Write Java Program That Asks User For List Of Names?

May 21, 2015

I am trying to write a java program that asks the user for a list of names (one per line) until the user enters a blank line. At that point the program should print out the list of names entered, where each name is listed only once (i.e., uniquely) no matter how many times the user entered the name in the program. I am supposed to use an ArrayList for this problem.

My idea for a solution is to create an ArrayList<String>, read each name, i.e., line, entered and then to see if that name is already in the ArrayList. I created a for loop to check each element in the ArrayList but when I try to assign an element to a string variable I get the error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String". Not sure why that is happening because the ArrayList is defined as a String list.

Here is the code so far.

* File: UniqueNames.java
import acm.program.*;
import java.util.*;


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Write A Program That Asks Users To Input 5 Test Scores

Apr 22, 2015

Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. The program should display a letter grade for each score and the average test score. Write the following methods in the program:

calculateAverage This method should accept five test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores. determineGrade This method should accept a test score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score, based on the following grading scale

Score Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

double test1,test2,test3,test4,test5;
double average;
char grade;

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enter the first score");
test1 = keyboard.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the second score");
test2 = keyboard.nextDouble();


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Create A Program That Asks User For Array

Mar 3, 2014

i need to create a program that asks the user for an array and then asks the user to fill in the slots of the array but i have to do it in a method

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Program That Asks User For Integer And Prints Out All Its Factors In Increasing Order

Nov 18, 2014

Write a program that asks the user for an integer andthen prints out all its factors in increasing order. Use a class FactorGenerator with a constructor FactorGenerator(int numberToFactor) and methods nextFactor and hasMoreFactors. Supply a class FactorTester whose main methods reads a user input, constructs a FactorGenerator object and prints the factors.

Here is what I have so far for my main class and tester class

public class FactorGenerator
int factor;
int number;
int x;
FactorGenerator(int numberToFactor)
number = numberToFactor;


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How To Write A Program To Record Names And Dates

Mar 2, 2014

I want an app that I can use to save the name, address, item sold, subject discussed and date that I visited someone - in a job similar to a sales rep. I would like to be able to choose how to sort the info so that if I sort by date I can see who hasn't been visited for the longest and start there. If I think of someone's name then of course I want to sort by name.

One of my friends says he works with "php"[? I'm still learning these terms] and everything happens online. I would like it to be an android app so it can be done without an internet connection ....

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Java Code That Asks User For Integer And Then Counts Down From That Number To 0

Oct 23, 2014

Write a java code that asks the user for an Integer and then counts down from that number to 0. Printing each number. For example:

Enter an Integer: 5 (enter) <--- user hits the enter key


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exam{
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

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Write Program To Sort Names According To Number Of Vowels?

Feb 15, 2014

write a program to sort names according to number of vowels sort({sam,ratan,alok,raj}) the op is {sam,ratan,alok,raj}

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Write A Java Program To Store Employee Information In A Linked List

May 12, 2015

Write a java program to store employee information in a linked list, the program should implement the following functions:

The program should display the list of functions, and ask the user to enter the number of function that he/she wants to do, then perform the function as it is required in the previous table.

import java.util.*;
public class Employee {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String Name;
String Address;
String Department;
int ID;
int Salary;


this is my out put

Please choose a number:
1-Add a new employee
2-Update employee's info
3-Remove employee's info
Enter name:
Enter address:
Enter department:
Enter ID:
Enter salary:


1- why are not my adding coming out in the output only the Enter name & Enter address ??

2- how can I add names and ID's and information to test that program

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How To Make A List Of Names With Java

Oct 16, 2014

One of my assignments was to make a program that would read a sequence of names and then list them all.Just to be clear, it would read them all first, and then it would list them all at the same time.

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How To Append New Entry In A List Of 100,000 Names Without Iterating List Each Time

Apr 22, 2015

I have a list of 100,000 + names and I need to append to that list another 100,000 names. Each name must be unique. Currently I iterate through the entire list to be sure the name does not exist. As you can imagine this is very slow. I am new to Java and I am maintaining a 15+ year old product. Is there a better way to check for an existing name?

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Write A Program That Reverses A List Of 15 Integers Preferably In Place

Nov 24, 2014

Write a program that reverses a list of 15 integers preferably in place.

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Write A Program Where User Inputs A Month Between 1-12

Sep 21, 2014

I have an assignment where I'm supposed to write a program where the user inputs a month between 1-12 and then the right amount number in every month. I've tweaked the code a bunch of times, but I keep getting this error message:

insert "}" to complete StatementKALENDER_3.java
insert "}" to complete BlockKALENDER_3.java

The code:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class KALENDER_3
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.print("Skriv ett manadsnummer: ");


I think I have just forgot to put in a few { } symbols, maybe an open loop?

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Java Program That Keeps Track Of People Names

Jan 13, 2015

I need to make a program that keeps track of peoples names, allows you to add a note to each name and preferably would reorganize whatever you put in by date or by spelling. (I suppose the phonebook application in cell phones is a good match, a supermarket's list of foods and prices would work as well).

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Write A Program Which Prompts User To Enter 4 Grades Between 0 And 100

Sep 2, 2014

I'm using Jgrasp and my prompt is asking me to write a program where the program prompts the user to enter 4 grades between 0 and 100. And you have to display the grades, and the program has to calculate the minimum grade, the maximum grade and the average.I'm just having problems with the max?

// Import Java Scanner.
import java.util.Scanner;
// Name Class.
public class Practice_4_1


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Write A Program That Reads From User Several Lines Of Input

Mar 24, 2014

a. Assume that we have a list of employees' names of a company and their ages. Write a program that reads from the user several lines of input. Each line includes an employee's name and his/her age (as an integer). The program should calculate and print the following:

- The average age of all employees (rounded to 2 decimal places).
- The oldest employee and his/her age.


You could assume that the user will insert valid data and at least one employee.
You could assume that the oldest employee is only one person.
User could stop the program via entering the word "end" as an employee's name.

Sample Input and Output: In each line, insert an employee's name and his/her age To halt the program, insert "end" as an employee's name

Adam 30
Tom 41
Ted 45
Karl 30

The average age of all employees is 36.50.The oldest employee is Hisham whose age is 45

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Write A Program That Prompts User For 3 Double Numbers

Feb 15, 2015

So i need to write a program that prompts the user for 3 double numbers x, y, z that outputs 2x^3 + 3y^5 + 3x^3y^2 +xyz with

(1) 4 digits precision
(2) with a ',' to separate thousands
(3) all digits of the result including the precision are put to 20 positions (from right to left)

I am not really sure what it is suppose to look like or how to start it.how to mix Math.pow with multivariable and printf.

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Write A Program In Which User Will Select A Text File

Mar 30, 2015

i am trying to write a program in which the user will select a text file(which contains information that the graphical output will be based). I have successfully set up my file chooser however when i select the text file,i do not get any graphical out put. please see attached .zip file for code.

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Program That Asks To Create 2 Arrays

Oct 24, 2014

I'm just learning about arrays. I have a small program to write that asks to create 2 arrays. One holding 5 names of flowers. One holding the prices of those 5 flowers. I ask the user what kind of flower they want and the quantity. I then need to create a loop that locates the flower name and uses that index to find the cost of the flower. I am struggling on how to write in code how to use one array index to find another. Example: Roses and $.50.

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter Two Positive Integers And Prints Their Sum

Jan 9, 2015

Write a program (TwoIntegers.java) that prompts the user to enter two positive integers and prints their sum (by addition), product (by multiplication), difference (by subtraction), quotient (by division), and remainder (by modulation). When the user enters 5 and 3, the output from your program should look exactly like the following:

Enter two positive integers: 5 3
The sum is 8.
The product is 15.
The difference is 2.
The quotient is 1.
The remainder is 2.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TwoIntegers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter two positive integers: ");
Scanner userInput = new Scanner("System.in");
int integer1 = userInput.nextInt();
int integer2 = userInput.nextInt();


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Java Program That Specifies Three One-dimensional Arrays Names Price / Amount And Total

Dec 2, 2014

Recently I have missed a few weeks of my class due to family emergencies. Because of this I have missed very important lectures. My professor has assigned me the following assignment:

Prices Write a Java program that specifies three one-dimensional arrays names price, amount, and total. Each array should be capable of holding 10 elements. Using a loop, input values for the price and amount arrays. The entries in the total array should be the product of the corresponding values in the price and amount arrays. After all the data have been entered, display the following output:

Total Price Amount

==== ==== ======

Under each column heading display the appropriate value.

I know how to display everything using printf, how to create the actual arrays and define the array size, but I am confused on how and what loop to use and how to construct it. This is what I have managed to write up so far:

import java.util.Scanner; // Imports the Scanner class
import java.text.DecimalFormat; // Imports the DecimalFormat class

public class Prices
public static void main(String [] args)
double[] price = new double[10];
double[] amount = new double[10];
double[] total = new double[10];

// Create a new Scanner object
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
} //End of main method
} // End of public class

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Randomizing Names From A List?

Feb 2, 2014

I'm trying to use the DataFactory class to pull in a list of names, as I need to populate my app in development with randomized test data for testing.


So, I can get a random name like so:-

package domainentities;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.fluttercode.datafactory.AddressDataValues;

[Code] .....

But - it always prints 'Lindsey'. I need a way of completely randomizing but I can't see the class has a method to let me do this? I can use the randomize method but this takes an int argument which will always bring back the same index value (same name).

I wonder if I am over complicating this. I can use a simple String array of names, but I don't want, like 10,000 names in my array and I want a good way of generating good, randomized data. Perhaps a .csv file of names could be read in? Here is a second method I wrote but I don't have the skills to know how to read the array values from my large .csv file:

public String randomSecondName(){
String[] lastNames = {"Smith", "Jones", "Collins","Jackson",
"Dearsley", "Trump", "Carr", "O'Connell", "Dyer", "Furstzwangler" };
Random ran = new Random();
String lastName = lastNames[ran.nextInt(lastNames.length)];
return lastName;

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Algorithm That Asks User For Birth Date And Current Date

Sep 29, 2014

write the algorithms of the following problems.

1. Write an algorithm that asks the user for your birth date and the current date and displays how many days has passed since then (remember that April, June, September and November has 30 days, February has 29 on leap years, and the rest 31)

2. Write an algorithm that asks the user a number (save it as N) and displays the N term of the Fibonnacci series (take it as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ...)

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Searching Through Array (List Of Names)

Oct 5, 2014

An array which contain a list of names. I let for a user input and I use that to search through the array. For example lets say the string name "Christian" is stored inside the names array and the user types in Chri, the program looks in the array and finds a name that contains Chri and prints them out. How do I go about doing this?

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Java Program That Will Ask A User To Input Grades Until User Inputs Sentinel Value

Apr 9, 2014

Write a java program that will ask a user to input grades until the user inputs the sentinel value -1. The program should test each input to determine whether 0<=grade<=100. If the grade entered is within this range, the program should print "Grade accepted;" if not, the program should print "Invalid input".

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Random User Names

Nov 9, 2014

Program is running fine. I can create usernames and everything but somehow I cannot quit or exit the program when I enter my sentinal value "QUIT". Here is my program question: Create an application that will create a username for a school computer system. Input a user’s first and last name. The username will be the first letter of the first name followed by the first 5 letters of his last name followed by a random 3 digit number. Continue to create and display usernames until a sentinel value is entered.

import java.text.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class username


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