Calculate Person Calories Burned Per Minute - Possible Loss Of Precision Error

Feb 2, 2015

I was asked to write code to calculate a person's calories burned/min. This is what I got. The problem is I keep getting an error.

--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
C:Program error: possible loss of precision
caloriesBurnedPerMinute = 0.0175 * METS * weightInKg;
required: int
found: double
1 error

Loss of precision? What does that mean? Do I have to change weightInKg into some other number type?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class CaloriesBurned
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
int runningHours, basketballHours, sleepingHours, METS, caloriesBurnedPerMinute;

[Code] ....

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Error - Possible Loss Of Precision

Feb 10, 2015

I'm stuck trying to figure out why this isn't compiling. error: possible loss of precision
myX = (Math.random()* (rightEdge-myXWidth) + myXWidth / 2);
required: int
found: double error: possible loss of precision
myY = (Math.random()* (bottomEdge-myYWidth) + myYWidth / 2);
required: int
found: double

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Array Index - Possible Loss Of Precision

Feb 5, 2015

public class Access
public static void main(String args[])
long a=2;
int j[]=new int[a];

Code shows error as "possible loss of precision" as am working with long type.but need to have my array size as 10^10 or some other logic?

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How To Calculate And Display Win / Loss For Two Different Teams Using Boolean Function And Arrays

Jan 28, 2015

I am still new to Java and have an assignment that I am stuck on. I believe I got the boolean function correct, however I cannot figure out what to write in the main function. I have exhausted searching, and trying different loops, arrays, etc.

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Write A Small Program That Will Calculate Gain / Loss Of Sale Of Stock

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to write a small program that will calculate the gain and/or loss of the sale of stock. The program will ask the user for the number of shares, the purchase price and the selling price. I am pretty sure that the errors is coming from my calculations in the program.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class investmentCalculator {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//User input for number of shares
System.out.print("Enter the number of shares: ");
double shares = input.nextDouble();

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Calculate And Display Person Body Mass Index

Feb 12, 2015

I have to write a program that calculates and displays a person's body mass index (BMI). The BMI is often used to determine whether a person with sedentary lifestyle is overweight or underweight for his or her height. A person's BMI is calaculated with the following formula:

BMI = Weight X 703/Height^2

where weight is measured in pounds and height is measured in inches. The program should display a message indicating whether the person has optimal weight, is underweight, or is overweight. A sedentary person's weight is considered optimal if his or her BMI is between 18.5 and 25. If the BMI is less than 18.5, the person is considered underweight. If the BMI value is greater than 25, the person is considered overweight.However I can't seem to get rid of these errors:

----jGRASP exec: javac error: cannot find symbol
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
symbol: class Scanner
location: class BMI error: cannot find symbol


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Determine All Of Perfect Squares Between 1 And 100 - Precision Error?

Mar 26, 2015

I am teaching myself Java and am trying to write a function that will determine all of the perfect squares between 1 and 100 but am running into a problem...

Here's my code:

package sqrroot;

public class SqrRoot {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
double sroot, rerr;
int count = 0;
for(double num = 1.0; num <= 100.0; num++){

[Code] ....

and here is the output:

1.0 is a perfect square.
4.0 is a perfect square.

[Code] ....

There are 49 perfect squares between 1 and 100.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)

Which is clearly wrong. Is there something wrong with my code or is this due to inherent imprecision in the double type or the Math.sqrt function?

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Reading From File And Sort Data Based On Person GPA - Catching Error

Dec 9, 2014

I am catching an error in my driver class that reads from a file and sorts the data based on a person's GPA. Here is my code:

import java.util.*;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Driver(args[0]);

[Code] ....

Why throwing this exception?

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Swing TIMER - Start To Be Set To 1 Minute And Go Backwards

Apr 13, 2014

I am trying to create a timer.

Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new TimerActionListener());// does this mean the speed?
int count = 180;

I would like the timer to start to be set to 1 minute and the timer to go backwards so 60,59,58,57 etc..

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Calculate Button Returns Null Pointer Error

Mar 31, 2014

I'm using NetBeans to create this project and I have the gui registering text boxes, but it won't retrieve what the user entered, so the calculate button returns a null exception error.

Java Code:

package payroll;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;

[Code] .....

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Calculate Total Amount Paid And Display It - NULL Error

Dec 10, 2014

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ShoeStore.calculateTotal(
at ShoeStore.main(

This is the error when program is ran. The program is supposed to calculate the total amount paid for all shoes and display it.

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class ShoeStore
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String shoe_Name, nameStore, type;
int size, shoeAmount;
double sellingCost;
 [Code] .....

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Servlets :: Intermittent Loss Of Some Session Attributes

May 21, 2014

Session attributes after logging into web-app:

Session Attributes

[Code] ....

Every now and then while debugging I lose session attributes:

Session Attributes

[Code] ....

The authenticatedUser and menu attributes are gone. I never know when it's going to happen so I can't trace it. Any guesses why those type session objects would die?

I attached an image of what menu object looks like.

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Loss Of Data In ArrayList When Paint Is Called

May 23, 2014

Java Code:

public void draw(ArrayList<int[]> good,ArrayList<int[]> bad){
drawing = true;
System.out.println("Canvase/draw: Calling paint with a size of "+goodToDraw.size());


What this does is two ArrayList are sent to the draw called good and the other bad. Right now I am only working on good. What is suppose to happen is paint takes all the good coordinates and paints them but I seem to loose the arrayList size when repaint is called. You can see in the picture below of my console that it starts of with 20. Then because I was wondering if the scope was to short i called middleman to make sure that it held its size outside of the first function. Then finally it calls paint and tells me the array is empty. To simplefy..Why does my arraylist size go to zero when I call repaint?

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Changing Precision Of A Float?

Jan 26, 2014

Ok, so in my quest to achive perfect ray casting and line/plane intersection, what I believe to be my last problem is precision of a float. I need some precision (0.000) but I am dealing with the difference of (-1.000000000) and (-1.000000002), where the second number would be completely off. I looked at DecimalFormat, but that just puts it into a string, I need actual loss of precision.

Java Code:

DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
String newX = form.format(x);
String newY = form.format(y);
String newZ = form.format(z);
x = Float.parseFloat(newX);
y = Float.parseFloat(newY);
z = Float.parseFloat(newZ); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Higher Precision Sums Than Double

Dec 31, 2014

What is the simplest way to sum a huge number of double precision numbers so the sum has higher precision than double?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Filling A Rectangle With Double Precision

Mar 4, 2014

I have run into a bit of a head scratcher, at least to me. I am building multiple rectangles using double precision. I had to switch from int to double due to another issue that requires decimal places. Now, my fillRect (last line in the code section I posted) is causing an error as it only wants to work with int.

public void draw(Graphics2D g2) {
// check that sizes are above 0
if ((rectWidth <= 0) || (rectHeight <= 0))


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Precision And Recall Testing For Search Engines

May 14, 2014

I have code for precision and recall testing for search engines. I am trying to run it in Newbeans 8.0, but I am getting the common error in UnsupportedOperationException

I have tried making files and directories as the given in the code file. I am attaching the two files here.

Attached File(s)

 PrecisionRecall.rtf (1.79K)
 FSDirectory.rtf (687bytes)
error file-result.rtf (506bytes)

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Floating Point Precision - Output With Two Decimal Places?

Jan 27, 2015

Consider this small program and output.

public class Floating{
public static void main( String[] args ){
System.out.println( 2.80 - 1.75 );

The output is 1.0499999999999998. Why not 1.05?

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How To Sort TreeSet By Age Of Person

Aug 2, 2014

public class Person implements Comparable<Person> {
// the age of the person
private int age;
//the name of the person
private String name;
//the Integer object to wrap the age value;
private Integer ageWrap;

[Code] .....

The collection library has a class named TreeSet, which is an example of a sorted set. Elements in this set are kept in order. Carefully read the description of this class, and then write a class Person that can be inserted into a TreeSet, which will then sort the Person objects by age.

This is the exercise I am trying to solve. And this is as far as I have gotten to. Is it possible to sort my setOfPersons TreeSet directly? I tried to use


method but it wont compile, and I realized that it is not applicable to TreeSet. So I made the


method to do it indirectly...

I am puzzled though because in the exercise it states

write a class Person that can be inserted into a TreeSet, which will then sort the Person objects by age.

meaning that the TreeSet will sort the Person Objects and not my class..

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Next Birthday Of Person - Days Remaining Total Way Off?

Oct 2, 2014

I'm supposed to calculate and display the number of total days, and then the number of months, and days from now (when the program is run) to when the person's next birthday is (no leap year). Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.System;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class CSCD210Lab3 {
public static void main (String [] args)

[Code] .....

When I call daysFromMillis in the print statement, if I enter in a birthday of 02/17/1993, I will get an answer of "our birthday is 5435 days from now."

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Writing A Program To Test Person Class

Nov 4, 2014

User-defined classes. The concept of getters and setters goes right over my head. Right now we're to write a program to test the Person class below. We have to create 2 instances of the class to test each constructor, and test each method.

class Person {
// Data Members
private String name; // The name of this person
private int age; // The age of this person
private char gender; // The gender of this person
// Default constructor
public Person() {
this("Not Given", 0, 'U');


then my output will print out the name. But the assignment doesn't tell us to modify the Person class at all, just to create a tester one.

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Program That Verify The Correctness Of Person Birth Date

Mar 9, 2015

How to write a program that will verify the correctness of a person`s birth date in java. The birth date is to be typed in by the user. the program should verify the following: Birth date entered should be of type java.util.Date(), Birth date may not be in future, Age may not exceed 110 years.

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Program Should Copy Person With Highest Percent From File

Mar 23, 2014

The program should copy person with the highest percent from the file 'plik1', and then put it to the file 'plik2'.The problem occurs while compiling.

Java Code: string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Code:


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Java Class Person - Adding Data To Text

May 5, 2014

Your Tester class main method must use an array or an ArrayList of Person objects. It must be populated from a text data file, friends_data.txt. Add the following data to your text file,

Michelle, 12/20/2008, Camilla
Bryan, 3/8/2007, Tom
Camilla, 6/7/2005, Michelle
Tom, 10/15/2007, Bryan
Charlotte, 3/2/2008, Michelle

Each line has the meaning:

-Person name, Person date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY), name of best friend
-Write a Java program that reads in the data from the friends_data.txt file, allocates a new
-Person for each and then stores the newly created object in either an Array or an ArrayList.
-Next print out a report showing the following information for each Person,

1. The Person's name
2. Their popularity counter
3. Their age on May 1, 2014
4. The name of their best friend
5. The age of their best friend on May 1, 2014

Finally, print the name of the most popular Person and the name of the oldest Person.

Person Class

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Person {
public String personsName;
public String personsFriend;
public String personsBirthday;
public int personsPopularity;
public int popularity = 0;


I keep getting this error from the compiler:

System.out.println("Popularity : " + personsOfInterest[i].getPopularityNumber());

"method getPopularityNumber in class Person cannot be applied to given type:
Required: java.lang.String[]; found: no arguments; reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length.

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GUI Application - Read Some Person Details From A File And Then Put The Result In JList

Aug 31, 2014

I'm new to programming and java and I'm trying to understand how exactly this piece of code works and what exactly does. I'm trying to make my first GUI application and to read some person details from a file and then put the result in a Jlist.

private static final String SEPARATOR = ",";
public static ArrayList<Speaker> getAllMembers() {
ArrayList<Member> members = new ArrayList<Member>();
try {
File file = new File(Resources.MEMBERS_TXT);
Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(file, "utf-8");
String[] properties;

[Code] ....

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Web Services :: Telephone Book - Enter Phone Number / Correct Person With Name And Address Should Appear

Nov 30, 2014

Applications: Netbeans (8.0.1), Apache Tomcat

My Aim: Creation of a telephone book

How should it work:

I have a Database with Data of people (name, adress, phone number).

If a user enters a phone number (CLIENT) -> the correct person with the name and adress should appear.

I build up the infrastructure and now I'm at the point that I have to create a Webmethod for it. I just worked on projects like addition of two integers, hello "name", ... I think this example now is harder, BUT i can learn a lot!

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