Check If Height Is A Letter Between A To J - If Statement Always False

Jun 22, 2014

Why isn't heig ever equal to heightShipArray[count] no matter what letter I type in

String[] heightShipArray = {"A", "a", "B", "b", "C", "c", "D", "d", "E",
"e", "F", "f", "G", "g", "H", "h", "I", "i", "J", "j"};
boolean trueHeight = true; // checks if height is a letter between a-j/A-J
do {
Terminal.printLine("Input height with letters A to J");

[Code] ...

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String Declaration - Check A / B Returns False

Jan 30, 2014

I have doubts in string declaration. As I know we can declare string in two ways:

1. String a=new String("Hello");
2. String b="Hello";

What is exact difference between them? Another thing is when I check (a==b) it retuns me false, but when I check a.equals(b) it returns me with true. Why So?

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Check If A Sentence From User Has Specific Letter?

May 1, 2014

I am trying to write a simple program that checks if a user's input has a specific letter using the ".contains" method but its not doing what i wanted to do. here is my code below.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class secret
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner sc;
char hidden='a';
String guess;

[Code] ....

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Check If Letter Entered By User Matches The One In Array

Jun 10, 2014

* Auto Generated Java Class.
import java.util.*;
public class Hangman {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
int guess;
boolean revealed[] = {false, false, false, false, false};
String word [] = {"c", "a", "n", "a", "d", "a"};

[Code] ....

I am not sure how to make the program check if the letter entered by the user matches the one in the array. also i am not sure how to make the program run again with a new word.

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Switch Statement - Determine Outcomes For Letter Grades

Nov 10, 2014

//Use a Switch statement to determine outcomes for letter grades
switch (Letter)
case 'A': outFile.println("
Good Work! You have met the pre-req for CIS 220.");
case 'B': outFile.println("

[Code] ....

is not printing the information on the next line in my output file.

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Creating Program That Will Estimate Child Height Based On Height Of Parents

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to create a program that will estimate a child height based on the height of the parents. It should ask the user to enter a String representing the gender, so m or M for a male and f or F for a female. The program must handle both upper or lower case gender entries. I need it to ask the user for the height of both parents in two parts:

1. for Feet and store in an int variable.
2. for inches and store and int variable.

So for example if the father is 6' 2'', the user would enter 6 when asked for feet and 2 when asked for inches. Convert the height of the each parent to inches. hint 12" in one foot.

Apply the following formulas based on gender (must use an if statement(s)):

Hmale_child = ((Hmother * 13/12) + Hfather)/2
Hfemale_child = ((Hfather * 13/12) + Hmother)/2

I cannot figure out what is missing from my code

<import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChildHeight
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scannerObject = new Scanner(;
String gender;
String male;
String female;

[Code] ....

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Switch Statement That Decides What Range To Print Based On Letter Grade Input

Nov 1, 2014

Alright so I wrote a switch statement that decides what range to print based on the letter grade input.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class SwitchPractice
public static void main(String [] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


It works fine, but once it the user enters a letter grade and then displays the value, it does not prompt the user for another letter grade so that it can perform the output again. Also if I wanted to display an error message to the user if they enter an invalid letter grade how would I do that. I tried using a while loop and if statement in the switch statement but that didn't work.

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Create A Program That Will Check If One Statement Is Equal To Another

Dec 5, 2014

I'm suppose to create a program that will check if one statement is equal to another but it doesnt display the message if its equal to the inputted String

import java.util.Scanner;
public class sup {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
String one;


thats just an example I was able to do it in C++ but it doesnt do what I want in Java

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Assert Statement Check Boolean Expression During Runtime Execution

Mar 5, 2014

An assert statement checks a Boolean expression during run time execution. Is this true?

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Strings - Change Every Capital Letter Into Small Letter And Vise Versa

Oct 22, 2014

I have a problem with functions connected to strings.

I have a random String, e.g. "Hello World!" and I have to change every capital Letter into a small letter and vise versa. This alone would be fairly simple, but I have to do it with two other strings.

lowercase= "abcde...z" and

uppercase="ABCDE...Z". Every small letter stands at the very same position as the capital letter, but in the other string.

There should be a letter for letter search in lowercase and uppercase for the letters of "Hello World".

How I could solve the task, however I need a way to search the first string, here "Hello World", according to position. A statement which does: "Give me the letter of position x". This found letter should be able to be stored in a variable or else be able to be used by another statement. And it should be compatible with a for lope.

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How To Get 1st Letter Of Input (String) And Compare It To Single Letter Before Insert To DB

Apr 15, 2014

Example : I have code and name but my code must start with the first letter of the inputed name if the 2 input is match it will be inserted into database

code = "A"001
name ="Angela"
= success this will inserted into database


code ="B"002
=failed this will not inserted into database


=success still accepts the input cause they have diff code number

What I am thinking on this was compare the code the name? if == it will be inserted but how do i get the 1st letter of the input name?

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Program That Continuously Asks For Alphabet Letter And Stops When Non-Alphabet Letter Entered

Oct 8, 2014

Write a program that continuously asks for an alphabet letter, and stops when a non-alphabet letter is entered. Then output the number of upper case letters, lower case letters, and vowels entered ....

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JTable Height Should Fit To The Contents

Jul 24, 2014

I have a jTable with one or 40 rows in it.

The problem is, also when I have only one row in my jTable, the size of the jTable is a little more bigger than 40 rows.

How can I say the jTable, that she should scale to the size of the content?

I don`t want that the jTable is bigger than the content. For example the picture below:

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How To Turn If Statement Into A Case / Switch Statement

Jun 19, 2014

So from what iv learnt in Java and programming in general is that using a case statement is far more efficient that using multiple IF statements. I have an multiple IF statements contained within a method of my program, and would like to instead use a case statement.

public String checkPasswordStrength(String passw) {
int strengthCount=0;
String strengthWord = "";
String[] partialRegexChecks = { ".*[a-z]+.*", // lower
".*[A-Z]+.*", // upper
".*[d]+.*", // digits
".*[@#$%!]+.*" // symbols


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Error When Trying To Set Changing Height Value From JFrame

Jun 24, 2014

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class Racquet {
private static final int WIDTH = 60;
private static final int HEIGHT = 20;


The problem arises at the portion of the code that says

private int Y = game.getHeight() - 70;

I am not actually getting any compiler errors, but when I try to run the program, the command prompt pops up with this message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Racquet.<init>(
at Game.<init>(
at Game.main(

What I want to do is make it so a GUI object that I created moves with the screen when I change the height. If I change it to private int Y = 330; the program works just fine.

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GUI Bars - Increment Height By About 10 Pixels

Nov 12, 2014

So I'm trying to make a bar graph, each bar will increment the height by about 10 pixels. To do this, I'm making an array of bars. For some reason, using fillrect I cannot not increase the size more than 10 by 10, if I do, it will only show the 10 by 10. I want the bars to increase in height by 10 each time.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
public class AssortedAssortmentsOfSorts extends JFrame

[Code] .....

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Java Computing Height Of Stack

Jun 2, 2015

Compute the height of a stack. Then determine whether that value is found in the stack element .

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True And False / Scanner

Jul 7, 2014

My goal is to ask them for their name and if they got it right then it says yes while if they wrote it wrong, it would say no.

Java Code: public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner name = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What is your name?");
String sname = name.nextLine();
System.out.println("Are you sure it's " + sname + "?");
Scanner tfname = new Scanner(;
String stfname =;


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Finding Height Of Binary Search Tree?

Nov 13, 2014

So for an assignment I have to write a method that finds that height of this BST. I wrote this:

public int height(Node node)
if (node == null)
return 0;
return 1 +

Which makes sense in my head. However, I added a couple of nodes in and realized I'm not sure how to call this method.

public static void main(String[] args) {
Tree<String, String> tree = new Tree<String, String>();
tree.add("A", "1");//some added stuff
tree.add("B", "2");
tree.add("C", "3");
tree.add("D", "4");
tree.add("E", "5");
tree.add("F", "6");
tree.add("G", "7");
tree.add("H", "8");

What exactly do I put in the parenthesis after tree.height? If you need to see more of my code I can do that but it is quite lengthy.

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BorderLayout - How To Decrease The Height Of CENTER Position

May 5, 2014

Normally, the height of the CENTER component (or position) is greater than that of the NORTH and SOUTH components in a BorderLayout.

Is it possible to increase the size of the SOUTH component and decrease the size of the CENTER position because the jcomponents I want to add in the SOUTH component are bigger? or shall I have to change the layout and use some other layout?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Dynamically Set Height Of Text Area

Jul 9, 2014

I have a requirement where in the content of the text area is dynamically populated from the database. I am able to successfully retrieve and display the data on the text area.
However when the content is too large, I am not able to dynamically set the height of the text area. When I try to display the same as a label, the display is flawless, dynamically sets the height as per the content. So, I tried to create a label, with same content and dynamically bind the height to the preferred height as below, but it doesn't work.
               // Generate User Note Description
                TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
                Label text = new Label();
[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Bind rows Height Of Two Tableview

Jan 20, 2015

I want to use to tableview one beside the other  so that they appear as a single table.  but I do not find how to bound the height rows of the two tableview.

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Binary Search Returning False

Apr 15, 2014

The problem is it is returning -2, and also returning false when it should be true. There is no error it just is not working correctly.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
* This Script will allow you to add e-Mails and than beable to search for them.
public class eMailSeacher
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ....

1. Enter an Email
2. Find an existing email
3. Exit
Enter the users E-Mail:
Insertion successful.

ans so on .....

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Boolean Value (true Or False) Randomly Set?

Jun 15, 2014

I have the code and it works very well, but my professor wants us to use Junit testing to test our code. I've never used JUnit before, how it works. Is it possible to have a boolean value (true or false) randomly set?

Here is the code I need to test:

package musicalinstruments;
class MusicalInstrument {
public String name;
public boolean isPlaying;
public boolean isTuned;
public MusicalInstrument(){
isPlaying = false;
isTuned = false;


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Print Isosceles Triangle Depending On Variables Height

Nov 14, 2014

The program needs to print an isosceles triangle depending on variables Height, BorderSymbol and Interior symbol, how to do that. Here is what i did so far :

int height = 5;
int i = 0;
int count = 0;
String line = "";

and the output is a blanc page nothing on the screen only spaces...

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Draw V-shape Of Height N Entered By User With Stars

Apr 12, 2014

Am stuck in a problem that asks to write a program using nested for loops to draw a V-shape of height "n" entered by the user with stars .

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