XML :: Process Big XML Files And Mapping To Objects

Dec 1, 2014

We need to process (read and parse) big xml files (500 Mo to 1 or 2 Go). What's the best framework or Java library to use for this requirement ? Then what's a good OXM (in this case xml to object mapping) solution for this kind of file ?

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Servlets :: ROOT Mapping Causes Static Files To Not Be Served

Mar 16, 2015

When I map my servlet to the ROOT of the site, the javascript, CSS and image files are not served. The conversation between the server and browser shows the files are being sent, but they are not rendered in the browser. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome.

If I change the mapping to anything other than the root, such as /x/, everything works as it should.

Here's my web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"

[Code] .....

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Process 10000 XML Files / Verify And Insert Data Into Database - Java Heap Memory Error

Oct 12, 2013

I need to process 10000 xml files and verify and insert the data into database. I am loading all the files in the file object and iterating one by one. I am getting the memory issue. How to handle this?

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Importing And Creating Objects From The Text Files?

May 25, 2014

I've been trying to write a program for some time now, but im encountering problems while trying to complete it. The program has a student class and a course class (set up with some info about the class, like #, professor name, course title, course time). Now, i have a text file in the workspace, and i have to import the data from the textfile, and thats just what i did, but then there is an option which allows the user to delete a course only by inputing the course number, and when he does that, the program outputs the course's name, and confirms the deletion of the course (From the student's record, i created a vector for that and imported all the courses from the text file). But how can i let the program know what's the name of the course when the user inputs the course number ???

When the data is read from the file, objects should be created and added to the student's course record. <- i think here's where i messed up ? i imported the data, but how can i actually make them objects before adding them into the vector ?

PHP Code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
Vector Record = new Vector();
try {FileReader filereader = new FileReader("CLASSES.txt");
BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(filereader);
String test = "";
while(test != null)
test = bufferedreader.readLine();
} mh_sh_highlight_all('php');

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Load Some Information From Previous Object Files And Add New Objects To Them Afterwards

Dec 17, 2014

I have a project in java that asks me to load some information from previous object files and add new objects to them afterwards. I created the files, but when I close the program and search for the previous information that should've been saved in the object file , it return nothing.

Here is the code.

Add method:

public boolean addUser (User u){
return true;

The save method:

public void saveUser (){
FileOutputStream FOS = new FileOutputStream("User.txt", true);
ObjectOutputStream OOS = new ObjectOutputStream (FOS);

[Code] ....

The read method:

public void readUser (){
FileInputStream FIS = new FileInputStream ("User.txt");
ObjectInputStream OIS = new ObjectInputStream (FIS);
for (int i=0;i<Ucount;i++){

[Code] ....

*Note: When I open the object file I could see that the information are actually there, so I think there's a problem with the read method I'm not sure what it is.

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Servlets :: Not Mapping To URL

Feb 4, 2015

I have a servlet that is not mapping to my URL:


When I try to call the Servlet from a JSP:

<a href="/View/viewFlow?V1">V1</a>

The resulting link is [URL].... It's bypassing the project name. The link should be [URL]...

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Many To Many Relationship Mapping

Apr 21, 2014

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userdb";// userdb is the database
Connection connection;

[Code] .....

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Int From Char Mapping

Apr 5, 2014

When casting a char which is read from a file to an int, can i assume that the mapping used will be ASCII? I've learned that unicode uses ASCII mappings for the characters that overlap.

Are there any other possibilities for int values of one character? I still have trouble understanding character encodings.

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Mapping / Splitting A String

Nov 14, 2014

I am writing a program where I need to split an array of full names into First names and Surnames, using mapping. However, I am struggling how to split it up... and my First Names and Surnames list are both just displaying the full name.

public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] names;
names = new String[8];
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Enter full student name:");

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Mapping Before Context Root

Dec 1, 2014

I have this mapping:


And this works fine: URL....The war file is deployed under the context root /bankconnect/ I want to make a servlet mapping, before the context root "i still want the context root bankconnect". URL....

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Text Ruined By Shadow Mapping

Jun 17, 2014

I'm working on a project and I'm just about to implement different stages (menus etc). The program is opened in an intro stage that just renders a text (slick, Unicode font) looking like this:

After switching to a different stage hat uses shadow mapping and then back to the intro stage it looks like this:

I've found that removing the line:

glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, 0, 0, shadowMapWidth, shadowMapHeight, 0);

solves the problem but then the shadow mapping isn't working.

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Shadow Mapping Using LWJGL And Shaders

Jun 25, 2014

I'm looking for a working example of shadow mapping with java code using shaders. There are so many c++ or c tutorials out there but i haven't managed to rewrite them since I'm too bad in c/c++. I've been trying to implement this a long time but can't get the hang of it. Any example out there? Preferably as sstripped down as possible except for the shadow mapping.

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Hash Mapping Algorithm In Java

Apr 13, 2015

I need a Example of a Hash Mapping Algorithm in Java. This Mapping Needs to do the following:

Map an Array of Strings, to integer values which correspond to each fruit

private String[] Fruit = {"Apple","Orange","Pear","Grapes"};

Apple: 1 + 1
Orange: 1+ 2
Pear: 1 + 3
Grapes: 1 + 4

I not sure where to start at the Moment...

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Servlets :: Web Application Access - Mapping Of Localhost

Feb 14, 2014

We generally use [URL] ..... for running web applications.

What I want is to access my web app using something like this: [URL] ....

How to achieve this? Actually what i want to ask is that how URL like WWW.example.com is mapped to web applications? Assuming that i am using tomcat server.

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Testing Two Mapping Libraries - Orika Vs JMapper

Feb 27, 2014

I have downloaded and testing these two mapping libraries. I wrote a program which has 100000 iterations and maps the beans of the same class:

public class IntBean {
    private int int1;
    private int int2;

[Code] ....
Mappers are created BEFORE iterations start:
    private JMapper jmapper = new JMapper(IntBean.class, IntBean.class);
    private MapperFactory orikaFactory = new DefaultMapperFactory.Builder().build();
    private MapperFacade orikaFacade = null;
orikaFactory.registerClassMap(orikaFactory.classMap(IntBean.class,IntBean.class).byDefault().toClassMap());    orikaFacade = orikaFactory.getMapperFacade(); 

What is in each iteration:this.orikaFacade.map(a1, a2);
a2 =  (A) this.jmapper2.getDestination(a1);
I know, that Orika and Jmapper are great libraries from Google and they use reflection in a different way than for example Dozer, which is much slower, they se reflection to generete code somehow..

I have 3 questions:

1) How they work - when the code is generated, during maven build, in runtime - everytime when I create mapper in code? Are they change class code byte dynamically?
2) Why there is this speed difference that I noticed?
3) Which library would you choose and why? Both have the same capabilities? Why both come from Google? Why Google didnt develop Orika and created Jmapper instead?

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Web Services :: URI Mapping - Container Always Decides To Match It To Path

Dec 7, 2014

So, i got the following code:


and the following pattern


somehow, the container always decides to match it to @Path("{user-id}"). How do I resolve this

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How To Create Java Files Into Windows Applications (Exe Files)

Oct 26, 2014

What step to know to develop software..

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How To Communicate Two Process

Aug 5, 2014

I didn't ask you to do my home work . tell me how to communicate two java program using named piped concept.

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Application Build Process

Mar 15, 2014

I need a summary of the steps involve in building java application.I have my source code, already compiled but I don't know the next step to make it run on a particular device. I know of emulator but I need more information.

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JAX-WS - Process ID Of Web Service Request

Aug 22, 2014

I am using JAX-WS to develop web services.
I would like to know how i can find the process ID associated to a request.

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How To Attach External Files To Executable Jar Or Exe Files

Apr 13, 2015

In a program I created, I'm using a text file that contains some texts needed for the program. The method relevant to this is something like the following.

private String wordgen(){
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("src/Resources/adjectives.txt"));
Random rand = new Random();
int low = rand.nextInt(400);
String fil="";
int i=0;


The program runs fine in netbeans project but once the jar is created it does not corporate with the text file. ("null" is returned) How can I attach text files to jar and exe?

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Read And Process File Using Thread?

Nov 4, 2014

I created a main class called X and two Y and Z classes.

Y and Z implements Runnable classes.

class X contains a static array A that can be accessed in Y and Z.

The Run () method of the class Y reads an input file and populates the vector A.

The Run () method of the Z class uses data stored into the vector A to process some data.

The objective of using threads in this problem is: as the vector A is filled in the Run () method of class Y, the Run () method of the class Z will processing the received values ​​in the vector A.

to do this I did the following calls in the main method of class X:

ObjectY y = new Y ();
Thready thread = new Thread (objectY);
threadY.start ();
ObjectZ new Z = Z ();
Threadz thread = new Thread (objectZ);
threadZ.start ();

is that correct? I'm getting the expected results, but dont know if the code is parallelized in fact.

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How To Add Shipping Address During CheckOut Process

Apr 21, 2014

I'm Fresher and i'm new in ATG nd right now working on checkout module.Here I'm trying to take shipping information of user so it is fetching in the shipping information JSP bt when i'm trying to submit that JSP den it's not going to either in SuccessURL or in ErrorURL it's remaining in current JSP.

I'm doing any customization's i'm jst using al Out Of Box Components nd my code is almost same as Out Of Box Code and it is not giving any error also.

I'm attaching my JSP's

Attached File(s)

shipping_jsp.txt (4.17K)
Number of downloads: 293
 shippingAddress_jsp.txt (1.9K)
Number of downloads: 135
 shippingSingle_jsp.txt (70bytes)
Number of downloads: 19
 shippingSingleForm_jsp.txt (2.05K)
Number of downloads: 102

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Ending Process Of Another Running Jar File

Apr 16, 2015

I am working on a management gui for a program. I have implemented the start server button. But now I need to get something working so that when I press stop server the javaw.exe process which is running the the other jar file is stopped and ended.

The gui is going to be using a javaw.exe as well and I don't want to end the entire thing.

I just want to end the javaw.exe process that is running the other jar file.

This is my code for starting it:

JButton btnNewButton_2 = new JButton("Start Server");
btnNewButton_2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
try {
Process pr = rt.exec("java -jar DEDServer_release.jar");

[Code] ....

I just need to figure out what to do to stop it now.

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Servlets :: Explicitly Process JSP From Within Container

Nov 3, 2014

I am looking for a way to have a Servlet (my container is Tomcat) calling a JSP file and processing it in order to retrieve the generated HTML. The compete scenario:

I have virtual shop and whenever a purchase is being carried out, the customer is redirected to a Servlet that post-processes the purchase (list of the items, etc.)

Among all these, the Servlet is also supposed to send me an email about the new purchase. I would like to have nice designed HTML mail and not just a simple plain text notification. I thought of having a designated JSP as a view, and it will only be available from the Servlet container, for this purpose. One way is having the Servlet create an HTTPClient (or any other method of network communication) to my own host and ask for the JSP.

I wonder if there is a simpler way to ask my own container to process a JSP, since I am not really making a request to an outside web application. Something like getServletContext.processAndReturnJsp("mail.jsp")

BTW, if you think my approach is too cumbersome to fill an email with HTML code, it would be great to know of a simpler way.

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How To Process / Parse XML Data In Java

Jul 28, 2014

I'm just starting out with learning how to process/parse XML data in Java, following online code/tutorials. I am currently only printing out "catalog."

XML File that I'm trying to read: URL...

import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;


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