Why There Is No Literal Representation For Binary Numbers In C / C++ Or Java

May 25, 2015

in Operator/Literals, it says "There is no literal representation for binary numbers in C, C++, or Java." seems "0b11001" could reprensent binary numbers?

int i = 0b100;

the output should be 4.

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Java Literal And Assignment To Different Primary Types

Jan 20, 2015

I thought numeric literal were by default int or doubles, depending on if have a . and numbers after the But I wrote a quick test program as listed below. I understand the float float floatA = 5.5; failed to compile since 5.5 is a literal of type double and you are trying to assign this to a floag

What I am having problems with is byte byteA = 5; 5 is a literal of type int and this is being assigned to a byte and compiler should complain.The compiler does not allow two byte values to be added and assigned to a byte since the result of the addition is an int

class literalTesting{
public static void main(String[] arg){
byte byteA = 5; // allowed WHY I thought literal is an int and assigning int to byte
byte byteB = 10; // allowed


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Negative Numbers In Binary

Mar 7, 2014

I need understanding why

1111 1101 = -3

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Finding Binary Of Negative Numbers?

Mar 22, 2014

How do u find the binary of negative numbers? I already did it for positive numbers,?

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How To Concatenate Strings Of Binary Numbers Together

May 23, 2015

Ok so what I a String array of binary numbers

private String[] encodedNumbers = {"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011","0100", "0101", "0110","0111","1000","1001","1010","1011","1100","1101"};

and what I want to do is simply run through a loop (Which I already made ) that will randomly just put this strings together.
So if the loop runs once it will return something similar to


The thing is that I don't want to return such a number as an String, I want it to be returned as a long.This was one of my recent attempts

/* Contains the genes or possible solutions to the problem
public class Genes
/* Each element is a binary number that corresponds to index number they have been assigned to, these are the possible genes
* The last 4 elements in the array represent + - * / correspondingly
private String[] encodedNumbers = {"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011","0100", "0101", "0110","0111","1000","1001","1010","1011","1100","1101"};


What can I do ? I want them the values returned to be of the long data type, but I don't want the binary numbers to be added together. I just simply want them to be placed one next to each other at random patterns

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Insert Numbers In Binary Search Tree

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to make binary search tree...I am trying to construct the left part of binary search tree with root node set as 70...It is not working ...My code is

public class Node {
* @param args

int root;
Node left;
Node right;
public void insertNode(Node node, int num) {
//Node nodeRoot = this;
//root of tree we have set to 70...constructing only left of tree with root=70

[Code] .....

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Matrix LL Representation

Aug 1, 2014

Ok I am trying to at this point read in a matrix from a txt file in the format with order of the matrix leading the matrix. Like this :

2 3
5 9
3 -2 4
-1 5 2
-3 6 4
2 4 5 6
0 3 6 9
0 0 9 8
0 0 0 5
2 4 5 6
0 0 0 0
0 0 9 8
0 0 0 5

My code then is supposed to read it in and store it as an Array of singly linked lists. I am having trouble with my code, I am only getting outputs where it is only storing the first line of the txt matrixs like so:


2.0 3.0
2.0 3.0

3.0 -2.0 4.0
3.0 -2.0 4.0
3.0 -2.0 4.0

2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Is there something obvious in my code that is making it only save the first lines and how can i fix it.

//import java tools
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
//See readMe.txt file for implementation instructions
//input: "input.txt"


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Modify Code That Converts Binary Code To Decimal Numbers

Aug 29, 2014

The code here I have works fine if I just want to ask the user to enter four digits: //java application that asks user to input binary numbers(1 or 0) and convert them to decimal numbers import java.util.Scanner; //program uses class scanner public class binarynumber{
//main method that executes the java application
public static void main(String args[]){
//declares variables
int digit;
int base=2;
int degree;
double decimal;
int binary_zero=0;
int binary_one=1;
//create scanner for object input


The thing is, I want the java application to input more than four digits for the user and I want it to loop it manytimes f until the user ask it to stop.

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Counting Number Of Bits For Char Representation?

Mar 14, 2014

i need to show that there are 16 bits for a char variable.

i tried converting it to an int and then apply the bitCount method but that gave an output of 3.

what method should i use?

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Converting Number To English Word Representation?

Oct 21, 2014

any method or common algorithm to change a number taken from input to the word for that number? Such as input being "4", output would be "four", at least up to 59 as the larger program I'm trying to make involves time

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Hierarchical Table Representation Of Data

Oct 31, 2014

i am relatively new to Swing. learning swing concepts for my new project. how can we construct a Hierarchical JTable structure using Swing. Something like a Master-Child table structure with a drill down from Master table to Child Table. Something similar to the image Telerik.

I have seen some examples like TreeTable. But that is not what i am looking for. The Column headings for Master table and child table might differ.

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Simulate Rolling Dice - Int Values Representation

Jan 20, 2015

import java.util.Random;
* A very basic Dice that can be rolled and represent int values

public class Dice{
private Random rand;
public Dice(){
rand=new Random();
/**simulates rolling the dice*/

[Code] ....

Why the Random rand is initiated at the Constructor and not at roll? Like the code works for both but I remember our teacher telling us something about one uses more memory than the other.

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Default Literal For Boolean

Mar 31, 2014

what is default literal for Boolean data type?

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Negative Character Literal?

Jun 3, 2014

char c=(char)-65;

This is legal but how ?? what is the value actually being stored in c ? The output is shown as ﾿.

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Insert Code That Adds String Representation Of Selected Item To ArrayList

Sep 3, 2014

I am not sure how to go about doing this, An ItemEvent.Selected constant is the hint given to me but i dont know how to start it.

My Array is : private ArrayList billItems = new ArrayList();

My method is : private void beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event )

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String Concatenation And Literal Pool

Jan 6, 2014

I have a program like below:

final String s1 = "AAA";
final String s2 = "AAA";
String s6 = s1+s2;
String s7 = "AAAAAA";
if ( s6 == s7 ){
System.out.println("s6 and s7 are same" );

On running, it prints "s6 and s7 are same". But if i remove the final modifier of s1 and s2 then it's not. What could be the reason?

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Code Not Printing String Literal

Sep 18, 2014

I need to use print not println to declare stuff and I need to have string literals I think that's /n. Now when I compile it just shows row1, row2 ect. Why does it work like that?

public class art {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//local variables
String row1= "***********************";
String row2= "** *** *** **";
String row3= "** ***** ***** **";

[Code] ...

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Error - Invalid Float Literal

Apr 26, 2014

While doing trial and error got caught in the below scenario.

public class Crypt {
public static void main (String args[])
/*all I want is calculate a binary number (ex -: 22 , 34) using decimal base (10n).
*So, I have to convert 2 p into 10n form so I have to find n in terms of p . We have x as the input.
* The formula works as below.
*2p =10n
*p ln (2) =n ln (10)
*n = p [ln(2) / ln(10)]
*2 p = 10 p [ln(2) / ln(10)]

[Code] ....

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EJB / EE :: Error - Literal Does Not Match Format String

Mar 3, 2015

I'm trying to insert some data of type date into database table using hibernate.i take the input date from an xhtml form as shown below

Event Date (dd-mon-yy) :
<h:inputText id="eventdate" value="#{eventBean.eventDate}" p:required="required"
<h:commandButton value="Add Event" actionListener="#{eventBean.addEvent}" />

This is my addEvent method in EventBean.java

public void addEvent(ActionEvent evt) {
uname = Util.getUname();
boolean a = EventDAO.add(this);
if ( a) {
message = "Event has been added!";

[Code] ....

While executing this..i get the following error: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string. Could it be due to any mismatch in date format (chrome browser automatically takes date in the format mm-dd-yyyy )? If yes, how do I resolve it? (I'm using Oracle database)

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String Literal Is Not Properly Closed By Double Quote

Apr 28, 2014

I am working with java project which is kind of charting room..but the problem is when am writing the query for listing the message in the conversation the error prevail in my eclipse...string literal is not properly closed by double quote...this is my java file

String uname=session.getAttribute("username").toString();
String pword=session.getAttribute("password").toString();
java.util.Date dat=new Date();
int x=1;


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String Literal Is Not Properly Closed By A Double Quote

Jul 11, 2014

string literal is not properly closed by a double quote

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Assigning Int Literal To Byte Works But Not As Method Parameter

Apr 23, 2014

If you write

byte b = 100; it works (implicit conversion of implicit int literal 100 to byte.

But if you have a methodvoid bla(byte b){}

And want to invoke it with a literal (which is an int by default):bla(8) then there is no implicit conversion.

Is the byte b = 100; just an exception in Java? And is it the rule that one has to explicitely cast (narrow) integer literals when passing to smaller-than-int types?

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GUI Java Program - Hex To Binary Converter

Mar 11, 2014

This code is for a GUI Java program that is supposed to convert back and fourth between two numbering systems. For example, binary to decimal or decimal to binary. I have created methods for some of the conversions however, I could successfully develop a method to convert from hex to binary. If you plan to run it to see what happens to the current method that I made please know that in the GUI the north end from left to right is as follows.

The textfield is for user entry of any type of data. The first combobox is for the user specifying to the program what type of data he or she entered. The second combobox is for the user to choose what he wants that data converted to. The button is to convert it. The south side has a textarea that gives out the results. Please note that only some of the conversions work so far. There are comments in the code to label which methods do what converisons. Need to find a method that will convert from hex to binary, what is wrong with the current method.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
[Code] .....

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How To Display Equivalent Binary Value In Java 1.5

Jan 8, 2014

While am trying to display a numerical digit from an equivalent binary value of integer data-type its working fine in JAVA 1.7 but not in JAVA 1.5

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Java Binary Tree Code

Apr 5, 2014

I have written a code to get all the nodes below a current Node and it is working but I need to get it to look better if possible. To get the number of nodes below I have created an Array List, which I then go to the first Node below and add all the people to the Array list on the same level till I get to the end of the level, then I go down again until I cannot go down any more. Is there a way I can have my code without having to use an array List? I have put my code below. The brieff about the tree is that you have a parent and below the Parent are children who can have brothers and sisters next to them and after that they also have children below that. The method is trying to find the number of children below any given child

private LinkedList<Node> TempQueue = new LinkedList<Node>();
public int noOfYoungerChildren(Member p1){
Node tmp = find(p1);
return countYoungerChildren(tmp);


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How To Create A Java Executable Binary

Oct 25, 2013

I am wondering if there is an easy way to create a java exe(cutable) binary, by packing the JRE and ship it like a compiled C++ bin file? I know JAR is good but, I still prefer to create a standalone install - free exe, no matter if the user has or has not Java installed on her PC.

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