Adding Listener To Graphics

Nov 24, 2014

I wanted to create a interface with buttons ofshapes and type of transformation where user first select a shape, the shape will appear and user will have to click on the buttons on resize, reflect, rotate or skew to transform to shape. How can i do the coding? such as adding listeners to the shapes?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Items To JComboBox Taken From JTextField Listener

Nov 11, 2014

I need to take the value of what's typed in my JTextField, and once the submit button is clicked, I want to add that string to my JComboBox list items.

Depending which RadioButton they selected, I need to put the team in HOME or AWAY teams, and so on and so on, until they continue clicking submit.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JSpinner - Adding Listener To Arrow Buttons

Jan 25, 2007

I need to change the value only when I press one of the arrows in a JSpinner component.How can I add a listener to the arrow buttons. I tried ChangeListener but it was not what I needed

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How To Build Graphics

Jan 5, 2014

He said that if you need something that Swing can't provide, like a bar graph, you build it. Now, being used to just writing a method that will open up a JFrame, how you would actually build graphics on your own. How in the world would that work? How would one write their own methods to make a window or to build a graph?

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Graphics Are Flickering

Feb 2, 2014

I attempted to make my square move in the screen and i set up collision with another object, however the graphics are flickering, really flickering, here's the code:

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class NewEmpty extends JFrame {
double p1speed =5, p2speed =5;


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How To Easily Use Graphics

Dec 31, 2014

I am attempting to create a n-body simulation using orbital dynamics and Java in school.

I am only in high-school, but I have some programming experience. The logic of this program comes quite easily. My problem is the graphical part, so I was just looking for quick methods to implement graphics.

What I am looking to do, is display objects onto the screen and manipulate their respective x and y coordinates as time pass. I have tried to use BufferedImages and an array of every pixel on the screen, but it quickly becomes extremely hard to draw circles etc. I have also tried the Graphics class and using g.fillOval() etc, but this can also get tedious.

Are there any more efficient methods, libraries etc? And also, how should I use the time variable, a variable that updates everytime the program updates?

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EJB / EE :: Same Listener MDB For Different Jms Queue?

Feb 21, 2014

Is it possible to define the same message driven bean as a listener to different queues?

The goal being to define different redelivery configuration for different kind of messages, but handle them all through a single deployment MDB for unity/entity purposes.

The other option is to have many MDBs targeted to the same source code.

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Why Listener Can't See Frame2

Mar 26, 2015

I have a problem:I have a simple SWING program with buttons and I can't call "frame2.setVisible(true)" from ActionListener registered on a button. I don't understand, why the listener can't see "frame2".

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class test {


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How To Write Key Listener

Jan 7, 2014

I want to make a program that will move a square to the left if you press "a", and to the right if you press "d". (Once I know how to do this I can figure out W and S for up and down by myself). What code would I use for doing that? Here is the program I have now. I used the oracle tutorial but it just shows how to handle for if ANY key is pressed.

This is what I used How to Write a Key Listener (The Java Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Writing Event Listeners)

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class myGame extends JComponent {
public int x = 20;
public int y = 20;


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Saving Graphics 2D As Image

Jul 30, 2014

What I am trying to do is save the the content drawn to my screen as an image. The following code is my render method and although I know how to use it, I don't fully understand the classes and how they work with is making this difficult.

public void render() {
BufferStrategy bs = this.getBufferStrategy();
if (bs == null) {


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Graphics - Drawing A Building

May 28, 2014

I have to write a program for class that basically uses Paint Component to draw a bunch of rectangles to look like a building then have them change color randomly. I am stuck I can't figure out how to make it draw the rectangles in rows and columns to look like the building i can make it display multiple squares randomly however but thats not the assignment.. here is my code

package labBuilding;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Building extends JPanel {


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Graphics Rotation In Swing

Feb 3, 2014

How to rotate a shape in Swing? The only thing I found was something involving this, but I have not seen something like this before:

Java Code : Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I see this is an object reference, but what is on the right side? Does not seem like a method, as it would not equal a method nor would the parentheses be on the left. Why are parentheses there? Disregarding the above code, I would like to know how to rotate without Graphics 2d

Also, with G2D you it will not allow for setting x coords

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Inserting Video Into Graphics?

Feb 12, 2014

So I'm doing a project for my CS class where we have to create a snowman doing something. My picture is of Vince Young in the 2005 Rose Bowl. I'm trying to make the actual video clip from Youtube (do I need to download it? If so I can do that) appear on the scoreboard, but how.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Font.*;
class snowBackground
public static void drawField(Graphics g, Color field)


There are 3 other files that make the actual Snowmen.Also, would I need to download the mp3 sound file seperately and play that, or will inserting the video do both?

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What Does A Graphics Object Actually Represents

Aug 13, 2014

I used to think that it is simplly a tool to use to change colors and draw to specific container(ie JFrame, JPanel). However, I've been studying buffering (triple, double, flipping...etc) and how it works for 3 days now, and my confusion has only increased. for instance, why when we need to draw to the buffer(ie BufferStrategy, BufferedImage) we get its own graphics object to draw to it and then we project it to the screen? does the Graphics Object represent the drawing surface (ie the JPanel it self if we're using one to draw custom painting via JPanel#paintComponent(Graphics g)) ? so generally speaking if we are using a JPanel and we say bufferedImage#createGraphics and use that graphics object to draw to, we would not be drawing to the JPanel but to the BufferedImage correct?

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What Does A Graphics Object Actually Represents

Aug 13, 2014

what is A Graphics object for a while now, I used to think that it is simply a tool to use to change colors and draw to specific container(ie JFrame, JPanel). However, I've been studying buffering(triple, double, flipping...etc) and how it works for 3 days now, and my confusion has only increased. for instance, why when we need to draw to the buffer(ie BufferStrategy, BufferedImage) we get its own graphics object to draw to it and then we project it to the screen? does the Graphics Object represent the drawing surface (ie the JPanel it self if we're using one to draw custom painting via JPanel# paint Component(Graphics g) and so when we're getting the graphics object of a buffer, do we actually get its drawing surface to paint on? so generally speaking if we if we are using a JPanel and we say BufferedImage#createGraphics and use that graphics object to draw to, we would not be drawing to the JPanel but to the BufferedImage correct?

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Page Flipping Graphics

May 25, 2014

Page flipping is used in full screen games which entails drawing an imagine off screen then swap with on screen image after drawing has completed.

Is it possible to write a block of code to actually see this happen? Like use this technique on a window that is in windowed mode. Would it draw an image off somewhere by the desktop or would it have to be on the window?

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Java File Does Not Have Any Graphics

Mar 25, 2014

I have a .java file which has been built into a .class file, and now I want this to be called on the click of a button on the HTML page. Is 'applet' the answer to this ? I searched around this question on the internet prior to posting but every applet tutorial I see is related to graphics and drawing blocks etc. my java file does not have any graphics, it's just a simple stand-alone code which opens a file and displays it's contents on the terminal. Would like to now see the output on the browser.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Key Listener On Jbutton

May 25, 2014

I have a Jbutton in my application named as SUBMIT,on clicking SUBMIT the text of jButton changes to ABORT. I wish to apply enter key listener on both the SUBMIT and ABORT button in my applcation, however I am not able to get the text of the button in key listener,so that i can apply my code based on the current text of Button.

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Which Listener To Use On Video Panel

Jun 4, 2014

I have panel = window(new frame) and its used to render a video image on, i need to pickup a touchscreen press change of event but not sure which event listener to use and on which component. Is it a panel, window or frame event? and which listener would detect a focus change or a mouse press

I know mouse listener and focus listener and window listeners are available but not sure they would be able to detect the screen press on the video rendered image...

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How To Use Mousedragged Listener For A WordSearch

Aug 7, 2014

am trying to create a mouseListener that when you click a tile and drag in any direction it has to collect all the letters in the tiles that were dragged over and save to a stringBuilder. I have everything working its just this last key issue related to mouseDragged that has me stumped. Iv searched countless websites but am still unable to find anything that is remotely close to what i need.

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Timer Action Listener

Oct 5, 2014

Whenever i click start button it will just printout start to the jtextfield it wont start the time .

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.*;

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Mouse Listener For Two JPanels

Jan 6, 2015

The program i am creating consists of two JPanels (currently) and one canvas. The canvas is in the center of the JFrame, while flanked by JPanels where both have 13 buttons each.

To paint a simple picture, my program will draw letters on the middle canvas when a button is clicked.

I created my own buttons that implement the ActionListener interface , so when a button is clicked it will display its character in the console. But my question is, How do you implement the listener to draw something on the Canvas when the button's are clicked?

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AWT Action Listener In Swing GUI?

Feb 22, 2014

I'm using Eclipse with the Window Builder Pro plugin to create a Java program. I noticed that when I had Eclipse create an action listener for a combobox in a Swing GUI it created an AWT listener.

Did I choose the wrong type of listener? I want my code to use the Swing components because I understand that they are more portable.

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ATM Machine - Inner Listener Class

Mar 31, 2014

Couple of problems here...

1. I am trying to use the getSource method in my inner class, in order to set the JPasswordField within an Inner Listener Class. This is a 4 integer password, setup by my for statement in the loop. I know what I want the program to do, but I don't know the correct language to use. I want the user to press one of the keys (0-9), that value be stored in JPassword (at least I think that is how it works) and for it to display the "*" in the Field---I want this to loop 4x. How do I use the getSource() to do this.

Also, I believe I need to use the set and get methods for the password entered into the JPassField, is that correct? The inner class is not recognizing my the object password that represents the JPasswordField.

2. In my second Inner Listener Class, clearButton, I set the event.getSource method to reset the JPasswordField to " ", when the clear button is pressed. Again, the problem is that the inner class does not recognize password. Why is this the case, since it is still a part of the parent class Atm?

Java Code: import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Atm extends JFrame {
int i = 0;
//Create Panels For ATM
JPanel buttonPanel1 = new JPanel(); //To Contain Digits 1-9
buttonPanel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3));


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GCanvas In ACM Graphics Not Working Correctly

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to implement a game using the ACM graphics. For the game, I am trying to make the main frame a Grid of Cells.I made a Grid class which extends GCanvas:

public class Grid extends GCanvas{
private final static int WIDTH = 300;
private final static int HEIGHT = 300;
private final int DIMENSION = 5;
Cell[][] grid;


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Call A Method To Paint Graphics?

Jan 3, 2015

I am currently drawing graphics onto a JPanel, by overriding the standard paintComponent method.

Is it possible to call a method to draw some predefined shapes, instead of filling this method with all the stuff I need drawn, and if so, how do I do that?

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