Window Closing Event

May 20, 2014

I have a WindowClosing(WindowEvent e) method, but when I close my window it isn't doing anything inside the method. I am making a launcher and I want to make it so when the actual game window is closed it makes the launcher window visible again.

Java Code: public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Closing JDialog Window When Press A JButton

Apr 11, 2015

I show a JDialog window and this window has 3 buttons when I press one of them it should close the window, how do I do that?

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Opening A New Window In GUI And Making Another Event Work Together

Oct 17, 2014

My program has just "File" and "Help" in the menubar when "File" is clicked, there is an exit item that closes when clicked.i want the "About" item in "Help" to open a new window, what's wrong with my code?here is it:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JLabel;


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Swing - WindowStateChanged Event Updates Window Size After It Completes

Feb 12, 2014

I have a JFrame where some elements (one, for now) have to be centered manually on the contentPane when resizing the window or changing the window state. Resizing event (componentResized) works fine but the windowStateChanged event is causing problems because it doesn't seem to "update" the contentPane's new size properly - it keeps the previous value although the window's size is obviously changed. This can be seen by simply printing the result of getSize called on contentPane.

Centering is done by programmatically changing the constraint of the component (using putConstraint, SpringLayout). The issue is that getWidth used in that method returns "wrong" values which results in an uncentered component. Maybe another listener is needed here?

Additional info: Eclipse with WindowBuilder, Linux Mint 15, Java 1.7

I know about SSCCE guidelines but I cannot make this particular example both ready to compile and short.For unknown reasons, I am unable to post the code example. I keep getting this - "Post denied. New posts are limited by number of URLs it may contain and checked if it doesn't contain forbidden words."

addWindowStateListener(new WindowStateListener()
// no "@Override" was generated but it is the same with it
public void windowStateChanged(WindowEvent e)
System.out.println("EVENT: " + contentPane.getSize() + ", "
+ getExtendedState() + ", " + e.getOldState()); // amusingly, states are actually correct - interchanging between 0 (Frame.NORMAL) and 6 (Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) when I maximize and "unmaximize"


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Window To Submit Data Freezing When Created Inside Mouse Clicked Event

Feb 18, 2014

I'm trying to right a GUI in swing, and as part of my program, I want to open a secondary window out of the main window when a mouse clicks on the main window. Then, once I click a button on the secondary window, I want that window to close and submit data to the main window (like an info form). I have almost figured out how to do this, except for one problem. By putting a variable inside my form window called "ready," and then in my main window running a loop that constantly checks if ready is true and doesn't proceed until its true, I can create the form window, modify the values in it (currently just one value called "difficulty" that's modified by a jSlider), and then when i click the "begin" button, ready is changed to true, the form window closes, and the main window can proceed. However, when I try to put the while loop checking the ready variable inside a mouseClicked method in the main window, the form window freezes when it opens, and you can't see any of its content or modify it in any way (you can't even close it).

Here is my code:

//form window class
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class formWindow extends JFrame {
private JTextField instructions1;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Manipulating Several Windows (Window Inside Window)

Apr 6, 2015

I am new to javafx I start using it instead of swing i used the scene builder for my forms the problem i faced i don't know how to have main screen with menu bar at top and depending the select from the menu it will open other windows and those window must be inside my window just like for example netbeans.

I don't need to open new window in separate i need all windows inside my main window and controlling over them minimize maximize perhaps.

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How To Send A File Without Closing The Socket

Mar 3, 2014

I wrote a program to transfer a file using tcp connection, where I closed socket since the receiver need to detect the end-of--file.  But now I like to extend it to multiple file for which i should not close the socket until all the files are send. I can't find a way for this. So how to resolve it.

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Setting Image Icon And Closing Up A Game

Jan 23, 2014

I recently made a game. But, I want to package it and give it to my friends. I know that I can create a jar of it and add the images to the folder, but what I would absolutely love is for it to just be a picture with the game name and click to run. The second thing is to replace that java icon to an icon of my preference, which I have been told numerous times to do with

frame.setIconImage(Image image)

which does not work for me.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Closing Another Application Using Java Code

Feb 21, 2014

Following code I use to run or Launch another application

try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll, FileProtocolHandler " + "Path of Application's EXE File");
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e, null, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

if the above code is to launch another application using java then how can I close/exit the same(another) application using java code once I press the exit button of my java app.

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Opening And Closing Multiple Files In While Loop

Feb 7, 2014

I'm going through a file (MySQL dump) and I wish to take the SQL and create individual files for each table (as opposed to what I do now, which is just run through the whole thing).

  BufferedReader myDumpfileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tfDumpfile.getText()));  BufferedWriter myDumpfileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("/users/linehanp/mydb/bin/tgac_dump/Vanilla.sql"));
while((dumpFileLine = myDumpfileReader.readLine()) != null){      DoStuff();

Now, this all works fine - but what I want to do is create a separate .sql file for each table.
However, I can't figure out the best way to do this - how do I create a new FileWriter (or instance of whatever class is required) as I'm going through the while loop? That or pointing the same one to different files as I go through the loop.
It can be assumed that the file may exceed RAM - I want to do it line by line rather than slurping the entire file as a string and "cheating" that way.
There appear to be many (a bewildering amount of) I/O options and I'm just unsure.

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Closing Old Pop Up Frame With Existing Action Button

May 27, 2015

I am modifying existing code to display graph after pressing calculate button. The graph pop ups in new controller/window.  The pop up disappears after closing the application entirely.  However I have trouble figuring out if it is possible to close that old/previous pop up and new pop up appears when calculate button is pressed again.  Or at least reuse the pop up to display a new graph. 

public class AdamCalculationApp extends AbstractCalculation {
   * Does a calculation.
  public void calculate() { // Does a calculation   
control.println("Adam Calculation button pressed.");
double k = control.getDouble("k value"); // String must match argument of setValue
control.println("k*k = "+(k*k));
control.println("random = "+Math.random());  


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Threads Stuck On Closing Brace Of While Loop

Apr 14, 2014

While analyzing the thread dumps for a performance issue in our java ee web application, I see many thread dumps stuck on a closing brace of a while loop. Here is the code block of a third party library bitronix (version 1.3.3 SNAPSHOT)
public XAResourceHolderState findXAResourceHolderState(XAResource xaResource) throws BitronixSystemException {
        Iterator it = resources.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            XAResourceHolderState xaResourceHolderState = (XAResourceHolderState);
            if (xaResourceHolderState.getXAResource() == xaResource)
                return xaResourceHolderState;
        return null;

The thread dumps indicate that many threads are stuck in RUNNABLE state on line number 07. What could be the possible reasons on why a thread could get stuck on a closing brace of a while loop? The iterator of the while loop is a custom implementation.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Abnormally Closing A Dialog With No Buttons

Apr 14, 2015

I have a Dialog with no buttons (the dialog pane contains some graphic elements which act as my buttons). I show the dialog and try to click the close window button on the dialogs title bar, and the dialog does not close! I read the docs and it appears that only dialogs that have one or more buttons can be abnormally closed (and only under certain well defined sensible conditions). How can I abnormally close a dialog with no buttons?

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Servlets :: Closing DB Connection Retrieved From Connection Pool

Jan 11, 2015

I configured a connection pool in tomcat 7. For every database activity I get a connection from the pool. Do I have to close the connection like other regular connection after the database operation is done? If I close the connection will it have any effect on the connection pool?

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How To Use Event Listeners In Java

May 6, 2014

How the event Listeners work in java,To get the data based on the event occurs in outside the application. I have this method in one of my API class I am not understanding how this methods are going to work.
public interface SBXPCXMLEventListener {  
public void OnReceiveEventXML(String eventXML);
private static List<SBXPCXMLEventListener> listenerList = new ArrayList<SBXPCXMLEventListener>();  
protected static void fireXMLEvent(String xml) {  

[Code] ....

I have done like this.This is used to capture the events from the fingerprint machine when run this class I am not getting any data from the machine when i did thumb impression in the machine.

public class EventListnere implements SBXPCXMLEventListener {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean flag = SBXPCProxy.ConnectTcpip(1, "", 5005, 1234);
        System.out.println("flag = " + flag);

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Where Is Event Source Object

Feb 28, 2015

java.awt.Component is an abstract class, and it's direct Sub-classes are Button, Canvas, Checkbox, Choice, Container, Label, List, Scrollbar, Text Component

So, when I use addXListener(mylistenerclass m);//which is a method of Component class which object is holding the list of all listeners, for a particular Event Source?

I am under the assumption that - there is an Event Source Object(possibly static) for every Event Source type(mouse, keyboard etc) that holds a list of destinations(classes that implements their listener interface) - added to the the object via addXListener method. When an event happens(mouse click, drag etc) the Event Source Object creates an Event Object and send it to all the destinations. Is my assumption correct? I can't seem to find the location or declaration of Event Source Object and the list where it stores it's registered destinations.

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Passing Data From One Action Event To Another

Oct 5, 2014

this is the first code

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class ChickenListener implements ActionListener {
int loopctrl;
static Connection cn;
static Statement st;
static ResultSet rs;
static PreparedStatement ps;

the second code

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class QuantityCounterListener implements ActionListener {
String tempStrng;
int tempInt;
int x = 0;


what my problem is i need to transfer what does "tempString" from code 1 holds to code 2 in the //x part in the prepared statement.

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Mastermind Game - Comparison Event

Jan 14, 2015

I'm not so new to java i know the basics. I want to make a mastermind game. Just for training purpose.

Now i am at the comparison phase where it is comparing your chosen "colors" with the actual "color code"

This is my code for that part:

guesChars is a char array of 4 of the actual code
readGuess is a string of 4 of which the players has filled in the console
goodGuess is a char at the right position with the right "color"
avgGues is a char with the right "color" at the wrong position

Java Code:

for(int i = 0; i < guessChars.length; i++){
for(int ii = 0; ii < readGuess.length(); ii++){
if(readGuess.charAt(ii) == guessChars[i]){
if(ii == i){

[Code] .....

The problem is when the code is for example


and the player guess is


Result is

2 right spot right color

1 right color wrong spot

It have to be

2 right spot right color

0 right color wrong spot

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How To Create Event Scheduler In Java

Dec 17, 2014

How would you begin a program that schedules events? I've found codes that are similar like Calendars, but I need something that will still import the real day, month, year. But I want to have columns that show Room numbers, and rows that shows time slots. How to get started such as which GUI components to use, what packages to import, etc.?

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Array Of Buttons Event Handlers?

Apr 21, 2014

how to implement action listeners for an array of buttons. The program has an array of buttons like the number pad on a keyboard, when the user clicks a button the number/button clicked will append to the textfield. So far I'm just working on the GUI.

import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;


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Not Able To Call Java Method From Event

Mar 4, 2014

I used java and jsf. I created dynamic datatable in java file. Can i call java method from setOnchange() event?

I am able to call java script function from setOnchange() event. See the below code which is working fine for java script.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("openWin(this);IGNORE_UN LOAD=false");

I wrote openwin() function in java script. But i am not able to call java method change().

Code which is not working.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("myclass.change();IGNORE _UNLOAD=false");

myclass is the bean of class Test. If user select any value from dropdown i want to call change java method. This function will apply the same selected dropdown value to the other record also.

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Event Handlers With Flag Quiz App

Jun 6, 2014

displayNames, regionsEnabled,
new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener()



1. Describe what the code displays. A error message would be shown when the use has selected an insufficient number of options.

2. Describe when an event handler (included in the code) gets executed? The event handler gets executed every time a user selects an option(???)

3. Explain a feature of what is displayed

4. Explain the meaning of all of the parameters in the central, complicated call of the code.

5. Describe how the code handles two possible situations.When the user has selected a sufficient number of options (no less than or equal to 0), then no error message would be shown. On the other hand, an error message will be shown when the user has not selected a sufficient number of options (0). (???)

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JSF :: Displaying Value In OutputText When Some Event Occurs

Apr 15, 2014

I have one requirement where when i click on the attribute i would like to create an action and display the same in OutputText.


This is Attribute Description outputText :

<rich:columnGroup id="CMAttributeBrowserDescriptionRow2">
<rich:column id="CMAttributeBrowserDescriptionColumn2" styleClass="selectedObj"
rendered="#{CMBrowserBean.attributePresent}" >
<!--<h:outputText id="SelectedObjectDescription1" render="true" value="#{currentAttribute.value}"/>-->
[b][quote]<h:outputText styleClass="attributeTableFont1" readonly="false" id="attributeTextdescription" disabled="false"/>[/quote][/b]

The action should be for :

<rich:column id="AttributeColumn2" styleClass="parentBrowserColumn">
[b]<a onclick="document.getElementById('CMBrowser:0:CMAttributeBrowserDescriptionForm:attributeTextdescription').value=#{}" >[/b]<h:outputText id="AttributeName" title="#{}" value="#{}"
styleClass="attributeValueFont" /></a>

I am unable to get the text coming on outputText, when i click on the above attribute.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Event Driven Development

Feb 22, 2014

I think will be easy for me start with a GUI and then make things happens when the user clic on Buttons.Is there a good book about Event driven development on Java?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Only One Change Event On ObservableList?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a list of Row objects and want to listen to changes in the name property of a Row object.
public class Row implements Serializable {
    private final SimpleStringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "name", "");
    public Row() {
    public Row(String name) {;

[Code] ....
I would expect to be notified 4 times. Line 23: Added, Line25, 26, 27: Update

But there are only 2 change events. For Line 26 and 27 there is no change event.

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Implementing Probability Of Event Occurring In Java

Jun 7, 2014

You're given a number between 0 and 1 that corresponds to the probability of an event occurring.

0.7 is 70%, 0.235 is 23.5%, 0 is 0%, etc.

Someone tries to perform the event, but the event only has the given probability of occurring. Run the probability, and then if it's true, run the event. Otherwise don't run the event.

All I know how to do is generate random numbers (kind of), but if you have 0.2245 I really don't see how generating random numbers can efficiently perform that probability.....

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