameters. My question is that the variables im using in first method, can they be identical on my second method? Is this ok to do?

public class StudentScore {
private int math;
private int science;
private int calc;
private int history;
private int pe;
[Code] .....

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User Allowed To Reenter Data

May 22, 2014

In Chapter 9, you wrote a program named MeanMedian that allows a user to enter five integers and then displays the values, their mean, and their median. Now, modify the program to throw an exception if an entered value is not an integer.If an exception is thrown, display an appropriate message and allow the user to reenter the value. Save the file as MeanMedianHandleException.java.This is what I have. The exception is caught but the program starts over asking for five new entries.

import java.util.*;
public class MeanMedianHandleException {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0, avg, mode;
final int MAX = 5;
int[] num = new int[5];
try {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) {
System.out.println("Enter number ");
num[i] = keyboard.nextInt();


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Why Static Classes Are Allowed In Interfaces

Oct 25, 2014

I am reading about interface and i see that classes are allowed inside interfaces which are implicitly static. Here is sample of code i created and i am able to access the static method and fields as well. Here is the code snippet.

public class TestInnerClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
interface Test{
static class NestedClass{
static int x = 100 ;
public static void printMe(){

My question is what is the use of such static classes inside interface? If i don't have access to Foo, i can't ever invoke NestedClass. Whats the design usage?

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JSF :: Injection Of EJB Into CDI Bean Call Of Method Not Allowed

Apr 21, 2014

In an JEE6 webprofile project, using JBoss EAP 6.1:

I have a CDI Bean:

import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import de.dpunkt.myaktion.model.Organisator;
import de.dpunkt.myaktion.services.OrganisatorDAO;


When I call doCreate() I get

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: JBAS014502: Aufruf an Methode: public abstract void de.dpunkt.myaktion.services.OrganisatorDAO.save(de.dpunkt.myaktion.model.Organisator) von Bean: OrganisatorDAOBean ist nicht gestattet

which translates to: call of method: .... from Bean ... is not allowed

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Text File - No ArrayList Or Comparator Is Allowed

Feb 15, 2015

The initial output of the texfile is this. NO ARRAYLIST OR COMPARATOR IS ALLOWED:

Steve Jobs 9 f 91
Bill Gates 6 m 90
James Gosling 3 m 100
James Gosling 3 f 100
Dennis Ritchie 5 m 94
Steve Jobs 9 m 95
Dennis Ritchie 5 f 100
Jeff Dean 7 m 100
Bill Gates 6 f 96
Jeff Dean 7 f 100
Sergey Brin 27 f 97
Sergey Brin 22 m 98

The collateExams method collates/sorts exam objects starting with the first 'm' (midterm) of the first object and immediately followed by the same person's 'f'(final). Only a SINGLE loop construct is allowed. The output from collateExams() should be the one below but my code is not working, i.e. collateExams method is not working. The output from collateExams() should be

Bill Gates 6 m 90
Bill Gates 6 f 96
James Gosling 3 m 100
James Gosling 3 f 100
Dennis Ritchie 5 m 94
Dennis Ritchie 5 f 100
Steve Jobs 9 m 95
Steve Jobs 9 f 91
Jeff Dean 7 m 100
Jeff Dean 7 f 100
Sergey Brin 22 m 98
Sergey Brin 27 f 97

I am getting [b]NullExceptions[/b] at

r[2*position[exams[i].getID()]+1] =
new Exam(r[i].getFirstName(), r[i].getLastName(),
r[i].getID(), r[i].getExamType(), r[i].getScore());

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: No Tooltip In Custom Control Allowed - Cannot Be Imported To SceneBuilder?

May 21, 2014

If I use an instance of Tooltip in my custom-control, it can not be imported to SceneBuilder any more. Using Tooltip in my custom-control skin works - is that the way it is supposed to be?
Background: I have a control (ValidatedTextField) which uses Tooltips to inform about unwanted characters. It works in SceneBuilder1.x.

SceneBuilder 2 does not "accept" this control unless I take out all Tooltips. I have verified this behavior with some other working controls.
I have found a workaround to use the Tooltip in the Skin.

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What Handling Exception And Declaring Same Exception In Throws Clause Achieve

Jan 24, 2014

I was giving a quick skim to some tutorials on the internet where I have found the exception that is handled is also declared in the throws clause of the method wrapping the try-catch block. For a code representation consider the following:

public void methodName() throws IOException {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
.... TODO handle exception


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Creating A Web Service

Jul 23, 2014

I'm new to Web Services and I've been finding trouble when creating my first one. Before talking about the problem, I'd like to show you the process I followed to see if it's ok. Note that I'm using Eclipse Kepler, Tomcat 5.5 and Axis2.

1- I created a new Dynamic Web Project.

2- I created the Java class that implements the service with just one method, a simple one: you pass it a name and it returns "Hi, <name>"

3- Right click over that class and then: Web Services -> Create Web Service

4- I go through the next steps. On the last one, I select "Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to a UDDI Registry". Click on "Finish".

5- The Web Services Explorer is launched, but I just get a "HTTP ERROR: 500" message.

I understand that my Web Service wasn't published and therefore it's useless to create a client as it wouldn't connect.

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Sending XML To PHP Service Via POST

Jul 7, 2014

I have a server with a handful of php services. I communicate with these services by creating connections from java code. The services currently respond with XML, but that can be changed if an alternative way can improve performance.

One of the things I need to do is send varying sized payload (some large) to one of the services. My current plan is to create an xml file in java and perform a POST request with the XML as the payload. I am using an XML because the data is very structured.

From a performance point of view, would it be better to send the XML as a file or just as text? Also, is there a better way to send this data? These services will eventually be used by an android app, where performance and minimizing the size of the data packages will be extremely important.

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How To Code XML Web Service To Java

Feb 4, 2014

How to call web service from xml to java. I'm just new in using Java.

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JAX-WS - Process ID Of Web Service Request

Aug 22, 2014

I am using JAX-WS to develop web services.
I would like to know how i can find the process ID associated to a request.

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Totaling Up Cost Of Service Categories

Mar 27, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
File inputFile = new File("C:UsersNick TateDesktopLog.txt");

[Code] .....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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How To Return XML File / String From Web Service

Nov 10, 2014

I have a web service which is returning a string. I want to extend this web service so that it returns an xml based string. To begin with I am able to return xml based strings from a normal POJO class ....

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Client App To Consume Web Service With Security

Dec 15, 2014

I need to write a simple client to access a WS. Things I can not do :

Modify the serverAdd external jars 

The client will be part of a command line call and will run as a stand alone.
I've been searching all day and have found hundreds of vague, overly complex examples, mostly based on SOAPHandler (which tells me I need to install server components which I cannot do). I grasp the general requirements but am having difficulty figuring out how to add the security elements to the header.
What do I need to do to add the username and password tokens to the header?
This is where I am so far.

package findingLetter;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;

[Code] ....

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EJB / EE :: Timer Service Is Still Running Even Undeploy The Application?

Jun 22, 2012

I'm facing some problem in my EJB setup. I have deployed the ejb setup and it was working fine.

The working conditions are:

1. The timer service is working when i hitted the servlet after starting the server. It must not work when i close the servlet window,but in my case it is still working(timer is performing its opeartion) even i closed the servlet page.

2. When i stopped the server, the timer not gets invoked.

I uninstalled the EJB application, but still the timer service is running.

I'm using WAS 7 server.

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Totaling Up Costs Of Corresponding Service Categories From A File

Mar 27, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException

[Code] .....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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